Do you want to find the best Dot Measure alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Utilities apps that are similar to Dot Measure. Pick one from this list to be your new Dot Measure app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dot Measure on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Dot Measure alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Dot Measure 2025.
Translate Morse Code or CW audio to text. The HotPaw Morse Code Decoder takes audio input from the microphone or headset input on your iPhone or iPad, decodes Morse Code, and displays the results in text form. It includes...
==== first of application revival "Uchinoneko dot net" ==== The cat tells you the time. _______________________ *Description It is a simple app that lets you know a cat crying in the set time. _______________________ *Function - ON / OFF You can turn ON / OFF the alarm...
Never worry about your data limit again. DataRocket keeps tabs on your cellular data usage. The widget tells you at-a-glance, how close you are to exceeding your cap. DataRocket notifies you in 10% steps about the remaining high-speed data volume. The DataRocket...
ProfiAuto to nowatorska aplikacja dla każdego kierowcy. ProfiAuto to nowatorska aplikacja dla każdego kierowcy, która automatyzuje proces obsługi wizyt serwisowych w placówkach ProfiAuto, począwszy od ich zamawiania, poprzez monitoring statusu i akceptacje kosztorysu, a kończąc na ocenie jakości świadczonych usług....
Tap on the knob in Morse Code to enter text. Then copy the text to use in other apps. Or email it. No need to look at a tiny keyboard. If you know a little Morse...
The HotPaw Morse Code Decoder translates Morse Code sound into text. Just use the microphone or headset input on your iPhone or iPad for the audio signal input, and watch decoded text appear. The Morse Code Decoder includes both...
Learn and get connected to the new Sony a6500. Learn about the camera's features, shooting modes & metering, display settings and movie recording, playback, focus modes, menu system, color tones and creative effects and more. Features: • 24.2MP APS-C Exmor CMOS...
With this amusing software, you could turn your iPhone/iPad into a dice simulator to have fun or make decision on your behalf, for example, choice of drinking, shopping, cooking, yes/no, etc.. In addition to the tranditional dot/text dices,...
iLaserPointer is the first fully functional laser pointer for the iPhone ™, that you simply Gold-Plug into the headphone jack. Because of the special features you put into your next presentation your audience amazed. Operate the iLaserPointer on the...
Measure Length, Area and Volume of any shape in real world, using augmented reality. Best AR Ruler in the app store. Point the camera on the floor or wall and tap on screen. Measure 3D will instantly calculate the length...
With tiggiTape Tape Measure & Ruler and some standard size plastic cards you can use your iPhone video camera to measure lengths up to about 100m (300ft). Remarkably accurate measurements can be obtained if you calibrate and measure carefully....
Measure can easily measure the length of anything with your iPhone camera. Bring the latest technology, AR (Augmented Reality) into your life now! ◆ Don't miss the "I want to measure" moment You will say good bye to the days when you...
Developed with Latest Technology measure any distance/length,Area,Perimeter on map with this app an easy way How to use: Zoom to your location and long press on map To add pins. to edit or delete pins tap on pin. you can change units and...
Quick, free, unit converter that converts common units of measurement. The app also includes a predictive tool that suggests possible conversions based on input, allowing for easier navigation while learning more about various unit systems.
Use this Speed Test utility app to determine your download, upload and latency (response) with simple one-tap ease. Use Speed Test Pro to monitor your cellular (3G/4G/LTE) or WiFi connection rate and response for your device. With a real-time graphical...
Height Meter is a simple height measuring app using ARKit smart capabilities. Just tap next to someones feet and height meter will appear on screen. Press X to bring a new meter. Swipe up or down to adjust the...
iAngle Meter PRO lets you measure the angle or slope. Note that you will be able to measure a variety of slope forms. You can choose to directly measure the surface by the second mode, which makes it relatively...
an augmented reality measure tool for both long distances and short lengths with probably the best user experience and simplicity functions: -measure small objects with onscreen ruler -measure large objects with help of augmented reality. fit a ruler on a know object...
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