Top 49 Education Apps Like VC for Adobe Photoshop in HD - Best Alternatives

VC for Adobe Photoshop in HD Alternatives

Do you want to find the best VC for Adobe Photoshop in HD alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Education apps that are similar to VC for Adobe Photoshop in HD. Pick one from this list to be your new VC for Adobe Photoshop in HD app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to VC for Adobe Photoshop in HD on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like VC for Adobe Photoshop in HD - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid VC for Adobe Photoshop in HD alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like VC for Adobe Photoshop in HD 2025.



Stay connected with the IIE’s Varsity College App. Find out everything the IIE’s Varsity College has to offer. Stay up – to – date with the latest campus News, log your Hub queries, keep tabs on VC Sports, and...

Price: Free Developer: The Independent Institute of Education
Microsoft Word VC Pro

Microsoft Word VC Pro

The "Microsoft Word" PRO video course is designed for advanced users who are already familiar with Word. We cover how to work with images, formulas, and even digital certificates. We show how to use functions, protect your workbooks,...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: IGOR BYCHKOV
Firstclass VC

Firstclass VC

ระบบห้องเรียนเสมือน Virtual Classroom สำหรับเพื่อการศึกษา เพื่อการประชุม ได้จากทุกที่ ทั่วโลกที่มี อินเตอร์เน็ต รองรับทุกอุปกรณ์

Price: Free Developer: Positive Solution
Faith Church VC

Faith Church VC

This app will help you stay connected with the day-to-day life of our church. With this app you can: - Watch or listen to past messages - Stay up to date with push notifications - Share your favorite messages via Twitter, Facebook,...

Price: Free Developer: Faith Bible Baptist Church
Microsoft Office VC in HD

Microsoft Office VC in HD

This Vdeo Course contains more than 60 lessons for working with the most popular office software suite, "Microsoft Office". After viewing the course, you will be able to handle any task related to creating and formatting documents. We cover...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: IGOR BYCHKOV
Microsoft Word VC in HD

Microsoft Word VC in HD

This video course contains more than 50 lessons for working with the most popular word processor, "Microsoft Word". After viewing the course, you will be able to handle any task related to creating and formatting documents. You will be...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: IGOR BYCHKOV
Monteiro Lobato - vc

Monteiro Lobato - vc

Aplicativo Oficial da Escola Monteiro Lobato de Vitória da Conquista! Acesse todas as informações do colégio através deste aplicativo. Através deste aplicativo é possível que pais e responsáveis possam: - Receber os comunicados dos alunos, assim como as notícias do dia-a-dia. - Entrar...

Price: Free Developer: Teuassuri Cardoso
VC for Microsoft Excel in HD

VC for Microsoft Excel in HD

This Video Course on "Microsoft Excel" includes 50 lessons that will teach you in detail how to work with workbooks, spreadsheets, cells, and tables. We'll teach you how to create beautifully formatted tables, format your data, and much more! Become...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: IGOR BYCHKOV
VC for Microsoft Office PRO

VC for Microsoft Office PRO

The "Microsoft Office PRO" Video Course is designed for advanced users who are already familiar with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel . We cover how to work with images, formulas, and even digital certificates. Become a Microsoft Office PRO! Course...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: IGOR BYCHKOV
iDo Chores – Daily activities and routine tasks for kids with special needs (Full version)

iDo Chores – Daily activities and routine tasks for kids with special needs (Full version)

*** iDo Chores is an innovative and comprehensive application for learning to take care of the house. (Sweeping, straightening the room, washing dished etc.) *** "This is the most comprehensive and professional application for special education I have...

iDo Getting Dressed – Learn the Routine of wearing clothes, for individuals with special needs. (Full version)

iDo Getting Dressed – Learn the Routine of wearing clothes, for individuals with special needs. (Full version)

***full version of the app – no further purchase required*** Learn the routine of wearing clothes with video modeling and task sequence via fun games, for individuals with Autism and other disabilities. iDo Getting Dressed is an innovative and comprehensive...

iDo Hygiene –Daily life skills activities, for individuals with special needs (full version)

iDo Hygiene –Daily life skills activities, for individuals with special needs (full version)

***full version of the app – no further purchase required*** Learn daily life skills with video modeling and fun games, for individuals with Autism, Asperger and other special needs. IMPORTANT: *** THIS IS ESSENTIALLY THE SAME APP AS *iDO HYGIENE*, WITHOUT...

Youth for Human Rights

Youth for Human Rights

The path toward the goal of a world where people treat each other with respect and dignity is through effective education. Many human rights organizations focus on research and advocacy for the victims of abuse. Youth for Human Rights...

Price: Free Developer: United for Human Rights International
Baby games for 2,3,4 year olds

Baby games for 2,3,4 year olds

- Educational games for toddlers and kids of 2 – 4 years old - Games for kids on sorting and classifying objects by shape, size, color and quantity - Games for girls and boys that were developed in close cooperation...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Baby learning games for kids 2

Baby learning games for kids 2

Educational kids games for preschoolers. The app has 56 activities for toddlers that will help your baby develop basic skills like hand eye coordination, fine motor, logical thinking and visual perception. These games are suitable for both girls and...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Car games for kids & toddlers

Car games for kids & toddlers

Car games for toddlers is not just another racing game for kids. Designed for children ages 1 to 5, this amazing learning game will definitely be enjoyed by kindergarten and preschool children. Explore different locations and collect puzzle fragments. Combine...

Price: Free Developer: Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC
Curriculum For The Future

Curriculum For The Future

Why have the kids abandoned school and taken to the streets? It’s obvious! They want a new curriculum for their future, and now they need your help to convince everyone else. So, do you think an artificial intelligence could...

Price: Free Developer: New Zealand Council for Educational Research
Me & My Body – Know your body, for kids and teens with special needs

Me & My Body – Know your body, for kids and teens with special needs

"Me & My Body" is an app that explores issues related to the body, encouraging self-expression and acquisition of basic concepts about one’s body. "Me & My Body" includes play activities that help Special Education children to make personal...

Me & Myself - Learn to express yourself, for kids and teens with special needs.

Me & Myself - Learn to express yourself, for kids and teens with special needs.

Me & MySelf is an interactive album that stimulates the user to present himself, his hobbies and his preferences, through various enjoyable activities. The application will help kids and teens with special needs to express themselves, formulate their own...

Adobe Captivate Prime

Adobe Captivate Prime

With the Adobe Captivate Prime App, you can learn, even when you are on the move. Play virtually any kind of learning content, take revision notes, download your training and consume it even when you are offline. Pause your...

Price: Free Developer: Adobe Inc.
Adobe Captivate Draft

Adobe Captivate Draft

iPad only app for storyboarding new eLearning content, including specific eLearning features such as quizzes, scenario branching, video and more. The storyboard can then be shared for review with stakeholders, who can review through a browser (reviewers do...

Price: Free Developer: Adobe Inc.
Made Simple Guides For Adobe Indesign

Made Simple Guides For Adobe Indesign

Learn How to use Adobe InDesign with this collection of MORE THAN 600 Video Guides. Indesign is a desktop publishing software application produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create works such as posters, flyers,...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Made Simple Guides! For Adobe Illustrator

Made Simple Guides! For Adobe Illustrator

Learn how to get the best from Adobe Illustrator with this collection of MORE THAN 800 Tutorial Video Lessons. Illustrator is used by Professional Designers, Artists and computer users to create Vector Images. These images will then be...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Easy To Use! Adobe Indesign 2017 Edition

Easy To Use! Adobe Indesign 2017 Edition

Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software application produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books. InDesign can also publish content suitable for tablet devices in conjunction...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Anthony Walsh
Easy To Use Guides For Adobe Illustrator

Easy To Use Guides For Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is used by professional designers the world over. It has fantastic tools for typesetting and much more! This collection of MORE THAN 650 Video Tutorial Lessons will help you get the most out of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Anthony Walsh
Simplified Guides For Adobe Illustrator

Simplified Guides For Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is used around the Globe by Professional Designers and computer users alike. These days many people can create stunning graphics using Photoshop,Indesign and also Illustrator. Each piece of software has its own set of features...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Learn Adobe Creative Cloud with Terry White

Learn Adobe Creative Cloud with Terry White

This application contains video tutorials on the Adobe Creative Cloud by Terry White and other industry experts and trainers. Most of the tutorials are 5-10 minutes and they are designed to show you how to do a particular task...

Price: Free Developer: Wizzard Media
Tutorials for Adobe

Tutorials for Adobe

Watch the latest video tutorials for Adobe products and learn from the best! If you want to work faster and smarter with Adobe products just use Tutorials for Adobe app to learn how to do that. Whether you're a newcomer...

Price: Free Developer: Kodify SRL
60 Tips For Photoshop Users

60 Tips For Photoshop Users

Watch this course to learn 60 great techniques for improving your Photoshop CC skills, with Dan Moughamian, one of our veteran Photoshop gurus... There are many ways to accomplish a given task in Photoshop; so what makes one technique faster...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.
Ps互动教程 for Photoshop CS5

Ps互动教程 for Photoshop CS5

【互动教程 for Photoshop CS5是什么? 】 互动教程 for Photoshop CS5(原名:指尖上的Photoshop)是一款简单、有趣、互动式的学习Photoshop的新工具。此应用将向您展示Photoshop CS5的绝大部分功能点。应用包含大量操作提示,指导您一步一步地实现Photoshop的所有操作细节。就像有一名专业的教师手把手地教您最新、最实用的Photoshop技巧。您将学会怎么使用Photoshop来快速、直接地表达您的想法与创意。这是第一款互动式学习Photoshop的工具。另外,本应用156节课都包含互动模式,同时也支持观赏模式,当您在互动式学习中肢体疲劳时,可以切换至观赏模式,这样意味着您同时也拥有了156节教学影片。 【和传统学习方式的比较】 阅读书籍:动脑 观看视频:动脑 + 动眼 互动学习:动脑 + 动眼 + 动手 【互动教程 for Photoshop CS5主要包括哪些内容? 】 产品中的每一节课都是精挑细选的,主要包含图像处理、修图、美颜、插画、ui设计、平面设计、交互设计、网页设计和制作、矢量绘图、广告摄影、影像创意、界面设计、标志设计、名片设计、包装设计、视觉创意、图像合成等领域。 具体内容主要包括基本操作、工具、遮罩、选择、图层、图像优化与修复、动画、3D等 - 熟悉Photoshop操作界面 — 窗口、菜单、面板 - 探索笔刷、铅笔、路径等工具的使用 - 通道、各种样式蒙版、图层样式、透明度等 - 如何给图片使用加亮、变暗、柔化、清晰化等效果 - 学习如何设置分辨率、图像模式、文件格式、颜色设置等 - 选区的精确使用与操作 - 神奇的滤镜 - 详细介绍了如何按照需求美化图片 - 如何校正l图片的色彩、对比度、清晰度等 - 如何使用图层来合成图片,及图层的各种混合模式 - 修改常见的数码照片问题 - 红眼修复、移除皱纹、斑点以及删除照片中的多余的人物 - 如何使用各种色彩校正、图像工具来美化图片 - 各种提示及快捷键使您操作Photoshop更快速、更专业 - 导入与使用3D对象,及内置3D模型的使用 - 使用Photoshop创建更加生动、有趣的gif动画 - 更多其它丰富、有趣的内容期待您的探索! 【互动教程...

Price: Free Developer: Li Fazhan
Ps脚本互动教程 for Photoshop CC

Ps脚本互动教程 for Photoshop CC

学会Photoshop脚本,可以大幅度提高您的工作效率,具体来说您可以: * 一键给n个图片批量添加水印。 * 一键给n个图层批量统一命名风格。 * 一键给n个图片批量自动对比度、自动色阶等美化处理。 * 一键将n个图片批量生成网站上使用的限定尺寸的缩略图。 * 一键将n个图片按顺序上下合并,并输出为pdf方便传播。 ...

Price: Free Developer: Li Fazhan
Photoshop Script Tutorials

Photoshop Script Tutorials

▧ Learn Photoshop Script by finger-dancing!!! ▧ Tap, double tap, long press, drag and drop, shortcuts, just like you are learning on the real Photoshop! ▧ More effective and funny than watching the videos or reading the books! WHAT IS PHOTOSHOP SCRIPT? Photoshop...

Price: Free Developer: Li Fazhan
Course for Photoshop for iPad (Full Version)

Course for Photoshop for iPad (Full Version)

Would you like to learn a new profession and build a lucrative business full or part time, that have the potential change your life style and bring you the things you ever wanted to support your family? Can you imagine...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Magno Urbano
Course for Photoshop for iPhone (Full Version)

Course for Photoshop for iPhone (Full Version)

Would you like to learn a new profession and build a lucrative business full or part time, that have the potential change your life style and bring you the things you ever wanted to support your family? Can you imagine...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Magno Urbano
Course for Adobe PHOTOSHOP

Course for Adobe PHOTOSHOP

Yes you can, and you will tell you how! We have been creating books and courses about Photoshop for at least 15 years, and all these years, we have been successful creating a method that can teach anything to all...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Magno Urbano
Course for Adobe PHOTOSHOP CC

Course for Adobe PHOTOSHOP CC

Yes you can, and you will tell you how! We have been creating books and courses about Photoshop for at least 15 years, and all these years, we have been successful creating a method that can teach anything to all...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: Magno Urbano
Ps互动教程 for Photoshop CC 珍藏版

Ps互动教程 for Photoshop CC 珍藏版

【这些全部是用户在APP Store上的真实评价】 “手把手来操作,实时看到效果,太适合初学者!做得不能更棒!良心教程!” -- Pygmy_Owl “真的没有想过一个教程软件还能做得怎么好,你值得拥有” -- 一个很好的教程软件 “很强大呀,一直想学PS软件,这个感觉太合适了,不耽误时间,讲的都是干货,给力” -- 略懂 “我是做广告摄影的,经常需要制作后期修饰、图像合成之类的效果。该应用是互性最棒的Ps教程,没有之一,帮助我快速入门!” -- SACRED DRAGON “手机ps学习神器!” -- TapInfinity 【互动教程的特点】 •互动性 -首创互动式学习,不同于以往的任何一种学习方式,不看视频不看书,轻松,高效,好玩 -手把手教学,一步步引导操作,实时看到效果,就像自己在创作一样,信心满满 -即点即学,课程内可根据自己的需要,随时调整界面上方进度条,重复操作,加强记忆 -强大的学习跟踪系统,对整体学习进度一目了然,及时调整学习计划,查疑补漏 •人性化 -界面设计简洁,操作简单,没有繁琐的按钮,一点就可直接进入学习状态 -贴心小提示,读懂你的小心思,零基础快速入门,学习无压力,不尴尬 -超多原理解析,疑问解答,如同专业Ps导师亲身指导,不翻书快速记忆,Ps小白迅速成长 •实用性 -课程由浅入深,操作过程详细剖析,一步步模仿,马上就会做。 -涉及图层、通道、蒙版、图像优化、滤镜等PS核心功能的课程编排,通俗易懂不头疼 -互动+观看视频,两种学习方式切换,上班路上,地铁里享受随时随地自由学习 【课程内容简介】 Photoshop CC互动教程中的每一节课都是精挑细选的。主要包含图像处理、修图、美颜、插画、ui设计、平面设计、交互设计、网页设计和制作、矢量绘图、广告摄影、影像创意、界面设计、标志设计、名片设计、包装设计、视觉创意、图像合成等领域。 具体内容主要包括基本操作、工具、遮罩、选择、图层、图像优化与修复、动画、视频处理、三维制作等. - 熟悉Photoshop操作界面 — 窗口、菜单、面板 - 探索笔刷、铅笔、路径等工具的使用 - 通道、各种样式蒙版、图层样式、透明度等 - 如何给图片使用加亮、变暗、柔化、清晰化等效果 - 学习如何设置分辨率、图像模式、文件格式、颜色设置等 - 选区的精确使用与操作 - 神奇的滤镜 - 详细介绍了如何按照需求美化图片 - 如何校正图片的色彩、对比度、清晰度等 - 如何使用图层来合成图片,及图层的各种混合模式 - 修改常见的数码照片问题 - 红眼修复、移除皱纹、斑点以及删除照片中的多余的人物 - 如何使用各种色彩校正、图像工具来美化图片 - 各种提示及快捷键使您操作Photoshop更快速、更专业 - 导入与使用3D对象,及内置3D模型的使用 - 使用Photoshop创建更加生动、有趣的gif动画 - 透视变形、如何重复应用相同的图层样式、焦点区域 - 移轴模糊、路径模糊、三维文字、火焰和树滤镜 - 快速裁剪和对齐、如何判断图片是否被Ps过 - 一键导出所有图层为单独的文件、PNG完美压缩的几种方式、图片缩放时避免模糊 - Photoshop CC...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Li Fazhan
For Beginners: Photoshop Layers Edition

For Beginners: Photoshop Layers Edition

**Special Offer - Save 65% for a limited time only** From the creators of Advanced Photoshop and Photoshop Creative magazines, this new guide contains everything you need to get started with Adobe Photoshop Layers. You'll learn what Layers are, how...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Future Publishing Ltd.
Education in Nutrition Listen

Education in Nutrition Listen

Welcome to the Education in Nutrition Listen App. The Education in Nutrition Listen app connects you to your Education in Nutrition library of on-demand recordings. Create your own playlist and download to listen offline on mobile, tablet or in your car. Practical,...

Price: Free Developer: Education in Nutrition Pty Ltd
UEL MA Leadership in Education ET7734

UEL MA Leadership in Education ET7734

This is the University of East London MA Leadership in Education module ET7734 ‘Reflecting upon leadership in Education’. In order to access the content you will need to enrol on the MA Leadership in Education at UEL. ...

Price: Free Developer: AppShed
Indiana IN BMV Driving Test

Indiana IN BMV Driving Test

The Best Complete Drivers Education App for Driver License Permit Test with videos and official tutorial handbooks. This is your one-stop prep app for your driver license needs in Indiana BMV. Whether you need a regular Driver License,...

Price: Free Developer: Roy Dimayuga
Cracks in the Ice

Cracks in the Ice

Key information areas include: 1. Get the facts about Ice a. What is ice? b. How many people use ice? c. Why do people use ice? d. What are the laws about ice? 2. What are the...

Price: Free Developer: Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use
Far East-In the Wardrobe

Far East-In the Wardrobe

Vivid pictures stimulate your children’s interest in bilingual learning and reading. Introduces children to favorite desserts, snacks, and foods in restaurant and at home, in Chinese and English with colorful animation and playful sound effects. Plus an...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Far East Book Co., Ltd.
Sicher in Alltag und Beruf!

Sicher in Alltag und Beruf!

Mit dieser kostenlosen App greifen Sie unkompliziert und schnell auf die Audios und Videos von Sicher in Alltag und Beruf! zu. Mit der neuen Bibliotheksfunktion verwalten Sie jetzt selbst die Inhalte zu allen verfügbaren Büchern. Die Sicher in Alltag und...

Price: Free Developer: Hueber Verlag
Speak Chinese in English for Fun

Speak Chinese in English for Fun

☆Anyone who knows English can learn mandarin Chinese easily with this app! No need to learn Pinyin, you simply read the English words below the Chinese words, and soon you'll be speaking mandarin Chinese.(For example, 'Knee how' is the...

Price: Free Developer: Macim
In-Kind Pro Donor

In-Kind Pro Donor

Let you donors do the work of tracking their volunteer activity. Create templates and set prices and track in-kind donations in real time

Price: Free Developer: In-Kind Pro, LLC
Alive In Christ Lutheran

Alive In Christ Lutheran

Welcome to the official Alive In Christ Lutheran Church, Columbia MO app! Check out all kinds of interesting content, including audio sermons, calendar of events, Bible reading plans, and live streaming of services. You can also find ways to...

Price: Free Developer: Alive In Christ Lutheran Church
Artists in Rhythm

Artists in Rhythm

The official Artists in Rhythm app allows you to easily sign up for lessons, fill out forms and sign contracts as well as talk to to other students right within the app. You'll be able to listen to some...

Price: Free Developer: Artists In Rhythm Academy

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