Top 38 Health & Fitness Apps Like Cron-o-Meter Nutrition Tracker - Best Alternatives

Cron-o-Meter Nutrition Tracker Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Cron-o-Meter Nutrition Tracker alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Cron-o-Meter Nutrition Tracker. Pick one from this list to be your new Cron-o-Meter Nutrition Tracker app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Cron-o-Meter Nutrition Tracker on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like Cron-o-Meter Nutrition Tracker - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Cron-o-Meter Nutrition Tracker alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Cron-o-Meter Nutrition Tracker 2025.

20x O těhotenství

20x O těhotenství

20x O těhotenství s Jak to začíná? Co následuje dále? Vstupní gynekologické vyšetření. Jak se těhotenství počítá? Jak dlouho trvá těhotenství? Jak lékař vypočte, kdy budu rodit? Kdy obdržím těhotenskou průkazku? Jak často budu během těhotenství chodit k lékaři? Jaká vyšetření mi bude provádět? Jak...

Price: Free Developer: Jan Daniel
20x Péče o dítě

20x Péče o dítě

20x Péče o dítě v prvním půlroce s Co budoucí maminky nejvíce zajímá? Na co se nejčastěji ptají? Jak vybavit miminko na cestu z porodnice? Kdy po porodu kontaktovat dětského lékaře miminka a co si připravit před jeho návštěvou? Jak často...

Price: Free Developer: Jan Daniel
Caminos de O Vicedo

Caminos de O Vicedo

Con la App Camino de O Vicedo, tendrás en la palma de tu mano, las rutas de senderismo relativas a este ayuntamiento. Con ella podrás llevar un control del recorrido de esas rutas y además conocer interesantes características durante...

Price: Free Developer: inCentea Espana Tecnologia de Gestion S.L.
Beauty Last Minute

Beauty Last Minute

Nagłe wyjście, wieczorna randka, a może niezapowiedziana wizyta? Szukasz wizyty u fryzjera lub kosmetyczki na ostatnią chwilę? Aplikacja Beauty Last Minute przychodzi z pomocą. Znajdź najszybszy wolny termin w salonach w Twojej najbliższej okolicy. Wystarczy kilka kliknięć, aby zarezerwować...

Price: Free Developer: Biokod Lab Sp. z o.o.


Opracowana przez lekrzy kardiologów leczących pacjentów z zawałem serca, zawiera najważniejsze porady i zalecenia jak uniknąć kolejnego niedokrwienia mięśnia sercowego, przypomina o lekach i aktywności fizycznej. W ostrej fazie zawału serca liczy się każda minuta by dotrzeć do szpitala i...

Price: Free Developer: Heart Team Sp z o.o.
Vitalia Holia

Vitalia Holia

Aplikacja dostępna jest tylko dla osób, które wykupiły abonament Vitalia Holia. Vitalia Holia to więcej niż dieta. To wolność wyboru, której potrzebujesz, aby osiągnąć swój cel. Schudnij i pozostań zdrowy. Tylko w naszej aplikacji to Ty decydujesz o wszystkich aspektach...

Price: Free Developer: Fitatu Sp. z o.o.

Mobilna aplikacija portala sa sadržajem za djecu. Članci za roditelje, recepti za djecu, priče za djecu, kreativne ideje i igre. Informacije o zabavnim i edukativnim dogadjanjima za djecu u Hrvatskoj. Direktorij sa lokacijama na karti i potrebnim informacijama...

Price: Free Developer: PROGMBH d.o.o.
Moj Kalendar Imunizacije

Moj Kalendar Imunizacije

Aplikacija je namijenjena da roditeljima i starateljima djece obezbijedi informacije o vakcinaciji koja se sprovodi u domovima zdravlja

Price: Free Developer: QSS d.o.o.
Balance - relaxace a joga

Balance - relaxace a joga

Náhle jste se dostali do situace, kdy potřebujete nabrat sílu na nepříjemné jednání v práci, zklidnit se před důležitou zkouškou nebo se uvolnit během složité životní situace? Třeba jste se právě dozvěděli stresující informaci nebo toho je na vás jen...

Price: Free Developer: Aplikace Balance s.r.o.
Drinks Meter

Drinks Meter

Drinks Meter offers anonymous, objective feedback on your alcohol use and comparison to thousands of people’s drinking habits worldwide alongside goal tracking through our Drinks Diary. It’s not just about the drinks — it’s about who you are, how you...

Price: Free Developer: Global Drug Survey
Water Meter: Drink Reminder

Water Meter: Drink Reminder

Water Meter – the simple tracker and the reminder that you didn't forget to drink water in time. Remember the water is the basis of life on the earth. Functions of the application: • Automatic calculation by your parameters • Training...

Price: Free Developer: Olga Voronova
Aviation Fatigue Meter

Aviation Fatigue Meter

Aviation Fatigue Meter enables employees of organizations using the Pulsar Informatics Fatigue Risk Management platform to participate in studies of fatigue during flight operations. Perform customized surveys and validated alertness assessments with a simple workflow that takes seconds to perform,...

Price: Free Developer: Pulsar Informatics Inc
Cardio Meter

Cardio Meter

Cardio Meter is unique heart rate measurement application. within just 10 seconds of time you can check your pulse rate. In our tests cardio meter is found more accurate then most popular heart rate app available in app store. we...

Price: Free Developer: Ankur Chotai
Ride For Science

Ride For Science

The Mission Ride For Science is a fundraising initiative by the weather scientists from TAHMO, the sensor specialists from METER Group, and the cyclists from Team Wilier. Together, we want to install 20,000 weather stations in Africa to give farmers...

Price: Free Developer: METER Group, Inc. USA
Crazy Meter

Crazy Meter

Have you ever wondered if you had a mental disorder? Do friends call you crazy? It’s time to stop wondering. Take these simple tests and compare with other users. If you’re worried about friends or...

Price: Free Developer: Alan Charbonneau
CaliCalo: Watch Your Calories

CaliCalo: Watch Your Calories

Monitor your daily and weekly calorie intake and output with this iPhone and Apple Watch app! Use the calorie progress meter on the watch to see how you're tracking to meet your daily calorie goals. Use any application/source to...

Price: Free Developer: Base11 Studios Ltd
DietWiz: Weekly Meal Planner

DietWiz: Weekly Meal Planner

Are you going to choose the keto diet? paleo diet plan? low carb diet? sugar free? dairy free? vegetarian? Whatever diet plan you choose, we’ve got you covered! That’s right, choose any diet plan from our list, pick the foods...

Price: Free Developer: Mavrin Health Ltd.
Check Air Quality

Check Air Quality

Check Air Quality uses your GPS location to determine the levels of air pollution at the closest available air quality measuring station. You can also check the air quality index of other locations and cities worldwide with this easy...

Price: Free Developer: Do Tri
Isabel Smith Nutrition

Isabel Smith Nutrition

Our goal is to help you feel and look your best. Get started on your journey today with a custom nutrition, movement and lifestyle plan; and personal guidance and support from Isabel Smith, Registered Dietitian and Wellness Expert, right...

Price: Free Developer: Imbodi, Inc
G-Plans: Customized Nutrition

G-Plans: Customized Nutrition

It all starts by downloading the G-Plans app and taking our free, metabolic-ID quiz! You won't believe the information you'll find out about your body... And you'll quickly be joining thousands of people just like you who want to live...

Price: Free Developer: Goglia Nutrition, LLC
Integrative Nutrition Classroom

Integrative Nutrition Classroom

 This app is for students enrolled in the following Institute for Integrative Nutrition courses only: 2011 HCTP Courses 2012 HCTP Courses HCTP January 2013 HCTP March 2013 HCTP May...

Price: Free Developer: Integrative Nutrition Inc.
Evolution Nutrition

Evolution Nutrition

Evolution Nutrition makes eating right simple. Real results come not from tracking what you did yesterday, but rather from knowing what you should do today, tomorrow, and beyond to create lasting results. With Evolution Nutrition you can: - use the...

Price: Free Developer: Evolution Nutrition Inc.
Bare Performance Nutrition

Bare Performance Nutrition

Bare Performance Nutrition is the trusted source of performance supplements for discerning athletes. Get creatine, whey protein supplements, and more. If you want to see your gains take flight, then you need the best workout supplement available. Professional athletes...

Price: Free Developer: Bare Performance Nutrition
Cronometer · Nutrition Tracker

Cronometer · Nutrition Tracker

THE BIG BENEFITS: • Whether you're doing keto, vegan, paleo, or a restrictive diet set by your doctor, Cronometer can support you! • The only nutrition tracker that provides accurate data • All food submitted by users to our database is checked...

Price: Free Developer: Cronometer Software Inc
JSHealth Nutrition

JSHealth Nutrition

Join a community of millions of women worldwide finding balance with food and embracing their happiest, healthiest lives. The JSHealth App, created by clinical nutritionist and best-selling health author Jessica Sepel, has revolutionised the health industry, offering a kind,...

Price: Free Developer: JSHealth
Foodzilla! Nutrition Assistant

Foodzilla! Nutrition Assistant

With just a tap, you can see nutrition data in any food and discover new healthy recipes. No Ads. No email or login required. Registered Dietitians love our app, here's what some of them say: Sarah Metzger - Registered Dietitian (MS,...

Price: Free Developer: MBGames Studio
Lifebase | Nutrition Platform

Lifebase | Nutrition Platform

LifeBase – Where Health Happens™ No nutrition platform maximizes healthy body composition change better than LifeBase. Look better. Feel better. Be better. STEP 1 * - Download the LifeBase Macro Exchange Tracker App. STEP 2 * – (Please note that...

Price: Free Developer: LifeBase Solutions LLC


The goal of the Plan It Appy is to enhance a fitness operator's ability to create their own online community. Allow your clients to access your Health, Wellness & Fitness programs using this app.

Price: Free Developer: John Sheehan
Drink Water Reminder | Tracker

Drink Water Reminder | Tracker

Do you drink water every day? (Not coffee or tea – just a clean water) Do you always forget to drink water regularly? No time to keep track your water consumption? Do you have a fit body? Water reminder will alarm you...

Price: Free Developer: Chirag Finaviya
Thirstic: Smart Water Tracker

Thirstic: Smart Water Tracker

Thirstic is the first water tracker that automatically adapts your water needs to your daily activity and the weather conditions! Thirstic is the perfect fitness and health companion. Doing your regular workout on Tuesday evening? Thirstic will learn the patterns...

Price: Free Developer: Tapcode
FitnessBank Step Tracker

FitnessBank Step Tracker

It’s Simple — Step. Track. And Earn. The more steps you make the higher your interest rate on a savings account. Gain financial strength while maintaining physical fitness as a part of your current active lifestyle. Take the first step....

Price: Free Developer: Affinity Bank
JTC Healthy Diet and Fitness Tracker by JoinTheChallenge

JTC Healthy Diet and Fitness Tracker by JoinTheChallenge

JoinTheChallenge helps you live a healthier lifestyle and invites you to try our app, with your first 30 days FREE! We made the easiest app for tracking your food, water, exercise, steps, and weight, while giving you the feedback...

Price: Free Developer: JoinTheChallenge
WaterLama water tracker

WaterLama water tracker

• Water reminder & drink tracker • Fun challenges that motivate you to stay healthy • Daily water intake goals based on your weight, activity & weather • Form a healthy habit & collect cute companions! WaterLama is free, simple & fun app,...

Price: Free Developer: Vitalii Mogylevets
Drink Water Tracker Reminder

Drink Water Tracker Reminder

Do you drink enough water everyday? Do you often forget to drink water during the day? You do not have enough time to count the amount of water you are drinking? Do you drink the amount of water you need every day? If...

Price: Free Developer: Roman Nikolaev
FoodNoms - Food Tracker

FoodNoms - Food Tracker

FoodNoms is a beautiful, powerful food tracker that's designed to make tracking easier and more rewarding. HOW IT WORKS 1. Log what you eat and drink with a fast, beautiful interface. 2. Set specific nutrition goals for calories, macros (protein, fat, carbohydrates),...

Price: Free Developer: Algebraic Labs, LLC
Keto Diet Guide & Tracker

Keto Diet Guide & Tracker

Keto Diet Tracker is a simple and reliable way to monitor your personal nutrition, so that you can achieve your ideal body weight with ease. Keto Diet Tracker is not just about losing weight at any cost; it's about...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Thang Nguyen
MyKeto Low Carb Tracker

MyKeto Low Carb Tracker

"Thank you for this app!! It has helped me keep track of my fats, carbs & protein to help me lose 15 lbs" - Pam "Thank you. You have made it easier & more efficient for me to track &...

Price: Free Developer: Prestige Worldwide Apps LLC

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