Top 38 Book Apps Like Paket Hadits for iPad - Best Alternatives

Paket Hadits for iPad Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Paket Hadits for iPad alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Book apps that are similar to Paket Hadits for iPad. Pick one from this list to be your new Paket Hadits for iPad app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Paket Hadits for iPad on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like Paket Hadits for iPad - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Paket Hadits for iPad alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Paket Hadits for iPad 2025.

Buku Paket SMA

Buku Paket SMA

Buku Paket SMA is an application that contains digital textbooks for school, especially for senior high school. This application is built as a medium of learning that allows teachers and students to get material or online-based learning materials. Buku Paket...

Price: Free Developer: Fingerfast Laboratory
Buku Paket SMK

Buku Paket SMK

Buku Paket SMK is an application that contains digital textbooks for school, especially for senior vocational high school. This application is built as a medium of learning that allows teachers and students to get material or online-based learning materials. Buku...

Price: Free Developer: Fingerfast Laboratory
Buku Paket SMP

Buku Paket SMP

Buku Paket SMP is an application that contains digital textbooks for school, especially for junior high school. This application is built as a medium of learning that allows teachers and students to get material or online-based learning materials. Buku Paket...

Price: Free Developer: Fingerfast Laboratory
Paket Hadits

Paket Hadits

DISKON 50% !!! Collections of Hadits ( also known as Hadith or Hadist ) in Indonesian ( Bahasa Indonesia ), based on many themes ( topics ) from many references ( HR Bukhari , HR Muslim , HR Abu Dawud...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Novel Yahya
Funtastic Learning

Funtastic Learning

Wah, Nabil dan Naura sedang berjalan-jalan bersama ayah dan Ibu. Hati-hati, banyak jebakan dan rintangan yang harus mereka hadapi. Dan tentu saja banyak pengetahuan yang bisa mereka gali. Semua ada di Boardgame petualangan Nabil dan Naura yang sudah termasuk...

Price: Free Developer: MIZAN PUBLIKA, PT
Halo Balita AR

Halo Balita AR

Ingatkah kalian dengan Kumi, si kucing coklat yang imut dan lucu di buku Halo Balita? Pernahkah kamu membayangkan Kumi berlari di atas tanganmu? Eits, Adik-adik, kalian tidak perlu membayangkannya lagi. Ayo, ambil buku Halo Balita dan gadgetmu! Karena aplikasi...

Price: Free Developer: MIZAN PUBLIKA, PT
Komandant Mark - ZS 1/7

Komandant Mark - ZS 1/7

Za sve nas koji smo odrastali uz stripove 70-ih i 80-godina, Komandant Mark i Vukovi s Ontarija su sada i na zaslonu vaših iPhone i iPad uređaja! Aplikacija pokriva prvih 40 stripova Komandanta Marka iz Zlatne Serije, kao 1. od...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Velibor Santic
Komandant Mark - ZS 2/7

Komandant Mark - ZS 2/7

Za sve nas koji smo odrastali uz stripove 70-ih i 80-godina, Komandant Mark i Vukovi s Ontarija su sada i na zaslonu vaših iPhone i iPad uređaja! Aplikacija pokriva 40 stripova Komandanta Marka iz Zlatne Serije, kao 2. od 7...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Velibor Santic
Komandant Mark - ZS 3/7

Komandant Mark - ZS 3/7

Za sve nas koji smo odrastali uz stripove 70-ih i 80-godina, Komandant Mark i Vukovi s Ontarija su sada i na zaslonu vaših iPhone i iPad uređaja! Aplikacija pokriva 40 stripova Komandanta Marka iz Zlatne Serije, kao 3. od 7...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Velibor Santic
Hadits Bukhari

Hadits Bukhari

Kitab Shahih Bukhari merupakan kitab (buku) koleksi hadits yang disusun oleh Imam Bukhari (nama lengkap: Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim bin al-Mughirah al-Ju'fi) yang hidup antara 194 hingga 256 hijriah. Koleksi hadits ini di kalangan muslim Sunni adalah...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
40 Hadits Qudsi

40 Hadits Qudsi

Hadis Qudsi, atau suci Hadis, memiliki status yang penting dalam Islam sebagai rantai mereka penularan datang langsung dari Allah dan dilaporkan oleh Nabi Muhammad. Aplikasi ini memiliki 40 Hadis Qudsi dengan terjemahan dan hadits asli dalam bahasa Arabic. Ada juga kesempatan...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Imam At Tirmidzi

Imam At Tirmidzi

bu Isa Muhammad bin Isa bin Surah At Turmudzi (lebih dikenal sebagai Imam Turmudzi/ At Turmudzi/ At Tirmidzi) adalah seorang ahli hadits. Ia pernah belajar hadits dari Imam Bukhari. Ia menyusun kitab Sunan At Turmudzi dan Al Ilal. Ia...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Imam Ibnu Majah

Imam Ibnu Majah

Ibnu Majah dengan nama lengkapnya Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yazid bin Abdullah bin Majah Al Quzwaini . Ia dilahirkan pada tahun 207 Hijriah dan meninggal pada hari selasa, delapan hari sebelum berakhirnya bulan Ramadan tahun 275. Ia menuntut...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Imam Abu Daud

Imam Abu Daud

Imam Abu Dawud (817 / 202 H – meninggal di Basrah; 888 / 16 Syawal 275 H; umur 70–71 tahun) adalah salah seorang perawi hadits, yang mengumpulkan sekitar 50.000 hadits lalu memilih dan menuliskan 4.800 di antaranya dalam kitab...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Imam Ahmad

Imam Ahmad

Ahmad bin Hanbal (780 - 855 M, 164 - 241 AH) (Arab أحمد بن حنبل‏‏ ) adalah seorang ahli hadits dan teologi Islam. Ia lahir di Marw (saat ini bernama Mary di Turkmenistan, utara Afganistan dan utara Iran) di...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Imam Ad Darimi

Imam Ad Darimi

Ad-Darimi ialah salah satu Imam Ahli Hadits Sunni, Nama lengkapnya Abdullah bin Abdurrahman bin al Fadhl bin Bahram bin Abdush Shamad. Ad Darimi adalah nisbah kepada Darim bin Malik dari kalangan at-Tamimi. Dan dengan nisbah ini dia terkenal. Ia...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
37Masalah Populer: Abdul Somad

37Masalah Populer: Abdul Somad

Ustadz Abdul Somad, Lc., MA (lahir di Pekanbaru, 18 Mei 1977; umur 40 tahun) adalah seorang Ulama asal Pekanbaru, Riau yang sering mengulas berbagai macam persoalan agama, khususnya kajian ilmu Hadits dan Ilmu Fiqih. Selain itu, ia juga banyak...

Price: Free Developer: Diky Kaurika Herlambang
Care for Our World

Care for Our World

Take an interactive journey around the world, discovering diverse environments and the animals that call them home, in this animated adaptation of the award-winning children's book, Care for Our World. Additional creative activities are included, like Coloring Book pages,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sunbreak Games, LLC
Mulan Classic tales - interactive book for kids.

Mulan Classic tales - interactive book for kids.

We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Mulan. An interactive book with story reading and educational...

Price: Free Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Rapunzel Classic tales - interactive book for kids

Rapunzel Classic tales - interactive book for kids

We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Rapunzel. An interactive book with story reading and educational...

Price: Free Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Little Red Riding Hood - Classic tales for kids

Little Red Riding Hood - Classic tales for kids

We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Little Red Riding Hood. An interactive book with...

Price: Free Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Mulan classic tales for kids - Premium

Mulan classic tales for kids - Premium

Version without ads. We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Mulan. An interactive book with story...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Rapunzel Classic tales for kids - Premium

Rapunzel Classic tales for kids - Premium

Version without ads. We offer your kids with the best selection of classic short stories and fairy tales to let your children have a fun time. This is one of the stories - Rapunzel. An interactive book with story...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Classic fairy tales Interactive book for kids
Instructions for Peace Booklet

Instructions for Peace Booklet

Instructions for Peace Booklet: An A to Z Guide is an interactive book art piece by new media artist Fang-Yu Lin. It is a lighthearted attempt at vernacular peace practices. Poking fun at the high-mindedness of the subject while...

Price: Free Developer: Fang-Yu Lin
Bibelen for Banditter

Bibelen for Banditter

I Bibelen for Banditter kan du sammen med dit barn læse udvalgte bibelfortællinger fx om Jonas, Jesus og Ester. Dit barn kan også trygt selv gå på opdagelse med Bibelen for Banditter, hvor det kan male i malebogen, lægge...

Price: Free Developer: Bibelen for Banditter
The Ogglies - A Dragon Party for Firebottom

The Ogglies - A Dragon Party for Firebottom

Light the fireworks for Firebottom’s birthday, look out for brand new, fantastically farty features, and make the mucky most of the Ogglies’ latest adventure! Oetinger Verlag is proud to present the new, super-stinky Oggly app. A DRAGON PARTY FOR FIREBOTTOM New, improved...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Verlag Friedrich Oetinger GmbH
Library For All

Library For All

Read great books for free with Library For All. Kids, families and educators can find high quality children’s books to enjoy at home, or to fill resource gaps at school. Launching with the Papua New Guinea (PNG) collection, LFA...

Price: Free Developer: Library For All Ltd
Heavenly Belize for iPad

Heavenly Belize for iPad

This is a special interactive version of the bestselling aerial photography book "Heavenly Belize". Over 250 amazing aerial photographs of a beautiful country – Belize – on your iPad! Most people who come to Belize will agree that it...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Unseen Pictures
Solar System for iPad

Solar System for iPad

A breakthrough electronic book about our Solar System, offering hours of interactive exploration and presenting a treasure trove of visual information. Bestselling author Marcus Chown leads us on a grand tour through the incredible diversity of planets, moons, asteroids, comets...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Touch Press Inc
Lion and Mouse Interactive Storybook iPad version

Lion and Mouse Interactive Storybook iPad version

Classic story of Lion and Mouse looks great when kids read it on the iPad. # Interactive Story book on iPad The Lion and Mouse story book on iPad is a completely interactive storybook full of animations. Surprise element of...

Price: Free Developer: Infowareindia
Muslim Book Pack for iPad - French Indonesia

Muslim Book Pack for iPad - French Indonesia

SALE AT 70% OFF !!! Muslim Book Pack in French and Indonesian. Islamic / Islam / Muslim book collection (The History of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Important Events in the Life of Prophet Muhammad SAW, 1001 Inspiring Stories, Luqman Al-Hakim's Wisdom...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Novel Yahya
1dollarscan Reader for iPad

1dollarscan Reader for iPad

Your book becomes an eBook for iPhone and iPad !!! 1dollarscan application developed by zLibro Inc. is a special tool for users to download PDF files scanned from actual books and enjoy reading eBook on iPhone and iPad. ...

Price: Free Developer: 1dollarscan
Home Library Lite For iPad

Home Library Lite For iPad

Home Library v 4.0.1 iPad app helps you easily maintain your library at home. With this app you can : 1.Store your book, cds, dvds details (title, author,artist) simply by scanning the barcode on the media. 2.Keep track of books and...

Price: Free Developer: Shahab H Farooqui
TotalReader for iPad - The BEST eBook reader for epub, fb2, pdf, djvu, mobi, rtf, txt, chm, cbz, cbr

TotalReader for iPad - The BEST eBook reader for epub, fb2, pdf, djvu, mobi, rtf, txt, chm, cbz, cbr

The BEST application for reading books: *.fb2, *.epub, *.mobi, *.chm, *.fbz, *.rtf, *.txt (all encodings), documents: *.djvu, *.pdf, *.xps, office documents: *.doc, *.docx, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.ppt, *.pptx, *.pages, *.numbers, *.key and comic books: *.cbr, *.cbz, *.cbt. All formats are...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: LTD DevelSoftware
Alice for the iPad

Alice for the iPad

Enjoy Lewis Carroll's original Alice in Wonderland digitally remastered for the iPad. Alice for the iPad is a stunning treasure for the whole family to enjoy, one of the most gorgeous books in all of human history. And now, for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media
Chinese Bible Offline for iPad

Chinese Bible Offline for iPad

We are proud and happy to release The Chinese Bible Offline for iPad in iOS. This app contains both "Old Testament" and "New Testament" in Chinese. This is our first effort in bringing you Bible in Chinese. We have...

Tamil Bible RC for iPad

Tamil Bible RC for iPad

We are proud and happy to release Tamil Bible RC for iPad in iOS. This app contains both "Old Testament" and "New Testament" in Tamil. This is our first effort in bringing you Bible in Tamil. We have included...


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