Top 30 Entertainment Apps Like Music 4 Tots - Best Alternatives

Music 4 Tots Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Music 4 Tots alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Entertainment apps that are similar to Music 4 Tots. Pick one from this list to be your new Music 4 Tots app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Music 4 Tots on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Music 4 Tots - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Music 4 Tots alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Music 4 Tots 2025.

Katrina Music - Music Player For Cloud Platforms from Box Drive

Katrina Music - Music Player For Cloud Platforms from Box Drive

Just put your music into the Dropbox and Google Driver, connect to the app and play your music enjoy! App Features: √ Full iOS9, iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Support! √ Sleep timer √ Lock screen playback controls √ Background music playback √ Create your own...

Price: Free Developer: Music Pocket
Key II Music

Key II Music

Appreciate your favourite performers by supporting them Now! This Application will provide fans a platform to listen to their favourite Performer. This application will allow the fans to show their appreciation in the form of ratings, applause meter and by...

Price: Free Developer: Key II Music Ltd.
Findy Music

Findy Music

It’s a free music player to listen to your favorite songs and more from your iPhone/iPod/iPad. App Key Features : - Browse by categories - Listen music from your music library - Repeat and shuffle songs - search for category, artist, DJ, song, remix...

Price: Free Developer: Khalid Gasimov


TOWB Music is the first originated “Blind Music Competition” based, audio distribution platform, where you can discover a new artist, listen to the ones you already love and more importantly share and connect with other music fans from around...

Price: Free Developer: TOWB MUSIC Inc.
Flits - Livestream Music

Flits - Livestream Music

Live broadcast your music activity across the globe. Just hit the GO LIVE button any time you are at a concert, happen to be passing by a talented busker, or rehearsing a new song in your bedroom. You can watch...

Price: Free Developer: Flits Music GmbH
Michigan Irish Music Festival

Michigan Irish Music Festival

The Michigan Irish Music Festival App brings our lineup to your phone! View our schedule Set alerts for your favorite acts Navigate the festival map Find food, vendors, and other points of interest Stay up to date with our news feed Michigan Irish Music Festival Sept....

Price: Free Developer: Michigan Irish Music Festival Muskegon
Music Box Direct

Music Box Direct

Bringing the art house to your house. Music Box Direct is the streaming service platform of Music Box Films and Doppelganger Releasing, dedicated to curating a diverse repertoire of films and television series from around the world. Try it...

Price: Free Developer: Music Box Direct
MyMy Music Hip Hop

MyMy Music Hip Hop

MyMy Music is the best way to discover and stream hot independent Hip Hop to your mobile. The catalog is curated through community voting which ensures only the best underground Hip Hop and R&B make the cut. Best part...

Price: Free Developer: MyMy Music
NSM Music My Jukebox-US

NSM Music My Jukebox-US

The NSM My Jukebox App, allows you to Locate NSM Jukeboxes near by and Browse & Play music on a NSM Jukebox using your own mobile phone. If this is your first time you are using the NSM My Jukebox...

Price: Free Developer: NSM Music
Preschool Kids Music Phone App

Preschool Kids Music Phone App

Kids Music Phone is a delightful little app to entertain toddlers to make pretend phone call and sing-along nursery rhymes in call. Play tested and it works! Let your little one learn classic nursery rhymes the fun way! - Bright...

Price: Free Developer: Tiny Tots App Club
Learn Argentine Tango Volume 4

Learn Argentine Tango Volume 4

Volume 4 "Advanced" covers more Argentine Tango dance technique and combinations for turns, colgadas, soltadas, and leader's/follower's front and back sacadas for the social dance floor with internationally known tango teacher Alex Krebs. Alex has taught Argentine Tango since 1998...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Tango Berretin LLC
89.4 Tamil FM

89.4 Tamil FM

89.4 Tamil FM is a radio station based in UAE catering to Tamilians and Tamil music lovers all over the world. Our entertaining bunch of RJs provides informative content all hrough the day along with some soul-stirring music. Download...

Price: Free Developer: 89.4 Tamil FM
٤ صور ودولة - لعبة المعلومات الجغرافية والتاريخية

٤ صور ودولة - لعبة المعلومات الجغرافية والتاريخية

إختبر معلوماتك الجغرافية والتاريخية عن الدول عن طريق هذه اللعبة الجديدة. أمامك ٤ صور تعبر عن دولة ما في العالم فهل ستعرف هذا الدولة؟ ستجدون في هذه اللعبة ٥٠ مستوى من اللعب الممتع اللعبة بسيطة ولكن تتطلب منك التركيز فهل تستطيع...

Price: Free Developer: Mohamed Mohamed
ARBI 4 - Realidad Aumentada

ARBI 4 - Realidad Aumentada

Aplicación oficial del libro infantil de Realidad Aumentada ARBI 4

Price: Free Developer: Educa Reality
Magical Me 1 - Children's Meditation App by Heather Bestel

Magical Me 1 - Children's Meditation App by Heather Bestel

Magical Me 1 - Children’s Meditation APP This high quality meditation audio app By Heather Bestel has been lovingly created to help children find their inner calm and to feel empowered. It is ideally suitable for children aged...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Diviniti Publishing Ltd
Safe Kids 4 Youtube |kiddZtube

Safe Kids 4 Youtube |kiddZtube

kiddZtube is a selection of safe YouTube Kids videos and learning games. Includes educational videos and nursery rhymes for children from popular Kids channels. All curated by teachers. Start your FREE 14 day trial with access to full content....

Price: Free Developer: Magikbee
Sing 2 Me 4

Sing 2 Me 4

From the creators of Nursery TV comes Sing 2 Me 4 the first in a series of free sing-a-long apps for children. App features include on-screen lyrics in an easily readable, child friendly font whilst a bright scroll helps...

Price: Free Developer: The Music Factory Entertainment Group Ltd
Cheats For The Sims 4 - FREE

Cheats For The Sims 4 - FREE

Easy access to The Sims 4 cheats you need to know, together in one simple app!

Price: Free Developer: Jan Willem Doorn
Crackers 4 2

Crackers 4 2

Want to have fun pulling party crackers, save money and save the world at the same time? - well here's your chance to have it all! Want 100% free, 100% environmentally friendly, no cardboard, no explosives, no paper, no...

Price: Free Developer: eii Consulting Ltd
Faker 4 - Fake GPS Location

Faker 4 - Fake GPS Location

Prank your friends with top most realistic Fake GPS Location! Have fun or make your friends confused or jealous by following these 4 easy steps: 1. Add fake location in the app using Long Tap or by searching specific place...

Price: Free Developer: Vladislav Kovalyov
Jo mai mai PRO by Unidestroyer

Jo mai mai PRO by Unidestroyer

La versió PRO de l’app et dona accés anticipat a les noves funcionalitats i elimina tots els anuncis en l’aplicació. A més, anirem introduint noves frases exclusives només disponibles per als usuaris PRO. El mític joc de beure arriba a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pol Villaverde
Magdalena 2019 - OFICIAL

Magdalena 2019 - OFICIAL

Aplicación oficial de la Magdalena 2019 (23 al 31 de marzo) en la que de verdad encontrarás todos los actos programados para la 75ª edición de las fiestas fundacionales de Castellón: actos oficiales organizados por la Junta de Fiestas...

Price: Free Developer: Soluciones Cuatroochenta S.L.
Animagnets for Holidays

Animagnets for Holidays

That's fun - create a picture as you wish, and watch the toys spring to life in the process of composing it! Wonderful alloy of simplicity and entertainment - even tiny tots can effectively play with this app: drag...

Price: Free Developer: Tatiana Churanova
Jo mai mai by @Unidestroyer

Jo mai mai by @Unidestroyer

El mític joc de beure arriba a iOS de la mà d’Unidestroyer a Instagram amb +400 frases èpiques! Descobreix els secrets més vergonyosos i picants dels teus amics jugant al jo mai mai definitiu en català. Aquesta app es...

Price: Free Developer: Pol Villaverde
Els Bíters

Els Bíters

Descobreix el fantàstic món d’Els Bíters a través d’una col·lecció de jocs educatius i arcades inspirats en l’univers de la sèrie infantil de La Colla d’À Punt. L’aplicació mòbil d’Els Bíters està composta per un joc d’avatar, tres jocs tipus...

Price: Free Developer: À Punt Mèdia

Altaveu és un lloc web amb vocació de diari electrònic amb continguts eminentment andorrans propietat de la societat recentment constituïda (2017) al Principat Altaveu SL. Pretenem ser un mitjà de comunicació digital transversal, que englobi des d’informacions a opinions...

Price: Free Developer: Joan Camp


Anem és l’app que et permetrà conéixer tots els actes que es fan al teu municipi, i també a la resta de municipis de la Comunitat Valenciana. Anem es la app que te permitirá conocer todos los actos que...

Price: Free Developer: Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias
Callosa en Festes

Callosa en Festes

Aplicació mòbil de les Festes de Moros i Cristians de Callosa d'En Sarrià. Aplicación móvil de las Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos de Callosa d'En Sarrià On es podrà consultar la programació dels actes de les Festes de Moros i Cristians...

Price: Free Developer: Llorens Vaquer
Catalunya Ràdio

Catalunya Ràdio

Catalunya Ràdio, sempre amb tu amb el teu iPhone o iPad L’app de Catalunya Ràdio et permet: - Sentir en directe Catalunya Ràdio, Catalunya Informació, Catalunya Música i - Recuperar tots els programes a la carta, escoltar-ne els àudios i veure’n...

Price: Free Developer: Corporacio Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals, SA

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