Top 37 Book Apps Like Kar-Ben Digital eReader - Best Alternatives

Kar-Ben Digital eReader Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Kar-Ben Digital eReader alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Book apps that are similar to Kar-Ben Digital eReader. Pick one from this list to be your new Kar-Ben Digital eReader app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kar-Ben Digital eReader on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like Kar-Ben Digital eReader - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Kar-Ben Digital eReader alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like Kar-Ben Digital eReader 2025.



Welcome to our new mobile app! Kar Manuals was developed because the need of lost car owner’s manuals in used cars but has become much more. Besides that, using a manufacture car manual book has become a thing of the...

Price: Free Developer: Clark Online Network, LLC
Bir Kar Masalı

Bir Kar Masalı

Çocuklarımız için bir masal uygulaması. Üç anne blogcu tarafından yazılmış, çizilmiş, programlanmış bir kar masalı. Üç amatör kalp birleşerek ücretsiz olan bu masal uygulamasını hayata geçirdiler. It is a read along book application for children. It tells the story of a brother...

Price: Free Developer: Atilim Cetin
Bir Kar Masalı for iPhone

Bir Kar Masalı for iPhone

Çocuklarımız için bir masal uygulaması. Üç anne blogcu tarafından yazılmış, çizilmiş, programlanmış bir kar masalı. Üç amatör kalp birleşerek ücretsiz olan bu masal uygulamasını hayata geçirdiler. It is a read along book application for children. It tells the story of a brother...

Price: Free Developer: Atilim Cetin


mCOBISS - Virtualna knjižnica Slovenije na mobilnih napravah mCOBISS je mobilnim napravam prilagojena različica COBISS/OPAC-a in dopolnjuje Virtualno knjižnico Slovenije z večjo razpoložljivostjo in dostopnostjo e-storitev, ki jih ponuja sistem COBISS. Poiščite in rezervirajte knjigo, e-knjigo, revijo, časopis, DVD. Podaljšajte rok izposoje...

Price: Free Developer: IZUM
Filin Banyosu

Filin Banyosu

Zara bir gün evde otururken bir damlama sesi duydu, şıp şıp şıp... Acaba bu ses de nereden geliyordu? Bütün evi aramaya başladı. Sonra banyoda birisiyle karşılaştı. Acaba kiminle? 20 sayfa boyunca Zara ile birlikte gezmeye, oyuncaklarıyla oynamaya, banyoyu tamir...

Price: Free Developer: Atilim Cetin
Filin Banyosu HD

Filin Banyosu HD

Zara bir gün evde otururken bir damlama sesi duydu, şıp şıp şıp... Acaba bu ses de nereden geliyordu? Bütün evi aramaya başladı. Sonra banyoda birisiyle karşılaştı. Acaba kiminle? 20 sayfa boyunca Zara ile birlikte gezmeye, oyuncaklarıyla oynamaya, banyoyu tamir...

Price: Free Developer: Atilim Cetin
Harika Peri Masalları: çocuk kitapları

Harika Peri Masalları: çocuk kitapları

Yavrunuza okuma sevdasını nasıl aşılayabilirsiniz? Çocukların favori karakterlerine yardım edebildikleri, parlak resimler, animasyonlar ve küçük oyunlar içeren göz alıcı ve ilginç interaktif kitaplarla başlamak en iyi yöntemdir. «Harika Peri Masalları» – 3 ila 8 yaş arası çocuklar için popüler bir...

Price: Free Developer: Better World
Quran in Dream khwab ki tabeer

Quran in Dream khwab ki tabeer

khawabon ki tabeer maloom karnay kay liay kitab Khawab Nama ya Tabeer ur Roya hy. Is app main aap baghair pori kitab perhy sirf aik lefz likh kr apny Khawab ki tabeer malum kr sekty hain. Maslan agar aap...

Price: Free Developer: Akhzar Nazir
Ben & Bob Chipmunks

Ben & Bob Chipmunks

★★★ Over 1,000 downloads in its first week! ★★★ Featured app in the iTunes Book section ★★★ Completely Ad Free! The book “Ben and Bob the Chipmunks” was birthed out of love for children. Seeing their faces as the story unfolds, and...

Price: Free Developer: Right Brain Media
Ben Brave - Monsters underneath the bed

Ben Brave - Monsters underneath the bed

Ben doesn’t want to go sleep. “I’m afraid of the monsters that are hiding under my bed”, Ben says. How is Ben supposed to sleep now? Now you get to experience an all new adventure full of funny scenes and interactive...

Price: Free Developer: Flying Kiwi
Ben ik een kip?

Ben ik een kip?

ben ik een kip? is een Leren lezen zoekboek voor kinderen vanaf 6 jaar. In dit boek kan je kind speuren naar woorden en deze zelf lezen. Is het boek uit? Start dan de app en je kind kan in...

Price: Free Developer: Uitgeverij Zwijsen BV
Spaces of Flow

Spaces of Flow

Spaces of Flow is a companion app to Knowledge Matters, Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos' latest book. In this richly illustrated interactive book, Van Berkel and Bos reveal their unique insights into the design and development of Arnhem...

Price: Free Developer: UNStudio
Tanrının doğum günü

Tanrının doğum günü

Dikkat: Yükledikten sonra Uygulamanın talep ettiği tüm izinleri vermeniz gereklidir. Aksi durumda sistem çalışmaz. ———— Aşk, mutluluk ve derinlik şimdi Appstore'da… 100 bin insanın başucu kitabı, Tanrı'nın doğum günü / buRAK özDEMİR, iOS Appstore'da yeni bir boyuta yükseldi. Kitap okuma deneyiminin...

Price: Free Developer: Doğumgünü Kitapçısı
Kitsur Shulchan Aruch - קיצור שולחן ערוך

Kitsur Shulchan Aruch - קיצור שולחן ערוך

O Kitsur Shulchan Aruch, o Código da Lei Judaica Abreviado, foi escrito em 1864 pelo R. Shlomo Gantzfried Z"L e se tornou um dos livros básicos do Judaísmo, presente em todas casas, sinagogas e Batei Midrash. Em 2008, foi...

Price: Free Developer: Natan L Rolnik
New King James Bible version

New King James Bible version

According to its preface, the NKJV uses the 1967/1977 Stuttgart edition of the Biblia Hebraica for the Old Testament, with frequent comparisons made to the Ben Hayyim edition of the Mikraot Gedolot published by Bomberg in 1524–25, which was...

Price: Free Developer: Tuong The Nghia
Tanya em Português

Tanya em Português

O Tanya é conhecido como o Shulchan Aruch da Chassidut Chabad. Correspondendo ao Shulchan Aruch, o Tanya também é dividido em quatro partes: A primeira seção do Tanya, Likutei Amarim, "Coletânea de Ensinamentos", corresponde à primeira parte do Shulchan...

Price: Free Developer: Rollep
10 Đại Nguyện Phổ Hiền Bồ Tát

10 Đại Nguyện Phổ Hiền Bồ Tát

ỨNG DỤNG "10 Đại Nguyện Phổ Hiền Bồ Tát" LÀ ỨNG DỤNG HOÀN TOÀN MIỄN PHÍ Trong vô lượng các vị Đại Bồ tát, từ tha phương quốc độ đến Ta bà để trợ duyên với Đức Phật Thích Ca...

Price: Free Developer: Vuong Ly
Livro Digital

Livro Digital

Eis a nova versão do aplicativo sPED Livro Digital com evoluções na sua navegação, disponibilização de um Repositório na nuvem e mais alguns recursos que reforçam sua agilidade e simplicidade de utilização. Para usar o sPED o usuário tem...

Price: Free Developer: Plataforma Digital Tecnologia e Informatica Ltda.
Ganeca Digital

Ganeca Digital

Ganeca Digital, an application that combines digital library and book store, provides reading materials from various publishers including our own - Ganeca Exact (est. 1982) with thousands of books published. Users can choose their reading source by either renting...

Price: Free Developer: PT Ganeca Digital Cerdas
Digital Future Reader

Digital Future Reader

برنامج يعرض الكتب الإلكترونية الصادرة عن شركة المستقبل الرقمي والتي تتضمن أصوات أو أفلام أو محتوى تفاعلي إمسح على رمز الـ QR للمنتج الذي بين يديك وقم بتحميل المحتوى الرقمي المرافق له. واحصل على المنتجات بأفضل الأساليب العالمية المعتمدة. The program...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Future LTD
Flames Of War Digital

Flames Of War Digital

FOW Digital provides you with access to the growing range of Flames Of War products quickly and easily. From this app you will be able to download exclusive free-of-charge digital content, purchase new Intelligence Handbooks and individual Briefings for...

Price: Free Developer: Battlefront Miniatures Ltd
JLG Digital

JLG Digital

Introducing JLG Digital, the reading revolution that puts exceptional eBooks and Audiobooks in the hands of K-12 readers. Experience the award-winning selections you love and trust from JLG now in eBook and Audiobook format with anytime, anywhere access. Browse and...

Price: Free Developer: Media Source Inc. - Largest Digital Islamic Library - Largest Digital Islamic Library

The official app of the Digital Islamic Library Project: Get access to over 1700+ books, articles and over 2000 media resources on various topics such as: God and His Attributes Resurrection and Afterlife Sunni and Shia Comparative Religion Spirituality Philosophy Ethics Islam and Women Prophet Muhammad(s) Imam Ali Fatima al-Zahra Companions Imam...

Price: Free Developer: Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project
BA Digital Universitas Terbuka

BA Digital Universitas Terbuka

Open University launched a new service for all students in the form of application to access BMP UT offline via the iOS device. More information can be read on the following frequency question (FAQ). What is a digital teaching...

Price: Free Developer: Dimas Prasetyo
Patagonia Ebooks - Free digital library

Patagonia Ebooks - Free digital library

Digital Library of books from Ebooks Patagonia where you can read free titles. All ebooks in EPUB format from this Latin American publishing are available to you. Start reading the first chapters for free now and if you like...

Price: Free Developer: ebooks Patagonia
Digital Thailand

Digital Thailand

Digital Thailand Application เป็นหนังสือมัลติมีเดีย (M Book) ที่ถ่ายทอดแผนพัฒนาดิจิทัลเพื่อเศรษฐกิจสังคม กระทรวงเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร ให้เกิดการรับรู้อย่างกว้างขวาง เพื่อให้นักเรียน นักศึกษา นักวิชาการ อาจารย์ นักธุรกิจ นักลงทุน ผู้ประกอบการร้านค้า ผู้ประการสินค้าชุมชน และประชาชนที่ทั่วไป ได้รับทราบถึงแผนพัฒนาดิจิทัลเพื่อเศรษฐกิจสังคม ซึ่งเป็นเครื่องมือสนับสนุนในการพัฒนาประเทศของรัฐบาล และเป็นแม่บทสำคัญทางด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร (ไอซีที) ของประเทศ หนังสือมัลติมีเดีย (M Book) แผนพัฒนาดิจิทัลเพื่อเศรษฐกิจสังคมเล่มนี้ นำเสนอเรื่องราวของแผนพัฒนาดิจิทัลเพื่อเศรษฐกิจสังคม เพื่อเป็นกรอบแนวทางการดำเนินการตามนโยบายเศรษฐกิจและสังคมดิจิทัลของรัฐบาล ให้เกิดการนำเทคโนโลยีที่ทันสมัยและหลากหลายมาเปลี่ยนเป็นวิธีการดำเนินธุรกิจ การดำเนินชีวิตของประชาชน และการดำเนินงานของภาครัฐ ซึ่งจะส่งผลให้เกิดความมั่งคั่งทางเศรษฐกิจที่แข่งขันได้ใในเวทีโลก และความมั่นคงทางสังคมของประเทศต่อไป

Price: Free Developer: 80root
AFV Modeller Digital

AFV Modeller Digital

As the publishers of the highly regarded AFV Modeller and AIR Modeller magazines it seemed to be a natural progression for us to enter into book publishing and we have been working over recent years towards this goal. We...

Price: Free Developer: AFV Modeller Limited
Media+ eReader

Media+ eReader

Media+ eReader App is a craftily and painstakingly developed App for professionals, scholars, and book lovers. Media+ eReader is an optimised eBooks rendering App, with animated page flipping experience, which gives the users maximum reading pleasure. Media+ eReader App has...

Price: Free Developer: Media Plus Branding (pty.) Limited
Diglot - EReader Translator for help language learners

Diglot - EReader Translator for help language learners

Diglot - EReader Translator that help language learners develop their foreign language skills anytime, anywhere with a smooth transition from their native language. It turns any Ebook bilingual and provides instantaneous parallel translations of unfamiliar words with the help...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Alexander Senin
QBD eReader

QBD eReader

The new, updated QBD Bookshop eReader is an easy-to-use eReader which allows you to: * Read eBooks in a powerful, feature-rich interface * Highlight specific passages and bookmark pages * Use the notebook to view all your book notes & highlights * Track...

Price: Free Developer: Copia Interactive, LLC
VDA QMC eReader

VDA QMC eReader

Dieser mit speziellen Funktionen ausgestattete eReader ermöglicht das Lesen und komfortable Bearbeiten der VDA QMC Bände in digitaler Form. Auf die Frage, ob ein Buch in Papierformat oder Digitalform besser ist, gibt es eine einfache Antwort: Denn ... diese...

Price: Free Developer: Andreas Becker
Co-op eReader

Co-op eReader

The Co-op eReader app lets you store, access and enjoy your eBooks for learning and leisure, all in the one place. The Co-op is Australia’s largest retailer of learning resources, and the Co-op Student Network app lets you access...

Price: Free Developer: Copia Interactive, LLC
Dymocks eReader

Dymocks eReader

The Dymocks iOS app is an easy-to-use eReader which allows you to: * Read eBooks in a powerful, feature-rich interface * Highlight specific passages and bookmark pages * Use the notebook to view all your book notes & highlights * Track your reading...

Price: Free Developer: Copia Interactive, LLC
eatright eReader

eatright eReader

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics eatright eBooks app features publications and information for registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs), nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered (NDTRs), and other health care professionals interested in nutrition. Use this free app to read a...

Price: Free Developer: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
takealot eReader

takealot eReader

Introducing the new eReader app, free and optimised for your iPhone and iPad, making it easier to read your eBooks bought on Download and read English and Afrikaans eBooks on your favourite device. With just a tap...

Price: Free Developer: MIH Internet Africa (Proprietary) Limited
Lerner Digital eReader

Lerner Digital eReader

Lerner Digital eReader App allows educators, parents, and readers to easily select, download, and read from among Lerner Publishing Group’s sizable eBook collection, which includes eBooks from highly reviewed and award-winning nonfiction series and single titles to highly illustrated...

Price: Free Developer: Lerner Publishing Group

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