Top 38 Business Apps Like File Manager - Folder Plus - Best Alternatives

File Manager - Folder Plus Alternatives

Do you want to find the best File Manager - Folder Plus alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Business apps that are similar to File Manager - Folder Plus. Pick one from this list to be your new File Manager - Folder Plus app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to File Manager - Folder Plus on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like File Manager - Folder Plus - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid File Manager - Folder Plus alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like File Manager - Folder Plus 2025.

File Keepers

File Keepers

"Store your files, books or just about anything* for a low monthly fee, exclusively for customers in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Simply request the number of standard Bankers boxes you want and they will be delivered right to your...

Price: Free Developer: File Keepers
Winmail File Viewer

Winmail File Viewer

Winmail File Viewer – No.1 app to open winmail.dat files on the App Store! Now updated for iOS 13 and the latest iPhones and iPads. If this app does not open your winmail.dat file, or you have any questions, doubts,...

Price: Free Developer: Pham Pham
File Manager Pro App

File Manager Pro App

File Manager Pro is the best app to download, organize and view all your files on your iPhone or iPad. It is like the Windows Explorer on your PC or the Finder on your Mac. You can always have...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Zuhanden GmbH
TotalCloud File Storage

TotalCloud File Storage

The Birch TotalCloud File Storage mobile app allows you to access your files in the cloud from your iPhone and iPad, making it simple to download, upload and share files. The mobile app is for Birch TotalCloud File...

Price: Free Developer: Birch
TaxBandits: E-File 1099

TaxBandits: E-File 1099

E-File 1099 is a free app from TaxBandits allowing you to accurately & securely e-file your 1099 Forms with your mobile device! E-file your Form 1099 in a matter of minutes anytime or anywhere! At TaxBandits, we take the stress...

Price: Free Developer: Span Enterprises LLC
Csv File Editor with Import Option from Excel  .xls, .xlsx, .xml Files

Csv File Editor with Import Option from Excel .xls, .xlsx, .xml Files

* Create/Update Excel .csv (comma separated text) files which could have unlimited rows ( 77 columns each row, 12 columns in one page). * Open any Excel .xls , .xlsx, .xml, .csv file and edit that file on table...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Harmony Software UK
File Pro - Easy Files & PDF

File Pro - Easy Files & PDF

Multipurpose, Easy-to-Use and Robust app for files & documents. Import files, documents & media from PC/Mac, email attachments, dropbox, sugarsync, iCloud & to File Pro along with amazing transfer features of FTP and Wifi. The only documents manager...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Perception System
File Pro Mini

File Pro Mini

#1 app, Multi-Functional, Easy-to-Use and Robust app for files & documents. Import files, documents & media from PC/Mac, email attachments, dropbox, sugarsync, iCloud & to File Pro along with amazing transfer features of FTP and Wifi. The only...

Price: Free Developer: Perception System
Magic File Viewer - Shu

Magic File Viewer - Shu

File Viewer - Common pictures, sketch, psd, ps/eps, ai, lottie, svga, flif, avif, pdg, xd, cdr, tgs - Office documents, audio, video - Preview binary data with hex viewer - Html, xml, json, plist with syntax highlighted preview - mhtml file preview &...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Chengdu PixelCyber Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Manager Tools

Manager Tools

Get instant access to the FREE step-by-step advice that’s been *proven* to transform listeners into highly respected managers, admired leaders and star-performing business professionals. The Manager Tools app is your personal gateway to THE WORLD’S MOST AWARDED business podcast....

Price: Free Developer: Manager Tools
Document Manager - Scan Convert Edit

Document Manager - Scan Convert Edit

Document Manager is a powerful all-in-one document manager and office app for iPhone, iPad and Apple TV, providing you with all tools necessary for a mobile office in a box. When it comes to file handling and managing documents there...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pilcrow AG
Harvard Business Manager

Harvard Business Manager

Das monatliche Magazin für praxisnahe Managementthemen auf Ihrem iPad. Ab dienstags, 8.00 Uhr, steht die neueste Ausgabe zum Download bereit - vollständig wie das gedruckte Heft. Mit der iPad-App des Harvard Business Managers können Sie, als Abonnent der digitalen Ausgabe oder...

Price: Free Developer: manager magazin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Applications Manager

Applications Manager

ManageEngine Applications Manager iOS app lets your technicians access and manage monitors from any location. This app reduces the response and resolution time of a fault occurred in your system, thereby increasing the overall availability of your...

Price: Free Developer: Zoho Corporation
CAKE Guest Manager Waitlist

CAKE Guest Manager Waitlist

CAKE Guest Manager is a waitlist, reservation, and table management system. Guests are alerted via text message when their table is ready. Bust long lines and ease congestion at the host stand, while turning tables up to 7% faster....

Price: Free Developer: CAKE Corporation
Freelance Job Manager

Freelance Job Manager

Stay organized and work smarter with Freelance Job Manager. Easily manage your jobs from home or on the go. Check your schedule at a single glance. Take total control of your business. With Freelance Job Manager Pro you can create simple...

Price: Free Developer: PicShift Photo Manager & Work Schedule Calendar Apps
HACCP Manager Mobile

HACCP Manager Mobile

The HACCP Manager Mobile is designed to allow you to easily perform menu and checklist work activities with a smart device. The HACCP Manager Mobile App is downloaded to a personal smart device, working in conjunction with the Cooper-Atkins...

Price: Free Developer: Cooper-Atkins Corporation
manager magazin

manager magazin

Hinter den Kulissen von Big Business – Deutschlands monatliches Wirtschaftsmagazin liefert Geschichten aus erster Hand optimiert für ihr iPad und iPhone. Noch vor Erscheinen der Printausgabe steht für Sie ab donnerstags, 12.00 Uhr, die neueste Ausgabe zum Download bereit. Mit der...

Price: Free Developer: manager magazin Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Inruil Manager

Inruil Manager

Met Inruil Manager kunt u het gehele remarketing proces faciliteren; vanaf de opname van het voertuig tot de toewijzing voor verkoop. Inruil Manager bestaat uit een reguliere webapplicatie en een app (iOS). U kunt met één of meerdere vestingen gebruik...

Price: Free Developer: Inruil Manager
Secret Folder: security for photos & videos

Secret Folder: security for photos & videos

Try out the Free app and switch to Pro for unlimited file access Protect your Photo/Video & Documents with the robust security app of App Store. Includes Wi-Fi/USB and other modes of file transfer. Also the most admired File Management...

Price: Free Developer: Perception System
Secure Folder : Lock Documents

Secure Folder : Lock Documents

Secure Folder is Application for lock your documents and files. Import from camera and other drives to make it secure . Note: Please Note down your password Because once password lost you wont able to recover. ●● Features ●● • Multiple Cloud Drive...

Price: Free Developer: KALPIT GAJERA
Function Folder

Function Folder

「インテリジェントフォルダ」の iPhone, iPad 向けアプリが登場しました。 【特徴】 ・インテリジェントフォルダの共有フォルダ内にあるファイルの閲覧が可能です ・写真を撮影してアップロードすることができます ・PDF, 画像, Excel(*), Word(*), PowerPoint(*) を表示することができます ・英語、中国語に対応 ・他のOpenIn対応アプリからファイルアップロードすることができます (*) 表示にはOS標準のビューアを利用しており表示が正しく再現できない場合があります。 【重要】 ・クライアント証明書が必要なプロジェクトへはアクセスできません ・このアプリをご利用になるには「インテリジェントフォルダ」サービスのアカウントが必要です。 ・アカウントを既にお持ちの方は無料でお使いになれます(追加費用は発生しません)。 ・ログインID/パスワードはWeb画面と同じものを入力してください。会社NOは、Web画面の左上に表示される英数字になります(例)A0000 ・3GもしくはWifi等のオンライン環境でご利用になれます。 【OpenInについて】 ・OpenIn(「送る」)機能に対応したアプリからファイルを受取りサーバへアップロードすることができます。OpenIn対応アプリの「開く」や「送る」などのメニューで Function Folder を選択するとアプリが起動してサーバへファイルをアップロードすることができます。 ・OpenIn機能対応アプリ:Numbers、Keynote、GoodReader、ほか  ※各アプリでのOpenInの対応状況は異なりますので使い方は各アプリのマニュアルをご確認下さい。 ・最大アップロードサイズは 100MBまでです。 ・アップロードフォルダの履歴は最大10件までです(古いものから削除されます)。 ・ファイル名の後ろに連番が付与される場合があります。これはiOSが自動的に割り振っているものです。同じファイルを何度もOpenInで送る場合に自動的に連番がつきます。 (例)abc.png, abc-1.png, abc-2.png, ...

Price: Free Developer: Five-technology Co.,Ltd.
Air Folder

Air Folder

FAXやリーフレット、WORDやEXCELで作成されたファイルを、iPadを使って簡単に確認する事ができます。 事前に同期をとっておく必要がないので、常に最新の情報にアクセスする事が可能です。 ◆◆◆ こんな使い方ができます ◆◆◆ 【外出先で、会社に着信したFAXを確認する事ができます。】 情報化が進んだ現在でも、FAXはいまだ現役です。 そのFAXに受信した情報を、iPadがあればその場で内容を確認する事ができます。 【リーフレットやカタログなど、常に最新のものを手元に。】 紙のリーフレットやカタログでは、リアルタイムに最新の状態に更新できませんが、電子化する事でリーフレットやカタログを常に最新の状態にする事が可能です。 AirFolderを使えば、営業マンが外出中に更新されたリーフレットやカタログも、必要な時に最新版を手に入れることができます。 【複数の人でシェアされているOfficeファイルの参照】 複数の人でシェアされている「WORD」や「EXCEL」などのファイルを誰かが更新しても、AirFolderを利用する事で、外出先などでも、メールで送ってもらうなどといった手間をかけずに、更新されたファイルを確認する事ができます。 【AirFolderでの管理は、本棚に本を置くのと同じ】 AirFolderの中に本棚を作成する事ができるので、カテゴリごとに本棚を作成し管理する事ができます。たとえば、FAXは「FAX」本棚を作成し「FAX」本棚で管理、リーフレットは「リーフレット」本棚を作成して「リーフレット」本棚で管理する事ができます。 【サーバ上の特定フォルダの同期】 AirFolderの本棚と、サーバ上のフォルダを関連付ける事で、サーバ上で追加・更新されるファイルを常に最新の状態で参照する事ができます。 ◆◆◆ サポートファイル ◆◆◆ pdf/doc/docx/xls/xlsx/ppt/pptx/key/numbers/pages/gif/jpg/tiff/png/txt

Price: Free Developer: Technical Union Co.,Ltd.
Zoho WorkDrive

Zoho WorkDrive

Zoho WorkDrive is a file sync, storage and content collaboration platform for modern teams and businesses. Zoho WorkDrive lets you organize and manage your organization/team files seamlessly.  Files are organized and stored in dedicated Team Folders. Each Team Folder...

Price: Free Developer: Zoho Corporation


RICOH TAMAGO InOut Tool for Smart Presenter is the iPad app that allows you to save file to a shared folder on Windows, or to browse a file on a shared folder on Windows. ・InOut Tool supports only PDF files...

Price: Free Developer: Ricoh Co., Ltd.


CASEFOLIO™ is a smart, simple and secure way of taking all of your paperwork with you – minus the paper! Designed by lawyers, CASEFOLIO™ is THE app for mobile legal review. -SMART- PDF viewer apps...

Price: USD 15.99 Developer: Corrs Enterprises


Important Note: This App requires items NOT included in the download. PSIsafe mobile requires a valid PSIsafe cloud or PSIsafe user license, version 10.3 or higher to operate. Premises installations of PSIsafe mobile must also have the PSIsafe Open...

Price: Free Developer: PSIGEN Software, Inc.
Secret Folders Pro: for Photo, Video & Documents

Secret Folders Pro: for Photo, Video & Documents

THE MOST ADVANCED & COST EFFECTIVE DATA SECURITY APP ON APP STORE LETS YOU PROTECT YOUR PHOTO/VIDEO & DOCUMENTS. There's double protection as you lock the app with a password and then can lock each individual folder with another...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Perception System
Benefit Plus

Benefit Plus

Nová aplikace Benefit Plus je nejpohodlnější způsob, jak mít své benefity stále u sebe. Přihlaste se pomocí uživatelského jména a hesla a objednávejte si benefity přímo z mobilního telefonu. Nová mobilní aplikace Benefit Plus také přináší: • Zcela...

Price: Free Developer: Benefit Plus


Numbers Plus Limited are specialists in inbound call handling solutions We pride ourselves on delivering high quality, resilient services backed up by the highest levels of customer service. We are a Tier 1 carrier and a Network Operator. Our services...

Price: Free Developer: Numbers Plus Ltd
Affirm Plus Property Agency

Affirm Plus Property Agency

AFFIRM PLUS is a dynamic organisation helmed by Hendry Lee, an award winning entrepreneur and highly successful businessman. Since our humble inception in 2003, AFFIRM PLUS has embarked on a path of dynamic expansion into myriad industries collectively classified under...

Price: Free Developer: Affirm Plus Properties Sdn Bhd
Scan Plus - Multipage Document Scanner

Scan Plus - Multipage Document Scanner

Turn your iPhone into a portable scanner for documents, photos, paper notes, cards, whiteboards, receipts, invoices, contracts or any other kind of paper or text. It also creates high quality PDF files & JPEG images. Share images through email,...

Price: Free Developer: Earl Albright
Per Diem Plus for Fleets

Per Diem Plus for Fleets

Per Diem Plus® - Fleets is a free mobile app that automatically records IRS’ special trucker per diem for travel within the USA and Canada for solo and team OTR truck drivers. Your fleet must be authorized to use...

Price: Free Developer: Per Diem Plus
Sales Plus CRM

Sales Plus CRM

Sales Plus is an innovative Sales CRM and Business Generator solutions developed to optimize and speed-up sales force management for all vertical markets. Improve existing CRM’s TCO gaining power and extending their reach. Reduced back office efforts and training investment to...

Price: Free Developer: Jacob Pirul
SmartRock Plus

SmartRock Plus

SmartRock™ Plus is a value-added solution offered to ready-mix producers (i.e. contractors and construction companies) who want to provide their customers with the ability to know the strength and temperature of their concrete in real-time. Leveraging the award-winning SmartRock™ sensor technology, SmartRock™...

Price: Free Developer: Giatec Scientific Inc.
Bims Plus 24

Bims Plus 24

Z nową aplikacją BIMSPLUS 24 Mobile wkraczamy w następną generacje E-Businessu. Aplikacja z bardzo intuicyjną obsługą pozwala na pełne korzystanie z funkcji serwisu bez względu na to gdzie w danej chwili jesteśmy. Czy to znalezienie właściwego artykułu, ustalenie jego ceny, sprawdzenie...

Price: Free Developer: BIMS PLUS
Elmia Plus

Elmia Plus

We want to give you more time for new customers and make it easier for you to follow up on your business contacts at the fair. With Leads handling in the Elmia Plus app, you just scan the barcode...

Price: Free Developer: Elmia AB
Per Diem Plus

Per Diem Plus

Per Diem Plus® simplifies tax compliance for drivers who are faced with a difficult task of tracking their per diem allowances and expenses, mailing/faxing/emailing expense receipts to their bookkeeper or fleet, and holding onto all the documentation for years...

Price: Free Developer: Per Diem Plus

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