Top 20 Music Apps Like Couleur 3 - Best Alternatives

Couleur 3 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Couleur 3 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Music apps that are similar to Couleur 3. Pick one from this list to be your new Couleur 3 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Couleur 3 on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Couleur 3 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Couleur 3 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Couleur 3 2025.

Couleur Café

Couleur Café

The festival takes place in the glorious park by the iconic Atomium and is renowned for its beautiful surroundings and decoration, splendid world food and countless surprises, brass bands and activities. This festival app provides you with important notifications...

Price: Free Developer: Couleur Café
Booba Boss du Rap Game

Booba Boss du Rap Game

Découvre le titre "Ma couleur" extrait du nouvel album de Booba : Lunatic. Mieux encore : avec le jeu Booba du Rap Game, reconstruis le titre "Ma couleur" à partir de 24 samples complètement mélangés. Tu es chronométré et...

Price: Free Developer: LMA Consulting
Schweiz Radios - Top Stationen Musik Player FM

Schweiz Radios - Top Stationen Musik Player FM

///***Best Radio APP for free***/// *Full background play *Add stations to Favourite page *Search Station option *Notification bar with play/stop button *Listen to the best Switzerland Radio Stations on your device. Music, News, Sports etc... ***Channel list: 1. Radio Swiss Jazz 2. Radio Swiss Pop 3. Radio Swiss...

Price: Free Developer: Vigan Visar Haliti


The piano is the world’s most powerful instruments. Its dynamic range can both shake the walls and stir the soul. Piano music strikes the perfect tone for reflection, whether playing quietly in the background or the main sound in...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: HANXUE WU
Swiss Radio / Schweiz / Suisse

Swiss Radio / Schweiz / Suisse

*** LIVE RADIO BROADCAST *** Listen to the best swiss radio stations: SRF 1, SRF 2 Kultur, SRF 3, SRF 4 News, SRF Virus, SRF Musikwelle, RTS La Première, RTS Espace 2, RTS Couleur 3, RTS Option Musique, Swiss Pop,...

Price: Free Developer: AppMind
Fm Tropical Shad 972

Fm Tropical Shad 972

Tropic Shad'FM This is the color Islands West Indian zouk, Kompas, Salsa, Reggae, Ragga, Dancehall, and other well again. Wednesday and all Fridays Night with DJ Shad 'Mix For You And All Your Dedications Also Live. Contact: The Big...

Price: Free Developer: Radionomy SA
Radios Suisse

Radios Suisse

Radios Suisse est l'application qui vous permet d'un seul click d'accéder à plusieurs stations de radio suisse. Écoutez en DIRECT toutes les antennes sur votre iPhone. Avec Radios Suisse, vous pouvez : - Écouter facilement et d'un seul click...

Price: Free Developer: Mohamed Walid Benabderrahmane
Swiss Radios

Swiss Radios

Swiss Radio includes the most popular swiss radio stations in only one application. In one click, enjoy your favorite radio wherever you are through your internet connection (3g or wi-fi). Amongst the strengths of this application: - Swiss Radios...

Price: Free Developer: fbenslim
Swissradio HD

Swissradio HD

Simple, attractive and effective, Swissradio is a free application that enables you to listen to the sounds of your favourite Swiss radio stations, regardless of where you are, via Wi-Fi, 3G and Edge.  No more need for applications with a...

Price: Free Developer: Atipik SA
Radio 3

Radio 3

Aquí puedes escuchar Radio 3 en directo. También los podcasts de todos los programas de Radio 3 y todos los contenidos de Radio 3 Extra. Llevar contigo siempre Radio 3 gracias a esta app creada por Radio 3...

Price: Free Developer: Corporacion RTVE
Radio Canal 3 D

Radio Canal 3 D

Dein Radio und damit die ganze Region in der Hand- oder Hosentasche. Ob du nun ins Land hinaus zur Arbeit reist oder im Garten auf dem Liegestuhl liegst – Canal 3 liefert dir via App, was du benötigst. Der...

Price: Free Developer: Radio Canal 3 AG
Radio Canal 3 F

Radio Canal 3 F

Avoir sa radio et toute la région dans la main ou dans la poche, c’est possible. En route pour le travail ou assis sur la chaise longue de son jardin – Canal 3 vous donne ce dont vous avez...

Price: Free Developer: Radio Canal 3 AG
Drums For Superior Drummer 3

Drums For Superior Drummer 3

Recorded at the extraordinary Galaxy Studios in Belgium by award-winning engineer George Massenburg, Superior Drummer 3’s 230 GB drum sound library is really one of the best around. But more than just a drum library, SD3 offers an incredible...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.
Radio 3,16

Radio 3,16

Radio 3,16 sender 24/7 på internett, FM og DAB. Vi er en kristen radiokanal med masse musikk og programmer som kan gjøre en forskjell i livet ditt. - En radio med mening!

Price: Free Developer: Radio 3,16 AS
Z88.3 Radio

Z88.3 Radio

The Z88.3 family of Christian radio stations is based in Central Florida, but thanks to this app and online streaming at, you can now take your Z with you wherever you go! Downloading this one app gives you the...

Price: Free Developer: Z Ministries, Inc.
SessionBand Jazz 3

SessionBand Jazz 3

Volume 3 of the award-winning music app is here! Create stunning jazz tracks to your own chords in minutes with SessionBand Jazz the world's only chord-based audio loop app. It's the ultimate jazz play along and the perfect tool for...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: UK Music Apps Ltd
Recorder Level 3

Recorder Level 3

Gellir dewis iaith yn yr Ap; Cymraeg neu Saesneg. Level 3 Recorder develops your playing from where Level 2 has taken you. The new notes to learn and practise are Top C# (C#^), F, and Bb As with Levels 1...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: eto music practice Ltd
Fly 92.3

Fly 92.3

Fly 92.3 is Albany's #1 Hit Music Station! Download our official app, it's free, and never be without your favorites. Start listening now! Plus you will get access to all our videos, podcasts, contests, and tons of...

Price: Free Developer: Pamal Broadcasting
Home Concert Xtreme 3

Home Concert Xtreme 3

Xtreme 3 provides an amazing, interactive play-along environment using MIDI files. Connect your MIDI instrument to your Mac, PC, or iPad. When you play the notes of the MIDI tracks that are displayed on the screen, Xtreme 3...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: TimeWarp Technologies

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