Top 16 Education Apps Like Kes käis? - Best Alternatives

Kes käis? Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Kes käis? alternatives for iOS? We have listed 16 Education apps that are similar to Kes käis?. Pick one from this list to be your new Kes käis? app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kes käis? on your iOS devices.

Top 16 Apps Like Kes käis? - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Kes käis? alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 16 similar apps like Kes käis? 2025.

KES Interest

KES Interest

Kimper Elementary School is a Headstart through eighth school that is a feeder school into Pike County Central High School. We strive to provide the best education possible to all of our students. School Activities: Softball, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Girls...

Price: Free Developer: Ravinesh Raj


Milline kala jääb ka pärast läbikülmumist ellu? Kes Eesti kaladest teeb urisevat häält ja kes ehitab endale kudemiseks pesa? Kas meripühvel on loom või kala? Kalamäng paneb proovile sinu teadmised peamiste Eesti kalaliikide kohta ja juhatab sind veealuse elu argipäeva. Rakenduses tutvustatakse...

Price: Free Developer: Regio OÜ
Eesti kahepaiksed

Eesti kahepaiksed

Selle määraja abil saab tutvuda kõigi Eesti kahepaiksetega – käsitletud on 11 liiki. Sama määrajat võib kasutada ka naaberaladel, kuna lisatud on kolm sellist konna (lehekonn, välekonn ja punakõht-unk), keda seni pole Eestist leitud, kuid kes on teada nt...

Price: Free Developer: Mine avasta/Walk & Learn
Kilmartin Educational Services

Kilmartin Educational Services

MyKES app allows you to have all your educational information in your pocket. Students can view their timetable, bookings and overall learning progress. Teachers can manage attendance and see what classes they are teaching next.

Price: Free Developer: Idea Bubble
Ortaokul Matematik

Ortaokul Matematik sitesinin resmi uygulamasıdır. Bu uygulamada , ortaokul 5-6-7 ve 8. sınıf matematik dersi ve öğretmenleri için gerekli her türlü dokümana ulaşabilirsiniz. Matematik dersinde kullanmak için konu anlatım föylerine , çalışma kağıtlarına , testlere,deneme sınavlarına,ders anlatım ve soru çözüm videolarına,afişlere,sunu...

Price: Free Developer: Riza Cetinyurek
KIS Calendar

KIS Calendar

KIS Calendar is part of a suite of apps used to teach children and adults who are visual learners and who need a little extra help. The technology is based in Visual Communication Analysis and advanced statistical techniques to...

Price: Free Developer: KIS Publishing LLC
KIS Counting

KIS Counting

KIS Counting is part of a suite of apps used to teach children and adults who are visual learners and who need a little extra help. The technology is based in Visual Communication Analysis and advanced statistical techniques to...

Price: Free Developer: KIS Publishing LLC
KIS First Colors

KIS First Colors

KIS First Colors is part of a suite of apps used to teach children and adults who are visual learners and who need a little extra help. The technology is based in Visual Communication Analysis and advanced statistical techniques...

Price: Free Developer: KIS Publishing LLC
KIS First Numbers

KIS First Numbers

KIS First Numbers is part of a suite of apps used to teach children and adults who are visual learners and who need a little extra help. The technology is based in Visual Communication Analysis and advanced statistical techniques...

Price: Free Developer: KIS Publishing LLC
KIS Lifecycle

KIS Lifecycle

KIS Life Cycle is part of a suite of apps used to teach children and adults who are visual learners and who need a little extra help. The technology is based in Visual Communication Analysis and advanced statistical techniques...

Price: Free Developer: KIS Publishing LLC
KIS Money ID

KIS Money ID

KIS Money ID is part of a suite of apps used to teach children and adults who are visual learners and who need a little extra help. The technology is based in Visual Communication Analysis and advanced statistical techniques...

Price: Free Developer: KIS Publishing LLC
KIS Skip Counting

KIS Skip Counting

KIS Skip Counting is part of a suite of apps used to teach children and adults who are visual learners and who need a little extra help. The technology is based in Visual Communication Analysis and advanced statistical techniques...

Price: Free Developer: KIS Publishing LLC
KIS Social ID

KIS Social ID

KIS Social ID is part of a suite of apps used to teach children and adults who are visual learners and who need a little extra help. The technology is based in Visual Communication Analysis and advanced statistical techniques...

Price: Free Developer: KIS Publishing LLC
KIS Addition

KIS Addition

First Addition is part of a suite of apps used to teach children and adults who are visual learners and who need a little extra help. The technology is based in Visual Communication Analysis and advanced statistical techniques to...

Price: Free Developer: KIS Publishing LLC
Kis felfedező

Kis felfedező

A kis felfedező, olyan digitális program, mellyel a gyermekek téri tájékozódását síkban fejlesztjük közvetve és ez alatt számolni, összeadni is megtanulnak megfelelő ritmusban észrevétlenül. Megismerkedhetnek Magyarország térképével, s közben Sokoldalú Süni bőrébe bújva megmenthetik Virághajú Violettát is. Sok kisiskolás gyermeknél...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: BD-Idoctum

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