Top 21 Book Apps Like Marko i Musa - Best Alternatives

Marko i Musa Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Marko i Musa alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Book apps that are similar to Marko i Musa. Pick one from this list to be your new Marko i Musa app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Marko i Musa on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like Marko i Musa - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Marko i Musa alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like Marko i Musa 2025.

Marko i Vila

Marko i Vila

Another traditional Serbian folk story, about national hero Marko Kraljevic, his brother Milos Vojinovic and fairy Raviyoila. Interactive book, both on Serbian and English, for kids to listen interesting story and to learn language. Universal application - for...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Despotsoft ApS
I Ching Lite

I Ching Lite

For years the #1 I Ching app in the world, and perhaps the most elegant, distilled version of the I Ching there is. For centuries, the Book of Changes has been consulted for sage advice at life's turning points....

Price: Free Developer: Brian Walker
I Niki ke i alli

I Niki ke i alli

Τhe Greek Easy Reader Apps are language learning apps based on short stories accompanied by related exercises, which aim at improving the learner’s reading comprehension skills and building up their vocabulary. All stories are authored by experienced Greek language...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Deltos Publishing
I dodeka thei tou Olimpou

I dodeka thei tou Olimpou

Mythology in Easy Greek Apps are language learning apps based on simplified adaptations of well known ancient myths selected from Greek mythology. They have been written by experienced Greek language teachers in the simplest possible language and are accompanied...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Deltos Publishing


Brochure in formato iPad con i progetti realizzati per i clienti ed i prodotti gestiti direttamente. La brochure è stata realizzata con il prodotto di Pdf2iPad realizzato direttamente da i-contact

Price: Free Developer: I-Contact Srl


Price: Free Developer: Sing Tao Magazine Group Ltd
I Ching - The Smart Book

I Ching - The Smart Book


Price: USD 0.99 Developer: JUN JIANG
I See the Animals Sleeping: A Bedtime Story

I See the Animals Sleeping: A Bedtime Story

The animals sleep standing up, lying down, in a tree, on the water and on your iPad. Adapted from the children’s book, "I See the Animals Sleeping: A Bedtime Story," this app uses narration and richly detailed hand drawn...

Price: Free Developer: American Academy of Sleep Medicine
When I am older, I will be the King of Animals ! (Sample version)

When I am older, I will be the King of Animals ! (Sample version)

Enter the fascinating world of little Martin who is carried into his most wonderful dream: Being the King of Animals. This tale is written and illustrated for children over 5 years of age. Discover with this story how our...

Price: Free Developer: Myrtille & Framboise
(Audio i-Book) الإسلام، هذا الدين الغريب

(Audio i-Book) الإسلام، هذا الدين الغريب

The author's name is Adnan Limam. He practiced for nearly twenty years as an academic teacher in public law and international relations. He is a specialist in islamic studies. This application consists in audio i-book which means audio interactive...

Price: Free Developer: Phoenix
I like Junior A

I like Junior A

H I Like Junior A είναι μια πρωτοποριακή σειρά εκμάθησης Αγγλικών ειδικά σχεδιασμένη για μαθητές Β’ ή Α’ δημοτικού. Η σειρά απoτελείται από δύο βιβλία και συνοδεύεται από το i-book. Το i-book είναι ένα software περιέχει την προφορά και...

Price: Free Developer: DWHITE Lp
Kisah Nabi Musa AS

Kisah Nabi Musa AS

Hallo adik-adik muslim yang manis. Siapa yang mau dengar cerita tentang para Nabi? KABI™ punya banyak cerita tentang para Nabi lhoo.. Kisah kali ini, menceritakan tentang Nabi musa a.s .Nah.. ayo kita simak bersama-sama.. Nabi Musa lahir di Mesir dan...

Kisah Nabi Harun AS

Kisah Nabi Harun AS

Hallo adik-adik muslim yang manis. Siapa yang mau dengar cerita tentang para Nabi? KABI™ punya banyak cerita tentang para Nabi lhoo.. Kisah kali ini, menceritakan tentang Nabi Harun a.s .Nah.. ayo kita simak bersama-sama.. Nabi Harun adalah saudara kandung dari...

Al Kur'ani (Quran in Hausa)

Al Kur'ani (Quran in Hausa)

Al Kur'ani (Quran in Hausa) Musulunci shine addinin da mafiya yawan Hausawa suke bi. Kimanin kaso 90 ne na Hausawa suke bin addinin musulunci. Ma'anar Musulunci shine "Mika wuya ga kadaituwan Allah (SWT) cikin abubuwan da ya kebantu dasu, da...

Price: Free Developer: Tatsiana Shukalovich
Cerita & Kisah Islami untuk Anak Muslim

Cerita & Kisah Islami untuk Anak Muslim

Bagi para orang tua biasanya menemani anak saat hendak tidur adalah kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Sebab saat itu adalah momen yang sangat penting untuk menambah kedekatan batin dengan buah hati. Selain itu, di waktu jelang tidur ini, orang tua bisa...

Price: Free Developer: Hasyim Mulyono
Cerita Alkitab Terbuka

Cerita Alkitab Terbuka

Cerita Alkitab Terbuka menampilkan 50 cerita Alkitab dari Perjanjian Lama (x21) dan Perjanjian Baru (x29) yang disusun secara kronologis. Setiap bagian dari cerita disertai dengan gambar ilustrasi yang menarik (dengan total 600 gambar ilustrasi!) dan referensi ayat-ayat Alkitab terkait...

Price: Free Developer: Yohanes Rayon


Risale-i Nur Külliyatı (Günümüz Türkçesi: Nurdan Mektuplar), daha sık olarak sadece "Risale-i Nur" adıyla bilinmektedir. Risale-i Nur tek bir kitap olmayıp, konu sırası takip etmeyen bir kitaplar topluluğudur. Eserin yazarı, Bediüzzaman (Günümüz Türkçesi; Zaman'ın En İyisi), olarak da bilinen...

Price: Free Developer: Elma Digital ltd
Hayatus Sahabe

Hayatus Sahabe

Hz. Muhammed (S.A.V) i görmüş, onunla konuşmuş ve ona inanmış ashabın hayatları. Ebû Bekir Siddîk Ömer bin Hattab Osman bin Affan Ali bin Ebu Tâlip Zübeyr bin Avvam Talha bin Ubeyde Abdurrahman bin Avf Sa'd bin Ebi Vakkas Said bin Zeyd Ebu Ubeyde Abbas Ibn-i Abdulmuttalib Abdullah bin Ebu Bekir Abdullah bin...

Price: Free Developer: Burhan Capak
Peygamberler Tarihi

Peygamberler Tarihi

Peygamberler tarihi hakkında geniş kapsamlı bir kaynaktır. Adem Aleyhisselam'dan, Hz.Muhammed (S.A.S) e kadar olan peygamberlerin hayatları, Kur'ân-ı Kerim'de geçen bahisleri de ele alınarak detaylı olarak anlatılmıştır. İnsanlara gönderilen Peygamberlerin ilki Âdem Aleyhisselâm, Sonuncusu da, Muhammed Aleyhisselâmdır. Eshab-ı kiramdan Ebû Zerrül...

Price: Free Developer: Inspiration Ineractive Web and Mobile Technologies
Risale-i Nur Külliyatı - SÖZ

Risale-i Nur Külliyatı - SÖZ

2.2 Sürümü: Hata düzeltmeleri 2.1 Sürümü: Hata düzeltmeleri 2.0 Sürümü: Uygulama birçok açıdan yenilendi. Sizden gelen geri bildirimlere göre geliştirmelerimiz devam edecek. Uygulama Özellikleri • Bilinmeyen kelimeleri tek tıkla görüntüleme, • Bilinmeyen kelimeleri farklı renkte gösterme/gizleme, • Ayet meallerini, haşiye ve dipnotları tek tıkla görüntüleme, • Bütün kitaplarda/seçili kitaplarda...

Price: Free Developer: Nesil Digital

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