Top 20 Education Apps Like Enigma Machine - Best Alternatives

Enigma Machine Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Enigma Machine alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Enigma Machine. Pick one from this list to be your new Enigma Machine app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Enigma Machine on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Enigma Machine - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Enigma Machine alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Enigma Machine 2025.

Enigma Simulator

Enigma Simulator

Enigma密码机 在密码学史中,恩尼格玛密码机(德语:Enigma,又译哑谜机,或“谜”式密码机)是一种用于加密与解密文件的密码机。 确切地说,恩尼格玛是一系列相似的转子机械加解密机器的统称,它包括了许多不同的型号,为密码学对称加密算法的流加密。 键盘一共有26个键,键盘排列和广为使用的计算机键盘基本一样,只不过为了使通讯尽量地短和难以破译,空格、数字和标点符号都被取消,而只有字母键。 键盘上方就是显示器,这可不是意义上的屏幕显示器,只不过是标示了同样字母的26个小灯泡,当键盘上的某个键被按下时, 和这个字母被加密后的密文字母所对应的小灯泡就亮了起来,就是这样一种近乎原始的“显示”。 在显示器的上方是三个直径6厘米的转子,它们的主要部分隐藏在面板下,转子才是“恩尼格玛”密码机最核心关键的部分。 如果转子的作用仅仅是把一个字母换成另一个字母,那就是密码学中所说的“简单替换密码”,这就是“恩尼格玛”难以被破译的关键所在,这不是一种简单替换密码。 同一个字母在明文的不同位置时,可以被不同的字母替换,而密文中不同位置的同一个字母,又可以代表明文中的不同字母,字母频率分析法在这里丝毫无用武之地了。 这种加密方式在密码学上被称为“复式替换密码”。 使用“恩尼格玛”通讯时,发信人首先要调节三个转子的方向(而这个转子的初始方向就是密匙,是收发双方必须预先约定好的), 然后依次键入明文,并把显示器上灯泡闪亮的字母依次记下来,最后把记录下的闪亮字母按照顺序用正常的电报方式发送出去。 收信方收到电文后,只要也使用一台“恩尼格玛”,按照原来的约定,把转子的方向调整到和发信方相同的初始方向上,然后依次键入收到的密文, 显示器上自动闪亮的字母就是明文了。加密和解密的过程完全一样,这就是反射器的作用,同时反射器的一个副作用就是一个字母永远也不会被加密成它自己, 因为反射器中一个字母总是被连接到另一个不同的字母。 而除了转子方向和排列位置,“恩尼格玛”还有一道保障安全的关卡,在键盘和第一个转子之间有块连接板。 通过这块连接板可以用一根连线把某个字母和另一个字母连接起来,这样这个字母的信号在进入转子之前就会转变为另一个字母的信号。 这种连线最多可以有六根(后期的“恩尼格玛”甚至达到十根连线),这样就可以使6对字母的信号两两互换,其他没有插上连线的字母则保持不变。 ——当然连接板上的连线状况也是收发双方预先约定好的。 就这样转子的初始方向、转子之间的相互位置以及连接板的连线状况就组成了“恩尼格玛”三道牢不可破的保密防线, 其中连接板是一个简单替换密码系统,而不停转动的转子,虽然数量不多,但却是点睛之笔,使整个系统变成了复式替换系统。 连接板虽然只是简单替换却能使可能性数目大大增加,在转子的复式作用下进一步加强了保密性。

Price: Free Developer: yintao
Enigma - Javascript Quizzes

Enigma - Javascript Quizzes

Enigma Javascript quiz app has just arrived! For Javascript developers, by Javascript developers. Whether you are an experienced developer or a beginner, you'll find questions and explanations in this app that will help you learn and practice. Some quizzes are...

Price: Free Developer: Utku Uysal
Enigma Galdiano

Enigma Galdiano

¡Visita el museo Lázaro Galdiano de una forma diferente con tu móvil o tablet! La capitana pirata Anne Jack está buscando un joven pirata para su búsqueda del tesoro. Usa tu dispositivo móvil como catalejo y descubre los secretos ocultos...

Price: Free Developer: PADAONE GAMES SL.


Have fun learning about and using some of the most important ciphers and codes used throughout history and satisfy your inner nerd in the process! Have you ever been intrigued by secret codes and ciphers? Have you ever wondered how...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Today's New Idea
G1 Enem

G1 Enem

================ O App G1 Enem ajuda você a se preparar para a prova, estudando e se divertindo ao mesmo tempo! Você pode desafiar seus amigos ou jogar sozinho, comparar sua pontuação com a de outros jogadores, colecionar medalhas e ver...

Price: Free Developer: GLOBO COM. E PART. S/A
Incredible Numbers!

Incredible Numbers!

Selected by Apple as Best of 2014, and winner of the 2015 Digital Book Award for Best Nonfiction App. Bestselling author Professor Ian Stewart is your guide through Incredible Numbers. Numbers define the patterns of sunflowers; they bring pleasure through...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Touch Press Inc
Journeys of Invention

Journeys of Invention

‘Jammed with information about the workings and history of a long list of inventions...bring complex ideas alive in an interactive and modern way.’ – The New York Times “...a marvellous, marvellous app.” – The Guardian Pick up and play with some of...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Touch Press Inc
Museum für Kommunikation

Museum für Kommunikation

Experience: COMMUNICATION! With the Museum for Communication app, discover the past, present and future of communication. Our audio-visual app is designed to make your tour of our exhibition even more enjoyable. From Stone Age hand axe to the pneumatic...

Price: Free Developer: Linon
Un Viaje por América Del Sur

Un Viaje por América Del Sur

Um jogo de aventura elaborado para a prática da língua espanhola no Colégio Bandeirantes, agora também disponível gratuitamente para você se divertir no seu iPad!

O jogo foi cuidadosamente elaborado para trabalhar conteúdos culturais e desenvolver esta competência. Afinal, a...

Price: Free Developer: Colégio Bandeirantes
Flashcard Machine

Flashcard Machine

Flashcard Machine utilizes the In-App Purchase model so that you can try the app before purchasing. You will receive 100 flashcard flips for free, and you can buy more for as little as $0.99 or unlimited flips for $4.99. ***********...

Price: Free Developer: Flashcard Machine Mobile, LLC
Flashcard Machine+

Flashcard Machine+

*********** At a Glance *********** - Create your own flashcards - Access millions of flashcards created by other users - Intuitively separates flashcards into “correct,” “wrong,” and “flagged” piles for future study sessions - Tag and discover flashcards based...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Flashcard Machine Mobile, LLC
Machine Learning Playground

Machine Learning Playground

Machine Learning Playground allows you to experiment with neural network models. The application ships with four read-only datasets. Some datasets are designed for regression analysis while others are suited for classification. The models themselves will consist of three...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Thomas Crampton
Kalley's Machine Plus Cats

Kalley's Machine Plus Cats

Based on a true story of childhood optimism, Kalley’s Machine Plus Cats is the super-fun interactive story about a 4-year-old girl’s drawing and her heartwarming plan to save her dad from his daily commute. ** Proud to be one of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: RocketWagon
Machine Design

Machine Design

The app is a complete free handbook of Machine Design which covers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on the course. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for Mechanical engineering programs & degree courses....

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
GoldieBlox & the Movie Machine

GoldieBlox & the Movie Machine

***Heads up! You may experience instability when upgrading from earlier versions of this App. Please remove previous versions prior to download. New here? You won't be affected. Now, go make some movies! xo, Team Goldie ************** GoldieBlox and the Movie Machine puts...

Price: Free Developer: GoldieBlox
Python Machine

Python Machine

This is a Excellent Video Training on Python Machine Understand which algorithms to use in a given context with the help of this exciting video-based guide Learn about perceptrons and see how they are used to build neural networks Stuck while making...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Jason Stafford
Machine Learning Conference

Machine Learning Conference

ML Conference – The Conference for Machine Learning Innovation Are you looking to enhance your business with Machine Learning? Then ML Conference is for you. It gives you a comprehensive insight into the principles of Machine Learning and introduces to...

Price: Free Developer: Software & Support Media GmbH
Everything Machine by Tinybop

Everything Machine by Tinybop

Invent and build anything you can imagine! A simple drag-and-drop visual coding language lets you connect and control your device’s camera, sensors, lights, sound, and more. Make a light, a stop-motion camera, a kaleidoscope, a voice disguiser, or anything...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tinybop Inc.
Reading Machine – Full Install

Reading Machine – Full Install

Used by teachers, parents, and learners since 2010, Reading Machine is now available for free! This app for beginning and struggling readers is still 100% satisfaction guaranteed. If you have any technical issues with the app, or...

Price: Free Developer: Diana Sharp Consulting

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