Top 33 Utilities Apps Like KVH TracVision HD-11 for iPad - Best Alternatives

KVH TracVision HD-11 for iPad Alternatives

Do you want to find the best KVH TracVision HD-11 for iPad alternatives for iOS? We have listed 33 Utilities apps that are similar to KVH TracVision HD-11 for iPad. Pick one from this list to be your new KVH TracVision HD-11 for iPad app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to KVH TracVision HD-11 for iPad on your iOS devices.

Top 33 Apps Like KVH TracVision HD-11 for iPad - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid KVH TracVision HD-11 for iPad alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 33 similar apps like KVH TracVision HD-11 for iPad 2025.

KVH mini-VSAT Broadband

KVH mini-VSAT Broadband

The KVH TracPhone Mini-VSAT Broadband® app for your iOS devices gives you easy access to your KVH TracPhone Mini-VSAT and HTS Broadband satellite communications system. The most advanced maritime VSAT satellite communications solution available, the TracPhone system will receive...

Price: Free Developer: KVH Industries, Inc.
KVH TracVision HD-11

KVH TracVision HD-11

The KVH TracVision® app for your iPhone and iPod touch gives you easy access to your KVH TracVision HD-11 satellite TV system. The most advanced maritime satellite TV solution available, the TracVision HD-11 will receive television programming from...

Price: Free Developer: KVH Industries, Inc.
KVH TracVision HD7

KVH TracVision HD7

The KVH TracVision® app for your iPhone and iPod touch give you easy access to your KVH TracVision HD7 satellite TV antenna, the most advanced satellite TV system available for your boat and the only compact maritime antenna capable...

Price: Free Developer: KVH Industries, Inc.
KVH TracVision®

KVH TracVision®

The KVH TracVision app for TracVision TV1, TV3, TV5, TV6, TV8, UHD7, RV1, and A9 provides easy access from your mobile device to your TracVision satellite Antenna system. With the TracVision app you can: • Access a wizard for easy installation...

Price: Free Developer: KVH Industries, Inc.


The GOST Watch HD XVR app was developed for our active GOST Watch HD 2nd Generation IVR and next generation XVR launched Q1 / 2017. This next generation GOST Watch HD XVR for iPad App was developed for...

Price: Free Developer: GOST (Global Ocean Security Technologies)
LCD Clock HD

LCD Clock HD

LCD Clock HD (for iPad) is a full-featured digital clock & calendar combination display application. A simple and elegant display is perfect for your living room with a iPad Dock. A beautiful alarm sound is perfect for your living room,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: forYou inc.
Bead It! HD

Bead It! HD

Check out Bead It! HD in action!! Bead It! HD is an application that will convert your digital photos or images into Perler bead, Hama bead or Swarovski Flatback Crystal patterns! You can...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Byron Lo
Calculator HD

Calculator HD

Count on Calculator HD: Simple and Powerful, with big buttons for daily calculations. Start Calculating Now! Calculator HD combines the Standard & Scientific calculator, with extensive & easy functionality options. Calculator HD is Fast, Accurate and Beautiful, it's everything...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Impala Studios
TeleEye iView-HD Lite

TeleEye iView-HD Lite

TeleEye iView-HD is a video surveillance app that allows you to connect to your TeleEye video servers or HD cameras and monitor remote premises on your iPhone anywhere, anytime. All TeleEye video servers and HD cameras equip with our...

Price: Free Developer: Signal Communications Limited
HD Wallpapers  (HD)

HD Wallpapers (HD)

We bring you the largest collection of Super HD Wallpapers on the App Store! Features : - HD quality wallpapers and backgrounds. - Large choice of categories. - New pictures and backgrounds added automatically. - Option to download wallpapers for offline use. Disclaimer : None of...

Price: Free Developer: Ajinkya Shelar
Magic Mood HD - Mood Diary

Magic Mood HD - Mood Diary

Each new day brings a rainbow of emotions. With the good also comes the bad. Track your everyday mood with the Magic Mood HD iPad app. It provides personal diary, mood tracker and mood journal to find out how...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Digifun Studios
Premium Recorder - HD

Premium Recorder - HD

We hope you love our app as much as our community and our team do. Download it today and let us know what you think ! Live sound with its true feelings. Enjoy recording, playback and audio editing with Premium...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Mital Upadhyay
Recorder - HD

Recorder - HD

We hope you love our app as much as our community and our team do. Download it today and let us know what you think! Live sound with its true feelings. Enjoy recording, playback and audio editing with Recorder...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mital Upadhyay
TeleEye iView-HD

TeleEye iView-HD

TeleEye iView HD is a video surveillance app that allows you to connect to your TeleEye video servers or HD cameras and monitor remote premises on your iPad anywhere, anytime. All TeleEye video servers and HD cameras equip with our...

Price: USD 18.99 Developer: Signal Communications Limited
Luminous Calculator - 11 Colors and Button Sounds

Luminous Calculator - 11 Colors and Button Sounds

Luminous Calculator is a simply designed, free calculator app packed with 11 colors and 11 button sounds. You can make calculations while using beautifully designed buttons and enjoying the exciting sounds of a synthesizer, bass, and electric drum beats. COLORS Choose...

Price: Free Developer: Takashi Nakamura
Units & Currency Converter

Units & Currency Converter

The most complete Units and Currency converter of App Store!!! See below the categories you can convert with this App: -> CHEMISTRY 1. Density: 21 units 2. Dynamic Viscosity: 13 units 3. Kinematic Viscosity: 7 units 4. Molar Mass: 13 Units -> DIMENSION 5. Area: 28 Units 6....

Price: Free Developer: Eduardo Almeida


is a powerful comic browsing tool, it provides most convenient online comic browsing experience. provides simple user interface, it includes most main-stream online comic websites with high-speed browsing. provides many extended functions accessing by clicking the gear-like icon...

Price: Free Developer: BabyHappy
Good ideas

Good ideas

你知道好想工作室與天瓏網路書局共同合作後,在好想工作室設置了一個充滿程式書籍的讀書空間,開放給外面的有興趣的程式愛好者來觀摩,在這邊你可以先試閱書籍、購買書籍,當然也可以順便參觀好想工作室。 你可以透過這個 App 來查詢架上的書籍,以及許願書籍,若你親自拜訪好想工作室也能 App 中的地圖導航以及指示找到好想工作室的位置。 =============== 目前支援 iOS 11.0 以上的裝置 =================

Price: Free Developer: Ren-Jie Xue
Air Address

Air Address

Air Address is a small utility that lets you show all information about your current internet connection. The Air Address app tells your current external public IP address and provides additional network and address information as well. INTERNET ACCESS DETECTION •...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Csaba Iranyi


It is a time calculater for wondering how much time it took to do something A bit like time records, calculate how long it took a matter of time Operation is simple: 1. Create time. 2. Select all of...

Price: Free Developer: MartyHome
NUUO iViewer

NUUO iViewer

NUUO iViewer is a free app specially built for iOS devices that allows you to remotely monitor live video from security cameras through NUUO Surveillance systems. Users can view multiple cameras simultaneously by 3G or WiFi. It also supports...

Price: Free Developer: NUUO Inc.
RecordNow: Call Recorder

RecordNow: Call Recorder

"RecordNow: Call Recorder" lets you record your iPhone's incoming and outgoing phone calls. We offer everything you need: - Record incoming calls - Record outgoing calls - Easy-to-use interface: 1 tap to record - No time limit. -...

Price: Free Developer: Thuan Nguyen
Works Viewer for iOS

Works Viewer for iOS

Need to view a Microsoft Works for Windows (.WPS) document on your iPhone or iPad? There's an app for that! Works Viewer converts Windows .WPS documents to a format that your iOS device can read. You can search, bookmark, and...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: LawBox LLC
PartyGO for Philips Hue Lights

PartyGO for Philips Hue Lights

"Start the party." Just say this and let the sound and lights flow into your home. *Featured By Philips on "Apps We Like" Best Entertainment Category on Philips Hue App!* With Party GO you can control your lights using only your...

Price: Free Developer: Lucas Yamashita
Calculator for iPad!

Calculator for iPad!

Calculator for iPad is an easy to use, beautifully packaged calculator for your iPad or iPhone that includes both a standard and scientific calculator. Our versatile calculator app allows you to: • Customize the look of the application by...

Price: Free Developer: 7th Gear
Calculator HD for iPad

Calculator HD for iPad

*** Featured by Engadget in "iPAD APPS: UTILITIES YOU NEED" *** Calculator HD for iPad facilitates quick calculations everywhere you need them. These are four different types of calculator in one beautifully designed and easy-to-use package. Simple and fast Basic...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: CrowdCafé
D3 Helper for Diablo III

D3 Helper for Diablo III

One-Step Studio Presents The best assistant for Diablo 3 ever, integrated with useful utilities that help you to fight against the evils from the burning hell. - Fancy UI design, user-friendly operation mode. - Fully compatible with Retina HD display and iPad...

Price: Free Developer: NAILIANG ZHOU
kHold'em for Tournament

kHold'em for Tournament

kHold'em is a client for kHold'em Card Room Management System that can be downloaded from After you have installed kHold'em Card Room Management System you can manage your tournaments using kHold'em App. About kHold'em Card Room Management kHold'em is the only...

Price: Free Developer: e-Shark S.r.l.
mazec for Business

mazec for Business

iPad / iPhoneで日本語手書き入力ができる! キーボードに不慣れな方にもストレスのない日本語手書き入力環境を提供します。 ソフトウェアキーボードによる使いにくさを解決して、iPad/iPhoneの企業導入および定着を 推進します。 なお、本ソフトウェアはiOS8以降でご利用いただけます。また、 本ソフトウェアは、企業利用を前提としており個人でご利用になるソフトウェアではありません。 年間利用料3000円でIn-App Purchassesあるいはライセンスコードにてご利用いただけます。 iOS8キーボードエクステンション対応 iOSの標準キーボードから切り替えて、手書き入力「mazec」をご利用いただくことができます。 企業にて開発した業務システムのiOSネイティブアプリやSafari上のWebアプリでも動作します。 また、iOS標準で搭載しているメールなどのアプリや他社のアプリなど様々なアプリにて 「mazec」をお使いいただけます。 バージョン2 追加機能 ・初心者UIモード  店頭での各種申込書ペーパーレス化システムなどでの利用シーンにおいて、初めてmazecに触れるお客様でも  操作方法の説明なしで使えるユーザーインターフェースを新しく追加いたしました。  合わせて、手書き文字の誤認識を極力低減させるUIを実現しています。 法人向け機能 企業の業務システムなどへのデータ入力の課題を解決するために様々な機能を用意しています。 ・イージーモードUIの搭載  初めてご利用いただく方にも迷わず操作できるようにアイコンではなく、日本語文字表記の  操作ボタンのユーザーインターフェースを用意しています。 ・テンキー(数字キー)キーボードの搭載  金額や電話番号など数字を入力するシーンにおいて、電卓配列のテンキーを用意しています。 ・アプリケーションインターフェースの搭載  手書き入力 / テンキーの切替や文字認識フィルターの設定などをお客様のアプリから制御することができます。  これにより、店頭でのお申し込みアプリなどお客様が操作に迷うことなく入力をガイドすることができます。 ・法人向け辞書の搭載  姓名の異体字(川崎/川?など)をサポートしています。お客様の氏名をいただくようなアプリにて  正しい漢字での入力が簡単にできます。その他法人向けに語句を精査して搭載しています。 ・単語一括登録  ユーザー語句を一括してiOSデバイス上へ登録することができます。お客様の製品名称などを  効率よく入力することができるようになります。 ・設定ロック 「設定」操作に対してパスコードを設定することができます。 ・入力表示高さの設定および表示お文字サイズの設定  mazecの入力領域の高さを「標準」「高い」の2種類選択できます。また、  mazecの変換候補文字のフォントサイズを「小」「中」「大」の3種類選択できます。 mazec for Business...

Price: Free Developer: MetaMoJi Corporation
ASAP for drivers

ASAP for drivers

ASAP is a system that will change how businesses and individuals order transportation. ASAP makes it easy for you to be a carrier and allows you to earn your own money. With ASAP, you will be notified when orders...

Price: Free Developer: MAVI APP AS
BuganvillaClientes for Ipad

BuganvillaClientes for Ipad

Users can access our app from anywhere, get our latest product information, anyone can sign up for our account, but we will review each user, users who pass the review can use our app.

Price: Free Developer: BuyGo
CuteWago for iPhone

CuteWago for iPhone

This is utility application for controlling home automation through Wago device. It can controls lights, dimmer, LED/RGB, blinds.

Price: Free Developer: Marek Florianczyk

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