Top 20 Education Apps Like NOVA Elements - Best Alternatives

NOVA Elements Alternatives

Do you want to find the best NOVA Elements alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to NOVA Elements. Pick one from this list to be your new NOVA Elements app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to NOVA Elements on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like NOVA Elements - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid NOVA Elements alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like NOVA Elements 2025.



「NOVAお茶の間留学」アプリはNOVA生徒様専用のレッスン受講アプリ。 このアプリをダウンロードする事でお持ちのレッスンポイントを使ってNOVAお茶の間留学のレッスンを受講する事が可能です! 英語と中国語のレッスンはメンテナンス時間を除き24時間レッスン受講が可能なので忙しいあなたにピッタリ! 英語・中国語以外にも韓国語やスペイン語、イタリア語、フランス語、ドイツ 語、ポルトガル語等ネイティヴ講師によるNOVA専用カリキュラムに応じたレッスンをご用意しており ます。 普段忙しくて中々NOVAのスクールに通えない・・ NOVAのスクールで英語を受けているけど韓国語にもチャレンジしてみたい・・ 等、NOVA生徒様に気軽にレッスンをご受講頂くためのアプリです。 ※グループレッスンをご受講の場合は、お持ちのタブレットの純正イヤホン ジャックを必ずご使用ください 【使用方法】 1.アプリをインストール後、会員番号とパスワードを入力してログイン! (パスワードはレッスン予約時に使用頂いているパスワードです) 2.レッスン開始5分前になったら「ワンタッチチェックイン」でレッスンに参加! 3.講師の画像をダブルクリックして星マークを押します (講師画像が大きく表示されます) 4.レッスン終了後はアプリ内「予約サイトを表示する」から次回レッスン予約! 【使用時の注意点】 *レッスン中に充電が切れてしまわないよう、レッスン開始前に電池の残量をご 確認下さい *グループレッスンをご受講の場合は、お持ちのタブレットの純正イヤホン ジャックを必ずご使用ください *レッスン中、インターネット回線を使って通信を行いますので通信環境が安定 している場所でご受講ください

Price: Free Developer: 株式会社 NOVA


My NOVA IMS is the official app for NOVA Information Management School. Access your information any time any place. Stay organized with your timetable, exams calendar, grades, and billing information. Follow the events, job opportunities, and classrooms availability. My NOVA IMS features: + My...

Price: Free Developer: Nova IMS


レベルは初級・中級・上級の3つから選べます! その日のキーフレーズを確認した、3つのステップでキーフレーズの使い方を練習します! 1日のレッスンはたったの5分! リスニングだけでなく、スピーキングの練習もできます! 5回につき1回のテスト付きだから、習得確認もバッチリ! 【アプリ内課金について】 アプリ内課金には以下のプランが用意されています。 ・初級:1,100円 ・中級:1,100円 ・上級:1,100円 購入したプランは1ヶ月間有効です。 支払いは購入の確認をもって、iTunes Accountに課金されます。 購入された方は現在の利用期間終了より24時間以上前に解約しない限り、自動的に更新されます。 iTunes Accountには、現在の利用期間終了前24時間以内に課金されます。 AppStoreの「アカウント設定」より購入の管理を行うことができ、自動更新を解除することができます。 有効期間内は現在ご利用中のプランをキャンセルすることはできません。 利用規約等は以下のリンクをご参照下さい。 当アプリはiOS11.0以上を推奨しております。 (iOS11.0以上が可能な端末以外の動作は保証しておりませんのでご了承ください。)

Price: Free Developer: NOVA Holdings Co. Ltd.
iShark (Nova Southeastern University)

iShark (Nova Southeastern University)

The water's fine at Nova Southeastern University, so dive into our new app and connect with the NSU Shark community. Find locations and dining on campus, and search for your next class. Share the newest NSU photos. NSU Athletics,...

Price: Free Developer: Nova Southeastern University, Inc
NOVA Black Hole Apocalypse

NOVA Black Hole Apocalypse

Start with a star and play over 50 levels to watch it become a black hole. Hurl your star across spacetime to hit your target. Navigate fields of cosmic objects and hazards—like neutron stars and quasars—avoiding some and slingshotting...

Price: Free Developer: PBS
NOVA Online Mobile

NOVA Online Mobile

Get more from Online Learning at Northern Virginia Community College with NOVA’s official NOVA ONLINE mobile app. With NOVA ONLINE Mobile you can easily connect to a suite of free online learning tools and resources anytime, anywhere. Enhance...

Price: Free Developer: Northern Virginia Community College
Historic Nova Scotia

Historic Nova Scotia

Historic Nova Scotia is a free app that allows you to explore Nova Scotia’s rich history. Developed by a number of cultural heritage organizations in Nova Scotia, Historic Nova Scotia provides an interpretive view of many aspects of the...

Price: Free Developer: Curatescape
Nova SBE

Nova SBE

Nova SBE is the official campus app for Nova School of Business and Economics. Access your Moodle, news, events, calendars, social media, maps and more. Stay organized with your classes and assignments through the timetable and follow your billing information. Nova SBE...

Price: Free Developer: Moofwd
Nova SmartPhone

Nova SmartPhone

Esta aplicación te permitirá realizar todos los test NOVA para preparar la obtención de cualquier permiso de conducción. Aquí siempre encontrarás los últimos test actualizados. Nova Smartphone tiene el mismo contenido que Nova Turbo Test, el programa para practicar test...

Price: Free Developer: Editorial Trafico Vial S.A.
Elements l Spiritual Formation

Elements l Spiritual Formation

Elements is a resource designed to promote spiritual transformation. Growth is a natural process, but it’s not automatic. In any area of life, you have to arrange yourself for growth in order to actually develop. Without intentionally creating the...

Price: Free Developer: Harris Creek
DragonBox Elements - Geometry

DragonBox Elements - Geometry

DragonBox Elements: the game that secretly teaches geometry. Embark on a great learning adventure! Discover the fundamentals of geometry with your family! Watch your kids learn geometry in a matter of hours, without them even noticing they’re learning! (main...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: WeWantToKnow AS
Elements of Matter

Elements of Matter

Elements - Periodic Table Reference for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch provides detailed information on all the elements in the Periodic Table. Simple taps guide you through the elements and a swipe reveals specific information for the selected...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Elements Periodic Table Cards

Elements Periodic Table Cards

Quickly learn every element’s name & spelling, symbol, number, classification and location in the periodic table with Elements Periodic Table Cards: Study Table • Periodic table featuring 118 elements and 10 classifications • Card for each element showing name, symbol, number, atomic...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Atomic Imagination
Touchpoint -Education Elements

Touchpoint -Education Elements

Managing your district and school initiatives is now easier than ever. The Touchpoint mobile app helps you stay on top of the most important initiatives in your district or at your school. Here are a few things...

Price: Free Developer: Education Elements, Inc.
360ed Elements AR

360ed Elements AR

Elements AR Flashcards and Augmented Reality based learning Application is designed with primary and middle school students in mind. The Augmented Reality display brings chemistry to life for learners due to a fun game-based learning experience. Learners can...

Price: Free Developer: 360ed Pte Ltd
Elements in Chemistry

Elements in Chemistry

Elements in chemistry K12 educational app illustrates about Atom, Element, Molecule, Metals, Symbols and more using animation. For better understanding of students, it includes Symbols and Classification section where children can learn and memorize many Elements and their symbols...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
U.S. Army STARS Elements - Fun with Chemistry

U.S. Army STARS Elements - Fun with Chemistry

U.S. Army STARS Elements is a fun and exciting way to learn chemistry. Build your own atom, play a game to help you learn about chemical bonds, explore the periodic table, and test your chemistry knowledge. Elements is great...

Price: Free Developer: Army Game Studio
Periodic table of the chemical elements Lite

Periodic table of the chemical elements Lite

The periodic table is a tabular display of the chemical elements, organized on the basis of their properties.Although precursors exist, the current table is generally credited to Dmitri Mendeleev, who developed it in 1869 to illustrate periodic trends in...

Price: Free Developer: Evgeny EGOROV
Periodic table of the chemical elements.

Periodic table of the chemical elements.

The periodic table is a tabular display of the chemical elements, organized on the basis of their properties.Although precursors exist, the current table is generally credited to Dmitri Mendeleev, who developed it in 1869 to illustrate periodic trends in...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Evgeny EGOROV

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