Top 46 Reference Apps Like Show Me on an Apple Free - Best Alternatives

Show Me on an Apple Free Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Show Me on an Apple Free alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Reference apps that are similar to Show Me on an Apple Free. Pick one from this list to be your new Show Me on an Apple Free app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Show Me on an Apple Free on your iOS devices.

Top 46 Apps Like Show Me on an Apple Free - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Show Me on an Apple Free alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like Show Me on an Apple Free 2025.

TV Show Tracker - Trakt client

TV Show Tracker - Trakt client

TV Show Tracker is the best way to manage your TV shows on your iPhone - seasons, details, casts and much more! TV Show Tracker is powered up by trakt ! Main features : - FAST access to your all your trakt...

Price: Free Developer: Jonathan ANTOINE
WatchAid TV Show Planner

WatchAid TV Show Planner

WatchAid takes a spin on your typical tracking TV app by providing direct links to watch your shows. WatchAid is the ultimate Application for TV Show enthusiasts. Select your favorite TV Shows, and WatchAid will notify you when a new...

Price: Free Developer: ReVeNG System
TV Tracker - TV Show Tracker

TV Tracker - TV Show Tracker

TV Tracker v7 Keep track of your favorite TV shows with TVTracker mobile application. This app will provide an easy to use and user-friendly way to manage your TV shows so you won't forget​ any of your favorite episodes. Main features: +...

Price: Free Developer: Ovitigala Hewage
Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show

Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show

The Old Mutual Trophy Wine Show is South Africa’s premier wine competition that recognises the top local wines and winemakers, and honours excellence in the wine industry. View the 2019 results as they come out and also view results from...

Price: Free Developer: Evolve IT Limited
Air Show Calendar

Air Show Calendar

This app provides a list of the scheduled air shows worldwide. Features: - Browse by calendar or map. - Sharing: Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Email, etc. - Links to show's web site. - List of schedule performers.

Price: Free Developer: iStuff
Digital Design Tours

Digital Design Tours

SHOW+TELL created the Digital Design Tour app to help designers, technologists, retail planners, visual merchandisers, and architects who work in the environmental design industry. This app will guide visitors around New York City in an interactive tour to visit...

Price: Free Developer: Show+Tell
World Mines Mineral Resources

World Mines Mineral Resources

World Mines and Mineral Resources allows you to list/ show maps of mines or mineral resource locations around the world. Data on over 215 Minerals INCLUDED. Anything from Aggregate to Zirconmium and everything in between including Cooper, Gemstones, Gold, Silver...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Arctic Surf Designs
Alchemy for Skyrim

Alchemy for Skyrim

Alchemy for Skyrim helps you create potions and poisons with the exact effects you're looking for. Great for new characters who don't have many discovered effects and older characters who need to fill out their in-game alchemy list. INDREDIENT TAB...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Blind Carbon Code Inc.
Oxford Quick Reference Grammar

Oxford Quick Reference Grammar

IMPORTANT: This free download will give you 8 sample entries from the 181 entries in the Oxford Learner’s Quick Reference Grammar. An in-app purchase is required to activate the full grammar. Quick, clear and easy-to-understand explanations of the grammar you...

Price: Free Developer: Oxford University Press
Sign 4 Me Classic

Sign 4 Me Classic

Sign 4 Me iPad app now works with Siri Speech Recognition! Sign 4 Me is the ULTIMATE tool for learning sign language. The ONLY iPad app using a full-body avatar providing sign language instruction in 3D! Our 3D...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Vcom3D


Heat Exchanger Design Handbook Multimedia Edition (HEDH ME) is the world standard reference source for Heat Exchanger Design and associate technologies. The printed edition originated in early 1980s and over the years has grown in volumes and over 6,000...

Price: Free Developer: Begell House Publisher, Inc
Bible Memory: Remember Me

Bible Memory: Remember Me

Bible Memory: Remember Me is a highly effective Bible study and Scripture memorization app that will help you and your children to memorize Bible memory verses with ease. It is ideal for memorizing Bible memory passages, favourite poems, literary...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Hippo Mobile Solutions
Make Me Fat -Crazy Funny Plump Face Changer Booth

Make Me Fat -Crazy Funny Plump Face Changer Booth

Make Me Fat is a fun way to instantly supersize faces on your devices, such as: iPhone, ITouch & iPad. It make fun of your friends and turn them or yourself into fat. KEY FEATURES: • Select photos taken with...

Price: Free Developer: Han Feng
Sign 4 Me

Sign 4 Me

"Sign 4 Me – A Signed English Translator" is the ULTIMATE tool for learning sign language. The ONLY app that provides sign language instruction in 3D! Featured by Apple as New and Noteworthy!! In response to our customers’...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Vcom3D
Wiki for Fortnite

Wiki for Fortnite

Wiki for Fortnite is for Reference. Autonomous: Data is automatically up to date, no need to update your application. Visuals: Have a great looking application is necessary, and readable information is in the center of the user interface. Look: Have a...

Price: Free Developer: Romain Sickenberg
Birds Near Me

Birds Near Me

The bird guide for everybody everywhere in the world. Find what birds are near you anywhere in the world or find pictures, songs, locations and information about any bird in the world. Powered by eBird to provide an accurate...

Price: Free Developer: Gerry Shaw


這是一套有助於提升國語文能力的最佳工具書,可離線免費使用,內容來自於教育部《重編國語辭典修訂本》,釋義嚴謹,詞彙豐富,更支援「模糊搜尋」與「連環查」,好查易用,非常適合全家人共同使用。 辭典特色 ◎ 收錄16萬餘字詞,詞彙豐富多元! 內容來源為教育部《重編國語辭典修訂本》,記錄中古至現代的各類詞語,釋義嚴謹,並援引文獻書證作為例證。 ◎ 字音標示最準確! 依教育部《重編國語辭典修訂本》標示,兼收古今音。同時呈現注音與漢語拼音標示,字詞提供TTS擬真發音。 ◎ 字詞內容詳實,字體可放大縮小! 依詞性分項解釋,每個字詞均標示拼音、筆劃數、部外筆畫,並能按自己的舒適度調整字體大小。 ◎ 查詢方便,可離線使用! 提供鍵盤輸入、總筆劃、注音或部首查詢。App下載後即可離線使用。 ◎ 支援模糊搜尋,更容易找到詞條! 查詢輸入時,可以使用「?」取代1個不記得的字元,或輸入「*」取代0個/1個/多個不記得的字元,辭典就會列出符合的相關詞條。 ◎ 連環查,讓查字典變得更方便! 查看解釋頁面內容時,可以點按不熟悉的字,「續查」該字的解釋。 ◎ 提供書籤功能,建立生字簿! 將字詞標以書籤,可建立自己的生字簿,提供復習或隨時檢閱。可依加入時間、注音符號或筆劃排序。 ◎ 凡查過,必留下記錄! ...

Price: Free Developer: Soyong Corporation
Safe Around Me

Safe Around Me

The purpose of this app is to provide general information on recognising domestic and family violence and general tips and information on safety planning. The app contains suggestions that may be adapted to suit your individual needs. *Recognising the...

Price: Free Developer: 2pi Software
Diamonds on Call

Diamonds on Call

Buy Diamonds online – Smooter, faster and Safer. Diamonds on call is the one stop solution for all your diamond needs. No matter what part of the world you’re in, as long as you’ve got an active internet connection and...

Price: Free Developer: DIAMONDS ON CALL
That Gunk On Your Car

That Gunk On Your Car

Everything you never wanted to know about bug splats on your automobile! Based on the Ig Nobel prize-winning book of the same name, this app is an entertaining way to learn about entomology and identify the unfortunate organisms that...

Price: Free Developer: Bryce Hostetler
ABCC On Site

ABCC On Site

Know your rights on site Do you have a question about your workplace rights on a building site? Whether you’re an employee, employer, site manager or union official, the ABCC On Site app is here to help. It...

Price: Free Developer: The Australian Building and Construction Commission
History Events - On this day

History Events - On this day

You want to know what happened on a certain date? You want to know which famous people have the same birthday with you? 100,000 events, births, and deaths are available offline for you in this amazing app. Most entries...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Atoapps
On This Day In History.

On This Day In History.

“On This Day In History” lets you view historical events, births and deaths for any day of the year, on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch even Apple Watch. Browse through hundreds of daily entries, share your favorites on Twitter and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: 素素应用
Nebraska On-Farm Research Network

Nebraska On-Farm Research Network

Accessing resources from the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network is now available at your fingertips - in the field, in the tractor or truck, or wherever you want to use the research app.  The research app was launched in spring...

Price: Free Developer: Grandstand Apps
Adsense - PPC on Google. How to earn Money with Ad

Adsense - PPC on Google. How to earn Money with Ad

AdSense is one of the most convenient ways to make additional money from your website. All you do is copy some code into your site to display the ads, and you earn every time someone clicks. You may also earn...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Quyen Linh
Bible : Holy Bible ASV - Bible Study on the go

Bible : Holy Bible ASV - Bible Study on the go

FULL Audio Bible: Listen offline. Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play. Bibles for study, listen, or just plain reading; translations from the traditional American Standard Version (ASV) audiobook to the contemporary KJV, RSV, NIV, NASV, NRSV &...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: ShiHai Wen
Bible : Holy Bible RSV - Bible Study on the go

Bible : Holy Bible RSV - Bible Study on the go

FULL Audio Bible: Listen offline. Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play. Bibles for study, listen, or just plain reading; translations from the Revised Standard Version (RSV) audiobook to the contemporary NIV & KJV & NASV & ASV &...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: ShiHai Wen
An-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths

An-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths

Imam an-Nawawi one of the greatest scholars. Amongst his works is his collection of 42 hadith's of the Prophet Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam which a comprehensive explanation of Islam. This work is commonly referred as "An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith" This app...

Price: Free Developer: Yufid
40 Hadiths An-Nawawi

40 Hadiths An-Nawawi

Les Quarante Hadiths An Nawawi est un livre de 42 Hadith de l'Imam Yahya bin Sharaful-Deen An Nawawi. En Arabe Et En francais -Ahadiths en arabe -Ahadiths en français Ce livre présente quelques-uns des mots les plus importants et les actes du...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Redouane Hamza
Old English Dictionary -  An Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon

Old English Dictionary - An Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon

An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, or a dictionary of "Old English", based on the manuscript collections of the late Joseph Bosworth (the so called Main Volume, first edition 1898) and its Supplement (first edition 1921) edited by Joseph Bosworth and T....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Trang Hoai
Brews: An Introduction

Brews: An Introduction

Brews: An Introduction gladly uses the BreweryDB API as a backend for beer information. Users can scroll through the different beers available, look through alcohol content and save interesting beers to a favorites' list tied to their Google or...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Doroff
Kur'an Bosanski

Kur'an Bosanski

Assalamu alejkum svima. Da li redovno recitovati Sveti Kur'an Sharif? Ako je odgovor da, onda smo tu da vam pomognemo recituje Kur'an Majid više prikladan način. cijeli Kur'an Sharif možete dobiti u našoj Kur'an Bosanski aplikacija. Zainteresovani čitaoci mogu pristupiti...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Tài Ăn Nói

Tài Ăn Nói

Hầu hết những người thành đạt trong xã hội đều là những người ăn nói thành công. Chẳng có gì ngạc nhiên khi điều ngược lại cũng nhiều phần đúng. Nếu như bạn cố gắng phát triển khả năng...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Dinh Anh
Kur'an Anlatıyor

Kur'an Anlatıyor

Kur'an Anlatıyor.. Bu uygulamada aşağıdaki konularda derlenmiş Kur'an-ı Kerim'den ayetleri SESLİ ve yazılı olarak bulabilirsiniz. * Adalet * Sabır * İyilik * Müminlerin özellikleri * Tevekkül ★ Seslendiren : AHMET DENİZ NOTLAR: ------------- ★ Ses dosyaları'in izni ile kullanılmıştır, teşekkür ederiz. ★ Meal : Uludağ Üniversitesi İslam Hukuku...

Price: Free Developer: Ufuk MARMARA
Sesli Kur'an (Türkçe)

Sesli Kur'an (Türkçe)

Kur'an-ı Kerim'in Türkçe meailinin tamamını (internet bağlantısı olmadan) dinleyebilir, otomatik olarak kaldığınız yerden devam edebilir yada dinlemeye istediğiniz sûreden başlayabilirsiniz. Uygulamayı indirdikten sonra internet bağlantısı GEREKMEZ. - Seslendiren: AHMET DENİZ NOT: ----- * Kotalı internet kullanıcıları için uyarı!: uygulamanın boyutu 418mb dır. * Meal ses...

Price: Free Developer: Ufuk MARMARA
Kur'an Fihristi

Kur'an Fihristi

index of Turkish Quran. -- Bu uygulama Kur'an-ı Kerim'i okumayı ve anlamayı kolaylaştırmak, çeşitli konu ve sorular hakkında kur'an da verilmiş cevaplara kolayca ulaşmanızı sağlamak amacı ile hazırlanmıştır. (Uygulamanın çalışması için internet bağlantısı gerekmez.) Uygulamanın Genel Özellikleri; --- * Kur'an-ı Kerim'in sûre, sûre...

Price: Free Developer: Ufuk MARMARA
API Reference for IOS Develope-object C&swift

API Reference for IOS Develope-object C&swift

Swift is a new programming language developed by Apple Inc for iOS and OS X development. Swift adopts the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift uses the same runtime as the existing Obj-C...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Job Ma


最新! 下载:WOAO必考词汇大全 超便宜! 背单词的秘诀在于短时间大量重复,本APP极大地满足了这一刚需。因为大家知道,背单词时间拖久了,就等于零。 本APP仅有一个单元的单词,数量根据课本每单元课本选定。128元一个单元单词,按照课后单词表的顺序,包括词组,是背单词软件的宝马。 本APP有一个单元单词,一小时内轻松过十遍,达到牢记的效果,快速提高分数。目录单词点击后变色可以用于自检。

Price: Free Developer: LEZHONG DR LIU


最新! 下载:WOAO必考词汇大全 超便宜! 背单词的秘诀在于短时间大量重复,本APP极大地满足了这一刚需。因为大家知道,背单词时间拖久了,就等于零。 本APP仅有一个单元的单词,数量根据课本每单元课本选定。128元一个单元单词,按照课后单词表的顺序,包括词组,是背单词软件的宝马。 本APP有一个单元单词,一小时内轻松过十遍,达到牢记的效果,快速提高分数。目录单词点击后变色可以用于自检。

Price: Free Developer: LEZHONG DR LIU
Red Apple Fest

Red Apple Fest

Официальное мобильное приложение Международного фестиваля рекламы Red Apple 2018 #redapplefest, который состоится 7-8 декабря в центре Digital October.

Price: Free Developer: Heads and Hands
Watercolour Reference

Watercolour Reference

Watercolour Reference has been designed to assist watercolour artists and painters, either beginners or the more advanced. This app assists the artist in the choice of appropriate colours and shades by providing data on individual colour characteristics and suggesting...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Oliver Shingler
Objective C Reference Lite

Objective C Reference Lite

*** Objective C Reference *** *** What's Hot, Featured By Apple *** This lite version of the application summarizes just a small part of the Objective C language (first 3 rows of each category) in a format suitable for quick reference....

Price: Free Developer: Lucian Boboc
Collins World Dictionary

Collins World Dictionary

Collins World Dictionary is a complete language package containing an up-to-date, easy-reference database for English, Spanish, German, Russian, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Arabic, Italian, Swedish, Turkish, Norwegian, Dutch, Croatian, Czech, Finnish, Danish, Polish, Portuguese, Greek. With extensive word...

Price: Free Developer: MobiSystems, Inc.
Design Pattern Reference

Design Pattern Reference

《Design Pattern Reference》,Include 23 Design Patterns. ---Creational:Factory Method/Abstract Factory/Builder/Prototype/Singleton ---Structural: Adapter/Bridge/Composite/Decorator/Facade/Flyweight/Proxy ---Behavioral:Template Method/Chain of Responsibility/Command/Iterator/Mediator/Memento/Observer/State/Strategy/Visitor

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Job Ma
Logos Bible Study Tools

Logos Bible Study Tools

Read the Bible and make use of commentaries and reading plans. You can save any book or Bible you own for offline use. Get free resources when you download the app and sign in, and do better Bible study...

Price: Free Developer: Faithlife Corporation

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