Top 28 Education Apps Like Mort Subotnick's Pitch Painter - Best Alternatives

Mort Subotnick's Pitch Painter Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Mort Subotnick's Pitch Painter alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to Mort Subotnick's Pitch Painter. Pick one from this list to be your new Mort Subotnick's Pitch Painter app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Mort Subotnick's Pitch Painter on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Mort Subotnick's Pitch Painter - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Mort Subotnick's Pitch Painter alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Mort Subotnick's Pitch Painter 2025.

Toccata - Aide à domicile

Toccata - Aide à domicile

NE FAITES PAS QU'APPRENDRE – DEVELOPPEZ VOS COMPETENCES. L’application TOCCATA vous offre l’essentiel des notions indispensables pour exercer les métiers de l’aide à domicile sur tablette, smartphone ou PC afin de vous permettre d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences à tout moment...

Price: Free Developer: Toccata
Louis XIV

Louis XIV

Au cours d’un règne de 72 ans, le plus long de l’histoire de France, Louis XIV élève la France à un niveau de prestige inégalé au sein de l’Europe. Le roi cherche à agrandir son territoire, développe la culture,...

Price: Free Developer: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Louis XIV pour Iphone

Louis XIV pour Iphone

Au cours d’un règne de 72 ans, le plus long de l’histoire de France, Louis XIV élève la France à un niveau de prestige inégalé au sein de l’Europe. Le roi cherche à agrandir son territoire, développe la culture,...

Price: Free Developer: Bibliothèque nationale de France


L’application permet de saisir très rapidement le gain ou la perte des matchs. Le classement se met à jour automatiquement. Il est possible de créer des classes ou des groupes de niveau ou des classes avec groupes de niveau....

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Francois LIEURY
Musée Jean Lurçat en LSF

Musée Jean Lurçat en LSF

L'application officielle du Musée Jean-Lurçat et de la Tapisserie Contemporaine situé à Angers est destinée aux visiteurs sourds et malentendants. Elle propose des commentaires sous forme de vidéos en langue des signes ou langue des signes sous-titrées en français. Jean...

Price: Free Developer: Audiovisit
Studio leonardissimo

Studio leonardissimo

Le Château d’Amboise, est un haut lieu d’inspiration de Léonard de Vinci qui séjourna à Amboise (1516-1519), à l’invitation du souverain François 1er. Il réalisa notamment un dessin célèbre du château royal en 1517. Les visiteurs sont invités à puiser...

Price: Free Developer: Fondation Saint Louis - Château Royal d’Amboise


100 ans après la mort de Jean-henri Fabre, glissez-vous dans les pas du célèbre naturaliste et explorez la foret de Sérignan dans le Vaucluse (84) ! 100 ans AVANT/APRES est un jeu de piste pour smartphone qui vous guidera dans...

Price: Free Developer: Choosit


Pedagoginen peli huoltovarmuudesta. Opi varautumaan häiriötilanteessa, kuten myrskyn iskiessä! Selvitä pelaamalla, millä keinoin ja varustein selviät yksin jopa 72 tunnin ajan.

Price: Free Developer: Jarno Mort
ASU Pitch

ASU Pitch

Pitch brings student communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more stuff done. Stop looking for collaboration tools and move your student success forward by bringing the right people, conversations, tools, and information you need together....

Price: Free Developer: Arizona State University
Clear Pitch Perfect Pitch Pro

Clear Pitch Perfect Pitch Pro

Designed and created by Blake Kearney. Please see our video for detailed information at: Clear Pitch explains and teaches perfect pitch, also known as absolute pitch. A user can expect to develop absolute pitch using this product,...

Price: Free Developer: Clearpitch Pty Ltd
Absolute Pitch Trainer - perfect pitch exercises

Absolute Pitch Trainer - perfect pitch exercises

What did world renowned musicians like Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, and Liszt have in common? The answer is they all possessed Absolute Pitch ability. But the truth of the matter is Absolute Pitch is not confined to a few classical composers...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Aktiv Systems
Learn to Sing - Perfect Pitch

Learn to Sing - Perfect Pitch

Perfect Pitch is your Pitch Perfector! Everyone can sing better with our Learn to Sing Training Program! Perfect Pitch helps you Learn+Practice, Train+Track, Anytime+Anywhere! Perfect Pitch's Pitch Perfector™ technology detects and display your singing pitch accuracy in real-time, you can easily...

Price: Free Developer: Learn to Sing - Vocal Warmups, Singing Lessons, Ear Training, Karaoke
Perfect Pitch test

Perfect Pitch test

This is the simple Perfect Pitch test. Let's choose the same pitch as the question pitch! How to play 1. Tap the play button and makes a pitch. 2. Choose the same pitch as the question pitch. 3. Set the your answer.

Price: Free Developer: Sakura apps
Perfect your Pitch

Perfect your Pitch

Learn to hit all the right notes of the Solfège with Perfect Your Pitch. Perfect Your Pitch is a free app from the Shankar Mahadevan Academy to help you learn and master the basics of Western Classical vocal. Learn basic...

Price: Free Developer: Clood On Music Private Limited
PITCH: Pharmacy

PITCH: Pharmacy

PITCH is a mobile Pharmacist Licensure Exam review app that aims to make studying for the board exam fun and effective. PITCH provides users online and offline access to a wide database of historical board exam questions, allowing users...

Price: Free Developer: Franchesca Choi
Pitch improver - ear training

Pitch improver - ear training

Pitch improver is a set of excercises that will help you learn to play by ear. In every excercise you will start with the easiest tasks which will get more complex as your ear improves. Pitch improver is designed to...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Anton Naumovets
SWIFTSCALES Perfect Pitch Pipe

SWIFTSCALES Perfect Pitch Pipe

Perfect Pitch Pipe accurately recreates a real world pitch pipe and adds functionality and customizability never before seen in a mobile app. Well suited for performing singers, acapella groups, vocal coaches, barbershop quartets, and armchair harmonizers. All audio professionally...

Price: Free Developer: VELDEN
Power, Pitch, Pace, Pause

Power, Pitch, Pace, Pause

Four things this app will help you with: 1. Make your voice loud and clear 2. Use pauses correctly and for drama effect. 3. Modulate your voice by changing pitch, pace and loudness. 4. Neutralise an accent. In terms of content, the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Olga Smith BATCS Limited
Finger Painter for iPad

Finger Painter for iPad

A CREATIVE FINGER PAINTING APP FOR KIDS !!! - No.1 of Apple AppStore Education Apps of China in February - No.3 of Education Apps of Germany in June - No.8 in Switzerland; No. 10 in Austria; No. 20 in...

Price: Free Developer: Aura Marker Studio Co., Ltd.
Fraction Painter

Fraction Painter

Get decorating with Fraction Painter! The popular PC based game is now available as an app for your iPad or iPhone. Paint the walls using the fraction of colours stated. Use the paint buckets on the screen to select a colour....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Primary Games Ltd
Who's the Painter?

Who's the Painter?

"Who's the Painter?" - a fascinating art quiz for the whole family! Want to join the world of museums, paintings and galleries? Able to distinguish Shishkin from Repin, Raphael from Botticelli, the true art from the contemporary one? Or do...

Price: Free Developer: Anton Malmygin
Air Painter

Air Painter

Do you know you can paint in the air? Yes, the "Air Painter" make you paint in the air. It used the latest AR technology from iOS 11. Main Festures: 1. Provide more than 10 colors to choose. 2. Just hold...

Price: Free Developer: Hung-Yao Chen
Guess The Painter

Guess The Painter

Can you identify the Painting? Test your knowledge of world's famous paintings of all times. A great quiz game for all ages. Learn about classic paintings and artists as you play. Did you know that Vincent van Gogh painted...

Price: Free Developer: INBAL Tal
Hello Oil Painter

Hello Oil Painter

'Hello Oil Painter' is an easy & fun oil painting APP. It provides realistic oil paint , brushes and more. It create the realistic drawing through simulation of virtual oil paint and brush. Especially it support 'the palette' with which you...

Price: Free Developer: Raysoft Co.
Sand Painter Animal Color Fun

Sand Painter Animal Color Fun

In the second version of Kid’s Sand Painting, Animal Park, the little bear and rabbit leads you into the deep, mysterious forest, showing brand new drawings and instructing adults and children about various animals and amusement parks. This parent-child...

Price: Free Developer: NewSoft Technology Corporation
Kids Painter Pallete

Kids Painter Pallete

"2015 공공데이터 창업경진대회 대통령상 수상작" "한국의 아름다운 전통미술 도안 수록" "고흐, 클림트 등 유명화가들의 명화 수록" "24색의 다양한 색을 사용해 명화를 완성해보세요" 키즈 페인터는 스마트 디바이스 액세서리 "스마트 팔레트"와 연동하는 페인팅 앱입니다. 별이 빛나는 밤, 진주 귀걸이를 한 소녀 등 세계의 유명명화를 비롯해 한국의...

Price: Free Developer: YUN JAE LEE
GAQ - Great Art Quiz

GAQ - Great Art Quiz

GAQ has four quiz games about modern painting art. The Painter - Who is the painter of a painting? Self Portrait - Find a painter's self-portrait. Identical Painter - Which two paintings belong to the same painter? Timeline - The chronological order of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Jiale Wang

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