Top 50 Business Apps Like Energy & CO2 calculator for iPhone - Best Alternatives

Energy & CO2 calculator for iPhone Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Energy & CO2 calculator for iPhone alternatives for iOS? We have listed 50 Business apps that are similar to Energy & CO2 calculator for iPhone. Pick one from this list to be your new Energy & CO2 calculator for iPhone app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Energy & CO2 calculator for iPhone on your iOS devices.

Top 50 Apps Like Energy & CO2 calculator for iPhone - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Energy & CO2 calculator for iPhone alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 50 similar apps like Energy & CO2 calculator for iPhone 2025.

Energy PRO

Energy PRO

Aplikácia Info Energy ponúka jedinečný a jednoduchý prehľad naprieč všetkými systémami Energy s údajmi, ktoré zaujímajú práve Vás. Vhodný pre efektívnu prácu a okamžitý náhľad do aktuálnych dát.

Price: Free Developer: Energy, spol. s.r.o.


Short training videos on the energy value chain. If you experience any access issue, contact: [email protected].

Price: Free Developer: Energy Future Ltd
Energy Insight - IoT

Energy Insight - IoT

El mundo de la energía es uno de los sectores que mayor transformación va a experimentar debido al Internet of Things (IoT). Como sociedad, nos enfrentamos al reto de hacer sostenible el consumo de energía, y desde Telefónica tenemos...

Price: Free Developer: Smarkia Energy, S.L.
MACH Energy

MACH Energy

MACH Energy for iPhone and iPad makes it easy to keep track of your building’s energy use and operating conditions no matter where you are. It’s a perfect companion to the MACH Energy website. Features: • Check your...

Price: Free Developer: MACH Energy
Clean Energy Council Events

Clean Energy Council Events

The Clean Energy Council Events app allows you to get the most out of the Clean Energy Council’s lineup of leading clean energy events, which includes the Australian Clean Energy Summit, the Wind Industry Forum, the Large-scale Solar Forum...

Price: Free Developer: Clean Energy Council
My Amigo Energy

My Amigo Energy

My Amigo Energy app offers access to view/pay bills, monthly usage & payment history through your phone or tablet device. To get started, download the app and sign in with your "My Amigo Energy" username and password. Not registered...

Price: Free Developer: Amigo Energy
My Just Energy

My Just Energy

My Just Energy app offers access to view/pay bills, monthly usage & payment history through your phone or tablet device. To get started, download the app and sign in with your "My Just Energy" username and password. Not registered...

Price: Free Developer: Just Energy
Our Energy

Our Energy

Looking for Best Texas Energy at an Excellent Price? If you have been looking for first rate Texas electricity services for your home or business, we have your solution. Find low energy rates and excellent electric energy services today! You...

Price: Free Developer: Our Energy LLC
Smarkia Energy Cloud

Smarkia Energy Cloud

SMARKIA continues to be at the forefront of innovation with this new app, which complements the functionality of the most advanced and comprehensive energy management platform in the energy sector. Do you have a SMARKIA subscription? You can use...

Price: Free Developer: Smarkia Energy, S.L.
Tara Energy, LLC

Tara Energy, LLC

Tara Energy app offers access to view/pay bills, monthly usage & payment history through your phone or tablet device. To get started, download the app and sign in with your "My Tara" username and password. Not registered with "My...

Price: Free Developer: Tara Energy, LLC


The advertising + film industry is a big CO2 contributor and the most energy consuming creative industry on earth: Each and every year over 11.000 TV commercials are shot around the world. That makes about 20.000 shoot days, 30...

Price: Free Developer: THIS IS! Digital Media Group GmbH
Smart Traffic AR

Smart Traffic AR

Less CO2 emissions, nitrogen dioxide emissions and noise disturbance. Green living areas and places where you easily move from A to B. All these items are key for the quality of live in a city or municipality. But where...

Price: Free Developer: The Urban Future
SCF CO2 PvT Properties

SCF CO2 PvT Properties

Calculates carbon dioxide density and phase for given temperature and pressures using Span and Wagner's Fundamental Equation of State.

Price: Free Developer: Warren Stiver


Met de Econaut kunnen binnenvaartschippers eenvoudig hun CO2-uitstoot vaststellen. De App berekent de hoeveelheid CO2-uitstoot per tonkilometer aan de hand van de volgende gegevens: - Vervoerd tonnage - Afgelegde weg - Brandstofverbruik Het bijhouden van CO2-uitstoot is om een aantal redenen nuttig:...

Price: Free Developer: Expertise- en InnovatieCentrum Binnenvaart
PAL Carbon Pricing

PAL Carbon Pricing

PALcarbon is produced by Predict Ability Ltd (PAL). PALcarbon gives scientifically calculated, real-time carbon pricing across all energy types, including renewables. Features include: * Dollar prices on damage attributable to climate change per tonne of CO2 emitted, * ...

Price: Free Developer: Reef Technologies UK Limited
PHCbi VIP ECO & CellIQ 3D Tour

PHCbi VIP ECO & CellIQ 3D Tour

With the PHCbi Life Science 3D Models App, take a virtual tour of the VIP Eco ultra-low temperature Freezer and CellIQ CO2 incubator from your smart phone, tablet or computer. PHCbi's VIP ultra-low temperature laboratory freezers represent the complete...

Price: Free Developer: PHC Corporation of North America


eekhoe is a cloud-based networking platform that is radically reshaping the world of business cards. About half of the greenhouse effect is caused by CO2 and this impacts global warming. Forest trees act as Earth’s natural CO2 sink, alleviating...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel YONG


BRiZ is a green way to commute for the smart city of tomorrow. BRIZ is also a smart dock-less mobility platform. We offer dock-free electric scooter rentals to fulfil short distance, urban and other trips. BRiZ brings first e-scooter...

Price: Free Developer: Daniil Labuz


The fleetster - Corporate CarSharing App is now available! The App enables users to book and interact with vehicles during a trip. Simple and Intuitive Design adds up, to offer the best user experience and save you time, just like the...

Price: Free Developer: Next Generation Mobility GmbH & Co. KG
Date & Time Calculator(9 in 1)

Date & Time Calculator(9 in 1)

Date & Time Calculator (9 in 1) is the perfect tool to work with time. It is by far the best and most accurate date and time calculator available for iOS! • TIME DIFFERENCE The Time Difference Calculator works...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Thomas Tsopanakis
Hours, Minutes & Seconds Calculator with Date Diff

Hours, Minutes & Seconds Calculator with Date Diff

The Date & Time Calculator with Math Expressions Evaluator app is a straight-forward no-nonsense app with a little something extra to get the sum and convert a series of numbers and/or time expressions. The time calculator calculator functions...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Verosocial Studio
Percentages Calculator

Percentages Calculator

Percentages Calculator is the most powerful percentages calculator designed with simplicity and functionality. Do you struggle making simple percentage calculations in your head? Struggle no more! With this Percentages Calculator you can now perform useful calculations in a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Thomas Tsopanakis
Mogul Real Estate Calculator

Mogul Real Estate Calculator

Mogul Calculator is a tool for hotel developers and other real estate developers to help store and calculate ROI, CASH ON CASH ROI, NET OPERATING INCOME, NET INCOME, MORTGAGE PAYMENTS, CAP RATE, AND YEARLY CASH FLOW. For upcoming and...

Price: Free Developer: Mogul Calculator
Tax Calculator 2019 LITE

Tax Calculator 2019 LITE

Tax Calculator 2019 calculates Tax, either by adding it or taking it away. Simply select the Add Tax Calculator and insert the product pricing and the tax rate, TC will automatically calculate and reveal the equation formula and the...

Price: Free Developer: Vincent Chan
Craft Pricing Calculator

Craft Pricing Calculator

Making handcrafted items to sell can be very rewarding but it can also be quite difficult to work out what to charge for your creations. With Craft Pricing Calculator you simply enter the cost of your materials, how many items...

Price: Free Developer: App Developers Ltd
Discount Calculator 2019 LITE

Discount Calculator 2019 LITE

Discount Calculator 2019 is the all-in-one shopping companion, quickly and easily calculate the reduced sale price of any purchase. Just insert the product pricing followed by the discount percentage and let the app do the math. Discount Calculator will...

Price: Free Developer: Vincent Chan
Fuel Calculator: MPG, L100k

Fuel Calculator: MPG, L100k

The Fuel Calculator app is a tool to help you save money and time by calculating fuel expenditure cost and efficiency as either MPG or L/100km. Calculators • Fuel Consumption Calculator • Fuel Cost & Max Distance • Relative Fuel...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Verosocial Studio
Cost Accounting Calculator

Cost Accounting Calculator

This app is a very powerful calculator for Cost Accounting, which makes calculations a lot easier. Perfect for all students to practice and learn how to do calculations in cost and managerial accounting. It works this way: 1. Choose the topic 2. Enter...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Graphing Calculator Apps UG (haftungsbeschrankt)
Gas Rate Calculator

Gas Rate Calculator

Domestic Gas Rate Calculator for calculating gas rates for Gas Service Engineers and Installers. The application calculates gas rating for Imperial and Metric gas meters up to 16 cubic metres. You can now email the results too. *** This app has been...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Little App Company
For Your Little One

For Your Little One

For-Your-Little-One Ltd offers a wonderful range of Nursery products, accessories and child safety products. We are a family run business that aims to provide customers with excellent quality products at highly competitive prices; through a safe, hassle free, reliable,...

Price: Free Developer: For-Your-Little-One Ltd
iDrive for Uber

iDrive for Uber

Driving ride share for Uber or another company? Use this FREE app to find out how much money you REALLY make from your driving business. Turn on iDrive as you start every shift. Use the app to create the tax...

Price: Free Developer: NextWave Mobile Apps, LLC
Big Ideas for Small Business®

Big Ideas for Small Business®

A tax and business attorney since 1977, Barbara has the knowledge entrepreneurs need to get ahead and stay ahead. Whether she’s writing books on small business taxes, legal issues for business and business finance topics, speaking to corporate...

Price: Free Developer: Big Ideas for Small Business, Inc.
Deliverr for Business

Deliverr for Business

Grow with Deliverr for Business App Our Deliverr for Business app can help grow your business by providing delivery to new and existing customers through a modern platform with experienced delivery drivers. Deliverr for Business enables Deliverr Partnered businesses to...

Price: Free Developer: Birju Patel
Delivery Handler for Drivers

Delivery Handler for Drivers

Delivery Handler for Drivers is a very handy app that streamlines your full delivery cycle. It manages your drivers and deliveries effortlessly making your process faster and more efficient. The delivery job needs to be created first by the...

Price: Free Developer: Delivery Handler for Drivers
Meet For Charity

Meet For Charity

Meet For Charity is the online fundraising platform that auctions meetings with outstanding people form business, culture, sport and media. The successful bidder will win the opportunity to spend an hour with participants, and monies raised will help support...

Price: Free Developer: Meet For Charity OOO
MyBlabber for Businesses

MyBlabber for Businesses

As we want you to have the fullest Blabber experience if you're a business owner whether a BIG one or a START UP, Blabber for Businesses is your NEW marketing platfrom that you'll need to add to your tools....

Price: Free Developer: Blabber FOR E-marketing
SHOW for ME -Be a Showing Asst

SHOW for ME -Be a Showing Asst

BE A SHOWING ASSISTANT! Are you a licensed real estate agent? Show houses for other agents and make extra money! Everyone starts out in real estate as a some point or another. Some have more time than others to...

Price: Free Developer: Mike Tesnar
Flowers For Everyone

Flowers For Everyone

Flowers for Everyone is Your local florist Flowers for Everyone’s retail stores and workroom are filled with a passionate, creative group of people who have been delivering smiles since September 1999. Since inception, Flowers For Everyone has built a reputation...

Price: Free Developer: Flowers For Everyone
iGrade for Psych

iGrade for Psych

iGrade is the ultimate collaboration App that help Psychotherapist, Patients and Parents to really start working together for a better Outcome! Psychotherapist can easily share information regarding Patients, Evaluations, notes and Attendance. No more endless emails, texts or spreadsheets;...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Zysco
Web電話帳 for iPhone

Web電話帳 for iPhone

************************************************************************ ご注意 Web電話帳for iPhone Ver1.2.0は以下のシステムの導入が前提となります。 ・PhoneAppli Web電話帳サーバ「Web電話帳 Type2 iPhone対応版」 ・シスコシステムズ製ユニファイドコミュニケーションマネージャ(CUCM) ************************************************************************ PhoneAppli「Web電話帳 iPhoneアプリ」は、導入済みのシスコシステムズ製ユニファイドコミュニケーションマネージャと連携することが可能です。 以下の機能がご利用頂けます。 ・発着信履歴および発信履歴Top20の表示およびコールバックによる発信 ・登録した内線電話のコールピックアップ ・PhoneAppli「Web電話帳」の社内・共有・個人電話帳へのアクセスが可能 ・各電話帳一覧から詳細データを表示 ・各電話帳からデータを検索可能 ・テンキーパッドにより直接電話番号入力による発信 ・テンキーパッドよりiPhone連絡先内の番号からコールバック発信が可能 ・モバイルコネクト設定およびモバイルコネクト機能オン/オフをすることが可能 ・転送先番号設定および機能のオン/オフをすることが可能 ・選択式電話発信(iPhoneの携帯番号で発信するか、自社の固定電話番号から発信するか) 動作確認OS:iOS 4.1 iPod touch および iPadにはインストールできません。

Price: Free Developer: PhoneAppli,inc
OTCV for iPhone

OTCV for iPhone

Alcatel-Lucent OpenTouch Conversation (OTCV) is a cornerstone product of the Alcatel-Lucent OpenTouch Suite for Small and Medium Enterprise. It is an Apple® iPhone™ professional application providing a full set of IP-based unified communication services. OTCV for iPhone is the...

Price: Free Developer: ALE International
Fax from iPhone Fax&Fax Burner

Fax from iPhone Fax&Fax Burner

Send a free fax from iPhone in 1 minute with Best Fax App: Portable efax! Fax & Fax brings you the convenience of a fax machine on your iPhone – making it the fastest and easiest to use iPhone fax...

Price: Free Developer: Evinco Solutions Inc.
Fax Pro - Send fax from iPhone

Fax Pro - Send fax from iPhone

TURN ANY DOCUMENT INTO A FAX · Scan any kind of documents, receipts, contracts etc. · Create faxes from your Camera Roll, Dropbox or anywhere else · Fax documents in hundreds of countries · Forget about land line and phone lines · Enhance your...

Price: Free Developer: ScannerApp
Servis - for iPhone

Servis - for iPhone

Opravíme iPhone. Opravujeme modely iPhone SE, iPhone 6S / 6S PLUS, iPhone 6 / 6 PLUS, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4.

Price: Free Developer: AppSisto
Splashtop Personal for iPhone

Splashtop Personal for iPhone

Limited Time SALES!! (retail $9.99 USD) "Both a breakthrough and a bargain." – NY Times "Splashtop -- Meet the most popular app on iTunes." – USA Today “Apple’s Top 25 best-selling iPad app of All-Time” -- iTunes #1 iPhone...

Price: Free Developer: Splashtop Inc.
2Screens Presenter for iPhone

2Screens Presenter for iPhone

Since its launch in mid 2010, '2Screens - Presentation Expert' has always been one of the best-selling iPad apps specialized for conducting presentations. Now, an iPhone version is available! With a full-featured document manager, file viewer, web browser and...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Edwin Lam
eQura for iPhone

eQura for iPhone

• An agile and interactive dashboard solution for all your reporting and analytics needs • Simplifying business with advance analytical dashboards for Sage Evolution • Mobility like never before with business insight anywhere at anytime • Customer risk analysis and ageing trends •...

Price: Free Developer: Equator Business Intelligence
iFax App: Send Fax from iPhone

iFax App: Send Fax from iPhone

iFax is the world’s most popular fax app, with 5M+ users and 20M+ faxes sent! iFax is an effortless, genius, lightning-fast fax app for iOS, Mac, Apple Watch & other popular platforms that provides enterprise-grade security, HIPAA-compliance & yet is...

Price: Free Developer: Crowded Road
CamControl for iPhone

CamControl for iPhone

CamControl iPhone is an operation and alarm verification software for all iPhone, iPad und iPod touch. This app allows live video transmission of HeiTel VideoGateways and ADPRO FastTrace systems and remote evaluation of HeiTel VideoGateways local video archives. The...

Price: Free Developer: Xtralis, Inc.

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