Top 31 Education Apps Like Glider, TW, Seaplane, Balloon - Best Alternatives

Glider, TW, Seaplane, Balloon Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Glider, TW, Seaplane, Balloon alternatives for iOS? We have listed 31 Education apps that are similar to Glider, TW, Seaplane, Balloon. Pick one from this list to be your new Glider, TW, Seaplane, Balloon app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Glider, TW, Seaplane, Balloon on your iOS devices.

Top 31 Apps Like Glider, TW, Seaplane, Balloon - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Glider, TW, Seaplane, Balloon alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like Glider, TW, Seaplane, Balloon 2025.

Commercial Glider Test Prep

Commercial Glider Test Prep

The Commercial Pilot Glider Test Prep App is the fastest way to ace your FAA Written Exam! Our main goal is to keep you updated with the latest test bank! Questions are added, changed and deleted throughout the year. When...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Bravo Zulu Apps LLC
Private Pilot Glider Test Prep

Private Pilot Glider Test Prep

The Private Pilot Knowledge Test Prep App is the fastest way to ace your FAA Glider Written Exam! Our main goal is to keep you updated with the latest test bank! Questions are added, changed and deleted throughout the year....

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Bravo Zulu Apps LLC


Do you want to build a really cool and different paper airplane? Try building Aéro Montréal’s “Passion From Within” glider, which requires very little materials and is lots of fun to fly. By accessing the AéroPassion 1 app, you will...

Price: Free Developer: Creo Inc.
Coloring Book 12: Planes

Coloring Book 12: Planes

This coloring book program is filled with 50 pages of airplanes and other things that fly. The pictures included are two biplanes, two blimps, a cargo plane, four fantasy airships, three flying machines, two flying wings, a glider, three...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Dataware LLC
FAA CFI Flight Instructor Prep

FAA CFI Flight Instructor Prep

Spend less time studying and more time flying! This is the FAA Flight and Ground Instructor (CFI) version of GroundSchool, our FAA knowledge (written) test preparation featuring up-to-date questions, free updates, and illustrated explanations written by a professional team...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Dauntless Software
Gliders by Design Mobile

Gliders by Design Mobile

Harness the incredible power of your iPad. Design impressive handheld gliders that you can easily put together. Create whole squadrons of your very own designs that you can make soar! Have a contest to see who can design and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Seeds Software
ATP Airplane FAA Checkride

ATP Airplane FAA Checkride

RideReady will help make you confident and ready for your FAA Practical Test / Checkride (that combination of flight test and oral quizzing that you will need to pass in order to become an airline transport pilot) and allow...

Price: USD 44.99 Developer: Dauntless Software
CFI Helicopter Checkride Prep

CFI Helicopter Checkride Prep

Would you like to become an FAA Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) for Helicopters? RideReady will help make you confident and ready for your FAA CFI HELICOPTER (CFI-H) Practical Test / Checkride (that combination of flight test and oral quizzing...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Dauntless Software
Commercial Pilot Airplane

Commercial Pilot Airplane

RideReady will help make you confident and ready for your FAA Commercial Pilot Airplane Practical Test / Checkride (that combination of flight test and oral quizzing that you will need to pass in order to receive a commercial pilot...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Dauntless Software結合可信賴專業活動(Entrustable Professional Activities, EPAs)的概念,與miniCEX的床邊教學回饋項目,聚焦在臨床看診這個專業任務,提供學習者與臨床教師們在進行臨床照護時,可針對學習者臨床看診表現的可獨立性給予判斷及回饋,協助學習者掌握自己臨床看診能力在各種不同情境的進展,協助老師進行更有效的臨床指導。 主要功能 : 一、評量 -提供學員進行臨床教學評量的申請,填寫教學場域所需的基本資訊。 -提供教師針對學員臨床表現的實際狀況給予回饋。 -提供過往評量檢視與部分資料的修改功能。 二、查詢 -可針對日期、姓名、科別及評量狀態查閱過往評量的結果。 三、教學 -提供操作方式及相關資訊。 四、最新通知 -教師可立即檢閱近期學員申請的臨床教學評量資訊。 -學員可立即收到教師臨床教學評量的回饋通知。 五、設定 -提供修改個人基本資訊。 【意見或建議】 如有任何建議或問題,請來信至 [email protected]

Price: Free Developer: FREMEN CHIHCHEN CHOU
Celebration Church TW

Celebration Church TW

Welcome to the official Celebration Church of The Woodlands app! Check out all kinds of great features and share it with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email. For more information about Celebration Church of The Woodlands, please visit: The Celebration Church TW...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
ICRT Daily News-聽ICRT學英語

ICRT Daily News-聽ICRT學英語

***聽讀ICRT新聞:學習「活」英語,掌握流行新辭彙!*** 內容授權:ICRT(台北國際社區廣播電台) 適用對象:英語學習愛好者,英語檢定應試者,學測、指考應試者 出刊頻率:週一至週五每天18:00前 (國定例假日與連假後上班第一天不發送新內容。) 客服聯絡:[email protected] 《ICRT Daily News》收錄了跟我們日常生活息息相關的新聞,比起BBC或CNN的英文廣播,讓您更容易理解內容。不僅訓練熟悉外國人的說話節奏,學習最新的流行辭彙,更能吸收新知識,它絕對是您最有效學習英文,尤其是訓練聽力的好教材! 從台灣接軌全世界,關鍵英語新聞不遺漏。ICRT新聞英語內容,每天6-8分鐘,精選台灣或國外的主要新聞,由ICRT專業播出,搭配高效率的學習功能,不僅可調整主播的播報速度-由慢而快,更可在複讀功能中,逐步聽懂英語新聞!遇到難字生詞還可搭配內建單詞庫或連結遠流字典通查找,相當方便。 《ICRT Daily News》App提供同時訂閱MeBooks英語學習館的服務,讓您除了聽英語新聞外,還有更多元豐富的英語教材可以閱聽學習。融合「遺忘曲線」與「間隔式複習」學習理論所設計出的Mebook智慧型學習法,可提升您背單字的效率;經典文學作品、職場旅遊會話等學習內容,同步提升您的閱讀、聽力與口說能力;各種模擬測驗,幫助您通過英文檢定考試,讓提升英語實力更有感! ●《ICRT Daily News》學習特色 1. 【每日精選新聞】讓您學習「活」英語,掌握流行英語辭彙。 2.【閱讀訓練】中英文對照或隱藏模式,全英/中英對照學習。 3.【聽力訓練】自動或循環朗讀、複讀範圍與次數均可自訂,訓練聽力超有感。 4.【語速調整】可調整七段不同速度,讓你聽力訓練減少挫折感。 5.【口說訓練】提供跟讀錄音功能,可跟著老師練習正確發音。 6.【本日新聞單字分析】提供本日新聞內容總單字量與單字級等分佈比例,在學習前即可了解本書單字難易度。 7.【單詞級等標示】標示學習內容的單詞級等,包含字頻(8級等)、大考中心(6級等)、全民英檢(3級等)、多益常考用字。 8. 【未熟記單字標示】登入會員後,可比對「我的單字庫」並標示出「未熟記單字」,繼續強化記誦。 9.【我的單字】可量化您的單字,搭配MeBooks會員功能,將單字學習進度同步於雲端,確實掌握單字量。 10.【單字背誦練習】可隨時測驗復習「我的單字庫」的單字,以加強記憶。 11.【查字義】內建單詞資料庫,快速查詢字義,理解文章內容。 12.【搜尋】可用關鍵字搜尋新聞內容,快速找到您想看的新聞。 13.【書籤】將重要學習內容標記書籤,方便日後反覆復習。 ● 訂閱功能說明: 1. 本App免費下載,並提供試閱。試閱後,可依需求付費訂閱。 A. 訂閱《ICRT Daily News》:每月NT$30。訂閱期間,您可以閱聽2018年1月起的所有內容與MeBooks的試閱內容。 B. 訂閱《ICRT +MeBooks》:3個月NT$360,一年NT$990。訂閱期間,你可以閱聽2018年1月起的新聞內容與MeBooks所有書本。 C. 非訂閱期間:享有每日一則新聞與MeBooks的試閱內容。 2. 本訂閱方式是透過您的iTunes帳號確認後才產生正式購買,在您確認購買後,將會從您的 iTunes 帳戶扣款。。 3. 本訂閱方案採用「自動續訂」計費,您必須在訂閱期限到期至少24小時之前取消「自動續訂」,否則系統會自動再續訂,而您的 iTunes 帳戶將會在當次訂閱期滿的最後24小時內,因系統自動續訂而被扣款。 4. 在有效訂閱期限內,您無法取消該訂閱服務,但可選擇不再續訂。 5. 如想取消自動續訂,請至您的Apple ID個人帳戶內中管理訂閱方式,將「自動續訂」關閉。 ● 取消自動續訂:請依App Store的管理訂閱機制取消訂閱,其步驟如下:(在不同iOS版本下,步驟可能有些微差異) ...

Price: Free Developer: Soyong Corporation
FunPark 童書夢工廠

FunPark 童書夢工廠

童書繪本與育兒教育精選 App FunPark提供每月超過500本的互動電子童書,它能讓孩子隨時隨地盡情的讀故事、說故事、玩故事、學習知識,讓孩子在遊戲探索間,加強八大智能,建構5Q成長,成就孩子一生的閱讀力。 *IDEAS Show「評審獎」、「最佳行動服務獎」雙料大獎肯定 *專為3-10歲小朋友量身設計,透過互動操作方式,讓孩子愛上閱讀 *專業幼教團隊推薦每月學習計劃,橫跨六大主題館,提供多元學習內容 *集結知名童書出版社、全球超過63,000名家長感動推薦 *支援iOS 7.0以上之手機與平板、使用HDMI轉接輕鬆銜接電腦、電視,離線閱讀更方便。 *打造孩子的智能5Q,建構智慧力IQ、創造力CQ、品格力MQ、情緒力EQ、領導力LQ、全面激發孩子全腦潛能。 【FunPark主要特色】 ●【八大主題館,月月更新50本童書】 集結知名童書出版社,嚴選幼教內容,每月推薦500本優質書籍並月月更新50本童書,從故事、語文、數學、自然科學,甚至是品格教育,包含多圖瀏覽與遊戲創造,讓孩子永遠能有不同的新體驗,培養對閱讀學習的興趣。 ●【直覺互動介面,啟發閱讀力】 有別於傳統教材,所有內容皆透過互動的直覺操作方式,結合遊戲與創造單元,讓孩子可以在充滿自由度的介面之下,輕鬆地學習,建立對閱讀及學習的熱忱,最後再透過創造及想像,讓孩子在遊戲探索間,成就孩子的多元智能發展。 ●【分齡與分類,建構5Q成長】 專業幼教團隊針對學齡前(3~6歲)、7~8歲、9~10歲三個階段量身打造每月學習計畫,為不同年齡層的小朋友推薦適合的書籍,經由閱讀,加強八大智能,建構5Q成長。 ●【跨多元載具,增加學習樂趣】 一組帳號可通行於三台平板、支援iOS 7.0以上之手機與平板,更能透過Air Play輕鬆銜接大螢幕電腦、電視,完全不需額外付費(詳細支援機種可參閱官網)。 ●【輕鬆離線閱讀,隨時貼心陪伴】 支援離線閱讀,可隨時隨地閱讀已下載的內容,讓孩子自由翱翔於童書夢工廠。 關注Facebook粉絲專頁,月月抽大獎: FaceBook: 【客服中心】 任何使用上的問題,歡迎來信[email protected],會有專人為你服務解答,謝謝!

Price: Free Developer: SmartFun Digital Co., Ltd.
Ivy 常春藤英語

Ivy 常春藤英語

常春藤已邁入三十年的歷史,立志要成為最優質的出版社,繼續提供全球華人在英語學習與進修上更專業的服務。在數位出版的趨勢下,《Ivy常春藤英語》結合新科技設計,希望在手機或平板上呈現多元且豐富的英語學習內容。 《Ivy 常春藤英語》為您積極打造全方位的英語學習環境,以最有效率的學習方法,一次滿足您對多元英語學習內容的渴望。針對優質的英語學習內容,融合「遺忘曲線」與「間隔式複習」的學習理論所設計出的Mebook智慧型學習法,讓您無論是英語的基礎功—背單字,或是著重在在英語的聽力、閱讀與口說訓練上,都能大大提升學習效率。內建的英文字典,也能在你閱聽英文過程中,快速查找生詞! 【書城】 1. 提供多元而豐富的學習內容,包括生活、職場、專業、旅遊英語,英語讀本、字彙、聽力與閱讀,國中小、高中、英檢(GEPT)、多益(TOEIC)、托福(TOEFL)、雅思(IELTS)等類別用書。 2. 每本書提供內容介紹與單字難易度分佈百分比,讓選書更智慧。 3. 定期上架新書,隨時享用最新學習素材。 【學習服務】 1. 標示「閱聽型學習書」的字頻、多益、英檢、大考中心的單字級別。 2. 登入會員後, --收集專屬於自己的單字表,跟隨學習軌跡記錄您旳單字量。 --在「閱聽」文章會話的同時,可以對比出尚未熟記的單字,繼續強化記誦。 --可以檢視—學習進度、我的單字量、達標成就、我的好友。 3. 雲端書櫃下載,可隨裝置記憶空間增刪,想看再下載。 4. 英單檢測,測測自己的英語單字實力,挑戰全級等單字,強化英單的掌握度。 【學習功能-閱聽型】 ● 【閱讀訓練】:中英文對照或隱藏模式,全英/中英對照學習。 ● 【聽力訓練】:自動或循環朗讀、複讀範圍與次數均可自訂,訓練聽力超有感。 ● 【口說練習】:可以聽老師發音後,按下麥克風一句一句練習口說,精進您的口語能力。 ● 【語速調整】:可調整七段不同速度,讓你聽力訓練減少挫折感。 ● 【單字分析】:提供本書內容總單字量與單字級等分佈比例,在學習前即可了解單字難易度。 ● 【單詞級等標示】:標示學習內容的單詞級等,包含字頻(8級等)、大考中心(6級等)、全民英檢(3級等)、多益常考用字。 ● 【查字義】:內建單詞資料庫,快速查詢字義,理解文章內容。 ● 【搜尋】:輸入關鍵字查找標題或全文學習內容。 ● 【書籤】:將重要學習內容標記書籤,方便日後反覆復習。 【學習功能-單字型】 ● 【兩大學習理論,完美實現】:採用艾賓豪斯「遺忘曲線」與萊特納「間隔式複習」兩大理論所設計,在記憶曲線的最佳時段背誦單字,達到深度記憶。 ● 【背最關鍵單字,事半功倍】:每天的複習,只呈現最關鍵(不複習即將忘掉)的單字,用科學、最省力的方式,熟記大量字彙。 ● 【背誦/學習雙模式】:「背誦模式」是依學習記憶曲線所設計的複習機制,讓所學單字逐步成為長期記憶;您也能使用「學習模式」,進行系統外的複習。 ● 【背單字也練發音】:在「背誦模式」中,先複誦單字,測試自己的發音後再持續背單字。 ● 【學習計畫】:設定每天背誦字數或預定完成天數,由系統協助您完成學習目標。 【學習功能-測驗型】 ● 使用介面設計流暢,做題應答輕鬆上手。 ● 全英文應考介面,做答後,可看中文翻譯、解說。 ● 查看題目解析,無論重聽、看答案或查看解析,均能一觸即得。 ◎ 客服聯絡:如對產品有任何想法或建議,或者使用上遭遇問題,都歡迎和我們聯絡-   1....

Price: Free Developer: Soyong Corporation


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Price: Free Developer: Soyong Corporation
Candy Party - Match & Logic

Candy Party - Match & Logic

" The game was easy to learn and I liked the variety of ways children were challenged to sort the chocolates. Having two levels of difficulty is nice." The iPhone Mom Reviews “Life is like a box of...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: InterServ International Inc.
Cat & Dog - Math Siege Educational Game for kids

Cat & Dog - Math Siege Educational Game for kids

Cat & Dog is an educational math game that practices addition, subtraction, and strategy via an entertaining game. Make learning math easy & fun for your kids with our “iMao” series. Cat & Dog keeps children entertained with its...

Price: Free Developer: InterServ International Inc.
Cupcake Shop - Smart monetary Educational Game for kids

Cupcake Shop - Smart monetary Educational Game for kids

Merry Christmas. Hope you enjoy our iMao series title! CupCake Shop is an educational app that teaches basic addition skills, as well as ways to use your preferred currency in a fun game. The goal is to purchase...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: InterServ International Inc.
Formula Gems

Formula Gems

Formula Gems is a Tetris-style math app that actually teaches addition, subtraction, multiplication, as well as equation concepts. The goal is to clear as many blocks as possible. However, in Formula Gems, blocks are only destroyed by placing their...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: InterServ International Inc.
Vehicle Flashcards for Kids, Babies or Toddlers

Vehicle Flashcards for Kids, Babies or Toddlers

Download now to show your child almost 150 images and sounds of cars, planes, ships or agricultural machinery. Easy to use. Slideshow feature for the youngest. 5 different categories. Favorites category. Show your child what vehicle makes what sound, what...

Price: Free Developer: Open Solutions
Vehicles 360

Vehicles 360

Vehicles 360 is an amazing application to discover the world of vehicles in 360º. The spectacular pictures and the real sounds allow the user learning everything there is about the types of means of transportation. Vehicles are subdivided in:...

Price: Free Developer: YED28
Learning Balloon Pop Kids Pro

Learning Balloon Pop Kids Pro

Are you looking to help your kids learn how to count? Or maybe you want to teach them the alphabet in a fun, interactive way? Balloon Pop is here to help you with all of that. The way Balloon...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Learning Apps
Science Experiments - Balloon

Science Experiments - Balloon

Are you tired of playing the same kind of games all the time? So kids get ready for something very different than usual and amazing as well. Let's enter into the amazing world of science tricks and experiments where...

Price: Free Developer: Nikhil Khoda
Balloon Popping - Preschool Alphabet Phonics Game

Balloon Popping - Preschool Alphabet Phonics Game

Balloon Popping for Kids is an amazing and addictive fun game for kids. Burst a balloon another balloon there is an endless cycle of balloons appear. See your children enjoy balloon popping sound as they arise infinite balloons. The application helps...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Ghayoor
Balloon Pop games for kids

Balloon Pop games for kids

Balloon pop-pop-pop! Learn animal names and what sound each animal makes; get familiar with the fruits and vegetables that you eat; learn your alphabet letters and count the numbers. Your baby will love playing this educational balloon game, while...

Price: Free Developer: Abuzz D.O.O.
Balloon Pop-Educational Pop

Balloon Pop-Educational Pop

Balloon Pops Educational Balloon Popping for Kids is a simple but attracting learning app for kids. The app will help kids learn while playing with the balloons. Great game for toddlers and kids who are learning. 1) Arcade: Burst as many...

Price: Free Developer: Ayaz Effendi
4A’s Hot Air Balloon

4A’s Hot Air Balloon

Content • This is a scientific enlightening picture story book. • The APP is a pure children’s reader without advertisement or harmful information. • collection is made up of 8 episodes. Episodes 1-3 are free. Episodes 4-8 are available...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Han Wise Technology Co., Ltd.
Balloon Barnyard Books

Balloon Barnyard Books

PROMOTIONAL PRICE! JUST $0.99 for the first 1000 DOWNLOADS! The perfect reading companion for fans of the hit television series BALLOON BARNYARD! Join Pip & Streak on five new book adventures, in a fun, interactive world that empowers children to...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Like A Photon Creative Pty Ltd
Preschool Balloon Popping Game for Kids

Preschool Balloon Popping Game for Kids

iOS 9 Compatible! Pop! Pop! This fun game is full of big, bright balloons for your child to "pop" with the touch of a finger. Choose between four different play modes and let your little one get popping with...

Price: Free Developer: BabyFirst
Preschool Learning Balloon Pop - First Words Kids Learning Games for Preschool Toddlers & Kindergarten

Preschool Learning Balloon Pop - First Words Kids Learning Games for Preschool Toddlers & Kindergarten

Balloon Pop is a colorful, wonderfully educational learning experience for toddlers & preschool kids.. Learn alphabets in the fun way by popping balloons with this exciting educational fun game. A classic balloon popping game for kids, with colorful graphics, cute...

Price: Free Developer: himanshu shah

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