Top 28 Education Apps Like Religion & Theology Spotlight - Best Alternatives

Religion & Theology Spotlight Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Religion & Theology Spotlight alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to Religion & Theology Spotlight. Pick one from this list to be your new Religion & Theology Spotlight app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Religion & Theology Spotlight on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Religion & Theology Spotlight - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Religion & Theology Spotlight alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Religion & Theology Spotlight 2025.

Did You Know... Religion Facts

Did You Know... Religion Facts

Religion Facts is part of the "Did You Know That..." apps collection of interesting facts and events.

Price: Free Developer: Apps BG
First Things

First Things

First Things is published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute whose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society. First Things Pricing: • Subscription 1 Month...

Theology Online - Politics, religion, & more.

Theology Online - Politics, religion, & more.

Since 1997 TheologyOnline has been one of the most popular theology communities on the internet. Now you can take the TheologyOnline (TOL) community with you on your smartphone with the TOL app.

Price: Free Developer: Tapatalk
GCSE Religious Studies (For Schools)

GCSE Religious Studies (For Schools)

GCSE Religious Studies: Religion in Life and Society: Christianity and Islam Written by passionate teachers, developed by a team dedicated to transforming GCSE revision. We aim to ensure that you are up to speed with all the facts that you need...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Revision Buddies
HSC Apps

HSC Apps

Revise your HSC subject content with hundreds of questions and study for exams anytime, anywhere with HSC Apps. Features: - iOS6+ & iPad compatibility - Shiny new iOS7 look and feel - Feedback on each question, scoring in-line with HSC...

Price: Free Developer: Education Apps PTY LTD
Library of Religious Texts

Library of Religious Texts

Library of Religious Texts An anthology of religous texts in English and in the text's original language. 100% free for both iPhone and iPad Rigveda - Sanskrit & English Tanach - Hebrew & English Theogony - Ancient Greek & English Metamorphoses - Latin & English New...

Price: Free Developer: Matthew Moscatello


We filmed distinguished biblical scholars & theologians teaching & interacting with deeply engaged participants. Themes considered ranged from Apologetics to Martin Luther, from Spiritual Formation to Medical Ethics, from The Divine Conspiracy to Faith & Science. The courses varied...

Price: Free Developer: e4


Haider TV 'Serving Humanity' In association with DARGAH SHAH MARDAN New Delhi- India Haider TV is a Delhi based team enabling live religious broadcasts and streaming features across the world. Our aim is to connect the Shia Muslim community like...

Price: Free Developer: Zeeshan Raza
Hawaiian Mythology

Hawaiian Mythology

Hawaiian religion encompasses the indigenous religious beliefs and practices of the Native Hawaiians. It is polytheistic and animistic, with a belief in many deities and spirits, including the belief that spirits are found in non-human beings and objects such...

Price: Free Developer: Theago Liddell
Little Pilgrims Theology

Little Pilgrims Theology

Little Pilgrims Theology is a powerful and engaging education environment that teaches sound biblical theology according to scripture alone; for the glory of God alone. Both Children and adults can dig deeper into the Christian faith with Little Pilgrims' insightful...

Price: Free Developer: Brandon Mills
Systematic Theology (Christian Theology)

Systematic Theology (Christian Theology)

Systematic theology is a discipline of Christian theology that formulates an orderly, rational, and coherent account of the Christian faith and beliefs. Subdisciplines are dogmatics, ethics and philosophy of religion. Systematic theology draws on the foundational sacred texts of Christianity,...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
History of Christian Theology

History of Christian Theology

The History of Christian Theology is an easy tool for high school and university students who would like to revise theological schools of early Christianity or for everyone who is fascinated by the world of belief. The application describes...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Daniel Klimsza
Ryrie Theology Central Passage

Ryrie Theology Central Passage

In his popular book "Basic Theology, A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth" Dr. Charles Ryrie lists 143 Bible passages that illustrate key theological principles. He explains that anyone who can memorize these Bible references and their theological...

Price: Free Developer:
Digital Theology

Digital Theology

The Digital Theology app brings all the best sermons, theology and ministry videos in the one place. Features: - Featured videos - Latest videos from churches, academics and other ministries - Hand curated playlists by subject and speaker - Blog with editorials and supplementary...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ocean Reef Studios
Aquinas Institute of Theology

Aquinas Institute of Theology

The mobile application to accompany the Aquinas Institute of Theology website.

Price: Free Developer: SMB Creative Group
Union Theology

Union Theology

Welcome to the official Union app! Enjoy free theological resources – from podcasts to technical articles. All to equip the church and bless the world with the knowledge of God in Jesus Christ. For more information about Union, please visit: The Union...

Price: Free Developer: Union Foundation


"A must have app for theology students." -Fr. Thomas Guarino, Prof. of Theology, Seton Hall University "An app that helps you go deeper in faith." -Fr. Antonio Spadaro, S.J., Editor-In-Chief, La Civiltà Cattolica "More than just questions and answers, and yet...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Jonathan Lace
Spotlight - Englisch lernen

Spotlight - Englisch lernen

Spotlight - Das Sprachtraining zum Englisch lernen Einfach besser Englisch lesen, hören, sprechen. Englisch lernen ist mit Spotlight ganz einfach. Mit dem Englisch-Sprachtraining verbessern Sie Ihre Kenntnisse von Grammatik und Vokabeln für alle Lebensbereiche. Zudem lernen Sie jeden Monat Neues...

Price: Free Developer: Spotlight Verlag GmbH
Business Spotlight - Englisch

Business Spotlight - Englisch

Business Spotlight – das Sprachtraining für Ihr Business-Englisch Einfach besser Business-Englisch lernen. Für den Beruf ist das mit Business Spotlight ein Leichtes. Effektives Sprachtraining, didaktisch und journalistisch aufbereitet – so trainieren Sie Ihre Englischkenntnisse mit dem Business-Spotlight-Sprachmagazin und dem dazugehörigen...

Price: Free Developer: Spotlight Verlag GmbH
Spotlight Timișoara

Spotlight Timișoara

Spotlight Heritage reveals, by digital storytelling, Timisoara through stories of cultural and historical heritage, of technical development, of communities and neighborhoods, interwoven with the personal stories of the inhabitants of yesterday and today. Spotlight Heritage is a digital cultural initiative...

Price: Free Developer: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
Anthropology Spotlight

Anthropology Spotlight

Anthropology Spotlight is a must-have app for all Anthropologists brought to you by Wiley-Blackwell. This exciting new app gives you the following community features at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime - • Latest information on key Anthropology conferences and latest conference tweets •...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Business & Management Spotlight

Business & Management Spotlight

Business Spotlight is a must-have app for all business researchers and professionals brought to you by Wiley-Blackwell. This exciting new app gives you the following community features at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime - • Latest information on key...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Economics Spotlight

Economics Spotlight

Economics Spotlight is a must-have app for all Economists, and those interested in Economics, brought to you by Wiley. This exciting new app gives you the following community features at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime - • Latest information on key...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Sociology Spotlight

Sociology Spotlight

Sociology Spotlight is a must-have app for all Sociologists brought to you by Wiley-Blackwell. This exciting new app gives you the following community features at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime - • Latest information on key Sociology conferences and latest conference...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Wort des Tages: Englisch

Wort des Tages: Englisch

Das Wort des Tages: word of the day. Erweitern Sie Ihren Wortschatz ganz nebenbei: mit einer neuen englischen Vokabel pro Tag. Sie lieben Vokabellernen und schreiben für Ihr Leben gern Karteikarten? Nein? Keine Sorge! Dann geht es Ihnen wie den...

Price: Free Developer: Spotlight Verlag GmbH
Business-Wort des Tages (Eng.)

Business-Wort des Tages (Eng.)

Das Business-Wort des Tages: Erweitern Sie Ihr Business-Englisch Tag für Tag um jeweils eine Vokabel. Haben Sie auf Business-Trips immer Ihre Karteikarten dabei? Nein? Dann geht es Ihnen wahrscheinlich genauso wie den meisten Professionals: Wer Englisch im Beruf braucht,...

Price: Free Developer: Spotlight Verlag GmbH
Geography Spotlight

Geography Spotlight

Geography Spotlight is a must-have app for all Geographers, and those interested in Geography, brought to you by Wiley. This exciting new app gives you the following community features at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime - • Latest information on key...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing

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