Top 11 Education Apps Like ENEA EAI - Best Alternatives

ENEA EAI Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ENEA EAI alternatives for iOS? We have listed 11 Education apps that are similar to ENEA EAI. Pick one from this list to be your new ENEA EAI app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ENEA EAI on your iOS devices.

Top 11 Apps Like ENEA EAI - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ENEA EAI alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like ENEA EAI 2025.



O Aquaquiz é um jogo interativo e pedagógico constituído por um conjunto de perguntas sobre a água, as suas características e o seu valor em diferentes dimensões. É de acesso livre, mas sujeito a registo, e está disponível para...

Price: Free Developer: After You
Duo Edu

Duo Edu

Duo Edu het sy ontstaan gehad deurdat ‘n behoefte geïdentifiseer is vanuit die praktyk van Dr Lorraine du Toit (Opvoedkundige Sielkundige): Hoërskoolleerders met spesifieke leerbehoeftes het dit uitdagend gevind om hulself binne die hoofstroom klaskamer te handhaaf. Die skool het...

Price: Free Developer: EAI South Africa (PTY) Ltd


Skuvlačála lea okta álkes čállinprográmma mas leat bustávvajienat (jietnaprogámma). Go boallobeavddis deaddelat bustavaid, de gullo bustávvajietna seammás. Go deaddelat satnegaska-boalu, de dadja hupmansyntesa dan sáni, ja dadjá olles cealkaga gaskamearkka bokte (ii fal rihkku). Sániin lea ivdnečalmmusteapmi go lohka olles...

Price: Free Developer: Karin Ohlis Firma
CTU Training Solutions

CTU Training Solutions

CTU Training Solutions (PTY) Ltd, established in 1987, is a private tertiary education provider. CTU consists of three divisions. Corporate is dedicated to providing corporate training and development solutions and the career division specialises in one to three year...

Price: Free Developer: EAI South Africa (PTY) Ltd
Brescia House School

Brescia House School

Angela Merici was born during the Renaissance (about 1474) in Italy. Captivated by Christ's love, generously open to the needs of others and a woman of prayer, she was sensitive to the critical social and spiritual needs of her...

Price: Free Developer: EAI South Africa (PTY) Ltd
Grey College

Grey College

We're proud to introduce to you our brand new and free school app with exciting new features we know you'll love! You'll get instant notifications straight to your mobile device when there's activity at school relevant to you! Stay up to date with developments that affect your child's school...

Price: Free Developer: EAI South Africa (PTY) Ltd
My Pearson

My Pearson

Professional Development Courses

Price: Free Developer: EAI South Africa (PTY) Ltd
Anton Van Wouw

Anton Van Wouw

Om ʼn verantwoordelike, selfstandige, gelukkige en trotse kind tot volle potensiaal in die etos van ons omgewing te ontwikkel en toe te rus om bydraes te maak in Suid-Afrika en internasionaal. Ons wil dit bereik deur goed toegeruste, gemotiveerde en...

Price: Free Developer: EAI South Africa (PTY) Ltd
Constantiapark Laerskool

Constantiapark Laerskool

Laerskool Constantiapark is ‘n Afrikaansmedium openbare skool vanaf gr. 0 (6 j. oud) tot gr. 7 (13 j. oud). Die Gauteng Departement van Onderwys se kurrikulum word gevolg met addisionele verryking in rekenaaronderrig in twee rekenaarsentrums. Die onderwysbenadering is...

Price: Free Developer: EAI South Africa (PTY) Ltd


I denne applikasjonen finner du ca. 2200 norske fraseologismer, dvs. faste uttrykk og vendinger, og tilsvarende samiske fraseologismer som vi har foreslått. Applikasjonen er ment å være til hjelp for translatører og simultantolker. De sistnevnte har ikke tid til...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Davvi Girji

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