Top 49 Book Apps Like Yo Mama - Best New Jokes & Sayings! - Best Alternatives

Yo Mama - Best New Jokes & Sayings! Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Yo Mama - Best New Jokes & Sayings! alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Book apps that are similar to Yo Mama - Best New Jokes & Sayings!. Pick one from this list to be your new Yo Mama - Best New Jokes & Sayings! app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Yo Mama - Best New Jokes & Sayings! on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like Yo Mama - Best New Jokes & Sayings! - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Yo Mama - Best New Jokes & Sayings! alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like Yo Mama - Best New Jokes & Sayings! 2025.

Platero y yo

Platero y yo

A través de esta aplicación, podrás ver el mundo de Platero y yo, de Juan Ramón Jiménez, adaptado, de una forma mucho más real y cercana, gracias a la realidad aumentada. Además, en al audiocuento escucharás en cada página...

Price: Free Developer: Editorial GEU
Yo Puedo ser Mejor - AudioEbook

Yo Puedo ser Mejor - AudioEbook

En este audiolibro de autoayuda, encontrará el secreto para aumentar su confianza en sí mismo, que es la clave para el éxito y la superación personal, con palabras llenas de motivación podrá generar un profundo cambio de vida…

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Libro Movil
Yo Quiero Ser Cómico - AudioEbook

Yo Quiero Ser Cómico - AudioEbook

En este audiolibro encontrará una interesante enseñanza que dignifica el arte de la comedia, en un entretenido dialogo Mariano José De Larra, nos muestra la simplificación de un arte que implica mucho más que un interés….

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Libro Movil
Oscar Encuentra Un Hogar con Wordwinks

Oscar Encuentra Un Hogar con Wordwinks

*Las características son únicas para WORDWINKS + RETELL, RECORD & SHARE *Los únicos libros electrónicos digitales que traen al profesor directamente a la historia para padres e hijos *Enseña la conciencia fonológica. Cumple con el Currículo Común Central para PreK-K *Libro...

Price: Free Developer: You Tell Me Stories Foundation, Inc.
Oscar Finds A Home

Oscar Finds A Home

*Only children’s ebook apps with unique features WORDWINKS and RETELL, RECORD & SHARE *WORDWINKS weave comments & questions into the story-helps kids read between the lines *RETELL RECORD & SHARE builds listening & speaking PARENTS, KIDS AND EDUCATORS LOVE AWARD WINNING...

Price: Free Developer: You Tell Me Stories Foundation, Inc.
Chant D'Esperance

Chant D'Esperance

CHANTS D'ESPERANCE (The Original) is brought to you by Trinity Empire, since 2013. We have worked hard to bring you the latest nine books in the Chants D'Esperance + Nouvo ke (worship song). NO Advertisement. None whatsoever!!! Please get our other...

Price: Free Developer: Trinity Empire
Chants D'Esperance

Chants D'Esperance

CHANTS D'ESPERANCE (The Original) is brought to you by Trinity Empire, since 2013. We have worked hard to bring you the latest nine books in the Chants D'Esperance + Nouvo ke (worship song). NO Advertisement. None whatsoever!!! Please get our other...

Price: Free Developer: Trinity Empire
Muqaddas Kitob

Muqaddas Kitob

Muqaddas Kitob Zamonaviy o‘zbek tilidagi tarjima, izohlar va qo‘shimcha ma’lumotlar ilova qilingan Mazkur ilova o‘zbek tilidagi Muqaddas Kitobning, ya’ni Bibliyaning kirill va lotin yozuvidagi variantlaridan iborat. Kitobxon o‘ziga qulay bo‘lgan yozuvdagi matnni tanlashi mumkin. Shuningdek, u bir vaqtning o‘zida ham kirill,...

Price: Free Developer: Институт перевода Библии
Sheikh Saied bin Ali bin Wahf

Sheikh Saied bin Ali bin Wahf

This full-featured app contains all of the Sheikh's books in PDF and text formats. *** Main Features *** - Attractive book shelve design. - Browsing books based on categories. - Search for books and search within the content of one book or all...

Price: Free Developer: Abobakr Ibrahim
Annas Mama ist super

Annas Mama ist super

Das Kinderbuch „Annas Mama ist super – Multiple Sklerose kindgerecht erklärt“ ermutigt Eltern und Angehörigen mit Kindern über die Krankheit offen zu sprechen. Wir können Eltern leider die herausfordernde Aufgabe nicht abnehmen, ihren Kindern zu sagen, dass sie an MS...

Price: Free Developer: CS Caritas Socialis
In A Fight, Berenstain Bears

In A Fight, Berenstain Bears

• Winner of a MOM'S CHOICE Gold Award • Winner of a PARENTS’ CHOICE Gold Honor Award • An interactive animated storybook originally published as the award-winning Living Books • A tale of how sibling arguments can sometimes escalate, and how they...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Wanderful, Inc.
Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake

Five Little Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake

*** Special Discounted Price for a Limited Time *** Join the Five Little Monkeys in this interactive book app as they wake up early to bake a surprise birthday cake for Mama! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media
Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping

Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping

***Back to School Sale! $1 OFF for a limited time!*** Join the Five Little Monkeys in this interactive book app as Mama takes them shopping for clothes! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Will Mama...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media
s'eee digital by Emi Suzuki

s'eee digital by Emi Suzuki

人気モデルにして、ガジェット通「今」を体現するインフルエンサー、鈴木えみが編集長を務めるガールズマガジン「s’eee」がアプリになりました! vol.5となる「s’eee」最新号は、自らの妊娠・出産を経ての「MAMA&BABY」をテーマに、初のデジタルマガジンとして刊行!不安や悩みがありつつも、楽しくハッピー感満載だったマタニティライフや子育てのあれこれを、少しでも多くのプレママやママたちと共有したいと、めいっぱい詰め込みました。妊娠発覚から出産までの心の動きを語るインタビューをはじめ、初公開のマタニティフォト、ママのファッション&ビューティ、キッズのおしゃれとインテリア……などコンテンツ満載!  ギミックが楽しい誌面はまるで「飛び出す絵本」のデジタル版。特にずーっと撮り溜めていたマタニティフォトや、かわいいBABYの画像は必見です! MAMA&BABYに役立つアイテムも100点以上掲載し、ショッピングやサイトへのリンクがあるのもデジタルならでは。 バックナンバー「s’eee」vol.1~4のフリーダイジェスト版もラインナップ。 本アプリケーションは、無料でダウンロードできますが、一部アプリ内課金のコンテンツがあります。 s'eee vol.5[デジタル版]360円 s'eee vol.5[Preview版]無料 s'eee vol.1[ダイジェスト版]無料 s'eee vol.2[ダイジェスト版]無料 s'eee vol.3[ダイジェスト版]無料 s'eee vol.4[ダイジェスト版]無料 (C) SHUEISHA Inc (本アプリ掲載の写真、イラストレーション、記事、ロゴの無断転載および複写を禁じます)

Price: Free Developer: SHUEISHA Inc.
In The Dark, Berenstain Bears

In The Dark, Berenstain Bears

• Winner of a MOM'S CHOICE Gold Award • Winner of a PARENTS’ CHOICE Gold Honor Award • An interactive animated storybook originally published by the award-winning Living Books • A tale of taking charge of one’s imagination, especially when...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Wanderful, Inc.
Mały Książe

Mały Książe

A oto mój sekret. Jest bardzo prosty: dobrze widzi się tylko sercem. Najważniejsze jest niewidoczne dla oczu. Mały Książę Mały Książę to piękna, poruszająca opowieść o dorastaniu, o prawdziwej przyjaźni, miłości i odpowiedzialności za drugiego człowieka. To historia chłopca, który przemierza...

Price: Free Developer: Globlife Cyprian Faron
Ooops! Die Arche ist weg e-motion book

Ooops! Die Arche ist weg e-motion book

‚Ooops! Die Arche ist weg...’ e-motion book. Ideal für alle Leseanfänger! Das e-motion book ist ein interaktives eBook für Kinder und beinhaltet viele spannende Filmsequenzen aus dem Original-Film ‚Ooops! Die Arche ist weg...’ Garantiert keine in-App Käufe möglich! HIGHLIGHTS: -e-motion book ‚Ooops!...

Price: Free Developer: book n app - pApplishing house GmbH
Goldilocks And The 3 Bears

Goldilocks And The 3 Bears

*Academics' Choice Book Smart Award Winner *Meets National Common Core for PreK-K *Helps create readers before they can read *Developed by Language and Literacy Scholars *FREE Activity Book with purchase Our exclusive features-WordWinks and Retell, Record & Share-give YOU the tools to...

Price: Free Developer: You Tell Me Stories Foundation, Inc.
Best Book Briefings

Best Book Briefings

Best Book Briefings—also known as BBB—is an online platform for the briefings of the best non-fiction books, on a variety of topics such as Management, Business Administration, Leadership, Education, Parenting, Psychology and a variety of other topics. With thousands...

Price: Free Developer: Best Book Briefings
bookPress - Best Book Creator

bookPress - Best Book Creator

Write your own quality books in print and eBooks on your iPad FREE, simple and easy to do bookPress is a book creator that allows you to make your own book and publish it. Design your own book cover and...

Price: Free Developer: Bookemon, Inc.
Gutenberg: The 100 Best Books of All Time

Gutenberg: The 100 Best Books of All Time

Take these 100 best books of all time with you. Read or listen anywhere, anytime. You can read each book in its entirety, listen to human-read audiobook, watch video related to the book, and explore an in-depth Wikipedia article...

Price: Free Developer: himalaya-soft
TotalReader for iPad - The BEST eBook reader for epub, fb2, pdf, djvu, mobi, rtf, txt, chm, cbz, cbr

TotalReader for iPad - The BEST eBook reader for epub, fb2, pdf, djvu, mobi, rtf, txt, chm, cbz, cbr

The BEST application for reading books: *.fb2, *.epub, *.mobi, *.chm, *.fbz, *.rtf, *.txt (all encodings), documents: *.djvu, *.pdf, *.xps, office documents: *.doc, *.docx, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.ppt, *.pptx, *.pages, *.numbers, *.key and comic books: *.cbr, *.cbz, *.cbt. All formats are...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: LTD DevelSoftware
TotalReader for iPhone - The BEST eBook reader for epub, fb2, pdf, djvu, mobi, rtf, txt, chm, cbz, cbr

TotalReader for iPhone - The BEST eBook reader for epub, fb2, pdf, djvu, mobi, rtf, txt, chm, cbz, cbr

The BEST application for reading books: *.fb2, *.epub, *.mobi, *.chm, *.fbz, *.rtf, *.txt (all encodings), documents: *.djvu, *.pdf, *.xps, office documents: *.doc, *.docx, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.ppt, *.pptx, *.pages, *.numbers, *.key and comic books: *.cbr, *.cbz, *.cbt. All formats are...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: LTD DevelSoftware
Chuck & Friends: The Best

Chuck & Friends: The Best

Fun-filled interactive Chuck & Friends iReader that kids will love to read! Ruckus iReaders help encourage kids to read and feature in-story activities that reinforce national educational standards! Perfect for emergent readers, “The Best” features Chuck and his buddies as...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ruckus Media Group
Color Books - The best coloring and drawing animal app for kid

Color Books - The best coloring and drawing animal app for kid

Your kids will be an Artist one day in the future with this special version app. The best coloring book for kid from 3-13 year old, now available on your iPhone, iPad! This app contain: - You try using amazing painting...

Price: Free Developer: Hoang Linh
Best Love Stories (with search)

Best Love Stories (with search)

Brilliant collection of most adored novels on women in love that lists gems of all times - writings of Jane Austin, Bronte sisters, Henry James and others with full text search!!! Every book presented in this collection used to...

Price: Free Developer: Mykola Kuznietsov
Best Free Books for Kindle

Best Free Books for Kindle

FREE! Get updates on the BEST Free Kindle Books. 'Best Free Books for Kindle' brings you the best free kindle books. Please Note: You need the free Kindle App for iSO to read these books. Please Note: This app was not created or...

Price: Free Developer: 7 Dragons Inc
Best Hindi Status - New Quotes

Best Hindi Status - New Quotes

Hindi Status is One of the Best Application for All People Who love to set Best Hindi Status and Hindi Quotes on Facebook and Whatsapp Timeline. Setting Good Status gets increased your likes on your post as well able...

Price: Free Developer: MOHAMMED MOIN MANSURI
New Day New You

New Day New You

Joyce Meyer stresses the importance of spending even just a few minutes every morning with God. Beginning each day this way is an opportunity to get off on the right foot and to set the tone for the day....

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Hachette Book Group, Inc.
New In Chess Books

New In Chess Books

New In Chess is a prize-winning publisher of chess books, the Yearbook and its flagship periodical: New In Chess magazine. The book publishing program focuses on chess improvement, training manuals, opening theory, chess history and chess entertainment. Bestselling authors...

Price: Free Developer: New In Chess
New Circus Procession

New Circus Procession

This interactive illustrated book takes us back to the days when circuses paraded through towns before setting up their Big Top in preparation for the show. The rhythmic stanzas establish the beat of a procession and include all...

Price: Free Developer: Raymond Cardillo
New Braunfels Public Library

New Braunfels Public Library

The New Braunfels Public Library is now available – TO GO! Download the NBPL2GO app and you can have the library in your hands! Find books, movies, music, audiobooks, eBooks, eAudiobooks, and more. Renew items you have checked out and...

Price: Free Developer: City of New Braunfels New audiobooks New audiobooks

Love your audiobooks? Crazy about podcasts? Come and browse our vast library of best sellers and listen to your favorite audiobooks and podcasts anytime, anywhere with So if you’re going on holiday, spend hours commuting to work or...

Price: Free Developer: RB Audiobooks USA LLC
Paint & Play: Chinese New Year

Paint & Play: Chinese New Year

Swipea's Paint & Play: Chinese New Year, coloring book for kids features numerous themed art coloring pages crafted to bring out your child's inner artist. With learning activities and educational games, our coloring book for kids teaches preschool &...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Swipea Kids Apps
Pray Your Way To The New Year

Pray Your Way To The New Year

This is the Official Mobile App for the life-changing book Pray Your Way to the New Year. it contains the Ebook, Audio and Video Version of the book fully loaded with insights to empower you for maximum impact in...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Benjamin Beckley
New Star Soccer G-Story

New Star Soccer G-Story

***Please note this is an interactive Story Book which contains gameplay snippets from New Star Soccer. It is not a sequel or update to New Star Soccer*** Welcome to “New Star Soccer G-Story”, the world's best fusion of mobile game...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Five Aces Publishing Ltd.
New Testament - KJV

New Testament - KJV

The New Testament of the Bible contains twenty-seven books namely: a. The Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John b. The Book of Acts c. The Letters of the Apostle Paul: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and...

Price: Free Developer: Allan Dziwornu
Holy Bible (New English Translation)

Holy Bible (New English Translation)

iPhone application crash tips: Like Windows or other computers, iPhone needs to reboot after a while. Most crashes of applications are caused by iPhone, not by applications. Hold both the HOME button and sleep/wake button for a while to power...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: LoudReader Inc
Kids Jokes - Funny Jokes For Children & Parents

Kids Jokes - Funny Jokes For Children & Parents

*** Encourage your child's sense of humor! *** Get your whole family snigger! *** Make your home a place of laughter & levity! Here they are: 555 jokes your kids will love ——————————————— OVERVIEW ——————————————— We’ve created the most funny app for kids and their parents: So enjoy...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mario Guenther-Bruns
Toofani Jokes Collection in Hindi,Funny snapdeal

Toofani Jokes Collection in Hindi,Funny snapdeal

-We Proudly release New Hindi Jokes collections. -It consists lots of Hindi Jokes with different new categories that you can not find out any other apps. -Laughter is the best medicine, you share this hindi jokes...

Price: Free Developer: Shera Majid
Adult Story Offline - 205 Free Adults Jokes 18+

Adult Story Offline - 205 Free Adults Jokes 18+

Adult Story Offline - 205 Adults Jokes 18+ Free You will get a great Humor by downloading this app ! and you will see how funny it is , and you will start telling your friends or your girlfriend funny...

Price: Free Developer: Hai Nam Trinh
Funny Jokes for Adults & Kids

Funny Jokes for Adults & Kids

Funny Jokes contains a large selection of the best hand picked jokes for people of all ages (kids, teen and adults) that will help make you laugh! This joke app is perfect when you are bored or want to kill...

Price: Free Developer: DH3 Games
Chirkut Baba ke Funny Jokes & Chutkule in hindi

Chirkut Baba ke Funny Jokes & Chutkule in hindi

We bring jokes for you in Hindi font. Jokes play an important role in making our day-to-day life stress-free and cheerful. Every person you interact has either a serious mood, a problem or is sad and jokes can break the...

Price: Free Developer: Mo Moin
Dirty Jokes - Funny Jokes about Love and even more!

Dirty Jokes - Funny Jokes about Love and even more!

——————————————— OVERVIEW: 1.111 Jokes ——————————————— Enjoy the best dirty jokes, ever: These jokes will make your day! ——————————————— QUANTITIES ——————————————— ● Dirty jokes - for every occasion! 6 categories: ● Short Jokes ● Long Jokes ● Blonde Jokes ● Viagra Jokes ● Funny Sayings ● Knock-knock ——————————————— SECTIONS ——————————————— ● Favorites section for your favorite jokes ● Search jokes by full text...

Price: Free Developer: Joachim Bruns
Funny Jokes for Kids & Adults

Funny Jokes for Kids & Adults

Best Jokes! Need a good laugh? Then get ready for some very funny jokes! This hilarious app will crack you up with hundreds of the funniest, most hilarious Q&A jokes, blonde jokes, yo mama jokes, and famous one-liner jokes...

Price: Free Developer: Michael Quach
Jokes - Funny insults that make you laugh!

Jokes - Funny insults that make you laugh!

Jokes & funny insults: The best jokes to make your day! ——————————————— OVERVIEW ——————————————— Enjoy the best of the best jokes, ever: women jokes, men jokes, funny insults, sarcastic sayings... ——————————————— CATEGORIES ——————————————— ● Many categories: - Women Jokes - Men Jokes - Sarcastic Sayings - Funny Insuts - Yo Mama - Emo Jokes - Women are...

Price: Free Developer: Mario Guenther-Bruns
2500 Dirty Jokes - The Latest Collection of Adult Jokes

2500 Dirty Jokes - The Latest Collection of Adult Jokes

“These dirty jokes make your day!” ——————————————— OVERVIEW ——————————————— 2,500 dirty jokes! Enjoy the best of the best dirty jokes, ever! ——————————————— QUANTITIES ——————————————— ● 2,500 dirty jokes - for every hot occasion! ● 5 categories: • Short Jokes • Long & Dirty • Dirty Blonde Jokes • Viagra & Manly • Dirty Wise Men Sayings ●...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mario Guenther-Bruns
Funny Stories and Jokes

Funny Stories and Jokes

- Looking for funny jokes? You can enjoy all this collection for free! - Category: + Aviation jokes + Gender jokes + Bar jokes + Police jokes + Crazy jokes + Marriage jokes + Free jokes + True jokes + Animals jokes + Kinds of jokes

Price: Free Developer: Tran Quang Son

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