Do you want to find the best Direct Remote for DIRECTV alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Utilities apps that are similar to Direct Remote for DIRECTV. Pick one from this list to be your new Direct Remote for DIRECTV app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Direct Remote for DIRECTV on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Direct Remote for DIRECTV alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like Direct Remote for DIRECTV 2025.
A vos côtés, où que vous soyez, quand vous en avez besoin ! Pour la gestion de votre contrat comme en cas d’accident, notre appli est là pour vous rendre service. Souscription et modification de contrat, paiement en ligne...
Understand Your Energy Usage and Costs with the Direct Energy App! The Direct Energy App is your trusted, on-the-go tool that can help you buy less of what we sell. And who doesn’t want to save on energy costs? It’s...
The Direct Energy Power-To-Go App puts everything you need at your fingertips as a Power-To-Go Customer. You can easily manage your Direct Energy prepaid account – right from your smartphone or tablet! With the Direct Energy App, you will be...
BIN-SENSE® Direct Device Required – Sold Separately BIN-SENSE® Direct works with BIN-SENSE® Direct device and grain monitoring sensors to give you the ability to plug into your grain monitoring cables and view the data at an instant. Monitor your...
Em apenas alguns toques, você consegue: - Visualizar dados da sua apólice - Localizar automaticamente o local de pane/sinistro - Solicitar atendimento sem a necessidade de fazer ligação para a central de atendimento - Visualizar no mapa, em tempo real, o deslocamento...
Everything you want to know about your AIRDROP CONNECTION but were afraid to ask. Direct Info is a small utility that lets you see detailed information about current AirDrop connection from interface config to network traffic to availability. AIRDROP CONNECTION...
Eco-move by HERON, is a corporate electric car sharing management solution available as an end-to-end sharing mobility service, for any corporation owns a car fleet and have an intension to enhance its Corporate Social Responsibility. Experience the eco-move app...
The Mobile Access Troubleshooting Application (MATA) assists customers when troubleshooting the connectivity and configuration of satellite communications systems aboard their aircraft. MATA runs networking commands such as Ping and Traceroute to quickly determine if devices are successfully connecting to the...
We are a Car Accessory shop based in Cudworth Barnsley , which we sell a vast array of alloy wheels, brakes, Exhausts, suspension kits, Air filters and many other parts and accessories. Also, we have MOT facilities for Class...
Universal Remote supports hundreds of models with various operating systems and screen resolutions, ranging from basic models no longer in manufacture to 2018 novelties with the most powerful hardware. One screen. A Multitude of Functions Most TV remote controls contain about...
NOTE: This app requires a account that can be created by visiting for iOS is a companion application for web application. This app provides one click connections to your networked devices, even over cellular data...
****Download and install this app if you have own a copy of retail versions of PowerDVD .**** PowerDVD Remote turns your iPhone or iPad into a remote control for PowerDVD. You can also use PowerDVD Remote to wirelessly send, playback...
With the Remote Signals App, you can view the status of all your Remote Signals devices anywhere in the world on your iOS devices. The Remote Signals App is used to activate a device on the network, view event history,...
***PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY BEFORE PURCHASING*** Control all your DIRECTV receivers from one simple app! FEATURES - Tune to your favorite channels with one tap! - Control your receiver with intuitive touch gestures! - Custom button interface designed to take full advantage of your device's...
CommuniTake's Remote Support client for iOS devices The application allows a user to share, in real time, screen shots of his/her device with a support agent.
See, hear and control your Mac through Apple TV – using Siri Remote as trackpad, remote & keyboard – and beaming your Mac's screen contents to Apple TV using Remote Buddy Display's novel, high-speed screen sharing technology. Lean back, connect...
Use your iOS device as a remote, trackpad and keyboard for your Mac. Beam your Mac's screen right onto your device with the integrated screen sharing module. Turn your Apple Watch into a remote control for your Mac with...
tv remote control universal is a tool which can replace your physical tv remote. With the app tv remote control universal you can use your smartphone to control your TV over the local network and/or with IR (if your...
Remote Mouse™ turns your iPhone or iPad into a user-friendly remote control for your computer. It simulates the function of wireless mouse, keyboard and touchpad, also provides a variety of specialty control panels, such as Media Remote, Application Switcher...
Need to view a Microsoft Works for Windows (.WPS) document on your iPhone or iPad? There's an app for that! Works Viewer converts Windows .WPS documents to a format that your iOS device can read. You can search, bookmark, and...
"Start the party." Just say this and let the sound and lights flow into your home. *Featured By Philips on "Apps We Like" Best Entertainment Category on Philips Hue App!* With Party GO you can control your lights using only your...
Calculator for iPad is an easy to use, beautifully packaged calculator for your iPad or iPhone that includes both a standard and scientific calculator. Our versatile calculator app allows you to: • Customize the look of the application by...
*** Featured by Engadget in "iPAD APPS: UTILITIES YOU NEED" *** Calculator HD for iPad facilitates quick calculations everywhere you need them. These are four different types of calculator in one beautifully designed and easy-to-use package. Simple and fast Basic...
One-Step Studio Presents The best assistant for Diablo 3 ever, integrated with useful utilities that help you to fight against the evils from the burning hell. - Fancy UI design, user-friendly operation mode. - Fully compatible with Retina HD display and iPad...
kHold'em is a client for kHold'em Card Room Management System that can be downloaded from After you have installed kHold'em Card Room Management System you can manage your tournaments using kHold'em App. About kHold'em Card Room Management kHold'em is the only...
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ASAP is a system that will change how businesses and individuals order transportation. ASAP makes it easy for you to be a carrier and allows you to earn your own money. With ASAP, you will be notified when orders...
Users can access our app from anywhere, get our latest product information, anyone can sign up for our account, but we will review each user, users who pass the review can use our app.
This is utility application for controlling home automation through Wago device. It can controls lights, dimmer, LED/RGB, blinds.
••• TRY OUR FREE VERSION FIRST ••• Please check it works on your system before you buy using our FREE DirectVR Lite App! ••• THE ORIGINAL WIFI REMOTE ••• DirectVR Home Edition is a full function remote control for your networked DirecTV...
**** THE ORIGINAL FREE WIFI REMOTE **** Using this Free/Lite version of DirectVR. You can now TEST your DirecTV setup for compatibility before committing to the full version. **** SKY TV USERS **** We have also had reports from users that...
••• TRY OUR FREE TEST VERSION FIRST ••• Download the FREE DirectVR Lite App to make sure your receivers are compatible! Custom tailored for commercial viewing environments, DirectVR Enterprise is the first ever virtual remote control-over-IP iPad application for commercial DirecTV...
Quickly switch between receivers and see what's playing with beautiful cover art. Use advanced DVR controls to skip past commercials with ease. More great features always on the way.
The KVH TracVision® app for your iPhone and iPod touch give you easy access to your KVH TracVision HD7 satellite TV antenna, the most advanced satellite TV system available for your boat and the only compact maritime antenna capable...
This is a Professional Solution used for the control and management of DirecTV receivers in a commercial environment. A DTV Game Control Contractor is required for Installation and Setup.
Turn your iPhone or iPad into the most powerful remote to control the devices in your home. Download or create beautiful remotes so you won't need to look for your plastic ones around the house. You can forget about...
EasySat gets your location and provides you the data for receiving the satellite from your sky neighborhood. Navigate among the visible satellites with the picker or by scrolling onscreen the virtual Clarke's bell and double-tapping a satellite. You'll get true...
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