Top 20 Utilities Apps Like X-Cal - Best Alternatives

X-Cal Alternatives

Do you want to find the best X-Cal alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Utilities apps that are similar to X-Cal. Pick one from this list to be your new X-Cal app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to X-Cal on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like X-Cal - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid X-Cal alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like X-Cal 2025.

X-28 Presupuestador

X-28 Presupuestador

¡Envía presupuestos al instante y aumentá tus ventas! La App fue diseñada con el fin de facilitar el trabajo del instalador, que pueda realizar presupuestos en formato digital y enviarlos al instante. Si sos Agente Instalador X-28 vas a poder...

Price: Free Developer: X-28


Descarga la única App para estilistas profesionales donde encontraras las mejores herramientas de corte junto con el mejor soporte educativo Conoce la mejor colección de herramientas de alto rendimiento con las que realizaras todos tus diseños como profesional Se parte...

Price: Free Developer: Jose Garcia Sanchez
X-28 Cámaras

X-28 Cámaras

La App fue diseñada con el fin de brindar toda la información actualizada sobre los productos y servicios de Cámaras X-28. Si usted es Agente Instalador podrá loguearse y acceder a múltiples funciones comerciales-técnicas para facilitar su trabajo y hacerlo...

Price: Free Developer: X-28
Percentage Template - if 7% of X is 25, what is X?

Percentage Template - if 7% of X is 25, what is X?

Without trying to educate the user, this App simply provides the answer to his or her "percentage problem"! Use this App to find out the missing X in the following kind of situations: 7% of X is 250 ...

Price: Free Developer: carl nohre
WorldPenScan X

WorldPenScan X

Scanning and translating tool for iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch via BLE connection *** Use this app with WorldPenScan X will maximize text input and translation performance. ◆Support Apple Watch◆ - Scan and translate instantly - Multilingual translation ◆Wireless Data Transmission◆ - With Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE), the scanned...

Price: Free Developer: Penpower Technology Ltd.


X-Ring was designed as a portable countdown to X-Ring day. This simple application counts down to the X-Ring ceremony at 2:00pm on December 3rd each year. Customize the countdown by setting your X-Ring ceremony date and countdown to your...

Price: Free Developer: Colton White


X-PUB is an open sourced Bitcoin watch only wallet that allows you to scan or upload an xpub and then programmatically create an infinite amount of invoices. The code can be found here X-PUB is designed to work...

Price: Free Developer: Peter Denton
X Schedule - Daily Order

X Schedule - Daily Order

X Schedule is an iOS app that fetches the bell schedule for St. Xavier High School from the St. X website. It shows an in-app view of the schedule and has a Notification Center widget. Features: • In-app view of daily...

Price: Free Developer: Nicholas Reichert
X商云 - 智能全链接,共创新生态

X商云 - 智能全链接,共创新生态

X商云是为汽车经销商提供的全链智能营销云。X商云基于自有的互动社区、全网精准媒体投放、AI智能助力以及多元化移动社交工具,帮助经销商拓展更多营销渠道,实现更为智能的从集客到保客的一体化服务。X商云APP是为经销商店内的销售人员量身打造的移动办公工具,销售人员可随时跟进客户,轻松办公,商机尽在掌握。 1、客户信息建档,智能化管理更为高效; 2、构建客户标签,大数据画像及商机锦囊助力精准营销及转化成交; 3、智能聊天助手小卡,帮助销售人员随时网罗商机; 4、多元营销传播,销售人员可随时转发电子名片并查看自己的相关业绩;

Price: Free Developer: XCAR.COM.CN
Decibel X:dB Sound Level Meter

Decibel X:dB Sound Level Meter

"Decibel X" is one of very few noise meter apps on the market that has highly reliable, pre-calibrated measurements and supports dBA, dBC. It turns your iOS device into a professional sound level meter, precisely measures the sound pressure...

Price: Free Developer: SkyPaw Co. Ltd


It's a New Chinese New Year! Do you know what the year of the pig meant? Ever wonder what are the Zodiac signs? Introducing the Zodiac Calculator! 12 Zodiacs calculating simple mathematic anywhere & anytime. Sometimes it can be difficult...

Price: Free Developer: Teng Seng Leong


This app will help you shorten time when you're shopping! Sales sign? let's me help calculate discount for you!

Price: Free Developer: Sirinya Panyawai
Arc Flash Label Calculator

Arc Flash Label Calculator

An easy to use develop arc flash label calculator and label generator. Input the necessary information into the app and it will generate a PDF label using NFPA 70E Annex D.4 (VAC) arc flash label calculations & methodology....

Price: Free Developer: Octagon Seven LLC
Arc Flash Power Tools

Arc Flash Power Tools

Arc Flash Power Tools is a system modeling tool for short circuit and arc flash calculations. It models an electrical distribution system to determine the available fault current and arc flash potential anywhere within the system. This useful...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Octagon Seven LLC
SSE PriceWatch

SSE PriceWatch

Chcete byť informovaný o aktuálnom vývoji burzových cien elektriny a plynu na slovenskom trhu? S aplikáciou SSE PriceWatch budete mať k dispozícii informácie o cenách na 3 roky dopredu. Aplikácia je určená nie len pre klientov spoločnosti Stredoslovenská energetika,...

Price: Free Developer: Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s.
Centimeters to Inches

Centimeters to Inches

Unit converter Centimeter > Inch (cm > in) Inch > Centimeter (in > cm) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Meta Technologies GmbH
CPU 4917

CPU 4917

This application simulates a very simple microcomputer based on the 4917 pro­ces­sor (a hypo­the­ti­cal device desi­gned just for a com­pu­ter course at the Uni­ver­sity of New South Wales, Australia) which was used to teach micropro­ces­sor basics. It is 4bit,...

Price: Free Developer: Elena Kolchina
Feet to Inches | ft to in

Feet to Inches | ft to in

Unit converter Foot > Inch (ft > in) Inch > Foot (in > ft) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Meta Technologies GmbH
Inches to Centimeters

Inches to Centimeters

Unit converter Inch > Centimeter (in > cm) Centimeter > Inch (cm > in) You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. Type your conversion into the box. Features: - Easy to use - Convert in both directions - No ads -...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Meta Technologies GmbH

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