Top 21 Productivity Apps Like Autodesk® BIM 360 Glue - Best Alternatives

Autodesk® BIM 360 Glue Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Autodesk® BIM 360 Glue alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Productivity apps that are similar to Autodesk® BIM 360 Glue. Pick one from this list to be your new Autodesk® BIM 360 Glue app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Autodesk® BIM 360 Glue on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like Autodesk® BIM 360 Glue - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Autodesk® BIM 360 Glue alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like Autodesk® BIM 360 Glue 2025.

Autodesk University

Autodesk University

Autodesk University is the official mobile app for this year's annual AU conferences. Use it to manage your schedule, glean valuable info in real-time, and connect with the entire group. (Please Note – In order to provide you with certain...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.
Autodesk FormIt

Autodesk FormIt

Autodesk® FormIt mobile app helps you capture building design concepts digitally anytime, anywhere ideas strike. Use real-world site information to help create forms in context and support early design decisions with real building data. Experience a continuous Building Information...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.
Autodesk Internal Events

Autodesk Internal Events

Autodesk Internal Events is the single app for internal events like TechX, Architect's Summit, hackathons, training and others. Log in using your work email address for accessing event agenda, sharing ideas and experiences, learning from one another, and for...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.


The official AutoCAD mobile app by Autodesk® Take the power of AutoCAD wherever you go! AutoCAD mobile is a DWG viewing and editing application, with easy-to-use drawing and drafting tools. View, markup, edit, and create DWG files on mobile...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.
BIM 360 Field

BIM 360 Field

Autodesk® BIM 360™ Field is field management software for 2D and 3D environments that combines mobile technologies at the point of construction with cloud-based collaboration and reporting. BIM 360 Field puts critical information into the hands of those in the...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.
BIM 360 Field for iPhones

BIM 360 Field for iPhones

Autodesk® BIM 360™ Field is field management software that combines mobile technologies at the point of construction with cloud-based collaboration and reporting. BIM 360 Field puts critical information into the hands of those in the field, helping to measurably improve...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.
Fusion 360

Fusion 360

Autodesk® Fusion 360™ for iPhone and iPad lets you collaborate on 3D designs with anyone inside or outside your company. With the Fusion 360 app, you have the flexibility to view and collaborate on your Fusion 360 CAD models—anytime,...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.
A360 - View CAD files

A360 - View CAD files

Autodesk A360 was designed specifically for architects, engineers and designers to view, comment and markup 2D & 3D designs. With over 100 CAD and additional file formats supported, A360 allows you to upload and view any file you have,...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.
BIM 360

BIM 360

The Autodesk® BIM 360® app provides users of the next-generation BIM 360 platform with the ability to access all project documents, plans and models, as well as execute construction quality and safety workflows from their iPhone or iPad. This is...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.
BIM 360 Layout

BIM 360 Layout

The Autodesk® BIM 360™ Layout app for iOS and BIM 360™ web service provide vertical construction contractors the ability to connect the coordinated model to the field layout process, helping to increase job site productivity while improving the accuracy...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.
BIM 360 Team

BIM 360 Team

BIM 360 Team is designed specifically for architects, engineers and project stakeholders to view 2D and 3D drawings and models. With 100+ file formats supported, BIM 360 Team allows you to upload and view any file, regardless of the...

Price: Free Developer: Autodesk Inc.


CAD图纸、BIM模型都能看,只在e建筑! e建筑,为 2 亿建筑、施工、勘察设计、装饰装修用户打造的移动办公协同平台。 e建筑支持浏览天正、AutoCAD等各种dwg格式CAD图纸和BIM模型,可以在移动端、PC端上传图纸并进行任务协同。 1、 支持天正、AutoCAD、浩辰、中望等各种dwg格式CAD图纸 2、 支持revit等BIM模型轻量化快速浏览。 3、 免费在移动、PC电脑图纸上传 4、 根据图纸问题新建任务批注,指派责任整改人,添加并更新相关任务信息 功能亮点 【支持多种类型CAD图纸】支持AutoCAD、浩辰、中望所有版本的dwg格式图纸 【支持天正图纸】支持天正建筑、结构等各专业图纸,确保图纸的准确 【支持跨平台图纸上传】支持本地、云端图纸文件等极速上传,同时web端、iOS端等,自动实时快速与云端同步,浏览dwg、PDF等文件 【任务管理】根据图纸问题新建任务批注,指派责任整改人,添加并更新相关任务信息 【轻量化BIM模型】百兆大小的Revit模型文件,可实现秒级快速打卡,手机端轻松浏览大模型

Price: Free Developer: Ebuilding Co., Ltd.



Price: Free Developer: Glodon Company Limited
Allplan Bimplus

Allplan Bimplus

Allplan Bimplus - the centralized, openBIM platform for your building projects. An app was developed specially for the iPad. Using this app, you can view and analyze the models of different disciplines together, such as architecture, structural analysis or MEP...

Price: Free Developer: Allplan GmbH


dwg图纸、tekla三维模型都能看,只在e钢构 e钢构,钢结构行业的BIM系统 e钢构支持浏览tekla(xsteel)模型,可以在移动端进行快速浏览,并实时进行视频监控 1. 针对钢结构行业特点设计的BIM系统,完全切合钢结构行业的实际需求 2. 从钢结构原材料采购到最终安装完成,通过二维码进行精细化管理并可以随时随地查看当前状态 3. 从dwg转变到BIM模型,减少识图过程带来的沟通误差 4. 项目进度计划直接与三维模型关联,使计划更加形象生动 5. 视频监控功能可以满足各个项目参与方的需求,可以实时查看工厂加工和工地安装情况 功能亮点 【支持多终端】支持本地、云端模型文件等快速打开浏览,同时PC、web端、iOS端,自动实时快速与云端同步 【构件状态追踪】手机端扫描二维码可以针对构件状态进行追踪,实现精细化管理 【视频监控】可以实时查看施工现场的加工和安装情况 【DWG与BIM构件关联】DWG图纸与BIM、tekla模型构件一一对应,可在移动端与PC端进行快速切换,并能随时进行BIM5D施工模拟动画

Price: Free Developer: Ebuilding Co., Ltd.
Leica Cyclone FIELD 360

Leica Cyclone FIELD 360

Leica Geosystems introduces the Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 app. As part of the Leica Geosystems Reality Capture Solution, the Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 app links the 3D data acquisition in the field with the RTC360 laser scanner or with...

Price: Free Developer: Leica Geosystems AG
SALE 360 - marketing camera effects plus photo editor visual creator

SALE 360 - marketing camera effects plus photo editor visual creator

SALE 360 is a professional product photo editor, provides rich filter effects beloved by professional photographers, themes vary from the feel of film camera to the unique sets of classy moods or fun creativity, It's time to make things look...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: PSDC Creative Inc.
Inventory Order 360

Inventory Order 360

Inventory Order 360 is a simple app designed to manage inventory levels and place orders for products such as beer, engine oil filters, pop cups, juice, food, dog food, broom handles, you name it, you can order it. ...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Randy McMahon
Glue - Create a better workspace

Glue - Create a better workspace

Glue Model is a perfect solution to build a better collaborative structure in your organization. With its handy features, Glue model aims at connecting all the entities of an organization by providing them a common platform to integrate various...

Price: Free Developer: Innovature Software Labs Pvt. Ltd
Wood Turning

Wood Turning

Learn all about Wood Turning and find out how to make many fantastic items with this collection of 117 Tutorial Video Lessons. Lessons include: Wood Turning For Beginners - The Lathe Woodworking Tips Techniques How to Buy a Lathe NOVA 1624-44 Lathe...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh

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