Top 41 Health & Fitness Apps Like Tai Chi for Seniors Pro - Best Alternatives

Tai Chi for Seniors Pro Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Tai Chi for Seniors Pro alternatives for iOS? We have listed 41 Health & Fitness apps that are similar to Tai Chi for Seniors Pro. Pick one from this list to be your new Tai Chi for Seniors Pro app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Tai Chi for Seniors Pro on your iOS devices.

Top 41 Apps Like Tai Chi for Seniors Pro - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Tai Chi for Seniors Pro alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 41 similar apps like Tai Chi for Seniors Pro 2025.

Tai Chi Exercises Benefits App

Tai Chi Exercises Benefits App

Do you want to live a long and healthy life? Are you exhausted from feeling stress and anxiety all the time? Are you looking for Tai Chi classes with a real teacher near you? Do you want to prevent chronic illnesses? Or...

Price: Free Developer: Yosef Even-Zohar
Tai Chi with Me - A video tool to help effective learning and memorizing

Tai Chi with Me - A video tool to help effective learning and memorizing

Tai Chi is one of the traditional martial art in China. We believe this valuable system can help modern people to win back health and beauty. This app is just a start to make it popular, to share our...

Price: Free Developer: Ching Li
Tai Chi Combat

Tai Chi Combat

◆ This app includes a lot of the basics of Tai Chi including Basic exercises, stepping, balancing, applications, moves for self-defense, combat. This app will give you a taste of what is available and allow you to start to...

Price: Free Developer: Toan Le Nguyen
Tai Chi Combat for iPad

Tai Chi Combat for iPad

◆ This app includes a lot of the basics of Tai Chi including Basic exercises, stepping, balancing, applications, moves for self-defense, combat. This app will give you a taste of what is available and allow you to start to...

Price: Free Developer: Toan Le Nguyen
Integral Tai Chi

Integral Tai Chi

Integral Tai Chi (iTC) basic is a series of 10 forms from the Heaven and ends with the Earth form. The ten forms are designed for one to return to the original flow state between Heaven and Earth. iTC...

Price: Free Developer: Hanh Le
Pharmacity Driver App

Pharmacity Driver App

App giành cho tài xế, giúp tài xế làm việc dễ dàng hơn. Giúp tài xế nắm rõ công việc, chuyển những công việc thủ công thành tự động từ đó giúp tài xế hiểu rõ công việc của...

Price: Free Developer: Pharmacity


OttoMitta on tuen ja muutoksen apuväline aikuisille oman alkoholinkäytön seurantaan ja alkoholinkäytön riskien tunnistamiseen. OttoMitan tuella sinulla on myös mahdollisuus rakentaa omaa henkilökohtaista elämäntapamuutosta – yksityisesti ja omilla ehdoillasi. OttoMittaa ei pidä käyttää ajokunnon arviointiin. Yksilölliset tekijät voivat aiheuttaa sen,...

Price: Free Developer: Iwa Labs Oy
Kể truyện & Hát ru

Kể truyện & Hát ru

“Kể truyện cổ tích & Hát ru cho bé” là ứng dụng tập hợp hàng ngàn câu truyện cổ tích đặc sắc, các bài thơ, bài hát ru nhẹ nhàng và sâu lắng dành cho bé. Mỗi tối, trước...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Khai


Harrastuksia ikäihmisen arkeen – helposti ja turvallisesti Sovelluksen avulla - ostat ja osallistut harrastuksiin - osallistut harrastukseen helposti vastaamalla ohjaajan soittamaan kuvapuheluun Uusi tapa harrastaa - harrastukset välitetään kuvapuheluna - voit osallistua harrastuksiin missä haluat - ohjaaja on läsnä motivoimassa ja neuvomassa harrastuksen aikana - harrastukset ovat...

Price: Free Developer: Sanoste Oy
Chi Universe Yoga

Chi Universe Yoga

Flow & Phreeze is a blend of Flow Yoga & Breakdance Phreezes. Used by Michelle Obama's Let's Move! LA events, the Four Seasons Resorts, and Yoga Journal Events, this is the best educational Yoga App on the market for Kids,...

Price: Free Developer: Phresh
myDNA Vietnam

myDNA Vietnam

myDNA Vietnam là ứng dụng chăm sóc sức khỏe hàng đầu về Gene Dinh Dưỡng. Bạn có thể: -Xem báo cáo myDNA của bạn cùng những lời khuyên thiết thực -Theo dõi chế độ dinh dưỡng qua từng bữa ăn bằng...

Price: Free Developer: Prenetics Limited
Giáo Dục Sớm - Phương Án 0 Tuổi

Giáo Dục Sớm - Phương Án 0 Tuổi

Theo một nghiên cứu khoa học; chỉ số IQ và mức độ thành công sự nghiệp một người đạt được phụ thuộc vào sự giáo dục của cha mẹ. Trong đó những năm tháng đầu đời đóng vai trò...

Price: Free Developer: nguyen huong


Với mong muốn Quý khách hàng được chăm sóc sức khỏe ngày càng tốt hơn, HappyCare sẽ mang đến nhiều dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe tại nhà, Quý khách hàng sẽ có thêm nhiều lựa chọn giải pháp...

Price: Free Developer: HappyCare Joint Stock Company
Fit For Bucks - Walk & Earn

Fit For Bucks - Walk & Earn

You move your body every day – from walking the dog to taking the stairs to window shopping and going for a run. Fit For Bucks celebrates your commitment to being active by connecting you to local and online...

Price: Free Developer: Fit For Bucks Corporation
Neuro FunC-tional Training for All

Neuro FunC-tional Training for All

Neuro FunC is a; - super warm up / cool down for any serious athlete. - Works very well as an "anti stress workout" from life's craziness. - aides children with learning and behavioral difficulties. - an important tool in soothing PST...

Price: Free Developer: Neurological Training for Optimal Wellness
Yoga for Kids - Fun Workout for Kids

Yoga for Kids - Fun Workout for Kids

This educational application offers children a good chance to work out in a playful way. It presents 30 different poses (for instance cat, dog, camel, frog, fish, warrior and sun salutation) stemming from yoga exercises adjusted for small kids....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Zany Studio
30 Day Fitness Coach for Women

30 Day Fitness Coach for Women

Fitness Coach for Women is home fitness workouts is ideal for those who want to work out at home, lose weight, lose belly fat fast, feel the body tonus and get in shape. Our free Fitness Coach app for women...

Price: Free Developer: Swapna Puramsetty
Resistance Training for Teens

Resistance Training for Teens

Resistance Training for Teens (RT for Teens) is a school-based physical activity program designed for secondary school students. RT for Teens aims to help teenagers develop the skills and confidence to engage in foundational resistance training activities. The RT...

Price: Free Developer: David Lubans
Yoga For Better Health

Yoga For Better Health

Yoga can help you address a range of mental, emotional, physical & spiritual health challenges; but unfortunately, if you're one of nearly 50% of people with a chronic health problem, it can create more harm than good if the...

Price: Free Developer: YogaMate Pty. Ltd.
30 Day Thigh Fitness Challenges For Tight Booty

30 Day Thigh Fitness Challenges For Tight Booty

The 30 Day Thigh Slimming Challenge is a simple 30 day exercise plan, where you do a set number of ab exercises each day with rest days thrown in! The workout increases intensity slowly and day 30 will test...

Price: Free Developer: Bilal Mirza
Eating for Life

Eating for Life

Eating for Life is the scientifically sound, practical, safe and sustainable nutrition plan for improved health, fitness and weight loss. Created by the author of Body-for-LIFE, the world's best selling fitness book, this eating plan does what typical diets...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Simetrical, SA de CV
Motivational Interviewing Skills for Health Care

Motivational Interviewing Skills for Health Care

A Motivational Interviewing App for Health Care Providers (miSkillset) * Evidence-based * Our material is based on the latest release of Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change by Miller & Rollnick. Over 300 clinical trials prove the efficacy of MI-based health coaching. *...

Price: Free Developer:
Thyroid Diet- Juicing&Eating Plan for Weight Loss

Thyroid Diet- Juicing&Eating Plan for Weight Loss

With complete meal plans and recipes, our app guides you towards your weight loss goals, even if you struggle with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's disease. All juice and food recipes are thyroid-friendly, delicious, and developed by certified nutritionists. Insightful videos...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Joe Cross
FamGADGET Console

FamGADGET Console

The famGADGET Console is part of the the famGADGET Platform, which is a feature rich, two part, communications system designed to help aging seniors - without any computer experience - realize the benefits of today's technology !!! It allows busy...

Price: Free Developer: EasyTech Solutions
Active Physiotherapy Exercises Help Guide

Active Physiotherapy Exercises Help Guide

What is Physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is a therapeutic health profession concerned with enhancing mobility and the quality of life of a person who may have been affected physically in one way or another. Physiotherapy is also referred to as physical...

Price: Free Developer: Hasyim Mulyono
Wunderbrain – Brain Training

Wunderbrain – Brain Training

Wunderbrain streamlines brain training by targeting cognitive fundamentals through games based on neuroscience. This allows you to train your brain in minutes. Wunderbrain has a sleek design and is available for free. • 15 fundamental brain-training games scientifically designed to develop...

Price: Free Developer: Mathieu Morin
DMHS Suicide Prevention and Crisis Access Linkage Line (C.A.L.L.)

DMHS Suicide Prevention and Crisis Access Linkage Line (C.A.L.L.)

The DMHS Suicide Prevention App is a free app designed to provide information about suicide intervention, suicide prevention and mental health resources. It also provides direct link to a 24-hour telephone support C.A.L.L. (Crisis Access Linkage Line), as well...

Price: Free Developer: New Design Group Inc


E-SOUVENIRS est une application sur tablette utilisant l’évocation de souvenirs à des fins de stimulation cognitive et de bien-être. Elle a pour but d'aider les personnes atteintes de troubles de la mémoire à l’aide de souvenirs communs des années 1930,...

Price: Free Developer: Dynseo
Moff PAC-MAN - Get Moving with the Moff Band

Moff PAC-MAN - Get Moving with the Moff Band

Activate your body and mind with Moff PAC-MAN PAC-MAN is back and more active than ever! With Moff PAC-MAN, the classic PAC-MAN game becomes a full-body experience for the whole family. Kids and their grandparents can play together while using...

Price: Free Developer: Moff, Inc.
IOF Calcium Calculator

IOF Calcium Calculator

The new IOF calcium calculator helps you compare your average daily calcium consumption to recommended levels for your age. International calcium intake recommendations (IOM*) range from 700–1300 mg per day depending on age and gender. Adolescents as well as seniors,...

Price: Free Developer: International Osteoporosis Foundation IOF
Detox Pro - Diets & Plans

Detox Pro - Diets & Plans

“Utilising the Power of iOS… Detox Pro Brings A Unique Way Of Regenerating The MIND, BODY & SOUL. Detox Pro helps the health conscious individual, find, manage and track detox diets from start to finish.” Our bodies are constantly under...

Price: Free Developer: Appy Monkey - App Developers
Ernährung Pro

Ernährung Pro

● Von Ernährungsberatern empfohlen ● Ernährung Pro ist eine nützliche und sinnvolle App für ernährungsbewusste iPhone & iPad Nutzer. - -> Läuft ohne Benutzerkonto (Sie können sofort starten - ohne Anmeldung) -> Maximaler Datenschutz: Persönliche Daten...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Simon Kleine
Jóga pro děti

Jóga pro děti

Výuková aplikace přináší dětem cvičení novou hravou formou. Obsahuje 30 pozic (např.: kočka, pes, velbloud, žába, ryba, bojovník, pozdrav Slunce), které vycházejí z jogových cviků upravených pro menší děti. Jednotlivé fáze a variace pozice jsou vysvětleny a vyobrazeny ve...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer:
MyCognition PRO

MyCognition PRO

MyCognition PRO – Boost Your Mental Resilience, Self-Management and Performance MyCognition PRO is an NHS and ORCHA accredited cognitive fitness programme that has a proven and direct impact on your mental resilience, your overall health and wellbeing, and performance. Used...

Price: Free Developer: MyCognition
myDNA Pro

myDNA Pro

myDNA Pro is a holistic health platform designed to be your DNA-based health navigator. Gain access to your DNA information and use it to become healthier with support from your own health coach! myDNA Pro is a tool that...

Price: Free Developer: Prenetics Limited
HealthScreen Pro

HealthScreen Pro

HealthScreen Pro is a unique application designed to pre-exercise screen and assess health and fitness of adults. This app is designed for use by exercise physiologists, fitness professionals, strength and conditioning coaches, and by students in disciplines such...

Price: USD 699.99 Developer: Kevin Norton
Go Low Pro

Go Low Pro

GO LOW PRO helps you locate and share restaurants and stores compatible with the low-protein diet for metabolic disorders. Use your current location or search for compatible restaurants as you plan travel. GO LOW PRO aims to alleviate...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: National PKU News
Kaz Vibes PRO

Kaz Vibes PRO

Workouts Kaz Vibes pro includes 13 different workout programs suitable for your goal. You will be able to choose from several split workout plans, progressive transformation plans or even create your own program. The workout program range from easy 2-day...

Price: Free Developer: Gaia Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG
O1-275 Pro

O1-275 Pro

透过中医经络穴道的介电质参数量测与量子力学原理,提供八种人体能量科学的好玩模拟测试。目的是为了教授中医的保健知识与健康方法,达到促进健康的寓教于乐系统。 功能简介 1. 磁振10S 感应量测:每一个细胞受到损伤时会产生损伤电磁讯号,每一个细胞在变生变性之初就必定有能量的改变,这种改变可以说是非常微弱的,却又是非常灵敏的,磁振10S技术是建立在穴道介电质变化上产生的生物电能,ALLONE 275设备透过测量介电质参数的方式来得到其带电的强度,当量测完成时,会得到10个参数,除了透过直接量测介电质参数,也可透过Watch App,并搭配使用Apple公司提供的Health Kit APIs,所量测到的心率数据,透过云端分析转换为介电质参数,这些参数也是十二正经量表、文字报告、NLS能量螺旋分析、 细胞能量分析的所需资讯。        1-1 图像报告:分为10S能量分析图表、NLS能量螺旋分析、 细胞能量分析、VR能量分析。       1-2 文字报告:结合使用者的10S介电质参数、NLS方程式、出生日期及性别等,在云端进行解析运算波动异常的部分后,在报告中呈现波动异常的健康预警及比较推论各经络所属细胞族群的变化,以1~6的指数表示中医所说寒热及阴阳的虚实变化。       1-3 十二正经能量详表:透过10S介电质参数的量测数据来分析人体12条经络的虚实变化 2. 274波动修复:教育使用者利用呼吸吐纳的训练来调整经络穴道的介电质变化,
并分为以下四种功能      2-1 运动模式:O1-275 Pro会纪录每次的甩手动作,并计算消耗的热量,转为参数传至ALLONE 275设备来纪录经络穴道的介电质变化      2-2 感应模式:感应人体穴位后与内部信号谐振产生变化的参数而进行分析,并随着穴位介电质变化而变化,以调整经络穴道的介电质变化。      2-3 量子纠缠耦合修复:感应人体穴位后与内部信号谐振产生变化的参数而进行分析,并随着穴位介电质变化而变化,以调整经络穴道的介电质变化。 注:2-2和2-3差异为调整经络穴道的介电质变化方式不同。      2-4 波动转写:ALLONE 275设备会侦测人体介电质的频率,并利用特殊的天线将介电频率的参数写入RFID的晶片。 3. 10S能量分析图表:与之前的10S量测数据纪录进行比对。 4. NLS能量螺旋分析:O1-275 Pro以NLS方程式分析10S的量测数据,将其换算成生物发出的能量微弱磁场,并结合大数据云端分析系统所挑出的数个固定状态及以熵方程式结果所得到能量位阶做比对,因此能进行更精准的理论性计算,最后展示在手机屏幕中以不同颜色标示的虚拟器官模型上以便解读。我们依照量子动力学「quantum chromo kinetics」的规则,以光谱色「spectrum colors」 代表系统的熵值「entropy values​​​​」色调由浅黄( 最低熵值) 橘色、红色、 紫色到接近黑色(最高熵值)。标有颜色的区域在一段时间内会出现变化,借此比较其​​范围和分可以判断出这些生物结构的分解过程散发出的介电质变化。 5. 细胞能量分析:呈现文字报告中波动异常的健康预警,并以颜色与图像方式显示细胞能量状况,并与上次的量测结果做进退步比对。 6. VR能量分析:以感应模式启动VR特效,来显示高科技中医的未来发展。 7. 频谱干预:以10S的介电质量测数据与各物质的介电质参数进行比对,可将比对结果分别代入10S能量分析图表、NLS能量螺旋分析及细胞能量分析。 Apple Watch App...

Detox Pro - Healthy weight loss, Cleansing and healing your body!

Detox Pro - Healthy weight loss, Cleansing and healing your body!

*** SALE! - 50%! *** *** Do you want to cleanse the body from slags and toxins, to feel a real ease, to lose weight quickly and make skin radiant? Detox Pro will do it easy and simple at home....

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Bestapp Studio Ltd.

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