Top 30 Education Apps Like LES Lite (NORGE) - Best Alternatives

LES Lite (NORGE) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best LES Lite (NORGE) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to LES Lite (NORGE). Pick one from this list to be your new LES Lite (NORGE) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to LES Lite (NORGE) on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like LES Lite (NORGE) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid LES Lite (NORGE) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like LES Lite (NORGE) 2025.

Les Sherpas

Les Sherpas

L'app Les Sherpas est un outil de messagerie qui te permet d'avoir toujours tes professeurs ou tes élèves dans ta poche. Vous pourrez discuter et prévoir vos prochains cours en ligne, le tout au même endroit ! Il n'y a...

Price: Free Developer: Les Sherpas
Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències OFICIAL

Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències OFICIAL

Plan and make the most of your visit to Valencia’s Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències by downloading the official APP. Come and discover a place where art, science, and nature come together in a very special,...

Price: Free Developer: Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències
Les Francs Bourgeois

Les Francs Bourgeois

Bienvenue sur l'application de l'école des Francs Bourgeois - La Salle Retrouvez toutes les informations de notre quotidien dans votre poche et ne ratez rien grâce aux notifications !   L'application est disponible pour toute la communauté éducative ainsi que pour les...

Price: Free Developer: Les Francs Bourgeois - La Salle
Les défis du Professeur Muchi

Les défis du Professeur Muchi

Ce cahier de vacances entièrement gratuit a été conçu sous forme d’un jeu afin d’aborder par un autre biais, plus ludique, les leçons de l’année scolaire terminée ! Le professeur Muchi met à la disposition de votre enfant différents jeux...

Price: Free Developer: France Télévisions
Les Roches SOS

Les Roches SOS

Les Roches SOS is an essential tool to enhance your safety at Les Roches International School of Hotel Management. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources. Les Roches SOS is...

Price: Free Developer: Les Roches
les Maths en Tongs

les Maths en Tongs

T'es au collège ou au lycée et tu galères en Maths ? Cette app est pour toi ! Non ! Elle ne fait pas tes exos à ta place. Non ! Ce n'est pas une pilule magique non plus... Par contre, si...

Price: Free Developer: les Maths en Tongs
ADIS - CSC les Amandiers

ADIS - CSC les Amandiers

L'Association entend être un foyer d’initiatives porté par des habitants associés appuyés par des professionnels capable de définir et de mettre en œuvre un projet de développement social pour l’ensemble de la population du Jas de Bouffan. But : Le...

Price: Free Developer: ADIS - CSC les Amandiers
Les Petits Mandarins

Les Petits Mandarins

Points forts : 1 - Une méthode complète et ludique pour apprendre le chinois grâce à plus de 40 jeux. 2 - Débloquez les niveaux de jeux pour un apprentissage en moyenne 5 fois plus rapide qu'avec une méthode classique. 3 -...

Price: Free Developer: Les petits mandarins
Les Cheneaux Comm SD

Les Cheneaux Comm SD

With the Les Cheneaux Comm SD mobile app, your school district comes alive with the touch of a button. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates with social media. Quickly retrieve contact information,...

Price: Free Developer: Les Cheneaux Comm Schools
Les Virtuels par UnitedFamily

Les Virtuels par UnitedFamily

L’application mobile éducative des Virtuels utilise la réalité augmentée pour donner vie à une équipe de super-héros qui inspirent les enfants à donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes. Voir la vidéo (en anglais) : Tout en étant émerveillés et...

Price: Free Developer: Juan Carlos Pizarro Ribera
Aypupen Lite

Aypupen Lite

Looking for a fun, free, and simple educational app to help your toddler learn trace letters of the armenian alphabet? Look no further than Aypupen Lite. Aypupen Lite is a free alphabet teaching app that makes learning fun for children,...

Price: Free Developer: Alex KILLIOGLU
Kana Cards Lite (Hiragana and Katakana)

Kana Cards Lite (Hiragana and Katakana)

Kana Cards Lite is an iPhone and iPod Touch application that helps you study the basic Japanese Hiragana and Katakana characters. This is the lite free version with the following features: - Japanese Hiragana and Katakana characters -...

Price: Free Developer: Mulishani LLC
Coach 7 Lite

Coach 7 Lite

Coach 7 Lite App is a limited version of Coach 7 App, which supports data collection with the CMA VinciLab data-logger (wireless via Wi-Fi) and offers a limited set of data analysis tools such as Zoom, Scan, Slope, Area,...

Price: Free Developer: CMA Science
Interactive Minds: Solar System - Lite

Interactive Minds: Solar System - Lite

The perfect way for kids to experience the Solar System in a hands-on way! This interactive science book contains a select 18 pages from the full version of the app. ----- INTERACTIVE CONTENT ----- Even as an adult, it can be...

Price: Free Developer: Vosonos LLC
Kiz Phonics 1st Grade1 Lite

Kiz Phonics 1st Grade1 Lite

First Grade Phonics Videos & Games for Level 1: This is the lite version of the Kiz Phonics 1st Grade Level 1 App. In this phonics level, children will focus on S blends (st, sl, sw, sm, sn, sp)...

Price: Free Developer: Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
Kiz Phonics 2nd Grade1 Lite

Kiz Phonics 2nd Grade1 Lite

Second Grade Phonics Videos & Games for Level 2: This is the lite version of the Kiz Phonics 2nd Grade Level 1 App. In this level, children will learn the long 'O' & long 'U' vowel sounds with the...

Price: Free Developer: Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
Kiz Phonics Kinder2 Lite

Kiz Phonics Kinder2 Lite

Kindergarten Phonics Videos & Games for Level 2: This is the lite version of the full app which helps children review the short vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u). Special attention will be given to short 'i',...

Price: Free Developer: Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
Kiz Phonics Sentence Monkey Lite

Kiz Phonics Sentence Monkey Lite

This is the Lite version of the Kiz Phonics Sentence Monkey App, with some free exercises to try.There are 15 phonics sentence monkey games in the full version which are great for learning to read sentences with a variety...

Price: Free Developer: Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
Phonics 1st Grade2 Lite

Phonics 1st Grade2 Lite

First Grade Phonics Videos & Games for Level 2: This is the Lite version of the Kiz Phonics 1st Grade Level 2 app. In this level, children will learn R and L blends (bl, br, cr, cl, gr, gl,...

Price: Free Developer: Futonge Nzembayie Kisito
PilotProTest LITE

PilotProTest LITE

PilotProTest LITE - Ofrece las mismas funcionalidades que PPTEST PRO pero solamente cuenta con el 15% de la base de datos final de preguntas, imágenes y audios. PilotProTest LITE es una aplicación pensada para todo tipo de pilotos, estudiantes de...

Price: Free Developer: Jorge Gonzalez Galvan
LES 2 (Norge)

LES 2 (Norge)

LES (Norge)2 is developed to assist foreign speakers learning how to read Norwegian. The app may be used in three ways: 1: Learning Norwegian words. 240 words arranged in 8 categories. The categories correspond to a great extent to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ingeborg Krogsgaard
LES 2 HD (Norge)

LES 2 HD (Norge)

LES (Norge)2 is developed to assist foreign speakers learning how to read Norwegian. The app may be used in three ways: 1: Learning Norwegian words. 240 words arranged in 8 categories. The categories correspond to a great extent to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ingeborg Krogsgaard
NORGE: Norsk-Russisk ordbok

NORGE: Norsk-Russisk ordbok

Norge: ___________ NORSK: Russisk-Norsk og Norsk-Russisk ordbok. * * * Du trenger ikke å være tilkoblet Internett. ___________ ENGLISH:  Russian-Norwegian and Norwegian-Russian Dictionary and Russian guide to the Norwegian language.  ・The powerful search engine gives you lightning fast access to any word in...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Valeriy Petrenko


LES is a Norwegian developed APP that enables you to “crack the reading code”: which means putting together letter sounds into words. This is for everyone who is going to learn to read Norwegian. The use of a touch screen...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ingeborg Krogsgaard


LES is a Norwegian developed APP that enables you to “crack the reading code”: which means putting together letter sounds into words. This is for everyone who is going to learn to read Norwegian. The use of a touch screen...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ingeborg Krogsgaard


Denne demoen inneholder totalt 12 ord man kan trene på. Last ned fullversjonen for å få tilgang til 200 ord! En norskutviklet app, utviklet av Legi i samarbeid med Red Rock AS, som hjelper deg med å ”knekke lesekoden”: dvs....

Price: Free Developer: Ingeborg Krogsgaard
Veien Til Allah

Veien Til Allah lanserer en ny applikasjon “Veien til Allah” som er et håndholdt bibliotek kombinert med bønnetider for flere byer i Norge og med mulighet for adhan. Dette biblioteket inneholder tekster som omhandler blant annet; “Hva er Islam?”, “Troens røtter...

Price: Free Developer: Syed Rizvi
Ziriguidum! Case

Ziriguidum! Case

Denne applikasjonen inneholder 6 forskjellige øvelser, hvor du skal gjøre rette valg i Kristian Juliussens møte med den brasilianske arbeidslivskulturen. Vi anbefaler at du først jobber med de 6 kulturmagasinene til Ziriguidum! før du starter på casene. Kristian Juliussens...

Price: Free Developer: University of Stavanger
ArtsApp bioCEED

ArtsApp bioCEED

ArtsApp er en interaktiv identifikasjonsnøkkel som har som mål å gjøre det enklere å identifisere arter. Artsidentifisering ved hjelp av tradisjonelle nøkler kan være en tidkrevende og noen ganger frustrerende oppgave. Vi ønsker at ArtsApp skal være et hjelpemiddel...

Price: Free Developer: University of Bergen

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