Top 30 News Apps Like Revista Presei by Mediafax Group - Best Alternatives

Revista Presei by Mediafax Group Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Revista Presei by Mediafax Group alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 News apps that are similar to Revista Presei by Mediafax Group. Pick one from this list to be your new Revista Presei by Mediafax Group app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Revista Presei by Mediafax Group on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Revista Presei by Mediafax Group - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Revista Presei by Mediafax Group alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Revista Presei by Mediafax Group 2025.



O melhor do agronegócio dos Campos Gerais, está na Revista Mais Rural do Sindicato Rural de Ponta Grossa. Mercado, tecnologia, novidade, tudo que acontece no campo, vira notícia nas páginas da Revista Mais Rural. Uma revista que contribui na difusão de...

Price: Free Developer: Magtab Comunicacoes Ltda.
Revista MAGTAB

Revista MAGTAB

A MAGTAB é a maior publicadora de Aplicativos exclusivos de revistas para tablet do Brasil. Com mais de 580 títulos já publicados. Desenvolvemos um sistema PRÓPRIO de autosserviço, onde é fácil, rápido e barato para publicar o seu...

Price: Free Developer: Magtab Comunicacoes Ltda.
Revista Regional

Revista Regional

O aplicativo da REVISTA REGIONAL traz o melhor do conteúdo mensal da maior e mais completa publicação de lifestyle, moda e comportamento da região de Itu, Salto, Indaiatuba e Sorocaba, no Interior paulista, além de atualizações diárias de lançamentos,...

Price: Free Developer: Agência B2A
Revista APCD

Revista APCD

A Revista da APCD é uma publicação da Associação Paulista de Cirurgiões-Dentistas (APCD) que circula, ininterruptamente, há mais de 70 anos. Com uma linha editorial voltada à publicação de artigos científicos direcionados ao Clínico Geral e aos Especialistas, dentro...

Price: Free Developer: APCD - Associação Paulista de Cirurgiões Dentistas
Revista PLOT Arquitectura

Revista PLOT Arquitectura

PLOT es una revista argentina de arquitectura de periodicidad bimensual. Cada número exhibe: - Una amplia selección de proyectos contemporáneos publicados con documentación técnica y constructiva detallada. - Reportajes fotográficos de alta calidad y entrevistas con los arquitectos más relevantes de...

Price: Free Developer: Piedra, Papel y Tijera S.A.
Revista El Observador

Revista El Observador

EL OBSERVADOR revista, impresa en Málaga desde 1987, envía boletines de noticias de cinco días a la semana. Sus contenidos son cucharadas nunca antes vistos en otros medios locales, y su servicio ahora llega a tu teléfono. Puede descargar...

Price: Free Developer: The Appmakers
Jornal e Revista Nosso Bairro

Jornal e Revista Nosso Bairro

Jornal e Revista Nosso Bairro Fundado em fevereiro de 2002, no bairro da Lapa, o Jornal e Revista Nosso Bairro é distribuído as sextas-feiras, gratuitamente, nos bairros da Lapa, Alto da Lapa, Vila Leopoldina, Vila Romana,Vila Hamburguesa, City Boaçava, Vila...

Price: Free Developer: Bel Batista
Revista Estrategia & Negocios para iPad / iPhone

Revista Estrategia & Negocios para iPad / iPhone

Descarga la aplicación de E&N para tus dispositivos móviles con iOS: iPad / iPhone. Revista Estrategia & Negocios (E&N) es líder en el área de negocios en Centroamérica y el Caribe de habla hispana. La revista llega en forma...

Price: Free Developer: Organizacion Publicitaria S.A.
Revista Pecuária

Revista Pecuária

A Revista Pecuária Brasil acompanha de perto o setor que alavanca o crescimento do país. Através de reportagens e coberturas dos principais fatos e eventos da pecuária brasileira, em especial a de seleção das raças zebuínas, o veículo supre...

Price: Free Developer: Maven Inventing
Slap – news picked by AI

Slap – news picked by AI

So what should you do to use SLAP? There are two simple steps. Swipe left if world and local news are interesting for you. Swipe right if the content you see is not interesting for you. Our artificial intelligence will...

Price: Free Developer: BITREND LLC
DW Amharic by AudioNow

DW Amharic by AudioNow

Deutsche Welle Amharic broadcasts daily from Bonn, Germany, focusing on news affecting both Ethiopia and the international community. DW is known for its in-depth, reliable news and information and promotes exchange and understanding between the world’s cultures and...

Price: Free Developer: AudioNow Digital
Banter by Worify

Banter by Worify

Everything which is positive, fun, fabulous and inspiring to the lifestyle, people, business and much more on one app -, our goal is to bring positive vibes to make your day better. Life is hard nowadays filled with...

Price: Free Developer: Worify Media Ltd
Recency by Candor Debate Co.

Recency by Candor Debate Co.

Hello fellow debater! If you're looking for an application that will take your debate skills and strategy one step further, this is it! Candor Debate Co's Recency is here to provide you a large set of timers that can be...

Price: Free Developer: XYello, Inc.


TQ by EBV - High-Tech Future Markets. Discovered Today. TQ by EBV provides a deep insight into the most promising high-tech future markets, such as Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities, Robotics or Industry 4.0. True to the magazine's tag line of...

Price: Free Developer: EBV Elektronik
RocketCast: Podcast Player by UBCLaunchPad

RocketCast: Podcast Player by UBCLaunchPad

Listen to anything, anytime, and have fun doing it. Made with tears by UBC LaunchPad and sponsored by Digital Ocean! Check out Rocket Poll while you're at it! Open Source! Look at our code:

Price: Free Developer: Milton Leung
CatoAudio by the Cato Institute

CatoAudio by the Cato Institute

CatoAudio—in one simple, elegant app—provides instant access to the expert perspectives, compelling insights, and insider viewpoints offered by Cato Institute and podcasts. Includes favorites such as the Cato Daily Podcast and's Free Thoughts. Wherever you may be...

Price: Free Developer: The Cato Institute
e-PRESS&MORE by Thalys

e-PRESS&MORE by Thalys

Thanks to the e-PRESS&MORE by Thalys app, for each journey, download your favourite newspapers, magazines and comic books as well as travel guides about our destinations and book excerpts for free. Quickly download the e-PRESS&MORE app to enjoy this...

Price: Free Developer: Thalys International
TechSmart by

TechSmart by

TechSmart helps you get smarter with technology. Product Usage Tips, Educational Videos, Technology News, Gadget Reviews and more, all personalized to your taste. Covering Mobile, Smart TV, Startups, Conferences, Home Entertainment, Internet etc.

Price: Free Developer: FutureToday Inc
Romanian Newspapers

Romanian Newspapers

Romanian Newspapers is an application that groups all the news of the most important newspapers and magazines in Rumania together. With this application you can have all the information you want in one place, without having to browse to...

Price: Free Developer: MUNBEN SA
Ziarul Financiar

Ziarul Financiar

Get full access to the most fastest, accurate and relevant business information from Romania and not only with ZIARUL FINANCIAR app for iPhone. Its compatible with iOS6 and iPhone 5! Stay updated 24 hours a day with the latest business...

Price: Free Developer: Mediafax Group
SMS group Connect

SMS group Connect

The SMS group Connect app informs you about news, new orders, innovations and events from SMS group GmbH. Explore all trending topics at a glance and filter the content according to your interests. If you sign in and register...

Price: Free Developer: SMS group GmbH
Orange News (Group)

Orange News (Group)

The Orange News app brings you up to speed on the Group’s breaking news and information. You’ll find all the latest press releases, share price and upcoming events. Orange News includes: - The latest Orange news from around the...

Price: Free Developer: Orange
DST Group App

DST Group App

This app is a collection of current and recent news stories, achievements and information about DST Group's research activities in support of Defence and national security. The Defence Science and Technology Group (DST Group) is part of Australia's Department...

Price: Free Developer: Defence Science & Technology Organisation Australia
CAF Group App

CAF Group App

An APP aimed at improving communication in the CAF Group. It will allow you to access the information you are looking for and usual services in an agile and simple way. With a railway sector news section , to be informed...

Price: Free Developer: TAK Learning
TWK Group Connect

TWK Group Connect

Get the latest news and information from us directly on your mobile device. The TWK Group Connect Communicator will give you News and Calendar events, a Photo Gallery, Contact Lists and links to useful resources. There are also critical alerts...

Price: Free Developer: D6 Technology
Cisneros Training Group

Cisneros Training Group

Cisneros Training Group is a professional, multi-service company providing licensing training for electricians, electrical consulting for contractors, business owners and homeowners, and a promoter of economic development for small business. As an electrical trainer provider for the State of...

Price: Free Developer: Prism Studios LLC
KM Group

KM Group

Read your favourite KM Group title in its original format on your mobile device using your existing e-edition subscription

Price: Free Developer: PressReader Inc
MFC Group

MFC Group

«Международный финансовый центр» - это возглавляемая ветеранами финансовой индустрии команда экспертов, работающая в сфере инвестиционного консалтинга. Основными направлениями деятельности являются финансовое планирование, консультирование по вопросам инвестирования, риск-менеджмент и индивидуальное сопровождение финансов. Благодаря мобильному приложению «Международного финансового центра» вы сможете оставаться...

ECG News

ECG News

ECG News is a set of articles gathered from the press that are relevant either to the automotive industry in general or the vehicle logistics sector specifically, collected by staff ECG. In addition, we include relevant press releases and...

Price: Free Developer: European Car-Transport Group of Interest Aisbl

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