Top 24 Productivity Apps Like HVAC Psych HD - Best Alternatives

HVAC Psych HD Alternatives

Do you want to find the best HVAC Psych HD alternatives for iOS? We have listed 24 Productivity apps that are similar to HVAC Psych HD. Pick one from this list to be your new HVAC Psych HD app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to HVAC Psych HD on your iOS devices.

Top 24 Apps Like HVAC Psych HD - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid HVAC Psych HD alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 24 similar apps like HVAC Psych HD 2025.

HVAC Toolkit

HVAC Toolkit

The HVAC Toolkit app for the iPhone and iPad is the essential app for anyone in the HVAC industry. It includes a combination of many of our stand-alone iOS applications. Individually, the apps cost a total of $70. By...

Price: USD 23.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Pipe Sizer - Gas Plus

HVAC Pipe Sizer - Gas Plus

The "HVAC Pipe Sizer - Gas Plus" application allows you to quickly size a simple low (less than or equal to 1.5 psi) and/or high (greater than 1.5 psi) pressure gas piping system by inputting a number of piping...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Pipe Sizer - Liquid

HVAC Pipe Sizer - Liquid

The "HVAC Pipe Sizer - Liquid" application allows you to quickly size a simple pipe system by inputting a number of piping and liquid properties, including hot and chilled water (hydronic). This app is a universal app that works on...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Psychrometric LT

HVAC Psychrometric LT

The "HVAC Psychrometric LT" app is the #1 selling psychrometric application for the Apple iPhone and iPad. Tens of thousands of happy users have downloaded this useful application for performing quick and simple psychrometric analysis. Just a few reasons...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Psychrometric Plus

HVAC Psychrometric Plus

The "HVAC Psychrometric Plus" app is the #1 selling psychrometric application for the Apple iPhone and iPad. Thousands of happy users have downloaded this useful application for performing quick and simple psychrometric analysis. Just a few reasons why you...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC ResLoad-J

HVAC ResLoad-J

This app is great for HVAC technicians, contractors, homeowners, HERS and PHIUS raters to easily perform ACCA Manual J8 load calcs. For online help and training videos, go here: The HVAC ResLoad-J app from Carmel is an ACCA-approved Manual J8...

Price: USD 199.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Load Plus

HVAC Load Plus

The HVAC Load+ iPhone app allows you to perform detailed heating and cooling block loads for small commercial and residential buildings out in the field by taking advantage of the simplicity and power of the iPhone. It performs heating and...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Proposal Builder Pro

HVAC Proposal Builder Pro

The all-new HVAC Proposal Builder Pro is the proposal creation solution that was developed by an HVAC Contractor for HVAC Contractors. Use this app to create quick, easy, and accurate residential HVAC proposals. This app will help you...

Price: Free Developer: Intelligent Mobile Support, Inc.


HVAC PT Chart is an electronic pressure temperature calculator that allows HVAC technicians and contractors to quickly look up the temperature and corresponding pressure for 100+ common HVAC refrigerants including both bubble and dew versions of azeotropic (mixture) refrigerants....

Price: Free Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Psychrometric Chart

HVAC Psychrometric Chart

The HVAC Psychrometric Chart app is the first truly interactive graphical psychrometric chart for the iPad, and it includes both IP and SI units. It is now optimized for iOS 9. Using your finger, you can easily plot HVAC and...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: ASHRAE, Inc.
School Psychology Tools

School Psychology Tools

The only full-featured app designed by and specifically for School Psychologists that works with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Here’s what people are saying: “I have used every aspect of this software. I find it critical for the ‘in action’ behavior...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: YoungStone Innovations LLC


Analyser is a statistics/analysis tools that includes Python,R engine that let you run codes written in these languages in iOS devices directly: 1 Python modules:numpy,scipy,pandas,statsmodels,scikit-leary/image,nilearn,astroML,pymc,nipy 2 R packages:DBI,cluster,inline,mvtnorm,spam,Formula,codetools,ipred,nlme,spatial,GPArotation,coin,iterators,nnet,splines,Hmisc,colorspace,jiebaR,numDeriv,stats,KernSmooth,datasets,jiebaRD,pamr,stats4,MASS,deepnet,jsonlite,parallel,stringi,Matrix,digest,kernlab,party,stringr,NLP,e1071,knitr,partykit,strucchange,RColorBrewer,evaluate,lars,penalized,survival,RCurl,foreach,lasso2,plyr,tau,RJSONIO,foreign,lattice,praise,testthat,RSNNS,gbm,latticeExtra,prodlim,tibble,RSQLite,glmpath,lava,psych,tm,Rcpp,gof,lazyeval,quantreg,tools,SparseM,grDevices,lmtest,registry,tree,,graphics,magrittr,reshape,tseries,XML,grid,maptree,reshape2,utils,arules,gridExtra,markdown,rms,wordcloud,assertthat,gtable,maxent,rpart,wordcloud2,base,highr,methods,sandwich,xml2,base64enc,htmltools,mime,scales,xtable,boot,htmlwidgets,modeltools,selectr,yaml,caTools,httpuv,multcomp,shiny,zoo,class,httr,munsell,slam 3 Stats templates:ARIMA,Cluster,Correlation,Discriminant,Distribution,Factor,Generalized Linear/Linear/Logistic/Nonlinear Regression,One-Way ANOVA,Principal Components,t Test..., 4 Analyser use SQLite database, sas7bdat(support read/update/create...

Price: USD 15.99 Developer: You Hui Yan


PsychSurveys simplifies the process of psychometric assessment; an essential element of evidence based treatment. Mental health professionals in private or group practices can use PsychSurveys to administer customizable diary cards/tracking sheets as well as valid and reliable mental health...

Price: Free Developer: PsychSurveys LLC
Notes HD Lite: Notes, Drawings

Notes HD Lite: Notes, Drawings

"Notes HD really is one of the most extensive apps in its class." - MakeUseOf Note taking app reinvented. Powerful all-in-one easy to use notebook with cloud sync and team collaboration! Discover even more together with Notes HD for...

Price: Free Developer: iBear LLC
Notes HD: Notes, Drawings

Notes HD: Notes, Drawings

"Notes HD really is one of the most extensive apps in its class." - MakeUseOf Note taking app reinvented. Powerful all-in-one easy to use notebook with cloud sync and team collaboration! Discover even more together with Notes HD for...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: iBear LLC
FingerCAD HD

FingerCAD HD

"FingerCAD HD" is the first CAD application for technical drawing with fingers assisted by computer for portable devices. With "FingerCAD HD" you can draw houses, bridges, planimetry of apartments, mechanical components, geometrical figures, everything that can be designed with...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Gianluca Natalini
OrganiDoc HD

OrganiDoc HD

A brand new design for iPad with amazing file management features. iPad is just like your personal data hub. So, you definitely need a powerful file management app to manage docs, pics, videos saved in iPad or email. OrganiDoc HD...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Wenjoy Technology Inc.
Finger Painting HD

Finger Painting HD

"Finger Painting HD" is a Multi-Touch freehand drawing board. With "Finger Painting HD" you can live an experience of drawing with the fingers of your hands. The software allows the selection of infinite possible colors using RGB components controls or...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Gianluca Natalini
secret Notes HD

secret Notes HD

“secret Notes" is a safety box where you can create, write, save and view your text files, your passwords, your private documents, the data of your accounts, etc ... All files stored in the archive will be protected by a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Gianluca Natalini
Project Planner HD

Project Planner HD

Project Planner 2 HD is the iPad version of Project Planner 2. Project Planner 2 HD is a project and task planning application that makes it easy to keep track of multiple projects and tasks. Project Planner 2 HD allows you...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Peritum.Net
Whiteboard HD

Whiteboard HD

Whiteboard makes it easy to visualize ideas by providing the ideal environment for writing notes, sketching charts and recording brainstorming sessions. You can make freeform drawings with the drag of a finger, and easily add pre-made shapes and lines...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Avici Software
Cam Scanner HD Document Scan

Cam Scanner HD Document Scan

Cam Scanner HD Document Scan is an amazing mobile app that allows you to take a photograph of a document, not just photograph either barcode or QR code scanner is also available in this marvelous amazing app. Convert...

Price: Free Developer: Hazrat Sadiq
NoteLedge HD for PenPower - Tansform Inking on Paper into Digital Text

NoteLedge HD for PenPower - Tansform Inking on Paper into Digital Text

NoteLedge HD for PenPower have to work with MyInk, You can jot down ideas or notes anytime anywhere. MyInk + NoteLedge HD for PenPower keeps a physical copy on paper, and simultaneously makes a digital copy readily available on...

Price: Free Developer: Penpower Technology Ltd.

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