Top 20 Entertainment Apps Like Santa Voicemail - Best Alternatives

Santa Voicemail Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Santa Voicemail alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Entertainment apps that are similar to Santa Voicemail. Pick one from this list to be your new Santa Voicemail app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Santa Voicemail on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Santa Voicemail - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Santa Voicemail alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Santa Voicemail 2025.

Call Santa - Chat Santa Claus

Call Santa - Chat Santa Claus

Ho Ho Hoo Santa is real and Get a Video call from Santa Claus and give happiness to your little children. Want to call from Santa? There’s an app for that. Make your Christmas Special and Get call from...

Price: Free Developer: Vu Thi Loan
Personalized Call from Santa

Personalized Call from Santa

Imagine your loved one's face when they receive their Personalized phone call from Santa Claus Himself! Santa has a special message for your loved one! Whether they have been Naughty, or Nice... Santa can offer great words of encouragement! The...

Price: Free Developer:
Iris by Lowe’s Santa Tracker

Iris by Lowe’s Santa Tracker

Get the kids and use Santa Tracker to prove Santa stopped at your house on Christmas Eve! Iris by Lowe’s is excited to give you access to our one-of-a-kind virtual Santa sensors that allow you to track Santa...

Price: Free Developer: Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Personalized Video From Santa

Personalized Video From Santa

Santa has a special personalized video message for your loved one! Imagine your loved one's face when they receive their Personalized Video from Santa Claus Himself! Join Santa Claus, Elfred, Spandelf and all of the North Pole characters on a...

Price: Free Developer:
Santa Video Call

Santa Video Call

You Can Prank : Receive a phone call from Santa anytime you want, for free! Santa can ask you if you have been naughty or nice and adds you to his list and also can ask you what present you...

Price: Free Developer: Thanh Dat Nguyen
Hey Santa AR

Hey Santa AR

A magical letter from Santa! Invite dear Santa Claus to your home, watch him congratulate you and wish you all the best for the next year. How does it work? Simply download the app and point camera at AR...

Price: Free Developer: AR STUDIO, OOO
Santa Claus calls you .

Santa Claus calls you .

This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true santa tracker calls. This app is the the perfect tool for parents to encourage good behaviour in their children all year long. Download for free today.

Price: Free Developer: santa claus calls you
Colégio Santa Joana

Colégio Santa Joana

Conheça o Colégio Santa Joana e brinque com a nossa mascote em Realidade Aumentada. Aproveite para conhecer também as condições especiais para a rematrícula 2019.

Price: Free Developer: Colégio Santa Joana
Santa Video Call & Tracker™

Santa Video Call & Tracker™

Video Call Santa! Voice Call Santa! Message Santa! Track Santa! The only Santa Video Call app with varied and customizable conversation options! Santa actually KNOWS YOUR NAME! On Christmas Eve you can even talk to Santa while he's on...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: North Pole Command Centre Limited
Santa Video Call and Tracker™

Santa Video Call and Tracker™

Video Call Santa! Voice Call Santa! Message Santa! Track Santa! The only Santa Video Call app with varied and customisable conversation options! Santa actually KNOWS YOUR NAME (FULL VERSION ONLY)! On Christmas Eve you can even talk to Santa...

Price: Free Developer: North Pole Command Centre Limited
Call Easter Bunny Voicemail

Call Easter Bunny Voicemail

The perfect app for parents and children to call Easter Bunny & tell him if they've been good! This is the MUST-HAVE free Easter Bunny Voicemail app and the ONLY app where you can call Easter Bunny, listen to Easter...

Price: Free Developer: Tim Denyer
Call Easter Bunny Voicemail & Text

Call Easter Bunny Voicemail & Text

The perfect app for parents and children to call Easter Bunny & tell him if they've been good! This is the MUST-HAVE Easter Bunny Voicemail app and the ONLY app where you can call Easter Bunny, listen to Easter Bunny's...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tim Denyer
Call Santa Voicemail

Call Santa Voicemail

This is the N.o 1 MUST-HAVE free Call Santa Voicemail app and the ONLY app where you can call Santa, listen to his voicemail message then record & play back a voice message for him just like real! Upgrade...

Price: Free Developer: Tim Denyer
Call Santa Voicemail & Text

Call Santa Voicemail & Text

This is the N.o 1 MUST-HAVE Call Santa Voicemail app and the ONLY app where you can call Santa, listen to his voicemail message then record & play back a voice message for him just like real! Also text...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tim Denyer
Call Tooth Fairy Voicemail

Call Tooth Fairy Voicemail

The perfect app for parents & children to call the Tooth Fairy for a tooth collection! This is the N.o 1 MUST-HAVE free Tooth Fairy Voicemail app and the ONLY app where you can call Tooth Fairy, listen to her...

Price: Free Developer: Tim Denyer
Call Tooth Fairy Voicemail & Text

Call Tooth Fairy Voicemail & Text

The perfect app for parents & children to call the Tooth Fairy for a tooth collection! This is the N.o 1 MUST-HAVE Tooth Fairy Voicemail app and the ONLY app where you can call Tooth Fairy, listen to her voicemail...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Tim Denyer
Beep - Voicemail Sounds

Beep - Voicemail Sounds

The best voicemail sounds, remastered for maximum quality and normalised volume. Press any sound within the list for instant beeping playback. Share the popular voicemail sounds with your friends and family using the built in share feature. A must have...

Price: Free Developer: Benjamin Moran-Perkins
Beep Pro - Voicemail Sounds

Beep Pro - Voicemail Sounds

*** PRO: NO ADVERTS IN THIS APP *** The best voicemail sounds, remastered for maximum quality and normalised volume. Press any sound within the list for instant beeping playback. Share the popular voicemail sounds with your friends and family using...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Benjamin Moran-Perkins
Message from Santa!

Message from Santa!

This Christmas, amaze your loved ones by creating a personalized video message and phone call from Santa Claus! Parents, use this app together with your children to encourage good behavior all year long! This app has the following amazing features: VIDEO MESSAGE...

Price: Free Developer: First Class Media B.V.

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