Top 26 Entertainment Apps Like Carnet Jove CAT - Best Alternatives

Carnet Jove CAT Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Carnet Jove CAT alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Entertainment apps that are similar to Carnet Jove CAT. Pick one from this list to be your new Carnet Jove CAT app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Carnet Jove CAT on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like Carnet Jove CAT - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Carnet Jove CAT alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like Carnet Jove CAT 2025.

Carnet Jove Andorra

Carnet Jove Andorra

Descarrega’t la nova aplicació mòbil del Carnet Jove Andorra! Amb l’app Carnet Jove Andorra tindràs els avantatges, les novetats, el pack de vals de descompte, els concursos i el Carnet Jove al teu mòbil. FUNCIONALITATS: • Cerca els avantatges generals que...

Price: Free Developer: Soluciones Cuatroochenta S.L.
Super3 Carnet

Super3 Carnet

L’avantatge principal que ofereix és que pots donar d’alta un súper al moment, portar els carnets al mòbil i fer-los servir com si fossin els carnets convencionals. Què es pot fer amb aquesta aplicació? • Donar d’alta un súper nou...

Price: Free Developer: Corporacio Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals, SA


Sácate tu carnet de conducir preparándote los exámenes de la DGT con la mejor y más completa herramienta disponible actualmente en el mercado. Nuestra aplicación "DGTest" contiene: - Carnet conducir Coche - Permiso B (4000 preguntas y 120 Test). - Carnet...

Price: Free Developer: Raul Lopez Marchena


Benvinguts a l’app del Super3. Aquí hi trobareu els millors vídeos del Super3 com "Doraemon", "Els germans Kratt", "Les Tres Bessones", "La família del Super3" i "Mic", entre molts d’altres. El Super3 també ofereix, a través d'aquesta app, la possibilitat...

Price: Free Developer: Corporacio Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals, SA
Axe - Villa Borghese

Axe - Villa Borghese

Scarica L’app e registrati subito! Con semplici passaggi, scegli L’evento e prenota i biglietti per la tua serata! Potrai fare tutto comodamente, dove e quando vuoi, senza le solite noiose file! Appena ottenuto il qrcode Mostralo al personale all’ ingresso e...

Price: Free Developer: Matteo Gitto


Vous permet de gérer votre carnet de tir, vous inscrire aux différents cours, consulter les informations, les news, etc.

Price: Free Developer: Flavio Valceschini
Club infantil La Banda

Club infantil La Banda

El Club La Banda ofrece el carnet en formato difital, relación de centros colaboradores y todas las novedades del club infantil La Banda para disfrutar en familia.

Price: Free Developer: Canal Sur Radio, S.A.
Mae West Granada

Mae West Granada

La App Oficial de Mae West Granada permite tener en tu dispositivo toda la información necesaria para estar al día de lo que ocurre en una de las salas más visitadas de España. Además aporta funciones para que cómodamente...

Price: Free Developer: NASS Tecnologia SL
Mandala Beach Mojácar

Mandala Beach Mojácar

La App Oficial de Mandala Beach Mojácar permite tener en tu dispositivo toda la información necesaria para estar al día de lo que ocurre en uno de los Beach Clubs más visitados de España. Además aporta funciones para que...

Price: Free Developer: NASS Tecnologia SL
Cinema Jove

Cinema Jove

App oficial del Festival Internacional de Cine de Valencia - Cinema Jove. Con ella tendrás: información detallada de todas las películas que forman las Secciones Oficiales (Largometrajes, Cortometrajes, Webseries y Encuentro Audiovisual de Jóvenes) y Secciones Especiales; últimas noticias...

Price: Free Developer: Institut Valencia de Cultura


Benvinguts a Appinya, una iniciativa de la Colla Jove de Barcelona pel món casteller. Es el primer projecte 100% Obert i Gratuït pel mon casteller. Amb aquesta App pots gestionar una colla i tenir tot unificat en una única...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Horta
Jo mai mai by @Unidestroyer

Jo mai mai by @Unidestroyer

El mític joc de beure arriba a iOS de la mà d’Unidestroyer a Instagram amb +400 frases èpiques! Descobreix els secrets més vergonyosos i picants dels teus amics jugant al jo mai mai definitiu en català. Aquesta app es...

Price: Free Developer: Pol Villaverde
Jo mai mai PRO by Unidestroyer

Jo mai mai PRO by Unidestroyer

La versió PRO de l’app et dona accés anticipat a les noves funcionalitats i elimina tots els anuncis en l’aplicació. A més, anirem introduint noves frases exclusives només disponibles per als usuaris PRO. El mític joc de beure arriba a...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Pol Villaverde
Movies For Two

Movies For Two

Are you with your couple, friend or family and can't decide what to watch? Don't worry we purpose you what you may like. Just complete the questions and the app will suggest you some movies. You can also check for random...

Price: Free Developer: Josep Bordes Jove
Spain Radio Live (Radio España)

Spain Radio Live (Radio España)

This Spain Radio Live app is the most simple and comprehensive radio app for E.S. which covers many popular radio channels and stations in Spain. One of the great features provided in this app is that this app support multitasking...

Price: Free Developer: Teik Leong Lee
Cat Tail Talk And Kitten Meow Sounds

Cat Tail Talk And Kitten Meow Sounds

Is your cat ignoring you? Do you want to talk to your cat? Would you like to spend more time playing with your cat? Then this free is app what you're looking for! Cat talking and kitten meow sounds has...

Price: Free Developer: OrDot Mobile
Talking Pets - Cat & Dog

Talking Pets - Cat & Dog

What is the dog thinking? Cats are not willing to be close to people? Cat language dog translator cat dog dog communicator dog cat cat assistant dog translator instantly transform your voice into a dog translation cat language translator,...

Price: Free Developer: hongbin lin
Cat Piano Toy and Kitten Keyboard Tunes

Cat Piano Toy and Kitten Keyboard Tunes

Enjoy hours of fun with your cat by playing different tunes on the cat piano. Simply choose a sound from the selection on the top of the screen and then start playing. This app is just pure fun it is...

Price: Free Developer: OrDot Mobile
Cat Calendar 2018

Cat Calendar 2018

A cat a day keeps the doctor away! Cat Calendar 2018 makes the new year so much fun giving you a super cute cat, or kitten each day. We hand-picked all those dolls, to bring you the best ever cat...

Price: Free Developer: Pengsquare UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
Cat Calendar 2019

Cat Calendar 2019

Cat Calendar 2019 makes the new year so much fun giving you a super cute cat, or kitten each day. We hand-picked all those dolls, to bring you the best ever cat experience right to iOS device. Impress your friends...

Price: Free Developer: Pengsquare UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
NyanCam - Nyan Cat Sticker Photobooth!

NyanCam - Nyan Cat Sticker Photobooth!

Introducing Nyan Cat Photobooth, add Nyan Cat to your pics! Now you can easily let Nyan Cat and his pals into your world. Import photos from your camera and library and collage over 80 amazing Nyan Cat stickers all over...

Price: Free Developer: Ben Clark
Talking Tom Cat 2

Talking Tom Cat 2

The legend is back! Talking Tom Cat 2 – the epic sequel to Talking Tom Cat – is better, cooler, and funnier than ever before! With over a billion downloads and counting, Talking Tom Cat 2 is popular with...

Price: Free Developer: Outfit7 Limited
Talking Tom Cat 2 for iPad

Talking Tom Cat 2 for iPad

The legend is back! Talking Tom Cat 2 – the epic sequel to Talking Tom Cat – is better, cooler, and funnier than ever before! With over a billion downloads and counting, Talking Tom Cat 2 is popular with...

Price: Free Developer: Outfit7 Limited
Talking Tom Cat

Talking Tom Cat

Download this legendary free game and join more than 580 million players all over the world having fun with Talking Tom Cat, one of the most popular free games for kids. THE ORIGINAL TALKING VIRTUAL PET Everyone knows Talking Tom, the...

Price: Free Developer: Outfit7 Limited
Talking Tom Cat for iPad

Talking Tom Cat for iPad

Download this legendary free game and join more than 580 million players all over the world having fun with Talking Tom Cat, one of the most popular free games for kids. THE ORIGINAL TALKING VIRTUAL PET Everyone knows Talking Tom, the...

Price: Free Developer: Outfit7 Limited

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