Top 30 Education Apps Like York U Safety - Best Alternatives

York U Safety Alternatives

Do you want to find the best York U Safety alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to York U Safety. Pick one from this list to be your new York U Safety app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to York U Safety on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like York U Safety - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid York U Safety alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like York U Safety 2025.

York School District 1

York School District 1

The official York School District 1 app gives you a personalized window into what is happening at the district and schools. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. Anyone can: -View...

Price: Free Developer: York School District 1
Discover York College

Discover York College

Founded in 1890, York College in Nebraska is dedicated to transforming lives through Christ-centered education and equipping students for lifelong service to God, family, and society. Discover what it means to be more at York College, and apply right from...

Price: Free Developer: York College (NE)
New York State PTA

New York State PTA

The official app for the New York State PTA, sponsored by ParentLink, gives you everything you need to know about New York State PTA. View information about upcoming events and become involved with New York State PTA! -View FaceBook...

Price: Free Developer: New York State PTA
Museum Association of New York

Museum Association of New York

The official app of the Museum Association of New York (MANY) Annual Conference. Use this app to navigate the MANY annual conference, which unites museum professionals from across the state to share how institutions and individuals are changing trends, testing...

Price: Free Developer: Museum Associations of New York
New York CDL Test Prep

New York CDL Test Prep

DMV Prep™ is the most comprehensive test prep platform available. Since 2009 we've helped more than 700,000 students pass the New York Commercial Driver License (CDL) written exam and others. Study aids included: - New York CDL license/permit practice test with...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Kelvin Beecroft
Baptist Convention of New York

Baptist Convention of New York

The Baptist Convention of New York is a network of more than 500 Southern Baptist Churches spread across Upstate New York, New York City, Northern New Jersey, and Connecticut. Being a part of the BCNY is more than membership....

Price: Free Developer: Baptist Convention of New York


Take your career to the next level with the York Business School Online MBA offered in exclusive partnership with Robert Kennedy College Zürich! Our MBAs, awarded by York St John University and recognized worldwide, can be completed in as little...

Price: Free Developer: Robert Kennedy College Zurich GmbH
New York DMV Test Prep

New York DMV Test Prep

DMV Prep™ is the most comprehensive test prep platform available. Since 2009 we've helped more than 800,000 students pass the official driver license written exam. Study aids included: - New York driver license/permit practice test with 170+ questions - Road signs included...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Kelvin Beecroft
Beyond The York School

Beyond The York School

This app provides IB students a post-secondary planning and application process toolkit. The York School has dedicated counselors who are committed to guiding students during these formative years. Your counselor/advisor is available to aid in your Success Planning, provide...

Price: Free Developer: The York School


U-Cursos móvil es la aplicación para iOS de la plataforma de gestión de contenidos para estudiantes y académicos de la Universidad de Chile. A través de ella podrás acceder e interactuar de manera rápida y fácil con tus servicios,...

Price: Free Developer: ADI - FCFM - U. de Chile


U-Future es la applicacion de U-Planner que permite tomar cursos en line desde tu teléfono. Usa esta aplicación mobil en conjunto con la plataforma web de U-Future.

Price: Free Developer: U-planner
U Learning

U Learning

Découvrez l'histoire du Groupement U à travers ce module de formation en ligne qui s'inscrit dans le cadre de votre parcours d'intégration au sein de la Coopérative U Enseigne ! 30 min de jeux, de contenus, de vidéos, bref...

Price: Free Developer: Cooperative U Enseigne


U-study – это уникальное приложение, которое помогает за считанные узнать результаты бумажных тестов по новому формату ЕНТ, Центром Тестирования U-study. U-study – это приложение, не имеющее аналогов в Казахстане, которое ученикам за считанные минуты получать результаты бумажного теста в...

Price: Free Developer: U-PARTNERS
Børnenes U-landskalender 2016

Børnenes U-landskalender 2016

Børnenes U-landskalender inviterer i 2016 danske børn med på en spændende rejse til Tanzania og Zanzibar. I denne app kommer skoleelever på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta, film, fotos og lyd fra Tanzania. De oplever børneliv i...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
Børnenes U-landskalender 2017

Børnenes U-landskalender 2017

Børnenes U-landskalender inviterer i 2017 danske børn med på en spændende rejse til Burkina Faso. I denne app kommer skoleelever på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta, film, fotos og lyd fra Burkina Faso. De oplever børneliv i guldminerne, livet...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
Børnenes U-landskalender 2018

Børnenes U-landskalender 2018

Børnenes U-landskalender inviterer i 2018 danske børn med på en spændende rejse, hvor de oplever Jordan og møder flygtningene fra Syrien. I denne app kommer skoleelever på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta, film, fotos og lyd fra Jordan. De...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
Børnenes U-landskalender 2019

Børnenes U-landskalender 2019

Børnenes U-landskalender 2019 inviterer i denne app danske skoleelever med på en spændende rejse til Bangladesh. Og de kan lave flotte fotohistorier om alt det, de oplever undervejs. I app’en kommer eleverne på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta,...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
Børnenes U-landskalender 2015

Børnenes U-landskalender 2015

Børnenes U-landskalender inviterer i 2015 børnene med på en spændende rejse til Nepal. I denne app kommer eleverne på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta, film, fotos og lyd fra Nepal. De oplever hovedstaden Kathmandu, den barske natur i...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
Woz U

Woz U

As co-founder of Apple and one of the leading pioneers in computing, Steve Wozniak shaped much of our digital world as we know it today. Much like how the Apple I paved the future of personal computing, Woz U...

Price: Free Developer: Coder for Rent LLC
Campus Safety Watch

Campus Safety Watch

Campus Safety Watch is the official safety app of Centennial College. It is the only app that integrates with Centennial College's safety and security systems. Security Operations has worked to develop a unique app that provides students, faculty and...

Price: Free Developer: Centennial College
Mango: The ABCs of Food Safety (English)

Mango: The ABCs of Food Safety (English)

This training App is brought to you by the National Mango Board and focuses on what food safety is and why it is important to follow food safety rules at a mango company. Training is an important part of...

Price: Free Developer: Food Safety Consulting & Training Solutions, LLC
BOLO Safety

BOLO Safety

ONE OUT OF EVERY TWO FAMILIES WILL BE A VICTIM OF VIOLENT CRIME IN THEIR LIFETIMES Most people don’t realize just how vulnerable they are to criminals. BOLO is a police term for "Be On the Lookout" and is...

Price: Free Developer: BOLO Safety LLC
Flight Safety Australia

Flight Safety Australia

Flight Safety Australia: CASA's free aviation safety magazine. Topical, technical, but reader-friendly, articles cover all the key aviation safety issues – safety management systems, maintenance, runway safety, human factors, airspace, training, aviation medicine – and more. Our articles cover some...

Price: Free Developer: Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Food Safety Pro Exam Prep

Food Safety Pro Exam Prep

With 231 targeted questions, Dynamic Path's Food Safety Pro app is the perfect tool to hone your knowledge of critical kitchen habits. Perfect for the culinary professional, kitchen manager, food safety professional, or home cook, this app re-enforces knowledge...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
Mushroom Industry Safety Training Program English

Mushroom Industry Safety Training Program English

This training App is brought to you by Food Safety CTS, LLC, Murray Securus and the Chester County Economic Development Council for the American Mushroom Institute (AMI) and focuses on the different activities that employees need to follow when...

Price: Free Developer: Food Safety Consulting & Training Solutions, LLC
Energy Safety Passport Guide

Energy Safety Passport Guide

The Energy Safety Passport (ESP) is the Appalachian basin-wide standardized onboarding and safety training program recommended to access oil and gas worksites designed and endorsed by several of the basin's largest producers and service providers. This course begins with...

Price: Free Developer: Serious Labs, Inc
Profit From Safety

Profit From Safety

Most owner/operators feel they should be paying less for insurance long-term. This can best be accomplished through further education and enforcement of safety best practices. The goal of this App is to provide you some of the...

Price: Free Developer: Besnard Safety Services LLC
Public Safety Dive Calculator

Public Safety Dive Calculator

The Public Safety Dive Calculator computes Gas Partial Pressures, Tank Factor, Tank Volume, Maximum Operating Depths, Surface Air Consumptions, Gas Consumption calculations. This PSDS Dive Calculator is meant to assist with your overall public safety dive operational needs.

Price: Free Developer: Public Safety Dive Supply LLC
Campus Ready School Safety App

Campus Ready School Safety App

Campus Ready is a school safety App that empowers students to submit tips (bullying, planned attacks, suicide threats, etc) to participating schools.

Price: Free Developer: Safety Now Solutions LLC

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