Top 39 Business Apps Like CP-Pro Mobile Mais - Best Alternatives

CP-Pro Mobile Mais Alternatives

Do you want to find the best CP-Pro Mobile Mais alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 Business apps that are similar to CP-Pro Mobile Mais. Pick one from this list to be your new CP-Pro Mobile Mais app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to CP-Pro Mobile Mais on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like CP-Pro Mobile Mais - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid CP-Pro Mobile Mais alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like CP-Pro Mobile Mais 2025.

CP Plus Showcase

CP Plus Showcase

CP PLUS: The World’s Preferred Security & Surveillance Brand is committed to make Security Simpler The first of its kind mobile application for the Security Professionals-“CP PLUS Mobile app” with the ease of use on any mobile device....

Price: Free Developer: CP PLUS GMBH & CO.KG
CP Reykjavik

CP Reykjavik

CP Reykjavík is a dynamic and creative service company with years of experience  which organizes events, incentives and conferences for both domestic and international clients.  CP Reykjavik is guided by principles of professionalism and creative resourcefulness in all areas. We give you the...

Price: Free Developer: CP Reykjavik
CP Track

CP Track

Employee can see there attendance threw the Cp Track App, they can review there whole month's In & out timing threw the Cp Track app

Price: Free Developer: CP PLUS GMBH & CO.KG
CP XChange

CP XChange

CP XChange is a better way to stay informed and connected with the CP community. Stay up-to-date on the latest business and industry news and information and be the first to learn about company announcements and updates. Read success stories about...

Price: Free Developer: Canadian Pacific Railway Limited
LEGEND-V CPクライアントソフト

LEGEND-V CPクライアントソフト

※本アプリケーションは富士通株式会社から正式に配布提供されています。 LEGEND-V CP クライアントソフト(以下、本アプリ)は、Web電話帳ソフトFUJITSU Network LEGEND-V CP基本制御プログラム(以下、LEGEND-V CP)から連絡先を簡単でセキュアに検索できるクライアントソフトです。 社内の電話帳を検索し、参照したアドレス情報から、電話やE-mailなどの機能を呼び出すことができ、状況に応じた適切なコミュニケーション手段を選択して連絡を取ることができます。 また、最近の検索履歴を参照することができる他、検索結果のアドレス情報をお気に入りとして保存することもでき、頻繁にコミュニケーションをとる連絡先をすぐに呼び出すことができます。 なお、検索履歴やお気に入りの情報はサーバに保存し、端末に情報が残らないため、セキュアに電話帳情報を利用できます。 ■特長 1.電話帳検索 LEGEND-V CPの共通電話帳を、キーワード検索することができます。 また、検索の結果はサーバに履歴として保存され、過去の検索結果を遡って参照することができます(最大100回分を保存)。 なお、LEGEND-V CPがプレゼンス機能を有効にしている場合は、検索したアドレス情報の詳細で、アドレス情報にプレゼンス状態を表示することができます。 2.お気に入り管理 電話帳検索で検索したアドレス情報を、お気に入りとして保存することができます。 保存したアドレス情報は一覧化され、並べ替えや削除することができます。 3.発着信履歴表示 サーバで管理している発着信履歴の情報を一覧表示します。 4.My電話帳管理 サーバで管理しているMy電話帳の情報を一覧表示します。 また、その内容を登録、編集、削除する事ができます。 5.コミュニケーションアプリ連携 参照したアドレス情報の電話番号やE-mailアドレスをクリックすることで、お使いの端末にインストールされた電話機能やE-mail機能をもったアプリケーションを呼び出すことができます。 6.データのサーバ管理 検索履歴やお気に入り、発着信履歴、My電話帳の情報はサーバに保存し、端末に情報が残らないため、セキュアに電話帳情報を利用できます。

Price: Free Developer: Fujitsu Limited
CP Law Group

CP Law Group

Welcome to CP Law Group Mobile App! If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury, the team at CP Law Group will fight for you. We understand how dealing with the physical, emotional and financial aftermath of...

Price: Free Developer: Recreating Reality LLC
Customer Portal (CP)

Customer Portal (CP)

CP is a one stop reporting app for on the go tracking of all day-to-day business metrics and reports with respect to volume trending, SLA trending, productivity, customer satisfaction, escalations etc. Key Features/benefits: 1) Charts for Volume Trending...

Price: Free Developer: Tata Consultancy Services
CP App

CP App

CP App is built for courier owner drivers, it has following features 01- Mobile Login 02- Online Tracking 03- Online Status 04- Add Journey 05- My Journeys 06- My Bookings 07- Booking Status 08- My Bids 09- Jobs Nearby 10- Bid a Job 11- Logout

Price: Free Developer: Ejaz Ahmed


CP CROP is for all employees, affiliates, partners, customers, and enterprise customers/partners of Crop Integration C.P. Group to communicate securely. Important Note: Crop Integration C.P. Group has sole responsibility for the distribution of login information as well as registration. If...

Price: Free Developer: cpcrop


PRO.4 Mobile: The new PRO.4 Mobile app for iOS provides access to some PRO.4 applications directly from your mobile phone. Optimised for interfaces on any iOS device, PRO.4 Mobile provides access to certain PRO.4 functionalities in PRO.4 cloud. These functionalities are...

Price: Free Developer: Pro-Bit PRO.4 d.o.o. Jobs Jobs

As a pro, you gain access to highly qualified jobs in your area. Manage these jobs easily with the Jobs app: • Claim and schedule job requests • See job details including customer notes and photos • Communicate...

Price: Free Developer: Client Client

This app enables mobile access from all iOS devices to the strategic execution framework Your company needs a contract with GmbH to use the app. Instructions for customers: Install the app and connect it to the url provided...

Price: Free Developer: GmbH
Dmbook Pro

Dmbook Pro

Dmbook Pro's mobile application is the companion app of Dmbook Pro. It helps you and your team be better hosts to your guest by making sure everyone is always on the same page. Key features: - Start and end your shift -...

Price: Free Developer: Dmbook Pro Ltd


Aplikacija pomoč na domu je namenjena vodenju evidence opravljenih storitev za posameznega uporabnika pomoči na domu,pripravo polavtomatskega plana dela za posamezno socialno oskrbovalko po uporabnikih. Skozi aplikacijo se zavajajo vloge za sprejem, sprejem udeležencev, vnos opravljenih storitev. Evidenca socialnih oskrbovalcev...

Price: Free Developer: Pro-Bit PRO.4 d.o.o.


Mobilna davčna blagajna (POS) - preprost in hiter način izdajanja računov. Aplikacija omogoča izdajo in tisk računa po veljavni zakonodaji o davčnih blagajnah. Za dodatne informacije nas kontaktirajte: Pro-bit programska oprema d.o.o. Stari trg 15 3210 Slov. Konjice Tel. 03 757 39...

Price: Free Developer: Pro-Bit PRO.4 d.o.o.
Business Continuity Management Ba-PRO

Business Continuity Management Ba-PRO

Ba-PRO BCM One day you know When incidents happen Ba-PRO Right Response supports. Employees receive an alert in which they find the information to act immediate and correct to reduce damage. This mobile BCM app works with the Ba-PRO...

Price: Free Developer: Ba-PRO b.v.
L-Card Pro - BizCard Creator

L-Card Pro - BizCard Creator

L-Card Pro is the most complete and advanced electronic business card design & management app on the market. It is loaded with cutting-edge features, including the ultimate Digital Business Card Design Suite, award-winning OCR card scanning, Smart E-mail Signature,...

Price: Free Developer: Orangetreeapps
Pentair Pro

Pentair Pro

Take your service model to the next level. With the new Pentair Pro app, you can deliver unparalleled service to your residential customers with trusted Pentair technology that’s smarter than ever. The Pentair Pro app is the digital toolbox...

Price: Free Developer: Pentair Flow Technologies LLC
Power Pro

Power Pro

The Power Pro iPad Leasing System is designed to enhance the consumers’ apartment search and leasing experience while also enabling the leasing professional to become more efficient in the apartment leasing and management processes. Predicated on customer-centric needs, the...

Price: Free Developer: Power Pro
Mobile Fuels

Mobile Fuels

Mobile Fuels is your fueling solution you have been waiting on, Mobile Fuels Service delivers fuel to you during work hours. Imagine not having to stop for fuel after a long day at the office. No longer waiting for...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile Fuel Services LLC
T-Mobile for Business POS

T-Mobile for Business POS

GoPoint™ is an easy-to-use, mobile point of sale solution that allows you to accept credit and debit card payments, and provides you with same-day deposits, features to help you run your business, and live support. GoPoint™ is secure and...

Price: Free Developer: T-Mobile
T-Mobile for Business POS Pro

T-Mobile for Business POS Pro

Please note that the GoPoint Pro app will only operate on tablet devices. If you are using a mobile phone, please install the GoPoint app. GoPoint™ is an easy-to-use, mobile point of sale solution that allows you to accept credit...

Price: Free Developer: T-Mobile
MDM T-Mobile

MDM T-Mobile

UWAGA: Usługa przeznaczona dla klientów biznesowych, którzy wykupili usługę MDM T-Mobile. MDM T-Mobile to system do zarządzania urządzeniami mobilnymi w firmie. Umożliwia on zdalną konfigurację urządzeń, instalację i aktualizację oprogramowania, cykliczne kopie zapasowe danych oraz monitorowanie bezpieczeństwa urządzenia....

Price: Free Developer: T-Mobile Polska S.A.
ABREEZ by Mobile Simple

ABREEZ by Mobile Simple

ABREEZ by Mobile Simple is the world’s #1 iOS App in the cloud to address the entire in-room minibar and amenity management process. This application offers essential functionality at the fingertips of the minibar attendants to perform their daily...

Price: Free Developer: Mobile Simple
L-mobile Sales

L-mobile Sales

Der L-mobile Sales Client bietet Ihnen Zugriff auf die L-mobile Sales Anwendungen im Außendienst. Mit Hilfe der Anwendung sind Sie in der Lage vorab Daten und Anwendungsinhalte für einen Offline-Betrieb auf Ihr Gerät zu übertragen und ab diesem Zeitpunkt auch...

Price: Free Developer: L-mobile solutions GmbH & Co. KG
L-mobile Service

L-mobile Service

Der L-mobile Client bietet Ihnen Zugriff auf die L-mobile Service Anwendungen im Außendienst. Mit Hilfe der Anwendung sind Sie in der Lage vorab Daten und Anwendungsinhalte für einen Offline-Betrieb auf Ihr Gerät zu übertragen und ab diesem Zeitpunkt auch getrennt...

Price: Free Developer: L-mobile solutions GmbH & Co. KG
Mobile Classifier

Mobile Classifier

Mobile Classifier is a business email app for iPhone and iPad with embedded support for message classification. By enabling the separation of personal and business data, Mobile Classifier enables organisations to prevent email mishandling and reduce the likelihood of...

Price: Free Developer: Boldon James
MicroStrategy Mobile for iPad

MicroStrategy Mobile for iPad

MicroStrategy lets anybody build and deploy mobile apps quickly. Using drag-and-drop click-to-configure design, combine branded look and feel, custom workflows, personalized content, advanced visualizations, mapping, transactions, multimedia, and multi-factor security into business apps that run natively online and offline...

Price: Free Developer: MicroStrategy Inc.
MicroStrategy Mobile for Phone

MicroStrategy Mobile for Phone

MicroStrategy lets anybody build and deploy mobile apps quickly. Using drag-and-drop click-to-configure design, combine branded look and feel, custom workflows, personalized content, advanced visualizations, mapping, transactions, multimedia, and multi-factor security into business apps that run natively online and offline...

Price: Free Developer: MicroStrategy Inc.
Venda Mais Imóveis

Venda Mais Imóveis

O app Venda Mais veio para facilitar o processo de vendas e melhorar o relacionamento entre corretores, imobiliárias e incorporadores. Através do aplicativo, empreendimentos verticais ou horizontais disponibilizam materiais de venda para toda equipe de corretores, otimizando todo o processo. O...

Price: Free Developer: Inttegra Solutions
Mais Guimarães - A Revista

Mais Guimarães - A Revista

A Revista “Mais Guimarães” é uma publicação mensal e gratuita. É um órgão de comunicação regional, generalista, independente e pluralista, que privilegia as questões ligadas ao concelho de Guimarães, mas que também se estende a outras regiões. Define-se como uma publicação...

Price: Free Developer: mobinteg - Solucoes Empresariais de Mobilidade, Lda.
Saiba Mais VW

Saiba Mais VW

O Saiba Mais VW chega como um importante asset na digitalização da rede de concessionários, além de ajudar os vendedores com importantes argumentos de vendas, a experiência do cliente se tornará mais profissional e mas condizente com o momento...

Price: Free Developer: Volkswagen do Brasil
Licit Mais Brasil

Licit Mais Brasil

A EMPRESA A Licit Mais Brasil é uma empresa que atua com captação de Licitações Públicas, e distribui de forma segmentada para cada cliente de maneira ágil e eficaz via e-mail e Gerenciador de Licitações. Agora você tem a opção...

Price: Free Developer: Guilherme Pereira
Porto Seguro Alarme Mais

Porto Seguro Alarme Mais

O app Alarme Mais é exclusivo para os clientes Porto Seguro Proteção e Monitoramento que possuem o produto Porto Seguro Alarme Mais. Instale agora o app e saiba em tempo real o que está acontecendo em seu imóvel. Vantagens e...

Price: Free Developer: Porto Seguro
Top Mais Avaré - Fidelidade

Top Mais Avaré - Fidelidade

Com o aplicativo do programa de fidelidade Top Mais Avaré, você pode trocar pontos por viagens. Para conseguir pontos, basta fazer seu cadastro no aplicativo, consumir no estabelecimento, informar seu código do cliente e pronto, você ganha pontos conforme...

Price: Free Developer: Nano Incub
Clube Mais - Ribeirão Preto

Clube Mais - Ribeirão Preto

O Aplicativo Clube Mais , possui inúmeras funções que vão agilizar o seu trabalho no dia a dia: - Localizar lojas associadas por lista ou mapa interativo - Ligar diretamente para o número listado - Verificar o extrato e saldo de pontos. -...

Price: Free Developer: W3.0
Fibra Mais

Fibra Mais

A Fibra Mais quer te manter sempre conectado e estar cada vez mais próxima de você! Com esse aplicativo você terá acesso a todas as facilidades de uma empresa conectada que prioriza a qualidade dos serviços e o bem...

Price: Free Developer: HubSoft
UpGás - Seu gás mais rápido

UpGás - Seu gás mais rápido

É MUITO RÁPIDO E FÁCIL COMPRAR GÁS COM O APP UPGÁS Quer receber seu gás em pouquíssimos minutos e ainda escolher a marca de sua preferência? Com o UpGás, você visualiza veículos de entrega de gás próximos a sua...


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