Top 29 News Apps Like hr-iNFO App - Best Alternatives

hr-iNFO App Alternatives

Do you want to find the best hr-iNFO App alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 News apps that are similar to hr-iNFO App. Pick one from this list to be your new hr-iNFO App app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to hr-iNFO App on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like hr-iNFO App - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid hr-iNFO App alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like hr-iNFO App 2025.

Putem aplikacije pratite točne, objektivne, pravovremene i zanimljive vijesti iz Hrvatske i svijeta, a svoj doživljaj vijesti obogatite kvalitetnim video prilozima te bogatim fotogalerijama. Sami kreirajte vijesti uz opciju MojReport koja vam omogućuje da u jednom potezu...

Price: Free Developer: NOVA TV d.d.
TV Vodič Hrvatska (HR)

TV Vodič Hrvatska (HR)

TV Vodič Hrvatska omogućuje gledanje televizijskog programa svih vaših omiljenih hrvatskih televizijskih kanala (HR). Više o aplikaciji: • radi preko WiFi, 4G, 3G ili EDGE. • radovi u Hrvatskoj ili u inozemstvu. • TV program se automatski obnavlja. • Ne zahtjeva registraciju putem Facebook,...

Price: Free Developer: Youssef Saadi
TV Vodič u Hrvatskoj (HR)

TV Vodič u Hrvatskoj (HR)

TV vodič u Hrvatskoj omogućuje da pogledati u ovom brzom i potpunom TV vodič na raspolaganju iz jedinog App. Nađi sve veće hrvatske TV postaje diljem Hrvatske (HR)! Jednostavan pristup do najboljih programa iz TV kanala u Hrvatskoj. Novi Stan dizajn...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Gesland

Nova besplatna aplikacija 24sata za iPhone omogućava vam da budete informirani u svako doba, bilo gdje se nalazite. Pregledajte najnovije vijesti iz rubrika News, Show i Sport brzo i lako. Odaberite svoju omiljenu rubriku i doznajte sve što vas zanima....

Price: Free Developer: 24sata d.o.o.

Nova cool aplikacija za iOS omogućava vam brz pristup najnovijim studentskim vijestima, popisu svih studentskih institucija za cijelu Republiku Hrvatsku, bazi svih studentskih materijala, studentskom oglasniku i bazi studentskih poslova. U samo par klikova dođite do popisa svih...

Price: Free Developer: ClickAttack AG


¡Bienvenido a la APP de Recursos Humanos de EDP Renováveis! Si eres empleado de nuestra empresa, podrás recibir los comunicados de nuestro departamento de RRHH al instante, acceder a nuestra intranet y consultar nuestros hitos formativos. Descárgate también nuestra APP...

Price: Free Developer: Teldar Capital


Dobrodošli u Zagrebačko kazalište mladih – središnje mjesto kazališnih zbivanja u Zagrebu, te jednu od vodećih kazališnih institucija u ovom dijelu Europe. Zagrebačko kazalište mladih renomirano je kazalište prepoznato ne samo u Hrvatskoj, već je upisano na kulturnoj mapi prestižnih...

Price: Free Developer: BITWARE j.d.o.o.
HRT radio

HRT radio

Putem ove aplikacije možete slušati sve radijske programe HRT-a: HR 1, 2 i 3, Glas Hrvatske, te osam regionalnih programa (Osijek, Sljeme, Pula, Rijeka, Zadar, Knin, Split i Dubrovnik).

Price: Free Developer: HRT
Haystack TV Local & World News

Haystack TV Local & World News

Get the most trending news videos in a headline news channel personalized for you and watch it on your iPhone, your iPad or on your TV thru Airplay or Chromecast. New: Live News for Breaking Events! Haystack TV is also...

Price: Free Developer: Haystack TV
AEF info

AEF info

UNE NOUVELLE EXPERIENCE UTILISATEUR GRACE AUX ATOUTS DE VOTRE APPLICATION - Consultez les dépêches 24H/24H : grâce au mode hors-ligne, même sans connexion internet, retrouvez désormais, toutes les dépêches que vous souhaitez consulter - Une interface de dernière génération qui rend...

Price: Free Developer:
LCI, la chaîne info en continu

LCI, la chaîne info en continu

L’INFO EN TEMPS RÉEL : • Le Fil Info : Consultez tous les articles de la rédaction, enrichis en photos, vidéos, infographies, diaporamas, live...tout au long de la journée • Suivez les actualités en France et à l’international en live...

Price: Free Developer: La Chaine Info

The purpose of is to inform you through pictures, videos and words about people, events and places in and around the city of Subotica. Every piece of contributed content since 1998 is categorized, tagged and archived.

Price: Free Developer: ICBTECH DOO
Secours Info

Secours Info

Découvrez la toute nouvelle application SECOURS INFO, désormais 1ère application d'info dédiée aux acteurs de l'urgence ! 100% compatible iOS9 et bénéficiant d'un nouveau design, SECOURS INFO est la seule et unique appli qui vous informe en temps réel de...

Price: Free Developer: 66 News
Le Figaro : Actualités et Info

Le Figaro : Actualités et Info

Spécialement conçue pour iPhone, iPad et Apple Watch, l’application Le vous propose une lecture de l’actualité taillée sur mesure pour votre mobile et votre tablette. ■ Retrouvez une sélection des informations essentielles du moment et des récap’...

Price: Free Developer: Société du Figaro
Monaco Info

Monaco Info

Monaco Info, l’info de Monaco dans poche Restez connectés à l’actualité monégasque grâce à l’application officielle de Monaco Info.  Regardez désormais en direct, où vous le voulez et quand vous le voulez, toutes les émissions de la chaîne depuis votre smartphone...

Price: Free Developer: Gouvernement Princier de Monaco zprávy a reportáže zprávy a reportáže

Zásadní informace, zpravodajství, analýzy, rozhovory, názory a reportáže z domácí i světové politiky, ekonomiky, byznysu a společenského dění. To vše najdete v aplikaci zpravodajského portálu INFO.CZ. V přehledném a aktraktivním prostředí aplikace snadno získáte zásadní informace a důležité...

Price: Free Developer: CZECH NEWS CENTER a.s.
Haute Provence Info

Haute Provence Info

Retrouvez l'actualité du département des Alpes de Haute Provence sur Haute Provence Info

Price: Free Developer: La News Company
France 3 Régions - Info Locale

France 3 Régions - Info Locale

Avec France 3 Régions, où que vous soyez, accédez enfin à toute l'information de votre région sur votre smartphone ou votre tablette ! > Retrouvez les résultats du match du PSG contre le LOSC > Préparez votre week-end en amoureux à...

Price: Free Developer: France Télévisions
India News App

India News App

Your one-stop-shop for all news related to India. A single, universal app for both iPhone & iPad covering all the major newspapers & news sources from India. You choose your favourite sources to follow & get updates from.

Price: Free Developer: App Ktchn Ltd
RGC Manager APP

RGC Manager APP

Mit der RGC Manager App informieren wir Sie werktäglich, mobil und kostenfrei über die für Ihr Unternehmen relevanten NEWS in den genannten Rechtsgebieten, u.a. über aktuelle Gesetzesvorhaben, Gerichts- und Behördenentscheidungen sowie deren rechtliche Auswirkungen für Ihr Unternehmen. Mit Nutzung unserer...

Price: Free Developer: RGC Manager GmbH & Co. KG
Podbean Podcast App & Player

Podbean Podcast App & Player

The best podcast app & podcast player to search, download, and listen to your favorite podcast, FM, radio, audiobook and audio live stream anywhere, anytime. Listening to over 50 million episodes of podcasts worldwide on iPhone/iPad. The Podbean podcast app...

Price: Free Developer: Podbean Tech LLC
Newsmeter: Latest and Breaking News Feed Reader from Cnn,NY Times,Huffington Post,Buzzfeed&more

Newsmeter: Latest and Breaking News Feed Reader from Cnn,NY Times,Huffington Post,Buzzfeed&more

Newsmeter brings you news from all around the world. This simple app presents you a search bar. Just type in a topic and Newsmeter will find news about it from more than 10,000 news sites. Tap the story and...

Price: Free Developer: Habermetre
Y Hourly - a free Hacker News app for

Y Hourly - a free Hacker News app for

The universal app Hacker News ( reader Y Hourly provides simple clean UI for a pleasant reading experience. In your busy life, Y Hourly helps you to go through the frequently-updated Hacker News and save the ones that you...

Price: Free Developer: Dongli Su
HuffPost - News & Politics

HuffPost - News & Politics

HuffPost is a Pulitzer Prize-winning digital source of news. We report with empathy and put people at the heart of every story, whether it's about news, politics, lifestyle or entertainment. We believe news is personal and real life is...

Price: Free Developer: HuffPost
TrustRate News

TrustRate News

Some say news journalists are biased, divisive and can’t be trusted, while others say they are unjustly under attack for doing their job. Either way, it’s important that we trust news journalists and know we are getting reliable information to...

Price: Free Developer: PAC Solutions, LLC
Code News

Code News

Code News is the best news app for programmers. Here you can check the latest news about your favorite programming languages and technologies. The app has a simple and intuitive UI based on material design. It also allows users...

Price: Free Developer: Marcel Fagadariu
Sanook - ข่าว ตรวจหวย ดูดวง

Sanook - ข่าว ตรวจหวย ดูดวง

Sanook News Application, a product of, is an all-in-one Thai news and content mobile application with variety of content available for everyone. Sanook แอปพลิเคชั่น หนึ่งในบริการจาก ที่รวบรวมเรื่องราว ข่าวสาร ที่คุณชื่นชอบมาไว้ในที่เดียว แอปพลิเคชั่นข่าวภาษาไทยที่คุณควรโหลดเก็บไว้ในเครื่อง เพราะเรามี “ครบทุกเรื่อง เพื่อทุกคน” News, Entertainment, Sport, World,...

Roll Call News

Roll Call News

Breaking news and analysis from Roll Call, the source for objective and nonpartisan coverage of the people, politics and personalities of Capitol Hill since 1955. From our vetting of Members of Congress to the investigating and uncovering of legislative scandals,...

Price: Free Developer: CQ Roll Call

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