Top 37 Lifestyle Apps Like Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom - Best Alternatives

Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom alternatives for iOS? We have listed 37 Lifestyle apps that are similar to Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom. Pick one from this list to be your new Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom on your iOS devices.

Top 37 Apps Like Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 37 similar apps like Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom 2025.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1898 - 1993), often called the "minister-to-millions" and widely known for his best-selling book "The Power of Positive Thinking"; created timely and timeless messages of practical faith. His legacy continues through the work...

Price: Free Developer: Peale Foundation, Inc.


Try this immersive, high-quality app for FREE! Then unlock all the meditations and OWN the app for life! Ho’oponopono is a once-secret Hawaiian healing system centered around four magic phrases and a powerful prayer for erasing blocks and negative...

Price: Free Developer: SuperMind Apps, LLC
Dr. Wayne Dyer Inspirations

Dr. Wayne Dyer Inspirations

The Official, Authorized Version of Dr. Wayne Dyer Inspirations Dr. Wayne Dyer's Inspirations is a motivational app that can be used to produce positive results in your life. Use this mobile app to help solve the mystery behind your existence....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Floreo Media LLC
DR Car Care

DR Car Care

Welcome to DR Car Care's Mobile App. Download our app today to access our Loyalty Card & Promotions and Book a Valeting or Detailing service. Based across two locations in Maidstone & Sevenoaks in Kent United Kingdom...

Price: Free Developer: David Robinson
Dr Stanek

Dr Stanek

PharmDr. Martin Staněk je absolventem Farmaceutické fakulty v Hradci Králové – obor klinická farmacie. V roce 1984 získal doktorát v oboru farmaceutická chemie a farmakologie. V letech 1984-1990 pracoval v nemocničním lékárenství a zabýval se vývojem a podporou prodeje klinické výživy...

Price: Free Developer: ITDream
Rev Dr William Obeng-Darko

Rev Dr William Obeng-Darko

I am pleased to present PWBI as a school without walls to numerous students from all over the world. A distant biblical and spiritual education that will change lives for the better. Utilizing the most current technology and maintain...

Price: Free Developer: William Obeng-Darko


進むボタン」を押すだけで、「テンポ良く」どんどん進みます。 現役内科医師が「アニメ風パラパラ漫画付き早押しクイズ形式」で授業を展開。前作の心臓学習アプリの好評(*****五つ星くださったかた、感謝です*****)を受け、続編としてリリースします。(参考app:Study Heart(英語版なので英語で勉強したい人向け),Drアニメ心臓講座(一夜漬けテストの山クイズ):両方とも画面が似ていますが盗作ではありません->developer名ご参照下さい.) アプリのポイント   _____________________________________ 【1】授業についていけない人むけ 【2】タイマー付き(成長が自分で実感できる.トータル消費時間を毎日出席簿などに書き込めば教員の皆様が小テストがわりに使える) 【3】資格試験などへの自信の基礎作り(丸暗記でなく、一生忘れないよう) 【4】3秒ルール: 3秒以内に正解した問題は、2度と表示されないようにしてあり、残りを反復することで効率アップ。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【【 まとめ 】】 医師が経験を活かし、学生がつまづきやすいポイントを重点的に入門講座を作成。プログラミングは独学なので芸術性より実用性でご評価下さい^^; _____________________________________ 学生の皆様へメッセージ】期末テストなど試験前日でも10〜20分見るだけで得点率アップできうる内容です。また国家試験合格などのお役にも立てれば幸いです。 他のクラス、他の学校のお友達とタイマー時間対決し、SNSなどでスクリーンショット見せ合いし「今日はトータル消費何秒差で私の勝ちだね」などと切磋琢磨して下さい。自然と実力アップするでしょう。ぜひ「勉強はしんどいけど(一歩一歩きちんとやれば)面白い!しかも将来役に立つ!」と言い周りながら1分1秒を大事に使い「勉強の本質」を実感してください。皆さんで将来生まれる子供たちの為にもっといい日本にして下さい。 ===================== 教員の皆様へ】トータル消費時間を出席簿(または学内掲示板)に毎回書き込むことで、誰が努力したか、誰がサボったかが一目瞭然です。小テストがわり、眠い時間帯の授業での班対抗iPadリレー対決などに使えるよう工夫しました。日本に一人でもいい医療人が増えるような授業のお役に立てれば幸いです。    制作者より。 ___________________________ iPhone6以上推奨。 iPhoneXにも対応。 iPad Pro(12.9 inch) 2nd generationにも対応(たて横注意) ==問題が枯渇した場合は再度アップ下さい。(またはapp storeへ)

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Chie Yada
Leading The Way

Leading The Way

Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef, a global ministry. Watch and listen to the latest sermons from Dr. Michael Youssef—and access audio and video archives through the broadcast ministry of Leading The Way. Along with partners committed to changing...

Price: Free Developer: Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef, Inc.


Camp Brookwoods and Deer Run has now come to iOS! Look at webcams of familiar places from your summer memories! We have live views of our camp, a place to register for camp, and a link to get directions or...

Price: Free Developer: Christian Camps and Conferences
Heartland Church Fort Wayne

Heartland Church Fort Wayne

Check out all the latest messages & original music from Heartland Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. After you’ve downloaded and enjoyed the content, you can share it with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email. For more information about...

Price: Free Developer: Heartland Church of Fort Wayne Inc.
Wayne’s Pizza

Wayne’s Pizza

We are proud to serve our customers the best ingredients we can find. Our vegetables are always fresh. We would never think of serving you mushrooms from a can. Part of the Wayne's tradition is taking care of our...

Price: Free Developer: Revention, Inc.
10 Secrets for Success

10 Secrets for Success

The 10 "secrets" for success and inner peace presented in this card deck apply whether you're just embarking on your path, are nearing the end of it, or are on the path in any way. Dr. Dyer urges you...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Hay House, Incorporated
CORCC Hawaii

CORCC Hawaii

Welcome to the official app of the City of Refuge Christian Church Hawaii! CORCC Hawaii is an international, non-denominational church, beginning over 30 years ago by Dr. Wayne E. Anderson. Throughout the ministry, Dr. Anderson has boldly delivered the...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
Brilliant Quotes By Authors

Brilliant Quotes By Authors

"Brilliant Quotes By Authors"app is a Great collection of over 10,000+ Quotes with carefully picked quotes from more than 200+ authors. It contains sayings from philosophers, Author, Singer, Lawyer, Artist, Actress, Film director, Actor, Poet, Politician, Musical Artist, Dancer,...

Price: Free Developer: Alpesh Prajapati
Living in Light-Shakti Gawain

Living in Light-Shakti Gawain

The Official, Authorized Version of Shakti Gawain’s Living in the Light Personal growth pioneer Shakti Gawain highlights the transformative power of bringing the light of awareness to every aspect of the self, featuring exercises in the areas of creativity, self...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Floreo Media LLC
Living in the Light - Audio

Living in the Light - Audio

**The Official, Authorized Version of Shakti Gawain’s Living in the Light** Personal growth pioneer Shakti Gawain highlights the transformative power of bringing the light of awareness to every aspect of the self, featuring exercises in the areas of creativity, self...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Floreo Media LLC
Divine Love - Romantic Quotes.

Divine Love - Romantic Quotes.

Divine Love is the ultimate App to ignite the fire in your personal relationship and inspire loved ones to do the same. Create daily reminders to reinforce your love and encourage yourself to persevere and push through difficult and...

Price: Free Developer: Wayne Williams


"We are the sum of our actions, and therefore our habits make all the difference." - Aristotle. If we want to lead a happier and more fulfilled life, we need to build good habits and eliminate bad ones. With...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Tensift
Everyday Smart

Everyday Smart

Adapted from award-winning creativity coach and therapist Eric Maisel’s series of the same name, Everyday Smart gives you 30 unique ways to get smarter by tapping into the inner genius. Each exercise shows you how to nurture ideas and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: mmotio
Happy Everyday

Happy Everyday

When we distress, feeling down or sad... we often focus on our negativity. We fail to know... that what we need is only a little reminder to make us Happy. Happiness is the medicine for negativity. Make yourself happy everyday...

Price: Free Developer: Eric Thedjasurya
Everyday Miracles

Everyday Miracles

New York Times best-selling author Robert Holden and Hollie Holden present 50 beautifully designed cards, each one featuring an inspired lesson from the international best-selling, beloved spiritual classic A Course in Miracles. A Course in Miracles is a self-study...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Hay House, Incorporated
My Everyday Bible

My Everyday Bible

My Everyday Bible is an easy way to listen to the Bible on a daily basis and go through the entire text of the Bible in one year. This APP provides a daily audio broadcast of the Bible being...

Price: Free Developer: Hidden With Christ Ministries
Stringing’s Everyday Jewelry eMag

Stringing’s Everyday Jewelry eMag

Upgrade any outfit instantly with just the right accessory: “arm candy” from Everyday Bracelets – brought to you by the trusted, fashion-savvy editors of Stringing magazine. Learn to make fabulous bracelets in all the styles you love with video...

Price: Free Developer: F+W Media, Inc.
Everyday English Quotes

Everyday English Quotes

This calendar encompasses hundreds of uplifting famous quotes to read for each day of the year. Every day contains a quote accompanied by a beautiful picture. You can also save a picture and quote to your photo album,...

Price: Free Developer: Jun Qian
Everyday Today's Fortune Cookie

Everyday Today's Fortune Cookie

Have you ever heard of a Fortune Cookie? A fortune cookie is a cookie with a piece of paper. When you open it, a piece of paper shows up and tell you your fortune. Read your fortune every day for fun! - Sometimes...

Price: Free Developer: Magic Cube
Volley – Listen Everyday

Volley – Listen Everyday

Volley creates your personalized morning radio station from short daily podcasts! Customize your morning radio by selecting the shows you want to listen to every day: * News * Bible Verses * Jokes * Horoscopes * Word of the Day * Daily Positivity * Affirmations...

Price: Free Developer: Volley Inc.
Wisdom Hunters

Wisdom Hunters

Welcome to the official Wisdom Hunters app! Discover the inspiration and resources needed to encourage wise living and decision making in your daily life. For more information about Wisdom Hunters, please visit: The Wisdom Hunters App was created with the Subsplash App...

Price: Free Developer: Wisdom Hunters
Soul Wisdom Oracle Cards

Soul Wisdom Oracle Cards

With Sundara Fawn. Soul Wisdom Cards use the power of imagery, infused with Divine light channeled into each card. The images on the Wisdom Cards are from original paintings carefully chosen over the past 30 years. There are 44 Wisdom...

Price: Free Developer: Frederic Calendini
Wisdom of the Oracle

Wisdom of the Oracle

Get a 7-day RISK FREE Trial to Colette Baron-Reid's Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards! Colette Baron-Reid has expertly blended elements of the I-Ching, Norse runes, traditional tarot, and other ancient divination tools into a sacred communication system: Wisdom of...

Price: Free Developer: Hay House, Incorporated
Buddha Wisdom

Buddha Wisdom

Tap into the timeless wisdom of the Buddha. Read inspiring quotes with Buddha Wisdom, and share your favorite sayings on Facebook or Twitter. Buddha Wisdom gives you randomly chosen sayings of the Buddha from the Dhammapada. Buddha Wisdom is...

Price: Free Developer: Ryan Zander
Goddess Wisdom Oracle

Goddess Wisdom Oracle

Connect with your own inner wisdom and magnify your intuitive abilities with this powerful and accurate app, Goddess Wisdom Oracle. Goddess Wisdom Oracle is designed to help you find answers to your questions and assist you in your winding journey...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media
Universal Wisdom Oracle Cards

Universal Wisdom Oracle Cards

Access your inner wisdom and get the answers you need with the UNIVERSAL WISDOM ORACLE CARDS. Thousands have found solace in this incredible deck and now it's yours to take anywhere. Stop second-guessing, these cards will give you gentle guidance...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Oceanhouse Media


PEARLS OF WISDOM ANGEL CARDS is one of the most comprehensive, in-depth spiritual self-help Divination Oracle Decks available. Consisting of 144 Angel Cards created and designed by visionary artist, author, and composer of world-renowned Angel Love, Aeoliah has developed...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Awaken My Life
Wisdom Quotes Collection

Wisdom Quotes Collection

WisdomNews is a free e-mail message that comes out Monday through Friday. The format is simple. Each week we have a theme, or a topic. I find quotes about the topic from people throughout the world,...

Price: Free Developer: Bamboo Entertainment, Inc. Apps
Confucius Wisdom

Confucius Wisdom

Tap into the timeless wisdom of Confucius. Read inspiring quotes with Confucius Wisdom, and share your favorite sayings on Facebook or Twitter. Confucius Wisdom gives you randomly chosen sayings of Confucius from the Analects. Confucius Wisdom is easy to use...

Price: Free Developer: Ryan Zander
Taoist Wisdom

Taoist Wisdom

Tap into the timeless wisdom of Lao Tzu. Read inspiring quotes with Taoist Wisdom, and share your favorite sayings on Facebook or Twitter. Taoist Wisdom gives you randomly chosen sayings of Lao Tzu from the Tao Te Ching. Taoist Wisdom...

Price: Free Developer: Ryan Zander

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