Top 39 News Apps Like ET News - Google edition - Best Alternatives

ET News - Google edition Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ET News - Google edition alternatives for iOS? We have listed 39 News apps that are similar to ET News - Google edition. Pick one from this list to be your new ET News - Google edition app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ET News - Google edition on your iOS devices.

Top 39 Apps Like ET News - Google edition - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ET News - Google edition alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 39 similar apps like ET News - Google edition 2025.

Sciences et Avenir

Sciences et Avenir

LA référence des Sciences ! Suivez les dernières découvertes scientifiques, les avancées de la recherche… Tous les jours, à toute heure, partout dans le monde, accédez en temps réel à toute l'expertise de la rédaction de Sciences et Avenir,...

Price: Free Developer: Sciences et Avenir
Le Figaro : Actualités et Info

Le Figaro : Actualités et Info

Spécialement conçue pour iPhone, iPad et Apple Watch, l’application Le vous propose une lecture de l’actualité taillée sur mesure pour votre mobile et votre tablette. ■ Retrouvez une sélection des informations essentielles du moment et des récap’...

Price: Free Developer: Société du Figaro
Public : actu people et infos

Public : actu people et infos

L’appli People N°1, Toutes les news, les actus, les buzz de stars et les dernières tendances mode et beauté à consulter gratuitement sur votre smartphone et votre tablette - NEWS & SCOOPS : Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu...

Price: Free Developer: CMI Publishing
ET Live – Entertainment News

ET Live – Entertainment News

ET Live is the "Always On" home for breaking entertainment and pop culture news, live red carpet coverage, fresh style and beauty trends and your daily dose of celebrity happenings, streaming around-the-clock! • FREE and streaming live...

Price: Free Developer: CBS Interactive
melty - Actu, Quiz et Vidéos

melty - Actu, Quiz et Vidéos

melty, l'application parfaite pour les addictes aux séries, télé-réalité, cinéma, célébrités, jeux-vidéo... On parle de tout ce qui vous passionnent et tout ce qui fait l'actualité de vos divertissements préférés. Le meilleur de • Le top de l'actualité tous les...

Price: Free Developer: Eeple
Actualité juridique et modèles

Actualité juridique et modèles est un site web d’actualité et d’information juridique et financière. Lexique juridique spécialisé dans les domaines du droit social et commercial, la fiscalité, l’immobilier, le site met à disposition gratuitement pour les particuliers et les professionnels, un ensemble d'informations,...

Price: Free Developer: NIOURK LLC
Capital : actu éco et finance

Capital : actu éco et finance

Capital, l’info économique et politique qui vous touche au quotidien. L'APPLICATION CAPITAL PROPOSE UN CONTENU 100% GRATUIT pour retrouver toute l'actualité économique et politique. • TOUTE L'INFO EN UN SEUL GESTE: - A LA UNE : toutes les actus essentielles à ne...

Price: Free Developer: Prisma Media
Procès Laurent Gbagbo et Charles Blé Goudé - CPI

Procès Laurent Gbagbo et Charles Blé Goudé - CPI

La seule application qui vous permet de suivre en temps réel le procès de Laurent Gbagbo et de Charles Blé Goudé qui se tient actuellement à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) Haye (Pays-Bas). Ne ratez aucune vidéo du procès grâce...

Price: Free Developer: Kouassi Eric BROU
Colas et moi

Colas et moi

Colas et moi: l'application qui fait le lien entre vous et le groupe Colas. Retrouvez les chantiers proches de vous et utilisez l'application pour consulter les actualités et les informations des chantiers en cours. Abonnez-vous aux chantiers pour ne voir...

Price: Free Developer: Agence Cube
CMGO et moi

CMGO et moi

CMGO et moi: l'application qui fait le lien entre vous et les carrières CMGO. Retrouvez les carrières CMGO dans votre mobile. Utilisez l'application pour consulter les actualités et les informations des carrières. Abonnez-vous aux carrières proche de chez vous pour ne...

Price: Free Developer: Agence Cube
Realiti News

Realiti News

Realiti News plays daily audio narrations of real news & magazines. Whether you're commuting to work, in the gym, or on the go you can listen to the latest news and magazines from the best publications: • Wired • Time • Huffington Post • Mashable •...

Price: Free Developer: Realiti News, Inc.
PublicVibe - Local News

PublicVibe - Local News

PublicVibe is a hyperlocal community news platform with instant, personalised and verified local news to international news. You can share local news, jobs, and issues with people in your neighbourhood and involve them to make a difference. PublicVibe will...

Price: Free Developer: News Distill Private Limited
Simply News - The award-winning news app

Simply News - The award-winning news app

Simply is the best-looking and easiest way to get the news you care about. Each screen is a smart summary of exactly one news article. Swipe quickly from page to beautifully-illustrated page. Simply tailors your top stories from thousands...

Price: Free Developer: MessengerPeople Inc
QNA News

QNA News

The Qatar News Agency (QNA) news app for iPhone and iPad lets you read the daily news bulletins produced by QNA. QNA news are categorized into political, cultural, sports and financial news. QNA news app delivers daily multimedia news produced...

Price: Free Developer: Qatar News Agency
Sky News Arabiaسكاي نيوز عربية

Sky News Arabiaسكاي نيوز عربية

يوفر تطبيق سكاي نيوز عربية تغطية شاملة للأخبار الإقليمية والدولية من خلال شبكة مراسلينا التي تصل لأكثر من 250 صفحي وبث يصل لأكثر من 50 مليون منزل. بالإضافة لسرعة ودقة نقل الخبر من موقع الحدث مع تنوع واسع في...

Price: Free Developer: Sky News Arabia FZ LLC
News Republic-World News,Video

News Republic-World News,Video

News beyond the headlines, News Republic gives you all the stories you’ve ever wanted in just one place. We provide you with the very best news from all the world’s top sources. Personalized and easy to use, News Republic...

Price: Free Developer: News Republic


RTHK News is the latest RTHK mobile app dedicated to the provision of RTHK news content in both Chinese and English, including latest news and news programmes which is developed by News & Current Affairs and New Media Unit...

Price: Free Developer: Radio Television Hong Kong
BBC News

BBC News

The BBC News brings you the latest, breaking news from our trusted global network of journalists. Includes: Personalise your news offering with My News Add topics wherever you see the + icon for a quick route straight to the stories you care...

Price: Free Developer: BBC Worldwide


Get the latest Butler and Warren County news you want, when you want, in this free iOS app from Journal-News. Our intuitive, responsive app puts you in control of the news you care about with in-depth sections and personalized...

Price: Free Developer: Cox Media Group
NBC News: Breaking & US News

NBC News: Breaking & US News

NBC News brings you today's news headlines and breaking news content Get the latest US and world news, and exclusive, in-depth reporting, analysis, and perspectives from our award-winning journalists. Watch your favorite NBC News and MSNBC programs all in one...

Price: Free Developer: NBC News Digital, LLC
Speak News - RSS news reader

Speak News - RSS news reader

Speak News reads stories from RSS/Atom news feeds, web pages, Wikipedia pages, Twitter user feeds, hashtag searches or word searches, or Google News queries to you using text-to-speech. Speak News app is built for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch....

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Imaja
News App - RSS Feed Reader

News App - RSS Feed Reader

Read all your favourite news, magazines LIVE and FREE on one app! CNN, Bloomberg, Yahoo, Google News, Fox, NBC, Reuters, Top Gear, CNET; They are all here. This is a news reader for the astute, the free thinkers. For those...

Price: Free Developer: SavySoda
Ready news reader

Ready news reader

**** We survived the Google Feed API disappearance **** You might have noticed some issues lately in Ready. We were using the Google Feed API, and suddenly we realized it was closing. However, we were able to survive its closure,...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Leaves OU


Read all your favourite news, magazines LIVE on one App! This is a news reader for the astute, the free thinkers. For those of us who don't want to be told what to read and won't settle for one...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Savy Soda


AKB48、SKE48、NMB48、HKT48、乃木坂46の更新情報をすべて網羅した、AKB48リーダーアプリ決定版「48G神まとめ」!! 総選挙速報&情報もこのアプリで即チェック! AKB関連のメンバープロフ、オフィシャルブログ、ファンによるまとめブログ、 Google+、Twitter、Instagram、Facebookがこのアプリ一つで、AKB関連の更新情報を一括で把握することができます。 (AKB神まとめの進化版) ◎ブログの写真保存機能◎(ver1.1新機能) メンバー・まとめブログの写真をカメラロールに保存できます。 →右上の写真マークが有効になったら、画像一覧ページへ。好きな画像を選択して保存ボタンを押して下さい! (※写真へのアクセスを許可が必要です) ◎顔写真表示◎ ブログ更新情報とともにメンバーの顔写真が表示されるのでわかりやすい! ◎推しメンカスタム◎ 好きなメンバーをお気に入り登録しておけば、推しメンの更新情報だけをすぐに確認できます! ◎AKBだけじゃない!◎ AKB48、SKE48、NMB48、HKT48、乃木坂46までこのアプリ一つで網羅しています! <機能> ●ブログ オフィシャルブログ、メンバーブログ(研究生除く)更新情報閲覧 ブログの写真も保存できます ●Google+ AKB、SKE、NMB、HKTのメンバー(研究生含む)のGoogle+の更新情報閲覧 投稿へのメンバーコメント表示(ベータ版) ●Twitter ツィッター公式アカウントを持つメンバー、グループの更新情報閲覧 ●Instagram(ver1.4以降) Instagramをしているメンバーの投稿を見ることができます ●メンバープロフィール表示 氏名、チーム名、あだ名、誕生日、事務所、ブログ、Google+、ツィッター、Facebook ●お気に入り機能 サイト一覧、設定ページ、もしくはプロフィールページからお気に入りに入れたいメンバーのブログ、Google+を設定すると、設定したものだけを表示する機- 能。AKB関連のニュースサイトのブログもお気に入りだけ表示することが可能。 ●ブログ記事をツィート・拡散・共有する機能 ●ブログの内部ブラウザ表示・外部ブラウザで表示の切り替え

Price: Free Developer: Fumiaki Murakami
Cloud News Free - World News & Headlines

Cloud News Free - World News & Headlines

CloudNews allows you to stay in touch with the world by reading news from hundreds different sources: it supports many national newspapers, agencies and lots of famous blogs. Using CloudNews you will never need of many different apps to keep informed, you will...

Price: Free Developer:
TimesNow - English, Hindi News

TimesNow - English, Hindi News

Welcome to Times Now app, the official app from India’s No.1 English News channel – Times Now. The Times Now IOS app keeps you updated with the latest happenings from India and around the world on the go. Download the...

Price: Free Developer: Times Global Broadcasing Company Limited

LiveLaw is a comprehensive Legal News Portal that will keep you updated on the latest legal news from India and across the world. With an eye-catchy layout, yet easy and convenient, you can now be sure that you won’t...

Price: Free Developer: Sinergia Labs
Media Match

Media Match

Match news articles to reality with Media Match! "Fake News" are news articles that are either completely false, based on twisted half-truths or exhibit an overt bias. Media Match activates your critical thinking skills in a fun and social...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Dunderfelt
Edition Digital Showcase

Edition Digital Showcase

Get access to free magazines that were created using Edition Digital® publishing platform Edition® platform enables you fast and efficient transfers of your publications (magazines, newspapers, catalogues, etc.) on the Web, iPhone and iPad. Edition® preserves the original...

Price: Free Developer: Edition Digital LTD


THE_EDITION IS a print and digital magazine which explores the vast expanses of the digital publishing world. Bursting with new findings, opportunities and stories. THE_EDITION brings the best insights and innovative stories in digital publishing and content marketing. THE_EDITION contains...

Price: Free Developer: Edition Digital LTD
News Scavenger - Microsoft Edition

News Scavenger - Microsoft Edition

The latest Microsoft news from the best social media & sites, updated by the Minute! News Scavenger - Microsoft Edition delivers all the latest articles from all the greatest sources and social media directly to your device by the...

Price: Free Developer: Steven Dixon
LP Magazine - Europe Edition

LP Magazine - Europe Edition

For over 13 years, LP Magazine has been delivering quality education, news and original content to the US retail loss prevention and profit protection industry. In 2013, LP Magazine launched an EU edition that brings this valuable information and...

Price: Free Developer: Loss Prevention Magazine Inc.
Business Insider iPad Edition

Business Insider iPad Edition

The Business Insider iPad Edition app provides you with a fast, free, and convenient way to read Business Insider on the go. Keep up to date with the latest news, sharp analysis and insightful commentaries from around the...

Price: Free Developer: Business Insider, Inc.
Haaretz English Edition

Haaretz English Edition

Experience award-winning journalism from the most reliable news source in the Middle East. The Haaretz iPhone app (English version) gives you constantly updated news from Israel, the Mideast and the Jewish world, plus all the opinion and analysis you...

Price: Free Developer: Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd
Boston Herald NIE E-Edition

Boston Herald NIE E-Edition

Boston Herald in Education provides free electronic newspapers and curriculum to students and teachers. The Boston Herald e-Edition is an exact replica of the print newspaper, including all of the same articles, photos, sections and advertisements. Download the app...

Price: Free Developer: Herald Interactive, Inc.
MVTC E-Edition

MVTC E-Edition

The Mid-Valley Town Crier E-Edition is a must-have digital replica of The MVTC Newspaper.  It is intended for those living, working  and enjoying all the Rio Grande Valley has to offer. Stay connected wherever you go with the official...

Price: Free Developer: AIM Media Texas Operating, LLC
Denver Post Digital Replica Edition

Denver Post Digital Replica Edition

The Denver Post Digital Replica Edition looks just like The Denver Post because it is The Denver Post--with interactive and searchable articles from all your favorite sections, plus photos, columnists, comics, graphics and ads.

Price: Free Developer: The Denver Post

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