Top 20 Education Apps Like JLPT N1 문법 - Best Alternatives

JLPT N1 문법 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best JLPT N1 문법 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to JLPT N1 문법. Pick one from this list to be your new JLPT N1 문법 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to JLPT N1 문법 on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like JLPT N1 문법 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid JLPT N1 문법 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like JLPT N1 문법 2025.



JLPT TOÀN THƯ - Đúng như tên gọi của ứng dụng, đây là chương trình giúp bạn có tất cả những thông tin cần thiết để chuẩn bị cho các kỳ thi JLPT. Từ kanji, ngữ pháp, từ vựng,...

Price: Free Developer: Le Thi Quynh Ny
JLPT Encyclopedia

JLPT Encyclopedia

JLPT Encyclopedia is one of the best Japanese learning applications at present for practising JLPT for all levels from N5 to N1. JLPT Encyclopedia provides Japanese lessons for levels from N5 to N1 as follows: JLPT N5 Encyclopedia: - N5 grammar -...

Price: Free Developer: Tien Ngo


JLPT is a helpful tool to learn the Japanese language and prepare for the JLPT exam by studying Japanese vocabulary,grammar,kanji. It contains a dictionary of over 200,000 words required for the exam across all 5 levels. The dictionary...

Price: Free Developer: Phan Tai
JLPT Kanjis - JLPT Study, Kanji Quiz, Kanji List, Japanese Study

JLPT Kanjis - JLPT Study, Kanji Quiz, Kanji List, Japanese Study

#### Do you want to learn Japanese Kanji just in single week? #### +++++ New method to memorize Japanese Kanjis +++++ ----- More than an ordinary flashcard App ----- ********* Memorize 'em all ********* @@@@ Thank you for downloading more than 100.000 @@@@ JLPT...

Price: Free Developer: ugur yilmaz
JLPT test N2,N3,N4,N5 - Mytest

JLPT test N2,N3,N4,N5 - Mytest

Mytest helps users to minimize the time it takes to prepare for the JLPT test N5, N4, N3, and N2. Mytest's data includes 40 JLPT tests and more than 20,000 exercises (from N5 - N2) with full answers and...

Price: Free Developer: Linh Nguyen
JLPT Samurai

JLPT Samurai

"JLPT Samurai" is an application for preparing Japanese Language Proficiency Test. You can learn and practice vocabulary, kanji, grammar and listening for all JLPT levels. ■ JLPT N5 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ JLPT N4 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ JLPT N3 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ JLPT N2 Level ・Vocabulary ・Kanji ・Grammar ・Listening ・Quiz ■ JLPT N1...

Price: Free Developer: ArgeWorld
JLPT Grammar (N1,N2,N3,N4,N5)

JLPT Grammar (N1,N2,N3,N4,N5)

Ứng dụng tra cứu và học ngữ pháp tiếng Nhật theo chương trình JLPT dành cho tất cả các trình độ N5, N4, N3, N2, N1. Các chức năng chính + Tra hơn 1000 mẫu ngữ pháp từ cơ bản...

Price: Free Developer: Tin Dang
Learn Japanese JLPT N4

Learn Japanese JLPT N4

Learn absolutely anywhere you can use your mobile phone or device! You can even Learn whilst walking! This is the second in the series, following JLPT N5 Beginner App. Imagine using your time sitting on the bus or train learning a...

Price: Free Developer: Martin Ogg
Learn Japanese JLPT N4 Pro

Learn Japanese JLPT N4 Pro

Learn absolutely anywhere you can use your mobile phone or device! You can even Learn whilst walking! This is the second in the series, following JLPT N5 Beginner App. Imagine using your time sitting on the bus or train learning a...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Martin Ogg
JLPT Test Pro ( Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji )

JLPT Test Pro ( Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji )

JLPT Test pro version contents variety of test question about Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji to help people level up their skills for Japanese. - Test level N1 - N5 each level include KanJi,Vocabulary,Grammar + Each category include 10...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Tin Dang
JLPT N1 语法

JLPT N1 语法

JLPT N1级 语法 新完全掌握必背句型123 【日语翻译在下方】 【还有简化版】 ●●●●●● 日本语能力测试考前对策,非它莫属! ●●●●●● 日语教育的老字号出版社スリーエーネットワーク,将日本语能力测试考前对策畅销书籍《新完全マスター日本語能力試験文法》做成学习软件了。通过此学习软件,能够学到按照意思功能分类的N1级水平的语法项目。通过例句和解说,能够学习各个句型在什么样的文脉怎样使用,每个句型具有怎样的语法性质,怎样整理掌握才最有效。学习软件中,整理了在“第1部 句子的语法”中举出的能力考试合格所必须掌握的123个句型,翻译了“意思·解说·例句”。使用书籍学习的学习者自不必说,想仅仅通过学习软件考试合格的人,我们也充满信心向您推荐!现在就请您下载学习,向着合格一步一步往前进吧! 收录内容 《新完全マスター文法 日本語能力試験N1》的“第1部: 句子的语法 1~20课”的123个句型。 “掌握”:意思功能·例句·接续方式·例句·语法解说 “练习”:在每一课范围之内,随机出10道题。附带提示·解说 “测验”: 每次小测验随机出10道题。会保留测验结果。 “目录”:将每个句型按照50音图顺序、课的顺序、自己学习过的项目顺序等排列归类,可以自行选择自己想学习的句型。 JLPT N1 文法 新完全マスター必須文法形式123 【Lite版もあります】 ●●●●●● 日本語能力試験対策をするなら、これしかない! ●●●●●● 日本語教育の老舗出版社スリーエーネットワークが、日本語能力試験対策のベストセラー『新完全マスター日本語能力試験文法』をアプリにしました。N1レベルの文法形式を意味機能別に学習し、どんな文脈でどのように使うか、どんな文法的性質を持っているか、どのように整理して覚えるのが効率的かを、例文と解説を通して学ぶことができます。アプリには、能力試験合格に必須の「第1部文の文法」に取り上げた123の文法形式を取り上げ、「意味・解説・例文」を翻訳しました。書籍を使って学習している人はもちろん、アプリだけで合格を目指す人にも、自信を持っておすすめします! 今すぐダウンロードして学習を開始、合格まで一歩一歩進んでいきましょう! 収録内容 『新完全マスター文法 日本語能力試験N1』の「第1部:文の文法 1~20課」123の文法形式 「覚える」:意味機能・例文・接続のし方・例文・文法的解説 「練習する」:各課の範囲で、ランダムに10題出題します。ヒント・解説つき 「テスト」:1回のテストでランダムに10題出題します。履歴が残ります。 「リスト」:文法形式を五十音順、課順、お気に入りで並べ替えて、学習したい文法形式を選ぶことができます。

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: InPeria
Japanese JLPT N1

Japanese JLPT N1

*** JLPT N1 PREPARE APPLICATION*** App for who is trying to pass N1 Japanese language proficiency test (JLPT). In this app we focused into Kanji and vocabulary. In order to pass N1 you have to memory about ~2000 Kanji, ~10,000 new words...

Price: Free Developer: Dong Nguyen
JLPT N1 Listening Pro-日本語能力試験

JLPT N1 Listening Pro-日本語能力試験

Please enjoy all sets of JLPT-N1 old exam papers in listening as well as superior voice quality! Features: 1. All old exam papers in listening as well as superior voice quality. 2.Three kinds of display pattern provide you with best practice experiences. 3.More...

Price: Free Developer: Nan Chao
JLPT N1 テスト

JLPT N1 テスト

JLPT N1 テスト バーション : 1.2 JLPT N1 テストについて そのアプリの名前は JPLPT N1 テストです。 N1を勉強している人は使ってもいいと思います。 機能 漢字と語彙と文法がテストできます テストの結果を見えます ランキングを見えます

Price: Free Developer: Hung Phuoc Tran
JLPT N1 语法 Lite

JLPT N1 语法 Lite

JLPT N1级 语法 Lite 新完全掌握必背句型123 【日语翻译在下方】 ●●●●●● 日本语能力测试考前对策,非它莫属! ●●●●●● “JLPT N1 语法 新完全掌握必须掌握句型123”的简化版,收录了第一课的内容。 正式版总共20课,共有123个句型,为了您能够顺利通过能力考试提供帮助! “掌握”:意思功能·例句·接续方式·例句·语法解说 “练习”:在每一课范围之内,随机出10道题。附带提示·解说 “测验”: 每次小测验随机出10道题。会保留测验结果。 “目录”:将每个句型按照50音图顺序、课的顺序、自己学习过的项目顺序等排列归类,可以自行选择自己想学习的句型。 JLPT N1 文法 Lite 新完全マスター必須文法形式123 ●●●●●● 日本語能力試験対策をするなら、これしかない! ●●●●●● 「JLPT N1 文法 新完全マスター必須文法形式123」のLite版、第1課を収録。 正式版は20課までの123文法形式で、能力試験合格をめざすあなたをバックアップ! 「覚える」:意味機能・例文・接続のし方・例文・文法的解説 「練習する」:各課の範囲で、ランダムに10題出題します。ヒント・解説つき 「テスト」:1回のテストでランダムに10題出題します。履歴が残ります。 「リスト」:文法形式を五十音順、課順、お気に入りで並べ替えて、学習したい文法形式を選ぶことができます。

Price: Free Developer: InPeria
JLPT N1 문법 Lite

JLPT N1 문법 Lite

JLPT N1 문법 Lite 新완전마스터 필수문법형식123 ●●●●●● 일본어능력시험 대책에는 이것만한 것이 없다! ●●●●●● 「JLPT N1 문법 新완전마스터 필수문법형식123」의 Lite 버전、제1과를 수록. 정식 버전은 20과까지의 123문법 형식으로, 능력시험 합격을 목표로 하는 당신을 완벽하게 뒷받침합니다! 「암기」:의미 기능・예문・접속 방법・예문・문법적 해설 「연습」:각과의 범위에서、랜덤으로 10문제를 출제합니다.힌트・해설 첨부 「테스트」:1회의 테스트에서 랜덤으로 10문제를 출제합니다.이력이...

Price: Free Developer: InPeria
jlpt kanji book study (N1-N5)

jlpt kanji book study (N1-N5)

This application will help you study the Kanji for the Japanese Language Proficiency Tests (JLPT), level N5, N4, N3, N2 and N1 (N5 being the easiest and N1 the hardest). The split of old N2 into N3 (and new...

Price: Free Developer: Dong Nguyen
JLPT Kanji N1~N5

JLPT Kanji N1~N5

Ứng dụng JLPT Kanji N1 ~ N5 là ứng dụng trợ giúp việc học kanji của các bạn. Với các chức năng mới, lạ hy vọng sẽ làm hài lòng tất cả các bạn. Các chức năng chính của ứng...

Price: Free Developer: Linh Trong
Ngữ Pháp N1~N5 Game

Ngữ Pháp N1~N5 Game

Tra cứu, học ngữ pháp N1, N2, N4, N4, N5 qua game. Tổng hợp hơn 600 mẫu ngữ pháp trong tiếng Nhật.  ● Học ngữ pháp theo từng cấp độ JLPT  ● Luyện tập các mẫu ngữ pháp qua game  ● Chọn phạm...

Price: Free Developer: Dien Tran

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