Top 29 Lifestyle Apps Like EG Sim Card - Best Alternatives

EG Sim Card Alternatives

Do you want to find the best EG Sim Card alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Lifestyle apps that are similar to EG Sim Card. Pick one from this list to be your new EG Sim Card app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to EG Sim Card on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like EG Sim Card - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid EG Sim Card alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like EG Sim Card 2025.



Mit der KONSUM DRESDEN App kannst du aktuelle Angebote checken, alle Filialen finden, Einkaufszettel zusammenstellen und vieles mehr. Für noch mehr Service auch mobil. Die App greift auf eine zentral gepflegte Datenbank zu, um stets topaktuelle Informationen bereitzustellen. Aktuell beinhaltet...

Price: Free Developer: Online Software AG
Vegan plan / Vegan food

Vegan plan / Vegan food

This app is perfect for people who are starting their journey into veganism or want to see how much the vegan lifestyle has affected the environment. Features include: - Find out the impact of becoming vegan in terms of eg....

Price: Free Developer: Claire Holmes
Csillagleső 2019

Csillagleső 2019

Az applikáció célja, hogy Kiss Balázs Kunó éppen aktuális naptári évre szóló Csillagleső című könyvében írtakat könnyen kezelhetően, egy karnyújtásnyira hozzuk hozzád, így ha úton vagy és nem fér már be a Csillagleső könyv a csomagodba, vagy éppen adódik...

Price: Free Developer: Balazs Kuno Kiss
Bhinmal App

Bhinmal App

Bhinmal App has been created to solve the problem of people finding and news discovery. If you want to find a CA in Bhinmal, or find a Wedding Caterer, or lets just say you want to get in touch...

Price: Free Developer: SM GLOBAL SOLUTIONS LLP
Tamleek Misr

Tamleek Misr

TAMLEEK MISR is specialized in the field of marketing and real estate investment. We are marketing successful mega projects in the real estate market, as a result of studies to the market needs of different housing units according to the requirements...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmed Elgabry
African Wisdom in Proverbs

African Wisdom in Proverbs

This compilation presents a glimpse into the cultural and linguistic diversity of Africa. • 2,000+ proverbs from across the length and breadth of Africa • Proverbs from 125+ categories of languages, countries and ethnic groups of Africa The proverbs are drawn from...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Antarjaal Innovations Private Limited
WordSparks - Startup Quotes and Proverbs

WordSparks - Startup Quotes and Proverbs

WordSparks: Proverbs and Quotes for Entrepreneurs curated by Dr. Madanmohan Rao This app is a source of inspiration for entrepreneurs and innovators through powerful proverbs and quotes drawn from all five continents. • Over 750 proverbs and 500 quotes • Proverbs translated into English...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Antarjaal Innovations Private Limited


The app for your Smart Home. Keep lighting, shutters, heaters, sensors and other home and audio/video technology centrally and comfortably under your control - always, from anywhere! Just control, monitor and automate all the different brands in your home...

Price: Free Developer: mediola - connected living AG
Birthday Countdown ‼

Birthday Countdown ‼

Birthday Countdown mobile app lets you count down to birthdays in style! Never miss a birthday again and have a blast celebrating! Have fun counting down with these customizable features: - FLEXIBLE countdown units - count down in any combo...

Price: Free Developer: Sevenlogics, Inc.


『SIM探 - 格安SIM探索ツール -』は、格安SIM会社を選ぶ時に使うと役に立つかもしれないツールアプリです。 SIM診断:チャット形式の質問に答えることで、通信会社を選ぶお手伝いをします。 お役立ち:SIM用語集やQ&Aなどを掲載しています。 SIM会社:キャリアやMVNO会社、スマートフォン本体の会社へのリンクを掲載しています。 格安SIMに興味がある方、大手キャリアの値段より安くケータイを使いたい方は、乗り換えの参考にこのアプリをご活用下さい。

Price: Free Developer: MASAMI NAKANO
Alcoo-sim Be my angel

Alcoo-sim Be my angel

The Alcoo-sim Be my angel app is a blood alcohol calculator, which you can use for preventive and educational purposes. It provides information on alcohol consumption risks, especially when driving a vehicle. Your blood alcohol concentration is calculated according...

Price: Free Developer: Simopt, s.r.o.
Alcoo-sim Be my angel HD

Alcoo-sim Be my angel HD

The Alcoo-sim Be my angel app is a blood alcohol calculator, which you can use for preventive and educational purposes. It provides information on alcohol consumption risks, especially when driving a vehicle. Your blood alcohol concentration is calculated according...

Price: Free Developer: Simopt, s.r.o.
Krimston TWO

Krimston TWO

KrimstonTWO is designed to enable your iPhone to operate two simultaneous SIM cards. Once paired with your TWO case, and through a seamless integration, you will benefit from: . 2 simultaneous lines: call/receive calls and SMS from 2 different SIM...

Price: Free Developer: Fouad Fattal


This mobile application only supports “Net2Point” brand Smart Camera Model N2P360, N2P300, N2P400, N2P500, N2P600 at present. We will inform on our website for the new addition of the models that support this application and free cloud video...

Price: Free Developer: CYBERSETU
Safe Pins PRO

Safe Pins PRO

The purpose of this App is to help you keep your credit cards safe by providing an easy and safe way for you to memorize your pin codes. As we all get more and more credit cards, sim cards,...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Visual Data Sales ApS
White Horse Church

White Horse Church

Welcome to the official White Horse Church application for the iPhone, iPod touch & iPad. We are a church plant with the Acts 29 network that is planting a church in Sydney, Australia to serve Jesus and love a city....

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
Sacred Feminine Oracle Cards

Sacred Feminine Oracle Cards

In tune with the rhythms of Mother Earth, these magical and mystical cards nurture your connection to Sacred Feminine energy. Dedicated to the Divine Feminine, the Triple Goddess of Maiden, Mother and Crone, the cards inspire your intuition to...

Price: Free Developer: Frederic Calendini


結束了辛苦又漫長的一天。回到家,TAPIA 對你笑了笑,這樣是否會讓你放鬆不少。她伴你無時無刻,她會隨時讓你跟遠方的家人保持聯繫。在你出門時,她會貼心提醒今天的天氣概況。在你疲憊時,她會為你放上一首輕鬆小品,緩解一天的疲勞。 在未來,高齡化社會及獨居型態的居住意識是已經無可避免社會趨勢。而這些在日常當中輔助我們的機器人,將會是一種新的生活型態。她幫助我們,就如寵物,如家人,與我們一同成長。 @TAPIA的特徵 -家庭防護 在事先設定好的特定條件下,Tapia若無任何感測反應,會對家族成員(或特定人士)發出通知,在外亦可透過 TAPIA 觀察家中情形。單身居住者也可以安心生活。 - 生活支援 視訊通話,寫真攝影,行程管理,新聞讀取等,藉由聲音辨識系統讓操作更為簡單便利。今後,智慧家居也會漸漸融入我們的生活,而 TAPIA 亦會漸漸轉變成為生活的中心。 - 多彩的會話 Tapia 的豐富表情讓平時的對話多采多姿。感情培養系統會根據你與 Tapia 間的互動,衍生出更多種不同的對話表現喔。 @APP應用 你可透過手機 APP 與 Tapia 進行遠端視訊,讓 Tapia 幫你拉近人與人的距離。 - 生活支援 氣象,鬧鈴,行程管理,新聞播報等,無時無刻支援你的生活。附有 micro SIM 卡插槽,輕鬆上網無負擔。 - 媒體功能 Tapia 會為你拍上幾張照片,留下這最重要的一刻。開心的時候為你放首歌,與友同歡。多樣化的使用方式,全由你來決定。 - 日常會話 根據與你的日常相處,對話內容會有所不同。或許哪一天 Tapia 會說些驚人的內容也說不定喔。 - 日常守護 讓單身居住者也可安心,出門在外也可知家中大小事。與家人離得再遠,都可以隨時掌握。 - 居家教育 教育方面,還可讓 Tapia 唸些唐詩、童話故事給小朋友聽,學習更多新知識。(注:教育功能後續版本持續提供)

Price: Free Developer: Kinghood Technology Co., Ltd.
Tarot Card Reading Moon Witch

Tarot Card Reading Moon Witch

Unsure about your future? The Moon Witch Tarot Card Reading App uses Tarot as a story-telling tool to give you accurate details about your past, present & future while connecting you to your own magical intuition. Based on the...

Price: Free Developer: Treemo Labs
iCARD Gift Card

iCARD Gift Card

iCARD has hundreds of top brand gift cards, and with the iCARD Gift Card your recipient gets to choose the cards they want! Our app lets you 1) Quickly send an iCARD Gift Card 2) Set email/text...

Price: Free Developer: iCARD Gift Card LLC
Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings

Traditional tarot card meanings are made simple to find and learn with this stylish and easy to use tarot card reference app. Handy hints, hidden meanings, brief card meanings and full meanings make learning about tarot cards quick...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Paranormality Limited
Business Card vault

Business Card vault

***** Business Card vault ***** It is the business application which store your business card in a minute!!! The best business card application used by thousands of people. You can save your important Card with color marking . How to Save card? - Tap...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Kuhadiya Dharmesh
Business Card vault Lite

Business Card vault Lite

***** Business Card vault Lite***** It is the business application which store your business card in a minute!!! The best business card application used by thousands of people. You can save your important Card with color marking . How to Save card? - Tap...

Price: Free Developer: Kuhadiya Dharmesh
Christmas Card Creator Lite

Christmas Card Creator Lite

Get creative this Christmas. Design and share your very own Christmas Cards using your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Christmas Card Creator comes loaded with backgrounds, characters, ornaments, packages, snow flakes, trinkets, you name it, we got it. If that's not...

Price: Free Developer: Big Blue Clip, LLC
Grand Lapa Gold Card

Grand Lapa Gold Card

The official iPhone application for Grand Lapa Gold Card iMembership. You need not worry about losing your membership card or forgetting to bring your vouchers. Just download the Gold Card application using your iPhone; everything is at your...

Price: Free Developer: Koala Hotel Programs Ltd
Shihlin XXL Card

Shihlin XXL Card

The Shihlin XXL Card is Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks' exclusive prepaid card with XXL benefits. Register your Shihlin XXL Card at and you can then pay for all your in-store purchases through this free app. Download the Shihlin XXL...

Price: Free Developer: The STSS Company
Gold Card Monaco

Gold Card Monaco

Gold Card Monaco app is a for aggregated information for all the travellers of the Berger Gold Card and Super Gold Card users. The application provides access to the following details to the guests. - day wise event details -...

Mother's Day Card Creator - Lite

Mother's Day Card Creator - Lite

Create a special card for your mother this Mother's Day. Mother's Day Card Creator is unique in that it lets you design as much or as little of the card as you want. This app comes loaded with backgrounds, hearts, babies,...

Price: Free Developer: Big Blue Clip, LLC

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