Top 10 Education Apps Like cdli tablet - Best Alternatives

cdli tablet Alternatives

Do you want to find the best cdli tablet alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Education apps that are similar to cdli tablet. Pick one from this list to be your new cdli tablet app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to cdli tablet on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like cdli tablet - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid cdli tablet alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like cdli tablet 2025.

Akıllı Tablet

Akıllı Tablet

Akıllı Tablet öğrenci ve öğretmenlerin her zaman her yerden ilgilendikleri konulara ulaşabilmesi için hazırlandı. Uygulama ile yüzlerce kitap, onbinlerce soru bir tablet hafifliğinde elinizin altında. Akıllı Tablet iPad uygulaması ile Akıllı Tablet sitesindeki üyeliğinizle satın aldığınız tüm kitaplara ulaşabilir,...

Price: Free Developer: Elma Bilgisayar Ltd.Sti.
Easy Tablet Help for Seniors

Easy Tablet Help for Seniors

iPad® training for older adults who are unfamiliar with tablet and/or computer technology, easy step-by-step instructions on every screen in large type and simple language by national award winning nonprofit. GoL Tablet Edition is an app expressly for older adults...

Price: Free Developer: Generations on Line®
Math Tablet

Math Tablet

Free only in November. This is a virtual manipulative to support developing number sence and arithmetic concepts. Watch a video of the app: Two (sub-)quantities together result in a new total quantity. This is called addition. And if you take...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Christian Urff
Tablet Teacher

Tablet Teacher

Device time for children + Tablet Teacher App = Guilt free for parents. Does your child spend too much time on their tablet or phone? Is it frustrating to get them to acknowledge any sort of learning? Are they in the...

Price: Free Developer: Appropos Technology
Raunt YKS Hazırlık - Tablet

Raunt YKS Hazırlık - Tablet

YKS’ye hazırlanan herkese, istediği üniversite ve bölümü kazandırmak için tasarlanan yeni nesil üniversiteye hazırlık platformu Raunt, tablet uygulamasıyla sınavlara hazırlıkta fark yaratıyor. Raunt aynı zamanda okul derslerinde ve sınavlarında notlarını yükseltmek, temellerini güçlendirmek isteyen 9-12. sınıf öğrencileri için hazırlandı. ...



小学校での英語指導のサポートを目的としたタブレット用アプリ「SWITCH ON! for Tablet」をリリースしました。 小学校英語 SWITCH ON!は、大阪府教育庁と株式会社 mpi 松香フォニックスが共同で 開発した DVD 教材です。 1. コンテンツは全てネイティブの発音なので、本物の英語に慣れ親しむことができる。 2. 先生の英語スキルに関係なく、質の高い英語指導が可能。 3. 人材確保の難しい地方でも、タブレットとネットワークがあれば活用できる。 4. ALT など英語指導者と比較すると低価格で質も一定。 2020 年に小学 3・4 年生で英語が必修化、5・6 年生では教科化が予定されていますが、良質な教材やカリ キュラムの作成、英語指導者の人材獲得が課題とされています。 「SWITCH ON! for Tablet」は、4 技能 (聞く、話す、読む、書く)対応モジュールを 105 回×6 年分(計 630 回分)収録。 コンテンツは全て綺 麗なネイティブの発音で、児童にとって身近で親しみのある場面を中心に作成された内容で構成されてい るので、実践的な英語を効率良く学ぶことができます。また、モジュール毎に先生向けの指導案が付属し ているので、先生の英語スキルに関係なく質の高い英語学習のプログラムを提供することが可能です。 「SWITCH ON! for Tablet」は、LESSON モードと CUSTOM...

Price: Free Developer: MPI MATSUKA PHONICS INC.
Alphabet Tablet Learning Game

Alphabet Tablet Learning Game

Interactive toy laptop interface allows your child to interact with music in activities featuring the piano, animals voice and toys sound. toddler learning toy is intended for kids 2 to 5 years old Feature - Alphabet A-Z Learning - Number 1-20...

Price: Free Developer: Hiren patel
EV Smart Book Tablet

EV Smart Book Tablet

Explora a tua Licença Digital no tablet! No ano letivo 2019-2020, o programa de gratuitidade de manuais escolares foi alargado ao 3.º ciclo e ao Ensino Secundário, incluindo a oferta de uma Licença Digital. Desta forma, se és aluno do 1.º...

Price: Free Developer: Porto Editora
Euro-Japan Dict Tablet

Euro-Japan Dict Tablet

This is a sister version of that of iPhone and allows taking advantage of a bigger screen of iPad with the same interface. Here is its résumé: Euro-Japan Dict Tablet is a Japanese dictionary which supports not only 7...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Free Light Software

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