Top 44 Music Apps Like Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 - Best Alternatives

Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 44 Music apps that are similar to Circle of Fifths, Opus 1. Pick one from this list to be your new Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 on your iOS devices.

Top 44 Apps Like Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 44 similar apps like Circle of Fifths, Opus 1 2025.

Circle of 5ths, 5th Edition

Circle of 5ths, 5th Edition

At last you’ve found the app! It's a must have app for anyone studying music. The creative design and cutting edge intuitiveness of the circle of fifths diagram, is here to enhance your learning of music, without any of the...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Eun Jae Lee
Circle of 5ths Legend

Circle of 5ths Legend

A master grade and the latest Circle of 5ths in the series. This App is a new design and concept including all the features that were on previous editions. Extended key signatures of 14 sharps and 14 flats helps musicians to...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Eun Jae Lee
Circle of 5ths, 4th Edition

Circle of 5ths, 4th Edition

Are you a musician and have a hard time mastering the Circle of fifths? The ultimate goal of this app is to master the comprehensive musical materials with ease. For example, the interval itself is a pretty wide area,...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Eun Jae Lee
Circle of 5ths, 3rd Edition

Circle of 5ths, 3rd Edition

All in one App! Circle of 5ths is essential for all kinds of music. It is absolutely important for musicians to have a basic understanding of how the perfect 5th and intervals work in music. What’s new on the 3rd Edition...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Eun Jae Lee
Circle of 5ths Master IV

Circle of 5ths Master IV

Lifetime musician’s companion! • New Additions - The Guide: You will discover regular patterns or algorithms. Use the guide dots to understand the circle better and apply your own interpretations (e.g. simple math calculations). Simply rotate those small colored dots (not rotate...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Eun Jae Lee
Circle of Fifths, Opus 2

Circle of Fifths, Opus 2

Circle of Fifths, Opus 2 is a music theory tool for musicians exploring jazz and a variety of music styles that incorporate musical modes. For a beginner version of Circle of Fifths, check out our Circle of Fifths, Opus 1...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Felt Tip Inc.
Circle of Fifths Lite

Circle of Fifths Lite

Circle of Fifths Lite allows you to quickly find the chord family and help you with what chords will work in a song while you are composing music. It's designed to assist you to understand chord progressions, easily convert...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: POPTIMIZATION INC.
Candy Chords - Circle of Fifth

Candy Chords - Circle of Fifth

Interactive circle of fifth(circle of fourth). You can choose key and scale(mode) which you needed to build you melody. App support both sharp and flat keys, in case there is available both you can choose from it. For you convenience app...

Price: Free Developer: Dmytro Platov
Circle of 5ths Clock

Circle of 5ths Clock

Circle of 5ths Clock! This is a fun way to master circle of fifths. NOTE: The clock numbers represent the number of sharps and flats. · All the key signatures (updated) · Analog clock + Circle of 5ths + 12...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Eun Jae Lee
Hearts of Space

Hearts of Space

Hearts of Space is the original, premier showcase for ambient, contemplative, and space-creating music. Listeners describe the show as 'addictive' and 'essential' — a consistently high-quality experience with refined, emotionally satisfying music that goes far beyond simple relaxation. Version...

Price: Free Developer: Hearts of Space
Beats of Plenty

Beats of Plenty

A music & entertainment channel for The Bay of Plenty which hosts a variety of different shows for the people.

Price: Free Developer: Beats of Plenty Limited
Tons of Rock Festival

Tons of Rock Festival

Tons of Rock has been the major annual gathering for the rock and metal audience for 6 years in Norway- Here you have experienced both KISS, Black Sabbath, Slayer and Ozzy Osbourne's latest concerts on Norwegian soil, and fantastic concerts...

Price: Free Developer: Tons of Rock Festival AS
Voice of Vashon

Voice of Vashon

Voice of Vashon’s app gives you instant access to KVSH 101.9FM, emergency updates from 1650AM Alerts, and a variety of locally created radio and video shows on demand. With this the app installed on your smart phone or iPad,...

Price: Free Developer: Voice of Vashon
Art of Audio Recording EQ 203

Art of Audio Recording EQ 203

Master the art of EQ! The engineers at Modern World Recording explain it all in this “deep listening” equalization course... App Features: • 81 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback (no internet connection needed) • Easy to navigate Course Outline: 1....

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.
Doyle Davidson & Water of Life Ministries

Doyle Davidson & Water of Life Ministries

Join Doyle Davidson and other ministers at Water of Life Church in Plano, Texas as we minister the Gospel, the power of God unto salvation, through word and song. Join us LIVE, or play archives of our daily...

Price: Free Developer: Water of Life Church of Plano, Inc.
KQOF Queen of Flow Radio

KQOF Queen of Flow Radio

KQOF - Queen of Flow Radio. Your favorite slow jams from the 70s, 80s, 90s and today.

Price: Free Developer: Queen Of Flow Productions
Masters of Hardcore 2019

Masters of Hardcore 2019

Add the Masters of Hardcore - Vault of Violence app to your phone and make the experience complete! If you're hardcore partying you'll be happy that you get a notification 10 minutes prior to your favorite artists starts his, her...

Price: Free Developer: Art of Dance
Power of Worship Radio.

Power of Worship Radio.

This application is the official, exclusive application for Power of Worship Radio. under an agreement between Power of Worship Radio. and Nobex Technologies.

Price: Free Developer: Power of Worship Ministries
MusicDay Full Of Videos

MusicDay Full Of Videos

Music day Full Of Videos on Apple TV contains music of top 30 genres with playlists and HD videos. Music Tube will allow you to wach and listen your favorite Music in HD without need to search anywhere. Music of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Faizan Ullah
Teach Yourself To Play Piano

Teach Yourself To Play Piano

Teach yourself to play the piano with this fabulous collection of 169 east to follow video tutorial piano lessons. The lessons are suitable for beginners and will soon show you the basics. Tutorials include How to Play Piano - Lesson...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: JS900


Harmony is a difficult and complex part of music theory with chord spelling and construction at its very basis. What is a chord? Is it C - E - G# or C - E - Ab? You like the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: RoGame Software
TONALY: Write & practice music

TONALY: Write & practice music

FOR WHOM? This app is for musicians of all kinds, songwriters, and producers. Beginners and advanced. No matter if it's your intention to get better on your instrument or playfully find chords and inspiration for your songs or productions. WRITE SONGS...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Christian Hengst
Music Theory Master Class

Music Theory Master Class

Take a master class in the theory of music with this collection of over 500 easy to follow video tutorials. Everything is covered from the most basic concepts to advanced levels. Tutorials include: 1 Introduction Lecture 2 Introduction to Instruments and Musical Genres Lecture...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Anthony Walsh
Learn To Play Piano

Learn To Play Piano

If you are interested in learning to play the Piano or keyboards this app with its 236 easy to follow video lessons will be for you. Learn the basics of music at the same time and soon...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Amy Ransome
Waay: Learn music theory

Waay: Learn music theory

Music theory can be empowering, exciting, and one of the biggest tools in your creative arsenal. Whether you already play an instrument or are just learning, Waay teaches you how to stitch notes together into melodies, chords, and even...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Ten Kettles Inc.
Beethoven All Piano Sonatas

Beethoven All Piano Sonatas

Listen to classical music with flowing scores with your iPhone or iPad. SyncScore provides a new way of enjoying classic compositions. You can listen to compositions while the score flows in a synchronized fashion. Carefully hand-picked classic recordings are high...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Zininworks Inc.
Mozart - Piano Sonatas

Mozart - Piano Sonatas

Learn to play Mozart! Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of history's greatest composers. His works endure today and are performed worldwide. This app songbook contains sheet music for a selection of his piano sonatas, together with audio recordings of each...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Louis Ballezzi
Mozart - Piano Sonatas FREE

Mozart - Piano Sonatas FREE

Learn to play Mozart! Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of history's greatest composers. His works endure today and are performed worldwide. This app songbook contains sheet music for a selection of his piano sonatas, together with audio recordings of each...

Price: Free Developer: Louis Ballezzi
Piano Sharp

Piano Sharp

*** Featured by Apple in the App Store in 2009 *** Piano Sharp is a virtual piano that allows you to compose music, play your own MIDI files and record new songs in a simple way. It features a new...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Rambax, LLC
Piano Sharp HD

Piano Sharp HD

◉◉◉ FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ◉◉◉ Piano Sharp HD is a virtual piano that allows you to compose, learn music, play your own MIDI files and record new songs in a simple and innovative way. When playing a song, piano...

Price: Free Developer: Rambax, LLC
HighStereo - MP3 Music Player

HighStereo - MP3 Music Player

Youtube video. 100K radio stations. mp3,, flac, opus, ogg, ape file play. 10 bands/30 bands EQ, Bass, Treble. Music alarm, Sleep timer. Music is memories. Reminds of the old memories, and creates new memories. HighStereo will lead you to the beautiful memories. HighStereo...

Price: Free Developer: Neointro
HighStereo : MP3 Music Player

HighStereo : MP3 Music Player

Youtube video. 100K radio stations. mp3, flac, opus, ogg, ape file play. 10 bands/30 bands EQ, Bass, Treble. Music alarm, Sleep timer. Music is memories. Reminds of the old memories, and creates new memories. HighStereo will lead you to the beautiful memories. HighStereo...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Neointro


- Do you like music streaming services? - Do you enjoy companies telling you what you should listen to each week? - Did you stop buying music years ago? If you answer with "yes" to any of these questions, Decoupled wasn't made...

Price: Free Developer: Tamas Zahola
1.FM - Internet Radio

1.FM - Internet Radio

1.FM AG is a Swiss based Music Streaming service, broadcasting a variety of internet radio channels covering various music genres, time period and styles. 1.FM Premium Service : Premium service is for logged in users and enable you to Enjoy ads...

Price: Free Developer: 1.FM AG



Price: Free Developer: KNOW 1 RADIO, INC


Tavo išmanusis be naujojo M-1 apps‘o kaip automobilis be vairo. Valdyk radiją. Parsisiųsk M-1 aplikaciją ir savo mylimiausią radijo stotį visada turėk po ranka. Klausykis, žiūrėk vaizdo transliaciją, skambink į studiją, žaisk žaidimus, matyk M-1 Facebook naujienas.

Price: Free Developer: UAB M-1
Rádio Antena 1

Rádio Antena 1

A Rádio Antena 1 traz os grandes sucessos das paradas americanas e europeias com uma variedade incrível de artistas das décadas de 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 e 2010 você pode ter os grandes clássicos e lançamentos para embalar suas noites,...

Price: Free Developer: Radio Antena 1
Course For Logic Pro X 10.1

Course For Logic Pro X 10.1

Apple’s Logic Pro X 10.1 is deep. There are so many new and unpublished features that we created this 35-tutorial, 2+ hour course to explain them all. So here’s the ninja David Earl to show you everything he’s uncovered! Tutorial...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.
Antenna 1

Antenna 1

Antenna 1: La radio che rispetta chi l'ascolta.

Price: Free Developer: Radio Antena 1
Jazz90.1 WGMC-FM

Jazz90.1 WGMC-FM

Jazz90.1 WGMC-FM is located in Rochester, NY and is one of the last 24/7/365 jazz stations in the world. We also offer other programs including Spanish, Blues, German, Lithuanian, Polish and even a computer talk show.

Price: Free Developer: Jazz90.1 WGMC-FM
M-1 Plius

M-1 Plius

M-1 Plius klausytojams siūlo aktualią informaciją iš viso pasaulio, niekad nenuviliančią muziką, kurios klausant gera prisiminti tai, kas įvyko mūsų gyvenime, ir dar smagiau kurti tai, ką prisiminsime rytoj.

Price: Free Developer: UAB M-1
Christian Piano Lessons 1

Christian Piano Lessons 1

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Psalm 95:1 Christian Piano Lessons 1 - Learn to read music, play the piano and sing wonderful songs to the...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Cindy Barba
Music Theory Puzzles 1

Music Theory Puzzles 1

Challenge your music theory knowledge with these educational and unique puzzles. Music Theory Puzzles 1 has been created based on several Grade 1 Music Theory standard courses, such as ABRSM, Faber, Alfred and others. Solve these fun and challenging puzzles where...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: MDECKS MUSIC, LLC

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