Top 10 Finance Apps Like Diners Móvil - Best Alternatives

Diners Móvil Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Diners Móvil alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Finance apps that are similar to Diners Móvil. Pick one from this list to be your new Diners Móvil app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Diners Móvil on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like Diners Móvil - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Diners Móvil alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like Diners Móvil 2025.

Diners Club Macedonia

Diners Club Macedonia

Вашата Динерс Клуб Македонија мобилна апликација Ви овозможува пристап до информациите, секаде и во секое време. Апликацијата нуди многу корисни информации, дури и ако не поседувате Динерс Клуб картичка. Воедно, доколку корисникот е заинтересиран за картичка, може веднаш да аплицира...

Price: Free Developer: Diners Club Macedonia
Diners Club Ecuador

Diners Club Ecuador

Acceda a través de nuestro canal móvil a toda la información de sus tarjetas: Diners Club, TITANIUM y Discover, de forma rápida y sencilla. Al descargar la aplicación en su Smartphone o Tablet, usted podrá: - Consultar su saldo, fecha de...

Price: Free Developer: Banco Diners Club del Ecuador S.A
Diners Club UK Customer Centre

Diners Club UK Customer Centre

In your new Customer Centre gives you secure 24x7 account access. You can view transactions, order statements, and download enhanced account transaction records. Company Cardholders can also capture and upload VAT receipts. In addition, the Customer Centre gives administrators easy...

Price: Free Developer: Affiniture Cards Limited
DCI Insider

DCI Insider

DINERS CLUB® TRAVEL Introducing the DINERS CLUB® INSIDER app Designed specifically for the iPad®, this resource gives Diners Club International team members access to important brand and production information and current marketing efforts. This quarterly publication is designed to give...

Price: Free Developer: Discover Financial Services
Absa Payment Pebble

Absa Payment Pebble

The Payment Pebble™ is a mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) payment solution that securely processes credit and debit card transactions using the physical Payment Pebble device connected to your mobile phone via the 3.5mm audio jack. The Payment Pebble App from...

Price: Free Developer: Absa Bank Limited


Rozšiřte své podnikání Pohodlné. Jednoduché. Bezpečné. Řešení MPOS od společnosti Global Payments promění vaše chytré zařízení na platební terminál a nástroj pro obchodníky s aplikací představující jedno prodejní místo. Pomocí zařízení iPhone nebo iPad budete moci snadno přijímat platby kartou kdekoli...

Price: Free Developer: Aevi International GmbH
Cointab: Banking, Payment, EPF

Cointab: Banking, Payment, EPF

Mobile Banking for 140+ Banks in India via BHIM UPI, Bank Account Balance Check, Money Transfer, Credit Card Bill Payments, Insurance, Recharges, Electricity & Gas Bill Payments, EPF Balance Check and EPF Passbook View. The app is based on BHIM...

Price: Free Developer: Cointab
DigiCash - デジキャッシュ QRコード決済アプリ

DigiCash - デジキャッシュ QRコード決済アプリ

スマホでカンタン、お会計「DigiCash(デジキャッシュ)」 使い方はお店にあるQRコードを読み取るだけ。スピードUPでスムーズに! 会員登録もシンプル!電話番号とメールアドレス、パスワードの3つだけ。 ■こんなときに便利 • 小銭ってレジ前だとなんだかすぐに出てこない • お金おろし忘れた…!その場でチャージ • 利用履歴で使ったお金もきちんと管理 ■「DigiCash」の始めかた 1) DigiCashのダウンロードと会員登録。 登録は最短1分! 2) アプリからDigiCashをチャージ 3) お店の人に「DigiCashで」と伝えてお会計 ■チャージ方法 • クレジットカード: JCB、VISA、Master、AMEX、Diners Club ■ご利用方法 DigiCashが使えるお店で「DigiCashで」と伝えて、アプリからQRコードを読み取るだけ! ■お支払い方法 • お店の人からアプリに表示されたQRコードが提示された場合 1) DigiCashアプリでQRコードを読み取ってお会計完了 • お店に印刷されたQRコードがある場合 1) DigiCashアプリでお店のQRコードの読み取り 2) お会計金額を入力 3) お支払い画面をお店の人に見せてお会計完了 ■公式webサイト ■運営会社 STAGE株式会社について 「DigiCash」は、STAGE株式会社が開発・運営しています STAGE株式会社は「Finance」×「Technology」で未来の電子マネーライフを創造します QRコードは(株)デンソーウェーブの登録商標です。

Price: Free Developer: STAGE
mPOS aplikace

mPOS aplikace

Dodávané mPOS terminály jsou s různými druhy komunikace (dial-up, radio/bluetooth, GSM/GPRS, IP). Umožňují akceptace nejrozšířenějších typů magnetických i čipových platebních karet (EMV standard) - American Expres, Diners Club, JCB, MASTERCARD, VISA.

Price: Free Developer: Ahead iTec

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