Top 27 Music Apps Like Finger Picking Guitar - Best Alternatives

Finger Picking Guitar Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Finger Picking Guitar alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Music apps that are similar to Finger Picking Guitar. Pick one from this list to be your new Finger Picking Guitar app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Finger Picking Guitar on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like Finger Picking Guitar - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Finger Picking Guitar alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like Finger Picking Guitar 2025.

Finger Lakes Country WFLR

Finger Lakes Country WFLR

WFLR...Finger Lakes Country! WFLR covers the southern Finger Lakes region with the most local news, weather, and sports on the hour every day. Featuring Mike Smith and Chris weekday mornings from 6:00 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. with everything from...

Price: Free Developer: Finger Lakes Radio Group


Finger获绿城1亿元融资,线上线下联接发展音乐教育~「Finger指教音乐中心」初体验,线下版「Finger」和线上有什么不一样呢?欢迎大家到店体验! · 黄龙旗舰校区:杭州西湖区黄龙世纪广场B座1层23号 · 城西银泰校区:杭州拱墅区塘萍路380-382号 · 新天地校区:杭州下城区万家星城一期28幢4号(近东文路) 更多Finger校区即将上线,敬请期待~ 「Finger」- 你的口袋音乐教师,跟随我们拨动手指,人人都会玩乐器~ 一门乐器,到底有多难? - 生活忙碌、学业繁忙,没有固定时间找老师练习 - 找不到靠谱的老师,琴行授课又太贵 网上教学视频太多,无法形成系统化的学习目标,坚持不下去 怎么办?Finger帮您解决! 【Finger Pro 系统定制课程】 吉他 | 指弹吉他 | 声乐(唱歌)| 钢琴 - 3分钟测试你的音乐水平,划定分级,根据您期望值提供针对性的课程训练 在线学无忧!专业老师把控教学内容,满足各阶段练习需求 - 0~10级系统化教学,从基础识谱、和弦、弹唱到即兴solo逐层递进 设有系统及专项训练,所有训练配有陪练视频及重点介绍 - 专业班导服务团队,尽职辅导督促你的学习,妈妈再也不用担心我坚持不下去了! 课程曲谱同步分享,视频交作业,老师亲自点评 学习工具应有尽有,曲谱、节拍器、调音器助力你的音乐学习 「Finger」核心特点: - 各取所需,多种乐器训练供你选择 提供各类受欢迎乐器的课程,适用各阶段不同需求人群 - 伴随式训练,零基础轻松掌握 真人同步练习,无需任何音乐基础,手把手带你快速入门 - 分享成果交流心得,晒出你的音乐态度 在「Finger」社区与大家共同成长,打造你的专属音乐圈 - 学琴必备工具,在这里一应俱全 曲谱、调音器、节拍器,助力你的音乐学习之路! Follow Finger,Anyone can play ! ——品牌其他相关—— 【Finger少儿钢琴App】 Finger团队原班人马倾力打造~ 在这里,你不仅可以享受到来自美国先进钢琴教育的“少儿钢琴课程”,还能在练琴的时候,享受到专业老师在身边的错音纠正指点,而这一切,你都能在家,只用通过手机/pad等设备做到! 你还在等什么呢? 详情可搜索“Finger钢琴”进行了解 ———————————————————————————— 如需要帮助或获取更多信息,请联系 官方微博:@Finger应用 官方微信公众账号:Finger音乐课堂

Price: Free Developer: Hangzhou Tuotuo Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Finger Tune | Piano & Drumpad for Beginners

Finger Tune | Piano & Drumpad for Beginners

IT IS GONNA BE YOUR OWN FINGER TUNE ------------------------------------------------------------------ Finger Tune is a Combo Music Pack specifically designed for Beginners & Music Lovers. Play, amuse and listen the trio of piano, drumpad, and freehand bubble piano leisurely. Create you own rhythm, record...

Price: Free Developer: Perception System
Finger Drums

Finger Drums

Finger Drums is three amazing drum kits on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Choose from three amazing professionally recorded drum kits - rock, hip hop or dance. You can also play along with any songs on your music library. And the...

Price: Free Developer: On Beat Limited
Teach Yourself Finger Picking Guitar

Teach Yourself Finger Picking Guitar

Teach Yourself to play Finger Picking or Fingerstyle guitar with this amazing collection of 389 tuitional video lessons. Lessons include Intro to Folk Fingerstyle Module Folk Guitar Lesson FO-100 How to play Folk Fingerstyle Patterns 1of2 Folk Guitar Lesson FO-101 How to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Roden Entertainment
Animal Finger Family Songs & More Nursery Rhymes

Animal Finger Family Songs & More Nursery Rhymes

Animal Finger Family Songs & More Nursery Rhymes is a special app that designed only for kids to learning shapes, color, alphabet. With this app, you are no longer you worry your kids will play any harmful on Youtube. Features: +...

Price: Free Developer: Linh Nguyen
WNYR 98.5 - The Best Mix

WNYR 98.5 - The Best Mix

MIX 98.5 is home to the Finger Lakes Best Music Mix from the 80's, 90's and now! Jim and Mary get your day started weekday mornings from 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and Sorah gets you through the workday...

Price: Free Developer: Finger Lakes Radio Group
101.7 The WALL

101.7 The WALL

Classic Hits 99.3 is the Finger Lakes region's home for the greatest hits of all time...from the 60's, 70's, and 80's! Rock, Pop, Motown Soul, One Hit Wonders...they're all there to bring back the memories and the fun! Featuring...

Price: Free Developer: Finger Lakes Radio Group
WizzJ - Music Visualizer

WizzJ - Music Visualizer

WizzJ is a cutting-edge music visualizer for high-end iOS devices. It fully exploits the latest advances in graphic processors to create a flow of animated arts. The animations are synced with the beat and texture of the music being...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Joachim Wolffram
Swybrid Picking Guitar School

Swybrid Picking Guitar School

Fonexsis presents: first full school of Swybrid Picking (Sweep/hybrid) technique! SWYBRID PICKING is a guitar method of sound production that combines hybrid picking, sweep picking, alternate picking and sometimes legato. Sweep picking is a method that allows guitarists to...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Fonexsis
Economy Picking Guitar School

Economy Picking Guitar School

Economy picking (aka Sweep Picking) is a whole new world of unique possibilities and technical achievements on a guitar. It is hard to imagine a guitarist, who would not want to achieve a technical perfection :) . EP gives...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Fonexsis
Sweep Picking Guitar Arpeggios

Sweep Picking Guitar Arpeggios

Arpeggio is considered to be the most outstanding lick in the world of instrumental skills. Niccolo Paganini used to amaze his listeners by the magic of arpeggios performance as on a violin, so on a guitar. His Capricci achieved...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Fonexsis
Economy Picking Guitar School FREE

Economy Picking Guitar School FREE


Price: Free Developer: Fonexsis
Guitar Picking

Guitar Picking

Have you ever tried to play guitar intros but you have no idea how to play those songs ? Then, ready to play it now ! This application will help you play these songs by just only one finger. Single touch...

Price: Free Developer: Panus Tantikornphan
Fingerpicking Guitar Master Class

Fingerpicking Guitar Master Class

Take a Master Class in how to play the guitar finger style or fingerpicking with this selection of 524 tuitional video lessons. Fingerpicking is a brilliant way to play the guitar and there are hundreds of tips and tricks and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: GR8 Media
85 Metal Guitar Licks

85 Metal Guitar Licks

FEATURES: 85 blazing metal guitar licks and lessons in the style of players such Paul Gilbert, Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and more. Each lick has audio played both slow and fast and contains a full transcription in guitar tablature...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Jonathan Bell
TAKUYA's Guitar Lesson “Guitar de POP”

TAKUYA's Guitar Lesson “Guitar de POP”

TAKUYA, the guitarist of ex JUDY AND MARY sold millions copies, produced the original teaching guitar app! *** Special Campaign Price *** Limited offer Special Price $7.99 "Guitar de POP" is a special and unique way to learn guitar. Learn to play...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: monsterdive, inc.
Solo Guitar Lessons

Solo Guitar Lessons is pleased to offer you "Solo Guitar Lessons" for your device. This easy to use music application will let you learn to play rocking out guitar solo's even if you have never even touched the instrument before. You can do...

Price: Free Developer: Guitar Jamz Inc
Blues Guitar Lessons

Blues Guitar Lessons is pleased to offer you "Blues Guitar Lessons" for your device. This easy to use music application will let you learn to play the Blues guitar even if you have never even touched the instrument before. You can do it!...

Price: Free Developer: Guitar Jamz Inc
Blues Guitar Licks Lessons

Blues Guitar Licks Lessons is pleased to offer you "Blues Guitar Licks Lessons" for your device. This easy to use music application will let you learn to play the Blues guitar even if you have never even touched the instrument before. You can do...

Price: Free Developer: Guitar Jamz Inc
Ultimate Guitar: Chords & Tabs

Ultimate Guitar: Chords & Tabs

Get the world's largest catalog of guitar, bass & ukulele chords, tabs, and lyrics to learn your favorite songs! Search for any song by type, difficulty, tuning, and rating. Focus on guitar techniques or discover songs for particular moments with collections...

Price: Free Developer: Ultimate Guitar
Tonebridge Guitar Effects

Tonebridge Guitar Effects

Play your favorite songs in their original sound using your iPhone or iPad! It's a whole new experience in learning songs. EASY TO USE for BEGINNERS Tonebridge gives you the sound of the original song without special guitar knowledge—just plug in...

Price: Free Developer: Ultimate Guitar
Guitar Notation - Tabs&Chords

Guitar Notation - Tabs&Chords

A great guitar tabs and chords notation app on iOS. For any guitar music lover, Guitar Notation gives you the ability to read, compose, edit, and playback guitar sheet music scores. With it you can be a talented composer...

Price: Free Developer: Song Zhang
Guitar - Play & Learn Songs

Guitar - Play & Learn Songs

Guitar - Play & Learn any Song in the ultimate app to play timeless guitar classics and popular hits for free. No prior experience necessary! The Guitar app is so easy to use, you’ll be playing like a pro within...

Price: Free Developer: Yokee Music
Guitar Driller

Guitar Driller

Introducing our new outstanding «Guitar Driller» app! This app is developed especially to help guitarists to organize their training exercises in many ways. It allows you to create various playlists from your favorite exercises by integrating different content from...

Price: Free Developer: Fonexsis
Guitar Space- tabs and lessons

Guitar Space- tabs and lessons

Have you ever annoyed at being unable to find a great teacher to guide you learn guitar after your paid guitar lessons or have you ever put into large sum of money in guitar lessons but achieved less ?...

Price: Free Developer: Haochang Huang

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