Do you want to find the best Uni Bremen App alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Uni Bremen App. Pick one from this list to be your new Uni Bremen App app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Uni Bremen App on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Uni Bremen App alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Uni Bremen App 2025.
Uni-Phi is now available on iOS! The Uni-Phi App has incorporated a unique identification system directly into the app referred to as “FraternID” and “SororID” which provides all unique users with their personalized ID and their membership status. The...
Goethe-Uni App (powered by StApps) Mit der Goethe-Uni App kannst du ab sofort ganz leicht überall dein Studium organisieren. Informationen über die Universität, Veranstaltungen und Personen sind leicht über eine Suche auffindbar. Außerdem kann man mit der integrierten Campus-Karte zu...
Discover local student-run events and associations at your university. Manage your profile to find events that directly match your interests or expand your search to explore new opportunities! Swipe through events effortlessly to add them to your favourites. Need...
Il libretto che ogni studente universitario deve avere. Analytics Uni ti permette di avere un colpo d'occhio sull'andamento dei tuoi esami in tempo reale. Potrai aggiungere i tuoi esami, modificarli, eliminare quelli che hai dato in precedenza e avere...
Tham gia cùng với hơn 50.000 sinh viên đang theo học Topica, khám phá kiến thức từ 3000+ bài giảng, gần 400 tình huống thực tế (case study) với đội ngũ 1000+ giảng viên chuyên gia và doanh nghiệp. Các...
** Diese App befindet sich noch im Aufbau und wird ständig verbessert. Wir freuen uns über jedes Feedback ** Die Universität Bonn jetzt auf Ihrem iPhone überall mit dabei haben. Holen Sie sich die neusten Informationen rund um die Universität. BASIS Zugang zum...
Die Uni Mainz-App bietet aktuellen Mitteilungen der JGU, die Suche nach Ansprechpartnern im Personenverzeichnis der JGU sowie eine Gebäudesuche, wobei die entsprechende Gebäude direkt auf der Karte angezeigt werden. Weiterhin bietet sie einen Überblick über die jeweils aktuellen Speisepläne...
A FFB agora é FB UNI. Primeiro Centro Universitário do Ceará que nasce com Conceito Máximo do MEC. Agora, começa uma nova caminhada pautada pela qualidade. Mantenha-se conectado com seus professores, acompanhe o andamento de suas notas e frequências, confira...
Students! Join Jumbea to manage everything around uni! Keep your calendars at hand, get automatically in contact with your classmates, check your friends’ availabilities & find some student deals – all in one place. The best App To Get Organized Enter...
HfK Bremen ist die mobile Anwendung für die Campus-Management-Software der Datenlotsen Informationssysteme GmbH an der Hochschule für Künste Bremen. Diese App ermöglicht Studierenden und Lehrenden der Hochschule für Künste Bremen bestimmte Funktionen von CampusNet® einfach und unkompliziert auch unterwegs...
Mathematics. The Bremen Town Musicians – exciting lessons for kids! It is an effective study method for the preschool age. Just 15 minutes of studying a day will show excellent results of the interactive way of education when children...
Holen Sie sich unsere offizielle Peter Johanning Fahrschule-App! Informieren Sie sich mobil über unser Unternehmen und stehen Sie immer in direktem Kontakt zu uns. Sie sind mobil - und wir sind es ab sofort für Sie auch!
A very entertaining and educative application in which your child colors his or her favorite characters from world famous fairy tales! One of the kids’ favorite applications!
Diese App bietet den stylischsten Zugriff auf den aktuellen Speiseplan aller deutschen Mensen: - Aachen - Albstadt-Sigmaringen - Berlin - Bochum - Bonn - Braunschweig - Bremen - Darmstadt - Deggendorf - Dortmund - Dresden - Eisenach - Erfurt - Erlangen-Nürnberg - Flensburg - Frankfurt (Main) -...
Ganz schön Platt – Die Plattdeutsch-App von Radio Bremen. Wi snackt platt - un Du? Egal ob Anfänger oder Platt-Profi – diese App liefert Plattdeutsch für alle Lebenslagen. Platte Basics, Schimpfen auf Platt oder eine richtig platte Anmache? Der Plattdeutsch-Kurs...
UniNow begleitet Dich durch dein Studium und auf dem Campus. Zusätzlich hilft UniNow dir dabei dich auf deine Karriere vorzubereiten. Zusammen seid ihr das perfekte Team. Der Hochschulalltag ist anstrengend genug, verschwende deine Zeit nicht damit dich durch die unübersichtlichen...
Amazing stories with songs! Enjoy your favorite stories and sing along the theme songs! ----------------------------- ** Launch Event** Two most loved stories are FREE for a limited time. 1.The Little Red Riding Hood 2.The...
Die Fishing-King App hat 16 verschiedene Fragenkataloge, welche auf folgende Bundesländer abgestimmt sind: 1.) NRW 2.) Niedersachsen 3.) Brandenburg 4.) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 5.) Schleswig-Holstein 6.) Thüringen 7.) Bayern 8.) Sachsen-Anhalt 9.) Brandenburg 10.) Rheinland-Pfalz 11.) Hessen 12.) Sachen 13.) Berlin 14.) Hamburg 15.) Bremen 16.) Saarland Lerne mit den original Fishing-King Prüfungs-Fragen, welche auf...
The easySoft. App Education is designed to notify you of upcoming activities such as practical assignments, courses or other events. The dates are displayed in a calendar and detailed information is available for each entry. Participants can be informed...
eCampus is an on-demand exams / test preparation and self-paced education platform for anyone who wants to learn. With a simple user-friendly user interface (UI) and user experience that is capable of improving retention and recall rates by 95%....
We make maths fun and challenging for children between the ages of 4 - 8. Four great games ranging from arithmetics, comparisons, missing number puzzles and a simple memory matching game and all with a catchy backdrop tune. All...
◆◇◆ Learn! Play! An Experience! ◆◇◆ ◇◆◇Let's pretend do Ice-cream shop!◇◆◇ “Let’s pretend do Ice-cream shop!”is a new entry to the Role-playing App series where you brain-train while playing interactively! -------------------------------------------- For any issues or ...
◆◇◆ Learn! Play! An Experience! ◆◇◆ ◇◆◇Let's pretend!! a Cookie House!◇◆◇ “Let's pretend!! a Cookie House!”is a new entry to the Role-playing App series where you brain-train while playing interactively! -------------------------------------------- For any issues or ...
Tuttapposto rimette a posto le cose nella tua Università. Potrai valutare l’operato dei tuoi professori senza subire ripercussioni. Esattamente come tripadvisor ha costretto le cucine a migliorarsi...è arrivato il momento di migliorare le istruzione italiana e sconfiggere il baronato. Utilizza...
DinosaurDays An animated look at your favorite dinosaurs, fossils, paleontology and the study of evolution. DinosaurDays is an animated learning app for kids aged 5-11 and can be used at home or at school, individually or in a group. Each short...
A selection of Noon Meem Rashed’s Poetry, including Aadmi Se Darte Ho and Hasan Kooza Gar. The poems are presented in Urdu but most have English translation. Narration by Khalid Hameed and Noon Meem Rashed. Features of the App: ✒ User can...
Rehearsal and practice at home! Ballet to Street. Learn the basic steps,which are the base of all dance styles. With AllDanceApp you will be able to do what you like most and when you want to. If you are a dance student, dance teacher or teacher...
Con la app de Magister tendrás acceso inmediato a las últimas noticias de tu comunidad y especialidad. Además tienes herramientas que te ayudarán tanto si eres profe como si estás preparando tu oposición.
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