Top 38 Utilities Apps Like RGB palette - Check Colors! - Best Alternatives

RGB palette - Check Colors! Alternatives

Do you want to find the best RGB palette - Check Colors! alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Utilities apps that are similar to RGB palette - Check Colors!. Pick one from this list to be your new RGB palette - Check Colors! app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to RGB palette - Check Colors! on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like RGB palette - Check Colors! - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid RGB palette - Check Colors! alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like RGB palette - Check Colors! 2025.



TT RGB Plus allows users to connect with a maximum of 16 digital fan controllers which are 80pcs fans. By this way, users can easily adjust the fan RGB lighting colors. TT RGB Plus also provides users with the...

Price: Free Developer: Thermaltake Technology Co., Ltd.


The X1 RGB App is the perfect companion for your TT Premium hardware. With a host of convenient features, the X1 RGB app transforms your smartphone & tablet into a powerful tool that lets you get the most out of...

Price: Free Developer: Thermaltake Technology Co., Ltd.


Used for control LED RGB strip,light.

Price: Free Developer: Signcomplex
RGB Test

RGB Test

RGB test your device.

Price: Free Developer: Zbigniew Osada
Keeboard Keyboard

Keeboard Keyboard

NEW IN 1.4 - Animated RGB Effects The first iPhone custom keyboard with animating RGB effects (Reactive, Spectrum, Breathing, Ripples, & Rainbow)! Just like in actual physical RGB Keyboards! KeeBoard Keyboard is a powerful keyboard extension for iPhone that strongly focuses...

Price: Free Developer: Ivan Pradana
HydroColor: Water Quality App

HydroColor: Water Quality App

HydroColor is a water quality application that uses the iPhone camera to determine the reflectance of natural water bodies. Using this information, HydroColor can estimate water turbidity (0-80 NTU), concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) (g/m^3) and the backscattering...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Leeuw
RW CIE Calc PRO ia

RW CIE Calc PRO ia

<RW CIE Calc>Proは、演色性100相当の色ズレのない<LED65S>モードにより<完全等色判定>が実現する。 RW Z-4使用LED65Sランプ(Sharp社製 GB5BTC65K00/Ra85)専用の<D65S>モードを従来機能に追加。色判定装置 <RW Z-4>によれば、従来の標準色票ではわずか2000色に限定されていた完全等色が視感750万、最大1677万色に拡大して極めて厳密なる色測定と色検証が可能になる。使い方は、D65モードで使用する標準色票のHV/C値を入力して等色した後に、CMYモードに切り替えて測色。詳しくはRWHPご参照。 ・計測対象:光色、物体色、色覚にいたる全色分野で750万色超の視感厳密色数値化と検証が可能。 ・計測 検証方法: iPad 9.7 に Apple App<RW CIE Calc>pro を用いて発色させた<デジタル色標準>を判定基準とし透過色(T)は白色部でそのまま、反射色(R)は LED65S 光源の無段階調光により近似標準色票と等色して較正したのち、同条件で試料色と等色させ測色値を得る。視感判定もできるが iP カメラ で客観判定し画像を記録保存。 ・色検証機能:視感750万色以上最大1,677万色。 ・入力モード:HV/C、xyY、L*a*b*、CMY、RGB。 ・光源モード:A,B,C,D50,D65,F8+D65S(各 T&R 可)、各モード間の変換自在。 ・検出可能値:CIE XYZ、xyY、L*a*b*、λ,ρ、HV/C、 CMY、RGB 値。 ・判定精度:pro の D65S モードでは全色系列に対してほぼ<完全等色>し、各色票色票間の精度の高い数値化と RGB256レベルの色差検証が可能になる。等色の程 度も画像で判定保存可能。カメラ判定との視感差から色覚の自己判定可能。 従来版の説明(機能はPro版も搭載) <RW CIE Calc> ia/io アプリは、色の三原色シアン(青緑)、マゼンタM(赤紫)、イエローY(黄)とND(無彩色)の各種濃度の24 の数値ボタン、更に透過/反射、光源切換えボタンの自由な組み合わせによってほぼ無数、1670 万色超のCIE 色計算をおこなうともに、その色計算近似色を世界初の<デジタル色標準>としてモニタに発色させ、視感等色またカメラ等色によってあらゆる物体色のCMY 濃度、CIE XYZ、xy、主波長λ、刺激純度p、L*a*b*、HV/C、デジタルRGB...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: rigio waki
RW CIE Calc PRO io

RW CIE Calc PRO io

<RW CIE Calc>Proは、演色性100相当の色ズレのない<LED65S>モードにより<完全等色判定>が実現する。 1.  RW Z-4使用LED65Sランプ(Sharp社製 GB5BTC65K00/Ra85)専用の<D65S>モードを従来機能に追加。色判定装置 <RW Z-4>によれば、従来の標準色票ではわずか2000色に限定されていた完全等色が視感750万、最大1677万色に拡大して極めて厳密なる色測定と色検証が可能になる。使い方は、D65モードで使用する標準色票のHV/C値を入力して等色した後に、CMYモードに切り替えて測色。 2.  測色はiPhone6,7を使用し、白色部を1クリックすると発色部の周辺が黒くなりプリズム使用時の周辺からの乱入光が防止される。 3.  再度クリックすると発色部が左隅に移動する。詳しくはRWHPご参照。 ・計測対象:光色、物体色、色覚にいたる全色分野で750万色超の視感厳密色数値化と検証が可能。 ・計測 検証方法:iPhone (6または7) または iPad 9.7 に Apple App<RW CIE Calc>pro を用いて発色させた<デジタル色標準>を判定基準とし透過色(T)は白色部でそのまま、反射色(R)は LED65S 光源の無段階調光により近似標準色票と等色して較正したのち、同条件で試料色と等色させ測色値を得る。視感判定もできるが iP カメラ で客観判定し画像を記録保存。 ・色検証機能:視感750万色以上最大1,677万色。 ・入力モード:HV/C、xyY、L*a*b*、CMY、RGB。 ・光源モード:A,B,C,D50,D65,F8+D65S(各 T&R 可)、各モード間の変換自在。 ・検出可能値:CIE XYZ、xyY、L*a*b*、λ,ρ、HV/C、 CMY、RGB 値。 ・判定精度:pro の D65S モードでは全色系列に対してほぼ<完全等色>し、各色票色票間の精度の高い数値化と RGB256レベルの色差検証が可能になる。等色の程 度も画像で判定保存可能。カメラ判定との視感差から色覚の自己判定可能。 従来版の説明(機能はPro版も搭載) <RW CIE Calc> ia/io アプリは、色の三原色シアン(青緑)、マゼンタM(赤紫)、イエローY(黄)とND(無彩色)の各種濃度の24 の数値ボタン、更に透過/反射、光源切換えボタンの自由な組み合わせによってほぼ無数、1670 万色超のCIE 色計算をおこなうともに、その色計算近似色を世界初の<デジタル色標準>としてモニタに発色させ、視感等色またカメラ等色によってあらゆる物体色のCMY...

Price: USD 17.99 Developer: rigio waki
ColorLand~Favorite Color Memo~

ColorLand~Favorite Color Memo~

I want to use that color I used at that time again ... I can not remember the color code! This is a memo application with color code conversion function. I made it to note the color code I used at design...

Price: Free Developer: Wataru Fujiwara


Badplanungen präsentieren in einer neuen Dimension! ELEMENTS 360 steht für das aktive Bad-Erlebnis in 3D. Ihre Kunden gehen auf virtuelle Entdeckungstour durch ihr künftiges Traumbad. Mit dieser innovativen APP sorgen Sie für beeindruckende Momente im Kundengespräch und erzeugen nachhaltigen...

Price: Free Developer: Palette CAD GmbH
Color Hunter 猎色

Color Hunter 猎色

该应用将帮助您随时记录、分享看到的颜色。同时,通过解锁新颜色的功能,鼓励您去发现在生活中尚未发现的新色彩。 所有发现的颜色将在调色板上标注。用户可以在调色板上圈出想进一步查看的颜色。 This app documents and shares the colors in your life. It also encourage you discover the new colors in every day life by unlocking the new color areas in the palette. All colors documented will be listed on a palette....

Price: Free Developer: xi chen


Enlighten your home with EFFE Lamps By using this App, you can recreate your home with your favourite colours - Play with all colours in the spectrum - Colour dimming control from App ...

Price: Free Developer: Efftronics Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Sissy Nettoyage

Sissy Nettoyage

Chez Sissy Nettoyage, nous mobilisons quotidiennement nos compétences et notre savoir-faire en nettoyage et aide à domicile pour vous proposer des services rapide et de qualité. Nous mettons à votre disposition une large palette de prestations, allant des services...

Price: Free Developer:
iDrawPad -  Easily Create, Paint and Edit Graphic Images, Photo

iDrawPad - Easily Create, Paint and Edit Graphic Images, Photo

You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy iDrawPad for iPhone the ultimate app for both professional and hobby painters to create beautiful drawings. Create your masterpiece using a variety of useful features: - use an intuitive and simple interface -...

Price: Free Developer: TRAN PHUONG
Geiger Bot

Geiger Bot

PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a Geiger counter 注意:このアプリはガイガーカウンタが必要です ACHTUNG: Diese App erfordert einen Geigerzähler ВНИМАНИЕ: это приложение требует счетчик Гейгера ATTENTION: Cette application nécessite un compteur Geiger Geiger Bot is a companion app for Geiger counters, providing you with a toolkit for recording,...

Price: Free Developer: ND Apps
PaintOver for iPad

PaintOver for iPad

This app is a very simple & easy painting app. Small kids and aged people can use it. They can start painting right after launching this app. A camera shot or a photo in photo library of your iPad can...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Import EV
RegEx Lab: Regular Expressions

RegEx Lab: Regular Expressions

RegEx Lab - test regular expressions • Highlighting of regex syntax and of matches and capture groups. • Results List View which lists all the matches and capture groups. • Replace feature • Dark theme (by default) based on the Solarized colour palette •...

Price: Free Developer: sovio


x-Calc is an ergonomic scientific calculator, in both portrait and landscape orientations, using RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) Great for professional and educational use, it allows to quickly develop an understanding of register operations and basic programming Features fixed, scientific...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: FMILLET
Dealertrack Service Check-In

Dealertrack Service Check-In

Dealertrack Service Check-In is designed for use in automotive dealership service departments. Dealertrack DMS and Service Pro users can complete the entire vehicle check in process using this easy to use mobile application. Features include the ability to...

Price: Free Developer: ASR Pro LLC
Oztix Check-in

Oztix Check-in

Use Oztix Check-in to get your customers in quickly. Shorter queue = happy you. Manage the entry of patrons into your event, search for individual customers and view the number of people who have entered the venue. * Even with no...

Price: Free Developer: Ticket Solutions Pty Ltd
Mobile Web Accessibility Check

Mobile Web Accessibility Check

Mobile Web Accessibility Check is a complete mobile solution to enable verification of mobile web accessibility against internationally recognized accessibility guidelines. INTEGRATIONS Mobile Web Accessibility Check uses heuristics from Google, ASLint or Deque (aXe Core). RESULTS Results can be viewed in a dashboard...

Price: Free Developer: Philip Strain
Quick Domain Check

Quick Domain Check

Choose a internet domain name and check every important top-level domain at once. With Quick Domain Check you can check the availability of domain-names fast and easy. Just enter a name and QDC checks every important top-level (like .com...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Sebastian Schenk
Quick Domain Check for iPad

Quick Domain Check for iPad

Choose a internet domain name and check every important top-level domain at once. With Quick Domain Check you can check the availability of domain-names fast and easy. Just enter a name and QDC checks every important top-level (like .com...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Sebastian Schenk
Quick Domain Check LITE

Quick Domain Check LITE

Choose a internet domain name and check every important top-level domain at once. With Quick Domain Check you can check the availability of domain-names fast and easy. Just enter a name and QDC checks every important top-level (like .com...

Price: Free Developer: Sebastian Schenk
TouchPoint Check-In

TouchPoint Check-In

TouchPoint Check-In is the iPad interface for TouchPoint Software Check-In system. This provides secure touch screen check-in for children or for the entire family. All family members can check in at the same time. Not only does TouchPoint Check-In record...

Price: Free Developer: TouchPoint Software, Inc.
Check ID & Driver's License

Check ID & Driver's License

Check ID scans “PDF417” barcodes most commonly found on the back of driver's licenses and government issued ID cards. No internet connection is required! Check ID works without sending your data to any other party. Privacy is paramount as no data from...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Apparent Logic, LLC
SC GPS Check-In

SC GPS Check-In

GPS Check-In for Contractors using ServiceChannel: Our ServiceChannel app allows contractors to check in & out of work orders using an IOS device. Features Include: On-Site Photos Geolocation Check-In Electronic Signature Resolution Notes Real-time updates Multi-Tech Check-In Actions taken on mobile devices automatically appear on work orders and...

Price: Free Developer: ServiceChannel


Smart check-in your client with EPOPASS Check-In - Select your event - Select access point - Scan and check-in

Price: Free Developer: Eventthai
Mood Colors

Mood Colors

Why buy an expensive changing-color lamp when you can have on hand a smart app doing better ? Mood Colors is the definitive application to turn your device into an awesome mood lamp ! "Way better than buying a living colors...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: iBuRGeR Apps
Luminous Calculator - 11 Colors and Button Sounds

Luminous Calculator - 11 Colors and Button Sounds

Luminous Calculator is a simply designed, free calculator app packed with 11 colors and 11 button sounds. You can make calculations while using beautifully designed buttons and enjoying the exciting sounds of a synthesizer, bass, and electric drum beats. COLORS Choose...

Price: Free Developer: Takashi Nakamura
Calculator HD Colors

Calculator HD Colors

◣ CALCULATOR HD COLORS ◢ ►Vivid moving colors in HD ►Big HD buttons for a better experience ►Retina display for iPad and iPhone ►Fully functional for basic operations ▼▼ ▼▼ This is a stunning and colorful calculator. Unique live background, full HD design...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Daniel Delgado
Color Sound - Listen to Colors

Color Sound - Listen to Colors

Open the app, point the camera at an object and tap the screen to hear the name of that object's color. Or just enable the "Tone From Color" player and the app will play sounds with frequencies corresponding to the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mathieu Bolard
Kids Keys - My First Amazing Keyboard Colors Monsters Trucks and More Keyboard Themes for kids

Kids Keys - My First Amazing Keyboard Colors Monsters Trucks and More Keyboard Themes for kids

Change the theme of your keyboard and turn it into a fun kids focused keyboard! Kids love typing, Kids Keys keyboard makes typing lots of fun ! With Kids Keys for iOS 8, you can change the theme of your...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Gil Weiss
ColorMixr for Polymer Clay

ColorMixr for Polymer Clay

Create the Polymer Clay Color Mix Recipes You Want in Seconds*** ColorMixr™ for polymer clay instantly generates Fimo and Premo Sculpey color mixing formulas from your favorite photos, clothing, nature and the world around you.***Pick colors from the photos...

Price: Free Developer: Nancy Ulrich
Irodori Cam Lite

Irodori Cam Lite

Get the color of our world! Irodori Cam is for designers and people who wants to make a collection of colors. You pick the color and can retrieve the RGB values of the color. 【Main Features】 ・Save the color you picked ・Display the RGB...

Price: Free Developer: Mitsuko Kikuchi


Now you can make the environment sound! By using the camera of your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you can scan your surroundings and ColorSay will make the colors audible to you. ColorSay calls the colors by name! Set up one...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: White Marten
FlashMob -Smart LED Flashlight

FlashMob -Smart LED Flashlight

■ FlashMob is a smart and easy flashlight application for concerts, clubs, sports games, candlelight-rallies and flash mobs. ■ There are many times when we come together with strangers at a place. These strangers together go wild about the same...

Price: Free Developer: Jungmoon Jo

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