Top 12 Education Apps Like Burridge Studio - Best Alternatives

Burridge Studio Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Burridge Studio alternatives for iOS? We have listed 12 Education apps that are similar to Burridge Studio. Pick one from this list to be your new Burridge Studio app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Burridge Studio on your iOS devices.

Top 12 Apps Like Burridge Studio - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Burridge Studio alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 12 similar apps like Burridge Studio 2025.

Burridge Color Wheel

Burridge Color Wheel

Introducing the Burridge Studio Color Wheel app for iPhone and iPad. Create show-stopping paintings with the help of artist Robert Burridge. The Burridge Studio app features his Goof-Proof Color Wheel that helps you achieve your painting goals. Explore color combinations...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Robert Burridge


A growing library of e-books that will educate and entertain you. Expand your knowledge and horizons with our illustrated original articles covering a wide range of topics, all available in this new app from Studio Education Productions. Download e-books...

Price: Free Developer: Studio Education Ltd.
Auditory Processing Studio

Auditory Processing Studio

****Auditory Processing Studio is a great app for targeting CAPD and other Auditory Processing Disorders. With this app, you can target auditory discrimination, auditory closure, and phonological awareness. If you have students with CAPD or auditory processing disorders, you...

Price: USD 29.99 Developer: Virtual Speech Center Inc.


O Grupo Studio presta serviços corporativos inteligentes há mais de 20 anos por meio dos modelos de negócio Studio Fiscal, Studio Law, Studio Brokers, Studio Corporate, Studio Contábil, Studio Energy, Studio Agro e E-Fiscal. O principal objetivo da rede...

Price: Free Developer: Grupo Studio
Easy Stop Motion studio: Introduction to animation

Easy Stop Motion studio: Introduction to animation

Create, animate and share your own cartoons with Easy Stop-motion Studio. Use dozens of shapes, colors and templates anyway you want to make your little animated movie. A juggling lion, a talking 6-eyed monster, the only limit is your...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: EDOKI ACADEMY
Idealogo Studio

Idealogo Studio

Idealogo Studio: een werkbladen generator voor logopedisten en docenten. Met Idealogo Studio maak je op eenvoudige en efficiënte wijze werkbladen op maat voor je cliënten en leerlingen. Idealogo Studio is de perfecte aanvulling op de themaboeken van Suus &...

Price: Free Developer: Creativiti B.V.
Kimball Studio

Kimball Studio

Kimball Studio: Who We Are We run an acting studio in NYC (rated Timeout NY's #2) where we train over 200 working actors each year. Our specialty is on-camera coaching, and we've been at it for 20 years. We provide 12-Week...

Price: Free Developer: Kimball Studio
Course For NI 202 - Studio Drummer Explored

Course For NI 202 - Studio Drummer Explored

Learn the upbeats and downbeats of NI’s cool studio drum machine in this “crash” course from the talented music producer and trainer, Toby Pitman... App Features: • 89 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback (no internet connection...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.


萊鑽藝術坊(POLISH ART STUDIO)度身訂做出由2.5至18歲共500套教材 ,重視創造力,通過繪畫題材,啟發學生跳出框框,長大後,唔一定成為藝術家,可能係律師、醫生、建築師............ 學生親手完成作品係最重要,透過藝術培訓創意思維, 過程才是教育的核心。

Price: Free Developer: POLISH ART STUDIO
Studio leonardissimo

Studio leonardissimo

Le Château d’Amboise, est un haut lieu d’inspiration de Léonard de Vinci qui séjourna à Amboise (1516-1519), à l’invitation du souverain François 1er. Il réalisa notamment un dessin célèbre du château royal en 1517. Les visiteurs sont invités à puiser...

Price: Free Developer: Fondation Saint Louis - Château Royal d’Amboise
SignerStudio - Sign Language Recording Studio

SignerStudio - Sign Language Recording Studio

A Complete Video Studio in an App Signer Studio is a complete video production studio in an app. Signer Studio includes advanced video recording with an intelligent prompter and a video editor that integrates subtitle creation. Projects can be exported...

Price: Free Developer: Rubber Duck Labs Inc.

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