Top 20 Education Apps Like S-Dict 音字通 - Best Alternatives

S-Dict 音字通 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best S-Dict 音字通 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to S-Dict 音字通. Pick one from this list to be your new S-Dict 音字通 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to S-Dict 音字通 on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like S-Dict 音字通 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid S-Dict 音字通 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like S-Dict 音字通 2025.

myStudygear (S. Chand Action)

myStudygear (S. Chand Action)

myStudygear is an innovative initiative by the pioneers of Education - S.Chand Group. S.Chand group has been serving the education industry in India for over 75 years. myStudygear is an application which makes education and guidance available to you...

Price: Free Developer: S.Chand & Company Private Limited
Artic Photos 'S' Fun Deck® Plus

Artic Photos 'S' Fun Deck® Plus

This educational App for the iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch® has 56 full-color photo flash cards (plus audio of each card’s text) from the Artic Photos 'S' Fun Deck® and Artic Quickies® Reproducible Photo Fun Sheets by Super Duper®...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Super Duper Publications
S P Jain Dubai

S P Jain Dubai

Bridge the gap between home and school with the S P Jain School of Global Management Dubai app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about S P Jain School of Global Management Dubai, push notifications for urgent updates, school...

Price: Free Developer: S P Jain School of Global Management Pty Limited
S P Jain Mumbai

S P Jain Mumbai

Bridge the gap between home and school with the S P Jain School of Global Management Mumbai app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about S P Jain School of Global Management Mumbai, push notifications for urgent updates, school...

Price: Free Developer: S P Jain School of Global Management Pty Limited
S P Jain Singapore

S P Jain Singapore

Bridge the gap between home and school with the S P Jain School of Global Management Singapore app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about S P Jain School of Global Management Singapore, push notifications for urgent updates, school...

Price: Free Developer: S P Jain School of Global Management Pty Limited
S P Jain Sydney Campus

S P Jain Sydney Campus

Bridge the gap between home and school with the S P Jain School of Global Management Sydney app, developed by Digistorm. Receive instant information about S P Jain School of Global Management Sydney, push notifications for urgent updates, school...

Price: Free Developer: S P Jain School of Global Management Pty Limited
S. Thomas' College Live

S. Thomas' College Live

The ICT society of S.Thomas' College Mount Lavinia, proudly presents the official mobile app for all present boys & old boys, also for anyone who would like to interact with the College. The ICT society of S.Thomas' College plays...

Price: Free Developer: S. Thomas' College ICT Society
Znakujte s Tamtamem

Znakujte s Tamtamem

Mobilní aplikace Znakujte s Tamtamem má podpořit komunikaci mezi rodiči a jejich malými dětmi (nejen) se sluchovým postižením. Co v aplikaci naleznete? 1. Slovník s téměř 1500 slovíček a vět a snadným vyhledáváním 2. Výuka členěná do tématických lekcí s různými stupni...

Price: Free Developer: Centrum pro dětský sluch Tamtam o.p.s.
Thomas's London Day Schools

Thomas's London Day Schools

If you have a child at Thomas's London Day Schools you can have your own personal view of the full calendar of events, activities and school news. No more out-of-date paper calendars, searching through letters from the school or browsing...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas's London Day Schools
Bac ES, S, L 2020

Bac ES, S, L 2020

Notre app Bac 2020, réalisée avec des professeurs certifiés est conforme à la réforme du lycée (on prépare activement le Bac 2021 !). Dès la seconde, prépare ton examen du baccalauréat avec nos cours du programme officiel, classés par chapitres...

Price: Free Developer: digiSchool Dictionary Dictionary

Dictionary for 51 language combinations, usable with or without an internet connection (offline dictionary). Vocabularies can be downloaded and updated within the app for free. Before you buy, please test the free version of the app ("")! Using this version...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: GmbH


Enconcept @Dict พจนานุกรมเพียงหนึ่งเดียว สำหรับคนรักภาษาอังกฤษ @Dict, the ace for English enthusiasts @Dict is an all-in-one dictionary app with both cutting-edged performance and academic accuracy. @Dict allows you to carry your most trusted source of vocabularies wherever you go. The combination of quick and smooth...

Price: Free Developer: XeerSoft Thailand Co,Ltd.
dict - 活きた英語でリスニングを鍛えるアプリ

dict - 活きた英語でリスニングを鍛えるアプリ

自分の興味のある動画を「聴いて」「書き取る」ことでリスニングを鍛える学習方法 「ディクテーション」をはじめよう。 #ディクテーションとは? 言葉を聴き取って、すべて書き取るという語学学習方法です。 外国語の聞き流し教材、字幕表示でのリスニング学習では、なんとなくわかった気になっていても実際には聞き取れていないということが多いです。 ディクテーションの場合は、自分で書き取ることで自分の聴き取れていた/いなかった部分が明確になるため、なかなか身につかないリスニング能力を鍛えることができます。 #ディクテーションアプリとしてのdict ディクテーションは非常に効果的な学習方法である一方、時間と体力が必要とするハードな語学学習方法です。 dictはこの効果的であり、継続するのが難しいこの語学学習方法をサポートするためのアプリです。 主な機能: * YouTubeコンテンツの活用 YouTubeにある動画から、生きた言葉から学ぶことができます。 自分の興味のある動画を繰り返し学習することで、語学学習の継続をサポートします。 現行のアプリでは、TED, Appleの動画をメインになっています。 ユーザーの皆さんからの学習コンテンツリクエストを含めた、コンテンツの拡充は順次行っていく予定です。 * リピート機能 動画をセクションごとに繰り返すことができる「リピート機能」は、聴き取り集中をサポートします。 この機能で聴き取りの繰り返しのために自分で何度も巻き戻すストレスとお別れできます。

Price: Free Developer: Kohei Abe
Suge Dict - Tu dien Nhat Viet

Suge Dict - Tu dien Nhat Viet

Tieng Viet: Tính năng nổi bật của tu dien nhat viet : - Cơ sở dữ liệu phong phú với hơn 250.000 từ Nhật Việt, 55.000 từ Việt Nhật, 500 mẫu ngữ pháp, hơn 4000 kanji thông dụng với giải thích...

Price: Free Developer: VAN DA LE
Strongsdict Greek Hebrew Dict

Strongsdict Greek Hebrew Dict

***** 20% DISCOUNT for a short time !!! Consider buying the bundle, HUGE update will come for Byztxt Version 3 ***** Strongsdict is the full Strong's Dictionary Greek and Hebrew at your fingertips. Greek and Hebrew Strong's dictionary, full featured...

Price: USD 18.99 Developer: Michael Mustun
Euro-Japan Dict Tablet

Euro-Japan Dict Tablet

This is a sister version of that of iPhone and allows taking advantage of a bigger screen of iPad with the same interface. Here is its résumé: Euro-Japan Dict Tablet is a Japanese dictionary which supports not only 7...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Free Light Software
Traveller Dict

Traveller Dict

Traveller Dict is a two in one app that contains a pocket dictionary and a fun game to improve your English vocabulary. 1) Vocabulary Game Test your vocabulary knowledge with a time based quiz. Quiz yourself everyday to learn new words...

Price: Free Developer: Hala Almuqati
Từ Điển Anh Việt Anh - Pan Dict+

Từ Điển Anh Việt Anh - Pan Dict+

Từ điển Pan Dict + có phát âm giọng Anh, giọng Mỹ chuẩn, dùng offline, có chức năng dịch văn bản Anh Việt, Việt Anh, học từ qua FlashCard. Hơn 130.000 từ Anh Việt, 20.000 từ Việt Anh, phát âm...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: VM Mobile Team
Từ Điển Anh Việt Pan Dict (Tu Dien Viet Anh)

Từ Điển Anh Việt Pan Dict (Tu Dien Viet Anh)

Từ điển Pan Dict có phát âm giọng Anh, giọng Mỹ chuẩn, dùng offline, có chức năng dịch văn bản Anh Việt, Việt Anh, học từ qua FlashCard. Hơn 130.000 từ Anh Việt, 20.000 từ Việt Anh, phát âm giọng...

Price: Free Developer: VM Mobile Team

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