Top 28 Education Apps Like Backyard Chickens (BYC) - Best Alternatives

Backyard Chickens (BYC) Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Backyard Chickens (BYC) alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Education apps that are similar to Backyard Chickens (BYC). Pick one from this list to be your new Backyard Chickens (BYC) app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Backyard Chickens (BYC) on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Backyard Chickens (BYC) - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Backyard Chickens (BYC) alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Backyard Chickens (BYC) 2025.

Backyard Engineers EDU

Backyard Engineers EDU

WELCOME TO BACKYARD ENGINEERS! Create the ultimate catapult and launch water balloons at your neighbors! Customize different mechanical elements of the catapult, manipulating movement, accuracy, range, and damage to drench even the most evasive of targets. Each level of the...

Price: Free Developer: Filament Games
Backyard Phonics Adventure

Backyard Phonics Adventure

You ready for some backyard fun? We will climb trees, make collections inside of jars and explore new things. Backyard Phonics Adventure was designed by a kindergarten teacher with both students and teachers in mind. It uses letters and...

Price: Free Developer: HAVOC
Backyard Phonics Adventure - Full Version

Backyard Phonics Adventure - Full Version

You ready for some backyard fun? We will climb trees, make collections inside of jars and explore new things. Backyard Phonics Adventure was designed by a kindergarten teacher with both students and teachers in mind. It uses letters and...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: HAVOC
Monty's Backyard Adventure

Monty's Backyard Adventure

**Highly Recommend and 4.5/5 stars from** **Highly Recommended by Common Sense Media that says “it’s a darling dog game that will delight kids as they learn!”** Meet Monty! Preschoolers will play and learn with seven games designed for them...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Monty the Adventure Dog LLC
BYB Remote

BYB Remote

Do you have a project that requires TTL signals? Are you tired of having to plug in your Function Generator? Would you like to remotely enable your project? Well... You are in luck! Backyard Brains has your...

Price: Free Developer: Backyard Brains
Spike Recorder

Spike Recorder

Let’s face it. The brain is complex, but it is extremely fascinating. To study the brain, you typically have to be a graduate student at a major university. But not any more! Backyard Brains enables everyone to be...

Price: Free Developer: Backyard Brains


Welcome to the future of neuroscience! Over the past ten years, optogenetics has become one of the most exciting methodologies in neuroscience. With this app, you can control a Red LED from an optogenetic microscope rig: the Opto Stimmer from...

Price: Free Developer: Backyard Brains
Aussie Bird Count

Aussie Bird Count

BirdLife Australia has created the Aussie Backyard Bird Count app for you to take part in Australia’s first nationwide bird survey. For one week each year near the end of October, as part of National Bird Week, join thousands...

Price: Free Developer: BirdLife Australia Ltd.


Backyard Kiwi - is a community driven kiwi recovery project, trapping kiwi predators, releasing adult kiwi, and enhancing kiwi habitat through community managed pest control. Backyard Kiwi operates an effective kiwi predator trapping programme over much of the...

Price: Free Developer: Donald Hellyer
Little Farmers for Kids

Little Farmers for Kids

In Little Farmers your kids can drive real 3D tractors, plow the fields, plant corn, wheat and sunflowers seeds and gather them with the big harvester! Your kids will be able to run a real farm and experience the...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Fox and Sheep GmbH
Animal Farm Friends

Animal Farm Friends

A sensational story that gets your toddlers learning to COUNT from 1 to 10 ! ! ! FREE & packed with gorgeous animations of friendly animals & interactive activities Farm Friends: First Numbers and Animals; teaches kids to...

Price: Free Developer: Kids Games Club by TabTale
FarmYard Free

FarmYard Free

FarmYard Free is the fun and free farmyard app for everyone, and an introduction to the complete FarmYard Fun app. For small kids there is a Playtime section which lets them easily play and interact with the farm animals. For...

Price: Free Developer: Kathrin Brock
Shapes & colors games for baby boys and girls 2+

Shapes & colors games for baby boys and girls 2+

No in-app purchase or third-party advertising allow you and your kids to discover without any interruption. Enjoy a playful game for preschoolers! Our fox version features 3 mini-games that they can enjoy with their parents. Made with care, this game...

Learn to read and write the vowels in Spanish - Preschool learning games

Learn to read and write the vowels in Spanish - Preschool learning games

It is so easy to learn the vowels in Spanish with this app. It has lots of fun games. It is very interactive. You can have fun solving puzzles or coloring. It is safe for children. Easy to use....

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Angel Arcas
Learn to read and write the vowels in Spanish - Preschool learning games - iPhone

Learn to read and write the vowels in Spanish - Preschool learning games - iPhone

It is so easy to learn the vowels in Spanish with this app. It has lots of fun games. It is very interactive. You can have fun solving puzzles or coloring. It is safe for children. Easy to use....

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Angel Arcas
Gloverspiece Mini Farm

Gloverspiece Mini Farm

Gloverspiece is a school with a real difference. Based in rural Worcestershire it is an idyllic location to provide a unique educational experience. Our aim is to help children with challenging needs take steps forward. Our children’s goals are not...

Price: Free Developer: Gloverpiece Mini Farm
Learn to read and write the vowels - Preschool 2+

Learn to read and write the vowels - Preschool 2+

It is so easy to learn the vowels with this educational app made for children who are starting to learn how to read. A group of teachers has developed this app adapting it to the interactive format and methodology...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Angel Arcas
M21 Farm

M21 Farm

Wow! milk comes from cows and eggs come from chickens?! Explore the farm to find where other foods we eat come from. Help the farmer collect food items from around the farm and place them in the market stand...

Price: Free Developer: VINCI Education Corporation
Być jak Ignacy - komiks

Być jak Ignacy - komiks

Być jak Ignacy - seria interaktywnych komiksów Gdy oglądamy stare zdjęcia, z których patrzą na nas dystyngowani panowie i eleganckie damy w długich sukniach, trudno jest nam wyobrazić sobie, że byli kiedyś dziećmi. Tymczasem oni, tak jak każdy z nas,...

Price: Free Developer: 1connect
Choice Boards

Choice Boards

Choice Boards is a simple but useful communication app. It is designed for children and adults with autism (ASD) or other conditions that make communication difficult. Can be used as a form of Augmentative and Alternate Communication (AAC). ***** Polish...

Price: Free Developer: Lukasz Wroczynski
Plan Lekcji - dla RODZICA

Plan Lekcji - dla RODZICA

Jeśli masz dzieci w wieku szkolnym i CIĄGLE SIĘ ZASTANAWIASZ: • Na którą godzinę mają dziś do szkoły? • O której godzinie kończą zajęcia? • Dlaczego nie ma ich jeszcze w domu? Czyżbym zapomniał o jakiś zajęciach dodatkowych? • Czy...

Price: Free Developer: Krzysztof Lech
Dzierzgoń - włącz wyobraźnię

Dzierzgoń - włącz wyobraźnię

Mapy nigdy nie mieszczą się w kieszeni a przewodniki zajmują dużo miejsca w plecaku... Dlatego stworzyliśmy aplikację mobilną, która spełnia obie te funkcje. Stawiamy na empiryczne poznawanie przestrzeni... na edukację przez doświadczanie. Odkryj na nowo miejsca, które wielokrotnie mijałeś,...

Price: Free Developer: Emilia Sklucka
Bajki na dobranoc HD

Bajki na dobranoc HD

Czy Twoje dzieci proszą o bajki kiedy kładą się spać? Czy znudziły je już stare książki z bajkami, które trzymasz na półkach? Ta aplikacja daje Ci wybór rozmaitych ilustrowanych bajek na dobranoc, które twoje dziecko pokocha. Naszym głównym celem jest...

Price: Free Developer: Lisbon Labs
Biblia na co dzień

Biblia na co dzień

Biblia na co dzień jest przeniesieniem na inną platformę ukazującej się co roku książki Z Biblią na co dzień. Niezależnie od zewnętrznej formy, taka publikacja jest zawsze zachętą do wędrówki z Biblią przez cały rok. O naszym życiu często...

Price: Free Developer: Karol Sliwka
Wozy strażackie i inne pojazdy ratunkowe

Wozy strażackie i inne pojazdy ratunkowe

Jadące na sygnale pojazdy ratunkowe często intrygują dzieci. Pytają one nie raz, skąd oraz dokąd pędzą te auta, dlaczego tak się śpieszą i czemu właściwie muszą być takie głośne. To interaktywne wydawnictwo sprawi, że ambulanse czy wozy strażackie nie...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: PGS Software S.A.


Aplikacja #zanimzaczniesz pomoże Ci sprawdzić pomysł na biznes i przygotować się do założenia firmy. Jeżeli chcesz prowadzić firmę, ale nie wiesz, za co się zabrać, to zawarte w aplikacji porady pomogą Ci krok po kroku przejść cały etap. Od...

Price: Free Developer: Mateusz Glanert
Studia MBA w Polsce

Studia MBA w Polsce

MBA Portal – pierwsza w Polsce aplikacja poświęcona studiom MBA. Dzięki niej będziesz na bieżąco z informacjami i wydarzeniami ze świata Master of Business Administration w naszym kraju i nie tylko. W ramach aplikacji oferujemy dostęp do : -...

Price: Free Developer: D2B Sp. z o.o.

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