Top 40 Education Apps Like Basis Dua - Smeekbeden in Arabisch en Nederlands - Best Alternatives

Basis Dua - Smeekbeden in Arabisch en Nederlands Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Basis Dua - Smeekbeden in Arabisch en Nederlands alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Basis Dua - Smeekbeden in Arabisch en Nederlands. Pick one from this list to be your new Basis Dua - Smeekbeden in Arabisch en Nederlands app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Basis Dua - Smeekbeden in Arabisch en Nederlands on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Basis Dua - Smeekbeden in Arabisch en Nederlands - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Basis Dua - Smeekbeden in Arabisch en Nederlands alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Basis Dua - Smeekbeden in Arabisch en Nederlands 2025.

Chemical Basis of Life

Chemical Basis of Life

“Chemical Basis of Life” is an interactive app for students to learn about Chemical Basis of Life, nutrients, carbohydrates, function of fats, functions of proteins, functions of water in an easy and engrossing way by visualizing the colorful images....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Examentraining – Basis Marifonie

Examentraining – Basis Marifonie

Met de iPhone app ‘Examentraining Basis Marifonie’ kunt u oefenen voor het examen voor het Basiscertificaat Marifonie. Het Basiscertificaat Marifonie is het officiele bedieningscertificaat om een binnenvaart marifoon te kunnen gebruiken. Dit bedieningscertificaat heeft u nodig als u...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Promanent b.v.
MijnHoogwaterstanden Basis

MijnHoogwaterstanden Basis

Met de app MijnHoogwaterstanden Gratis kunt u informatie en automatische alarmering over actuele en verwachte waterstanden ontvangen voor vijf standaard locaties in Nederland. We maken hierbij gebruik van metingen en waterstandsverwachtingen zoals deze door Rijkswaterstaat worden opgesteld en beschikbaar...

Price: Free Developer: HKV lijn in water


This educational SOOS HALL app for LEARN SOFIA is targeted to students, teachers and teacher trainers, as it features designs for independent learning. Becoming an independent learner is the ultimate goal of education. In the classroom, my...

Price: Free Developer: Sofia Kind
Electricity Pricing+ UnitsCalc

Electricity Pricing+ UnitsCalc

Calculate Electricity of Air Conditions, Refrigerator,.Fans, Light, Heater, Iron, Washing Machine and Total Home Bill Cost + Units. This app is a gift for all Electrical / Electronics Engineering graduates / Electrician Workers and students. Now you don't need to...

Price: Free Developer: Brianna Miller
for MINI 4WD fans

for MINI 4WD fans

FAN CLUB UNIVERSITY This ultimate fan club app for Mini 4WD fans features a university of knowledge with fun quizzes about your favorite celebrity and all the best social network chatter. Do you want to get a masters degree in Mini...

Price: Free Developer: Sofia Kind
Quantum Galaxies AR

Quantum Galaxies AR

Quantum Galaxies AR requires compatibility with iOS AR. Use a second device to display a control character to the AR camera. Or, print to page from a single device (see screen shot). The Apple Store has a...

Price: Free Developer: Jonathan Jerke
Mobile USOS UŁ

Mobile USOS UŁ

Mobile USOS is the only official mobile application developed by the USOS team of programmers. USOS is the University Study System used at many universities in Poland. Each university has its own version of the Mobile USOS, depending on...

Price: Free Developer: Uniwersytet Łódzki
Daily GK & Current Affairs

Daily GK & Current Affairs

These daily GK (General Awareness), current affairs and business questions, given in the form of a sample quiz, are ideal for all those who are preparing for various competitive exams like CTET, CSAT, CWE Bank PO-MT, clerks. Besides that...

Price: Free Developer: Instock Inc.
Dua e Qunoot Offline MP3 &Text

Dua e Qunoot Offline MP3 &Text

Dua Al Qunoot Offline (AlQunoot MP3 & tEXT). دعاء القنوت بدون نت . دعاء القنوت مكتوب دعاء القنوت مكتوب بدون نت دعاء القنوت في صلاة الصبح دعاء القنوت بدون نت دعاء القنوت بصوت سعد الغامدي دعاء القنوت‎ al qunoot al qunoot offline dua al qunoot qunoot al witr ahmad sulaiman al...

Price: Free Developer: Abdulkarim Nasir
Learn Dua e Qunoot

Learn Dua e Qunoot

Learn Dua-e-Qunoot is an Islamic Learning Application for Muslim kids with word by word recitation, translation and transliteration. Dua-e-Qunoot is a supplication recited in Salat to seek refuge from calamities and ask for Allah’s blessings, and thus it’s important...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 & Translation

Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 & Translation

Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 & Translation Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 & Translation application is designed for Muslims who wants to learn this Importan Dua. It is easier for kids to learn dua qunoot Arabic with this...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Asad Khan
Islamic Dua and Azkar

Islamic Dua and Azkar

Dua (supplication) is one of the most excellent forms of worship in Islam, one of the deeds most beloved to Allah (SWT), one of the best gifts that a Muslim can give to another and one of the most...

Price: Free Developer:
Dua O Azkar

Dua O Azkar

The essence of the religion lies in the embrace and remembrance of the Allah. Importantly, the Dhikir of Allah helps us pave our way towards guidance and true happiness. Allah’s guidance covers followers and preach of Islam as the...

Price: Free Developer: Mujadidia Inc
Kids Dua Now - Daily Islamic Duas for Kids of Age 3-12

Kids Dua Now - Daily Islamic Duas for Kids of Age 3-12

Kids Dua Now is an Islamic Learning app for kids to learn daily Duas. This interactive App is designed for Muslim kids and toddlers to facilitate them with the basics of Duas that are core part of Al Quran....

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 and Translation

Learn Dua e Qunoot with Mp3 and Translation

Now You can easily learn Dua e Qunoot with beautiful mp3 audio voice. This app helps you read the text of the supplication as well as facilitates you in listening to the Dua e Qunoot. It also contains English,Urdu Translation...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Naeem
Muslim Dua

Muslim Dua

Muslim Dua - 40 Rabanas, Eat/Drink, Prayer, Forgiveness, Hajj,Funeral/Grave,Fasting/Ramadan, Rain, Dressing With MP3 Audio and Translation Muslim Dua is a smart application. It is comprised of beneficial Islamic Duas, which have been categorized into 18 major duas and azkar. This...

Price: Free Developer: Rehan Ahmad
Dua-e-Qunoot & Islamic Surah

Dua-e-Qunoot & Islamic Surah

Dua e Qunoot with 15 Surahs is an all in one app in which Muslims can Read: Dua e Qunoot, Ayat ul Kursi, Last 15 Surahs of Quran, and 99 Names of Allah ( Asma ul Husna ), 6...

Price: Free Developer: usman hamid
Learn Dua e Qunoot MP3 & More

Learn Dua e Qunoot MP3 & More

The Only App with Word by Word Tutoring Feature to Learn Dua e Qunoot, 99 Names of Allah, Short Surahs of Quran, 6 Kalmas, Ayat ul Kursi, & Daily Islamic Duas. Dua-e-Qunoot is an Islamic App, which is designed to...

Price: Free Developer: Cyber Designz
Oemrah & Hadj

Oemrah & Hadj

Deze app legt uit hoe iemand stapsgewijs de Oemrah en Hadj kan verrichten volgens de Soennah van de Profeet (vrede zij met hem). De benodigde verzen en smeekbeden zijn als geluidsfragmenten in de app te benaderen en kunnen herhaaldelijk...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting as-Soennah
Education in Nutrition Listen

Education in Nutrition Listen

Welcome to the Education in Nutrition Listen App. The Education in Nutrition Listen app connects you to your Education in Nutrition library of on-demand recordings. Create your own playlist and download to listen offline on mobile, tablet or in your car. Practical,...

Price: Free Developer: Education in Nutrition Pty Ltd
UEL MA Leadership in Education ET7734

UEL MA Leadership in Education ET7734

This is the University of East London MA Leadership in Education module ET7734 ‘Reflecting upon leadership in Education’. In order to access the content you will need to enrol on the MA Leadership in Education at UEL. ...

Price: Free Developer: AppShed
Indiana IN BMV Driving Test

Indiana IN BMV Driving Test

The Best Complete Drivers Education App for Driver License Permit Test with videos and official tutorial handbooks. This is your one-stop prep app for your driver license needs in Indiana BMV. Whether you need a regular Driver License,...

Price: Free Developer: Roy Dimayuga
Cracks in the Ice

Cracks in the Ice

Key information areas include: 1. Get the facts about Ice a. What is ice? b. How many people use ice? c. Why do people use ice? d. What are the laws about ice? 2. What are the...

Price: Free Developer: Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use
Far East-In the Wardrobe

Far East-In the Wardrobe

Vivid pictures stimulate your children’s interest in bilingual learning and reading. Introduces children to favorite desserts, snacks, and foods in restaurant and at home, in Chinese and English with colorful animation and playful sound effects. Plus an...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Far East Book Co., Ltd.
Sicher in Alltag und Beruf!

Sicher in Alltag und Beruf!

Mit dieser kostenlosen App greifen Sie unkompliziert und schnell auf die Audios und Videos von Sicher in Alltag und Beruf! zu. Mit der neuen Bibliotheksfunktion verwalten Sie jetzt selbst die Inhalte zu allen verfügbaren Büchern. Die Sicher in Alltag und...

Price: Free Developer: Hueber Verlag
Speak Chinese in English for Fun

Speak Chinese in English for Fun

☆Anyone who knows English can learn mandarin Chinese easily with this app! No need to learn Pinyin, you simply read the English words below the Chinese words, and soon you'll be speaking mandarin Chinese.(For example, 'Knee how' is the...

Price: Free Developer: Macim
In-Kind Pro Donor

In-Kind Pro Donor

Let you donors do the work of tracking their volunteer activity. Create templates and set prices and track in-kind donations in real time

Price: Free Developer: In-Kind Pro, LLC
Alive In Christ Lutheran

Alive In Christ Lutheran

Welcome to the official Alive In Christ Lutheran Church, Columbia MO app! Check out all kinds of interesting content, including audio sermons, calendar of events, Bible reading plans, and live streaming of services. You can also find ways to...

Price: Free Developer: Alive In Christ Lutheran Church
Artists in Rhythm

Artists in Rhythm

The official Artists in Rhythm app allows you to easily sign up for lessons, fill out forms and sign contracts as well as talk to to other students right within the app. You'll be able to listen to some...

Price: Free Developer: Artists In Rhythm Academy
DaFür Arabisch-Deutsch  Wortschatztrainer

DaFür Arabisch-Deutsch Wortschatztrainer

Sie möchten sich in einer Behörde, beim Arzt oder beim Einkaufen verständigen und den Wortschatz lernen, der für Ihre Alltagssituationen wichtig ist? Mit dem Wortschatztrainer Arabisch-Deutsch lernen Sie genau die Begriffe, die Sie in diesen Situationen brauchen! Die App...

Price: Free Developer: EUROKEY Software GmbH
Leer Arabisch

Leer Arabisch

Al-Yaqeen lanceert een app om Arabisch te leren. Deze nieuwe app van al-Yaqeen geeft ondersteuning bij het leren van de Arabische taal. Je kunt alle letters raadplegen en beluisteren. Door middel van animatie zie je hoe de letters worden geschreven....

Price: Free Developer: Stichting as-Soennah
De Koran

De Koran

“De interpretatie van de betekenissen van de Koran” van Aboe Ismail en Studenten is nu als app verkrijgbaar. Middels deze app word je de mogelijkheid geboden om deze “koranvertaling” overal en wanneer je maar wilt te raadplegen. De app...

Price: Free Developer: Stichting as-Soennah


easyTEACHER ist die App, die Ihnen bei der Vorbereitung auf die theoretische Fahrerlaubnisprüfung hilft. easyTEACHER bietet Ihnen einen Lernmodus und einen Prüfmodus nach amtlichen Vorgaben an. Sie können gezielt nach Themen lernen. Neben allen amtlichen Führerscheinklassen beinhaltet die App die...

Price: Free Developer: admigro media GmbH
Deutschkurs für Anfänger - App zum Buch

Deutschkurs für Anfänger - App zum Buch

Diese App ergänzt das Buch »Deutschkurs für Anfänger: Farbig illustrierter Sprachkurs für Deutsch als Fremdsprache« (ISBN 978-3-95744-563-6). Sie können sich hier alle Vokabeln und Wendungen aus dem Buch als Audio-Augabe auf Deutsch anhören und sehen zusätzlich die Übersetzung in...

Price: Free Developer: Lingolia
Oriolus Deutsch Mathematik DaZ

Oriolus Deutsch Mathematik DaZ

Das Oriolus Dreifachpaket für Deutsch als Zweitsprache umfasst zum Einen das große, in zehn Sprachen vertonte Lernprogramme "Deutsch als neue Sprache lernen". Darin wird beginnend mit dem Erlernen der lateinischen Buchstaben und Lauten ein Wortschatz von etwa 800 Wörtern...

Price: Free Developer: Orioles Lernprogramme GmbH
Schlaumäuse - Gutenberg

Schlaumäuse - Gutenberg

Mit der Lernsoftware "Schlaumäuse" können fünf- bis siebenjährige Kinder selbstständig die Welt der Sprache entdecken. Die übersichtliche Struktur und die einfache Bedienung der Software sowie die stete Begleitung durch die beiden Protagonisten Lingo und Lette machen es den Kindern...

Price: Free Developer: Helliwood media & education
Schlaumäuse - Im Land der Sprache

Schlaumäuse - Im Land der Sprache

Mit der Lernsoftware "Schlaumäuse" können fünf- bis siebenjährige Kinder selbstständig die Welt der Sprache entdecken. Die übersichtliche Struktur und die einfache Bedienung der Software sowie die stete Begleitung durch die beiden Protagonisten Lingo und Lette machen es den Kindern...

Price: Free Developer: Helliwood media & education
Schlaumäuse - Wörtersee

Schlaumäuse - Wörtersee

Mit der Lernsoftware "Schlaumäuse" können fünf- bis siebenjährige Kinder selbstständig die Welt der Sprache entdecken. Die übersichtliche Struktur und die einfache Bedienung der Software sowie die stete Begleitung durch die beiden Protagonisten Lingo und Lette machen es den Kindern...

Price: Free Developer: Helliwood media & education

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