Top 38 Education Apps Like FlyGo VOR+ILS (IFR) Instructor - Best Alternatives

FlyGo VOR+ILS (IFR) Instructor Alternatives

Do you want to find the best FlyGo VOR+ILS (IFR) Instructor alternatives for iOS? We have listed 38 Education apps that are similar to FlyGo VOR+ILS (IFR) Instructor. Pick one from this list to be your new FlyGo VOR+ILS (IFR) Instructor app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FlyGo VOR+ILS (IFR) Instructor on your iOS devices.

Top 38 Apps Like FlyGo VOR+ILS (IFR) Instructor - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FlyGo VOR+ILS (IFR) Instructor alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 38 similar apps like FlyGo VOR+ILS (IFR) Instructor 2025.

FlyGo HSI (IFR) Instructor

FlyGo HSI (IFR) Instructor

Horizontal Situation Indicator is one of the most complex radio navigation instruments that every pilots should be familiar with. Thus, we developed a simple and effective aviation application for IFR pilots and students to learn and practise instrument flying...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Flygo-Aviation Ltd
FlyGo IFR Trainer - All in 1

FlyGo IFR Trainer - All in 1

This new generation FlyGo training system brings you all IFR essentials in 1 App: procedure simulator, HSI, RMI, VOR-ILS avionics trainer, holding pattern secrets & more. Flying by instrument flight rules (IFR) is not an easy thing to learn for...

Price: Free Developer: Flygo-Aviation Ltd
PPL Exam & Study - EASA & FAA

PPL Exam & Study - EASA & FAA

Use this powerful tool to achieve your PPL & LAPL aviation exam with the best results. It's more than a PPL & LAPL handbook or a simle PPL quiz: FlyGo e-learning system is a smart combination of test preparation...

Price: Free Developer: Flygo-Aviation Ltd
ADF + RMI (IFR) Instructor

ADF + RMI (IFR) Instructor

ADF + RMI Instructor This FlyGo-Aviation application is made for IFR pilots and students to learn and practice instrument flying with ADF and RMI instruments. It's an interactive learning system with useful flying practices, inspired by FlyGo's co-operative flying...

Price: Free Developer: Flygo-Aviation Ltd
IFR Holding Pattern Trainer

IFR Holding Pattern Trainer

Holding Pattern (IFR) Instructor is specially made for IFR pilots and students to better understand how to manage holdings as one of the most complex IFR procedures. This app provides significant insights into holding procedures as an educational method...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Flygo-Aviation Ltd
AirSpeed + HUD

AirSpeed + HUD

AirSpeed + HUD This FlyGoo application is a complex speed measuring equipment for pilots. It looks the same and works similar to an aircraft instrument with some extras like Head Up Display "HUD". Features: - Ground Speed indicator - Air Speed...

Price: Free Developer: Flygo-Aviation Ltd
IFR Flight Trainer Simulator

IFR Flight Trainer Simulator

Flying by instrument flight rules (IFR) is not an easy thing to learn for flight students. By IFR Flight Trainer Simulator aviation students and pilots will develop and improve their instrument navigation understanding and accuracy. The app is...

Price: Free Developer: Flygo-Aviation Ltd
VOR Tracker - IFR Nav Trainer

VOR Tracker - IFR Nav Trainer

VOR Tracker is a small but powerful training tool for pilots. It is the only one of its kind for the iPhone & iPad, providing the real aircraft feel which the other apps are missing! VOR Tracker is a real...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Karsten Heiland
Fliehen vor dem Holocaust

Fliehen vor dem Holocaust

Die App „Fliehen vor dem Holocaust. Meine Begegnung mit Geflüchteten“ erschließt über das Medium Film einen Zugang zu diesen historischen Erfahrungen. Sie kann sowohl im Unterricht als auch in der Jugendarbeit oder individuell genutzt werden. Für Lehrpersonen steht ein...

Price: Free Developer: _erinnern.at_
VOR Radials Intersection

VOR Radials Intersection

Intersection courses and the turn anticipations to intersect a VOR radial. Determines the courses and the turn anticipation required to intersect a VOR radial at a given DME from the station. It accounts for the bank angle and the ground...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Luis Moura


Determines the anticipations to enter and to exit a VOR/DME arc. The arc is defined by the DME, by two radials (in and out) and a direction; clockwise or anticlockwise. Entering or exiting the arc can be done inbound...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Luis Moura
VOR Trainer

VOR Trainer

Do you want to be a proficient pilot? or just learn a new skill? Practice VOR holdings and radial interception! Very easy to use! Excellent tool for instrument flying practice!

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Ricardo Scheidegger
ABC Trenul Alfabet

ABC Trenul Alfabet

ABC Trenul Alfabet este abecedarul interactiv pentru copii preșcolari de la 2 la 7 ani. Varianta gratuită a jocului oferă accesul la primele 12 litere mari și mici ale alfabetului limbii române urmând ca, dacă micuțului îi face plăcere să...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia


În micul sat din vârful dealului câțiva țărani abia așteaptă vizita copilului tău. Fiecare are câte o poveste de spus și cu siguranță vă vor conduce copiii cu drag și veselie prin cele patru anotimpuri. Fie că vor îngheța...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Ucenicul Bucătar

Ucenicul Bucătar

Dragostea copiilor pentru gătit nu se termină niciodată! Cu iarbă și noroi, cu bile de plastic și cutii de pantofi, cu apă de mare, nisip și alge, în orice împrejurare copiii se vor distra bucătărind. Am creat această aplicație...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Simulator Tutorials - Microsoft Flight Simulator Edition

Simulator Tutorials - Microsoft Flight Simulator Edition

Microsoft Flight Simulator is used by enthusiasts and pilots around the World. It has so many real life uses and its great fun. This app has 114 tuitional and informative videos to get you up and running. Lessons...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Mein ILS

Mein ILS

Mein ILS – das mobile Online-Studienzentrum für Ihr ILS-Fernstudium! Mit einem Klick alles im Blick: „Mein ILS“ ist der mobile Zugang zu den wichtigsten Funktionen des Online-Studienzentrums (OSZ), mit der tagesaktuellen Notenübersicht auf der Startseite. Die einmalige Anmeldung mit Ihren...

Price: Free Developer: ILS - Institut für Lernsysteme GmbH
ILS Cards

ILS Cards

La Méthode ILS – la formation sur-mesure d’Audencia Chers dirigeants, votre temps est précieux. Audencia a créé une application sur-mesure, proactive et évolutive pour vous présenter, en 5 minutes, les clés d’une posture managériale efficace et performante. Dès que vous avez un...

Price: Free Developer: Pangone
ILS Lockwood

ILS Lockwood

Welcome to the Immanuel Lutheran School mobile app! Immanuel Lutheran School is a caring and loving Christian learning community where a high standard of academics challenges each student to personal excellence and by planting and nourishing the saving Gospel of...

Price: Free Developer: Immanuel Lutheran Church and School (Lockwood)
ils for all devices

ils for all devices

This application offer the same capability of library OPAC for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. User can search books, reserve books , view user's current borrowing, and renew current checked out.

Price: Free Developer: Insignia Software Corporation
ILS Alpha iPad

ILS Alpha iPad

Stream voice and control all aspects of Alpha from your iPad.

Price: Free Developer: Inclusive Learning Systems Ltd
grafolino Rumantsch

grafolino Rumantsch

grafolino è in sistem nov per mussar ed emprender a moda cumplessiva a furmar ina scrittira a maun che sa cunfa cun las midadas da nossa cultura. Il concept vegn cumplettà tras in accumpagnament metodic che è independent da...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Juerg Keller
LS - Sciences 2

LS - Sciences 2

Chapitre 1- La planète Terre - Les êtres vivants dans leur environnement : 1. Qu’est-ce que le système solaire ? – 2. Comment la Terre s’est-elle formée ? – 3. Les conditions de vie sur Terre – 4. Découvrons...

Price: Free Developer: Éditions JOCATOP
Schoolife mobile

Schoolife mobile

Schoolife mobile permet aux parents d'élèves d'être informés en temps réel sur toutes les activités qui ont lieu au sein de l'établissement notamment concernant leurs enfants; ils ont ainsi la possibilité d'être informé de façon instantanée sur: 1- Les...

Price: Free Developer: Fagiciel SARL
FAA IFR Instrument Rating Prep

FAA IFR Instrument Rating Prep

Spend less time studying and more time flying! This is the FAA Instrument Rating (IFR) version of GroundSchool, our FAA knowledge (written) test preparation featuring up-to-date questions, free updates, and illustrated explanations written by a professional team of pilot...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Dauntless Software
Easy IFR Nav Trainer

Easy IFR Nav Trainer

A simple and easy way to learn and practice IFR flying. We offer this simulator for pilots to get experience about IFR flight navigation. It provides unlimited IFR procedures by letting users to set up any variation of: Navigation aids Aircraft...

Price: Free Developer: Free-Flight-Aviation Ltd.
IFR Instrument Rating HELI

IFR Instrument Rating HELI

Are you pursing an Instrument Rating for Helicopter? RideReady will help make you confident and ready for your FAA HELICOPTER IFR Practical Test / Checkride (that combination of flight test and oral quizzing when you will have to go...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Dauntless Software
IFR Procedures

IFR Procedures

We can guarantee that this App is going to become one of your most cherished aviation tools. In this App we will be discussing every possible aspect of the IFR environment: from making the go no-go decision to executing...

Price: USD 139.99 Developer: PTS-GS LLC
FAA CFI Flight Instructor Prep

FAA CFI Flight Instructor Prep

Spend less time studying and more time flying! This is the FAA Flight and Ground Instructor (CFI) version of GroundSchool, our FAA knowledge (written) test preparation featuring up-to-date questions, free updates, and illustrated explanations written by a professional team...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Dauntless Software
FAA Sport Pilot Instructor

FAA Sport Pilot Instructor

Spend less time studying and more time flying! This is the FAA Sport Pilot INSTRUCTOR/EXAMINER version of GroundSchool, our FAA knowledge (written) test preparation featuring up-to-date questions, free updates, and illustrated explanations written by a professional team of pilot...

Price: USD 44.99 Developer: Dauntless Software
Instructor - Learner Progress

Instructor - Learner Progress

Instructor is the perfect app for driving instructors and their students alike. Through a simple and easy-to-use interface, tracking pupil progress is easier than ever! Driving instructors can simply add a student and start tracking student progress straight away on...

Price: Free Developer: Adam Foot
Flight Instructor Checkride

Flight Instructor Checkride

Using a question-and-answer format, Flight Instructor Checkride lists the questions most likely to be asked by examiners during the last step in the flight instructor certification process – the Practical Exam – and provides succinct, ready responses. Instructor applicants...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: ASA
Fire and Emergency Services Instructor 8th Edition Exam Prep Plus

Fire and Emergency Services Instructor 8th Edition Exam Prep Plus

Prepare for your certification exams while on the go! Exam Prep Plus is a portable, interactive version of our print Exam Prep product and contains 511 questions. Create a custom exam by choosing any of the 17...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: IFSTA
Blackboard Instructor

Blackboard Instructor

Blackboard Instructor is Blackboard's newest mobile solution that helps instructors and those in teaching roles manage courses, mark assignments, communicate with learners and quickly complete administrative tasks. With Blackboard Instructor, you can: - Preview course content and assessments -...

Price: Free Developer: Blackboard Inc.
NetExam Instructor App

NetExam Instructor App

The NetExam Instructor App was designed specifically for NetExam Instructors to help them manage their instructor-led-training courses they are assigned to teach from their iPhones. Using this app they will be able access details about the classes they are...

Price: Free Developer: MediaDefined
Fire Instructor 7.0

Fire Instructor 7.0

Knightlite's Fire And Emergency Services Instructor Study Helper is a powerful study tool to help firefighters prepare for their promotional exams. It's based on "Fire And Emergency Services Instructor" 7th Edition. Our time-tested software is a comprehensive study system...

Price: USD 31.99 Developer: Knightlite Software LLC
Pocket Instructor

Pocket Instructor

Prepare to pass your practical driving test with this helpful, fully illustrated resource. Pocket Instructor is an extensive library of information to help you reflect upon skills you learn on your driving lessons. Written by an approved driving Instructor, the topics...

Price: Free Developer: chris thompson

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