Top 25 Education Apps Like Autismo iHelp – Clasificar - Best Alternatives

Autismo iHelp – Clasificar Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Autismo iHelp – Clasificar alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Education apps that are similar to Autismo iHelp – Clasificar. Pick one from this list to be your new Autismo iHelp – Clasificar app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Autismo iHelp – Clasificar on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like Autismo iHelp – Clasificar - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Autismo iHelp – Clasificar alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like Autismo iHelp – Clasificar 2025.

ABC Autismo

ABC Autismo

ABC AUTISMO - Um mundo de atividades coloridas e pedagógicas para realizar e curtir! A diversão para os pequenos começa agora com o jogo ABC Autismo! Utilizando fundamentos da metodologia TEACCH tem como objetivo auxiliar no processo de aprendizagem...

Price: Free Developer: Monica Ximenes


With this app you can get all the information during the IV International Autism Congress to be held in Murcia on 23, 24 and 25 March 2017

Price: Free Developer: Mobimento Mobile S.L.
The Fluffs are moving houses

The Fluffs are moving houses

"The Fluffs are moving houses", a story with pictograms specifically designed for Visual Learners. This application of the story "The Fluffs are moving houses" will allow all children to have fun adapted with their needs. An interactive story with...

Price: Free Developer: Santiago Gonzalez Rua
Linkaut App

Linkaut App

Link@ut organizza percorsi formativi per le persone che lavorano presso strutture che offrono prodotti e servizi affinché questi possano essere adatti anche alle persone con autismo: alberghi, ristoranti, supermercati, studi dentistici e medici, parrucchieri, negozi di abbigliamento, squadre sportive,...

Price: Free Developer: Linkaut Srl


Se trata de un videojuego que busca fomentar el aprendizaje de niños con autismo, haciendo especial hincapié en el carácter lúdico. Todo esto a través de una experiencia inmersiva en un mundo 3D, compuesto por tres islas con temática propia...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jorge Palacio


Colegio Público de educación infantil y primaria Ángel Berzal Fernandez, ubicado en Daganzo Centro Bilingüe y preferente TGD(Trastorno Generalizado del Desarrollo)/TEA (Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo)

Price: Free Developer: Jose manuel Lozano caro


Crie seu próprio jogo e desafie outros jogadores! Baseado na abordagem da Análise Comportamental Aplicada (Applied Behavior Analysis - ABA). O aplicativo foi desenvolvido por especialistas em análise do comportamento com anos de experiência no ensino de leitura, fala e escrita....

Price: Free Developer: Luiza Guimaraes


BlueThinking es una aplicación para aprender a programar de manera sencilla e intuitiva que permite trabajar las funciones ejecutivas. Con esta aplicación se podrían abordar de manera principal, objetivos relacionados con la planificación, monitorización y resolución de problemas. Aunque se...

Price: Free Developer: Orange Spain


Este aplicativo possibilita a comunicacao através de símbolos e imagens. Desenvolvido por uma fonoaudióloga, o Comunico inclui images que ao serem pressionadas podem expressa ideas e conceitos. Crianças com autismo e adultos com dificuldade de comunicação podem agora comunicar...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
Autism iHelp – Colors SLP Edition

Autism iHelp – Colors SLP Edition

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing on...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: John Talavera
Autism iHelp – Home 2

Autism iHelp – Home 2

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: John Talavera
Autism iHelp – Opposites SLP

Autism iHelp – Opposites SLP

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing on...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: John Talavera
Autism iHelp – WH Questions

Autism iHelp – WH Questions

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing on...

Price: Free Developer: John Talavera
Autism iHelp – WH? SLP Edition

Autism iHelp – WH? SLP Edition

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by a speech-language pathologist and parents of a child with Autism. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing on...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: John Talavera
Autism iHelp - Food

Autism iHelp - Food

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: John Talavera
Autism iHelp - Home

Autism iHelp - Home

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: John Talavera
Autism iHelp – Animals

Autism iHelp – Animals

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: John Talavera
Autism iHelp – Colors

Autism iHelp – Colors

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing...

Price: Free Developer: John Talavera
Autism iHelp – Language Concepts – SLP Edition

Autism iHelp – Language Concepts – SLP Edition

Autism iHelp is a vocabulary teaching aid developed by parents of a child with Autism and a speech-language pathologist. Autism iHelp was inspired by the need for specific language intervention tools for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder focusing on...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: John Talavera


MiConta! - ¡Una nueva forma de aprender contabilidad! Si eres estudiante de colegio o de universidad, o estás empezando tu formación en el área contable, MiConta! es la aplicación perfecta para ti. MiConta! te ayudará en tus primeros pasos...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Elvin Luis Reyes Cabrera
Estructuración lenguaje

Estructuración lenguaje

Estructuración del lenguaje - Enséñame a hablar. Presentamos una aplicación para iPad y iPhone, para trabajar la estructuración del lenguaje, que complementa el trabajo del material "Enséñame a hablar". En ella podemos encontrar actividades divertidas y gratificantes para los...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Editorial GEU
Hitzak Ikasiz

Hitzak Ikasiz

Hitzak Ikasiz sirve de ayuda para aquellos que estén aprendiendo Euskera. Se trata de un juego que te muestra palabras tanto en euskera como en castellano al azar y tienes que acertar el máximo número de palabras en dos minutos. El...

Price: Free Developer: Eduardo Revilla Vaquero
MiConta! Lite

MiConta! Lite

MiConta! - ¡Una nueva forma de aprender contabilidad! Si eres estudiante de colegio o de universidad, o estás empezando tu formación en el área contable, MiConta! es la aplicación perfecta para ti. MiConta! te ayudará en tus primeros...

Price: Free Developer: Elvin Luis Reyes Cabrera


RoApp es una aplicación pensada para estudiantes de psicología y psicólogos que deseen utilizar el Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach. El Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach es una técnica proyectiva basada en la interpretación de “formas accidentales”. Constituye una prueba rica y compleja, ampliamente...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Margarita Artusi

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