Top 28 Book Apps Like Renewable Energy Sources - Best Alternatives

Renewable Energy Sources Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Renewable Energy Sources alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Book apps that are similar to Renewable Energy Sources. Pick one from this list to be your new Renewable Energy Sources app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Renewable Energy Sources on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Renewable Energy Sources - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Renewable Energy Sources alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Renewable Energy Sources 2025.

Books Guru It's Time to Read

Books Guru It's Time to Read

PDF Downloader is really cool app allow you to download directly file from web using in build browser and read off-line. Its also provide various features which really cool as ready because you can mark favorite, Bookmark, share Etc.Some...

Price: Free Developer: Raja' Ibrahim
CLZ Books - Book Database

CLZ Books - Book Database

Catalog your book collection with ease! Automatic book details and cover images. Just scan ISBN barcodes with your camera! - Free 7-day trial, then US $14.99 per year - Use our "CLZ Core" central online book database for easy adding of books: * Just...

Price: Free Developer:


Take control of your reading life. Use Leio to time your reading sessions and stay motivated. How many books did you start this year? How many did you finish? How long did it take to read them? Leio can help...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Marques
Media365 Book Reader

Media365 Book Reader

READ GREAT BOOKS FOR FREE Media365 provides an extensive list of great eBooks you can read for free. PUBLISH AND EARN MONEY Publish your work safely and earn from in-book ads. READ IN YOUR LANGUAGE Media365 contains a global catalog of eBooks...

Price: Free Developer: Media365
Bible Devotions

Bible Devotions

Be inspired, nourished and encouraged by hundreds of bible verses curated from the Old and New Testament. • Hand selected bible verses • High definition full-color images • Receive daily reminders • Share with friends and family • Select from...

Price: Free Developer: Inspirations of Christ LLC
Comics Book Animated

Comics Book Animated

Read COOL and FUN stories that we make live with Comics Book! Build your own comics by using clipart catalog or by drawing and share it with the other people! Comics Book features: + exclusive comics collection + fun animations + weekly...

Price: Free Developer: Damir Nigomedyanov
Hindu Calendar - Drik Panchang

Hindu Calendar - Drik Panchang

Panchang which is also known as Panchangam is used to denote five elements of Vedic Astrology, namely Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana and Var i.e. weekday. These five elements when combined for a day are known as Panchang. These five...

Price: Free Developer: Adarsh Apps
OOKBEE - ร้านหนังสือออนไลน์

OOKBEE - ร้านหนังสือออนไลน์

Ookbee แอปปลิเคชันอ่านอีบุ๊ค 8 ความเท่มีสไตล์ เมื่อดาวน์โหลดแอป Oobee ไว้ในเครื่อง 1. CEO หล่อมาก ไม่เชื่อเสิร์ช หมูอุ๊คบี แล้วจะรู้ว่า “อุ๊คบี” เป็นแอปที่ดีต่อใจจริงๆ #CEOหล่อบอกต่อด้วย 2. โชว์สกิลกันหน่อย อีบุ๊ค ผวนเป็นคำว่าอะไร อีบุ๊ค = อุ๊คบี ไง ทีนี้จะเท่มากเวลาโชว์สกิลถามเพื่อนว่า อุ๊คบี ผวนมาจากอะไร ซึ่งผวนมาจากอีบุ๊ค ไงเล่า เพื่อนอึ้งไปเลย 3. ปฏิเสธไม่ได้จริงๆ ว่าการถือแท็ปเล็ทที่มีอีบุ๊คขึ้นมาอ่าน มันเท่ถึงเท่มากๆ ถ้าเป็นผู้หญิงก็ดูสวยฉลาดสุดๆ เหมือนหยิบสมาร์ทโฟนมาอ่านอีบุ๊คกับหยิบมือถือขึ้นมาเล่น Social ความหล่อความสวยมันต่างกัน ถืออุ๊คบีก็เท่เช่นนี้นี่เอง 4. อุ๊คบี มีอีบุ๊คไทยให้เลือกอ่านเยอะที่สุดในประเทศ มีทุกประเภทหลากหลายให้เลือกอ่าน 5. มีหนังสือที่หาอ่านได้ตามแผงตามร้านหนังสือทั้งหมด แต่เป็นฉบับดิจิตอล มีทั้งอีบุ๊ค, อีแมกกาซีน,...

Price: Free Developer: OOKBEE LIMITED
Readdly - Best Chat Stories

Readdly - Best Chat Stories

Start reading the best chat stories and dive into a world of drama, thriller, romance and horror today! Snoop on thrilling conversations as they unfold before your eyes. If you’re a fan of short stories or up for a long...

Price: Free Developer: Andromo
Nuclear Energy and the Nuclear Energy Industry

Nuclear Energy and the Nuclear Energy Industry

The “Nuclear energy and nuclear energy industry” publication is a modern electronic publication that by engaging interpretation together with a number of interactive elements explains the basic principles and facts of the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Operation of...

Price: Free Developer: Simopt, s.r.o.
WEC India Energy Handbook

WEC India Energy Handbook

WEC India Energy Handbook is a compendium of Indian and Global energy sector. The handbook is conceptualised as a ready reference for the energy professionals, covering key energy indicators, trends, source wise electricity generation, fossil fuel prices, top producers...

Price: Free Developer: Neha Pandey
Spiritual Wallpapers & Backgrounds - Create Positive Energy

Spiritual Wallpapers & Backgrounds - Create Positive Energy

Spiritual wallpapers and backgrounds for your mobile or tablet - create positive energy! • Sacred symbols • Healing crystals • Guardian angels • Calming landscapes • Christian images THE FEATURES • Easy to use: Scroll through the images, save it, that's it! • Share with your friends...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Mario Guenther-Bruns
OGEL & TDM Law Journals

OGEL & TDM Law Journals

Published by Maris BV the OGEL and TDM law journals keep you informed about the latest developments in Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL) and Transnational Dispute Management (TDM). About OGEL: Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X) is...

Price: Free Developer: MARIS B.V.
Total Health Wellness Makeover

Total Health Wellness Makeover

A Total Health & Wellness Makeover bridges together the seemingly disparate scientific and spiritual realms through popular modern-day concepts -- dietary supplements and nutrition and the ancient chakra system -- to help people explore the every growing field of...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: mmotio
Allied Grain

Allied Grain

Allied Grain is located in Ypsilanti, ND & Barlow, ND. Markets and Futures: • Quick list of current prices grain, livestock and energy futures and market commodities relevant to agriculture • View detail and charts for current grain, livestock and energy futures and...

Price: Free Developer: iNet Solutions Group
Coloring book Mandalas for adults – relax game of meditation

Coloring book Mandalas for adults – relax game of meditation

Relax and enjoy the mandalas, will help you develop your creative side, intuitive and spiritual. They are circular images that arise from a central axis, the symmetrical patterns that emerge towards the four cardinal points. They are a symbol...

Price: Free Developer: Landay Apps
Paint & color mandalas Coloring book for adults

Paint & color mandalas Coloring book for adults

Relax and enjoy the mandalas, will help you develop your creative side, intuitive and spiritual. They are circular images that arise from a central axis, the symmetrical patterns that emerge towards the four cardinal points. They are a symbol...

Price: Free Developer: Valenapps
Tales of Mother Goddess Digest - Amar Chitra Katha

Tales of Mother Goddess Digest - Amar Chitra Katha

** Download our "India comics" App - ***Includes FREE ACK AND DIAMOND COMICS. link: *** Get the EM-Amar Chitra Katha Complete collection- 192 comic bundle and 42 comic Mahabharata complete collection bundle inapp in India Comics App at over...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: iRemedi Corp.
Welding Technology

Welding Technology

* The app is a complete free handbook of Welding Technology which covers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on the course. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for Mechanical engineering programs & degree...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
ShuBook 2P 書僕

ShuBook 2P 書僕

自動轉換中文橫排為豎排、簡體為繁體、文字為語音的讀書與聽書app首選 ShuBook 2P has all the functionalities of ShuBook 2M, plus extensive Chinese book specific features. ■ 中文書專用特色(Chinese book specific features) ① 新的圖章型中文專用控制界面:印泥紅框,內含四個帶藍字半透明按鈕,分別控制橫豎、線框、簡繁、字體的轉換;圖章本身可以自由拖動 ② 橫排與豎排的雙向轉換:原本為橫排設計的書也可以豎排(直排)讀 ③ 豎排線框:有線框為仿古線裝書風格,格調優雅;無線框為仿今平装書風格,格調簡約 ④ 簡體字與繁體字的雙向轉換:一個簡體字可能對應多個繁體字(正體字),正確轉換需要看前文後理。新算法再次提高了分析前文後理的能力,簡繁轉換的準確率繼續遠遠領先於同類軟件 ⑤ 內置三套優質字體(明體、楷體、黑體):可以在同一本書裡混合使用,例如一般文字為明體,標題為黑體,而引文或韻文(如詩詞歌賦等)為楷體,讓版面更美觀、更好讀 ⑥ 控制界面自動適應橫排與豎排:跳頁滑桿、書頁底部顯示閱讀進度幼線、翻頁手勢等的前進後退方向都一起隨橫排豎排的切換而變 ⑦ 中文書與外文書各自一套排版參數設定,互不干擾:比如中文書用楷體,對應行距要較大;外文書則用 Georgia,對應行距可較小。 ⑧ 自動產生多字體混編書:內置的碧瑪版《西遊記》示範了如何以空格符號去標記韻文或引文,以微小的增量編輯成本,得到超值的排版效果 ⑨ 支持讀者勘誤「好讀網站UPDB格式」書的整個流程:下載書本;發現錯謬,提出更正,並製作勘誤表;上傳勘誤表 ⑩ 支持自創的「書僕開放格式」,以方便用戶自己製作TXT電子書,格式簡易,效果美觀 ⑪ 支持聽書功能,適用於所有豎排中文書,可選普通話或廣東話、朗讀語速等等,關掉屏幕也可聽書 ■ READING BOOKS ① Read DRM-free and password-free books of 3 fluid-layout formats and 5 fixed-layout formats ② Read fluid-layout formats (EPUB, TXT, UPDB) in...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Ambibma Ltd.
World Book eBook

World Book eBook

The World Book eBooks platform includes a rich library of beautifully illustrated titles for all ages and interests. Are you an animal fan? Learn amazing animal factoids in the Animal Lives series! Think space is pretty cool? Become an...

Price: Free Developer: World Book, Inc.
ShuBook 2M

ShuBook 2M

ShuBook 2M is an OPDS and Calibre friendly book reader and organizer. ■ READING BOOKS ① Read DRM-free and password-free books of 3 fluid-layout formats and 5 fixed-layout formats ② Read fluid-layout formats (EPUB, TXT, UPDB) in horizontal page-turning mode ③ Read fixed-layout formats (PDF, RTF,...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Ambibma Ltd.
KyBook - EPub,FB2,PDF,DjVu Reader

KyBook - EPub,FB2,PDF,DjVu Reader

KyBook is a modern reader application for e-books. It has highly customizable and friendly interface and also: 

 Key features: 

 - EPUB, FB2, RTF, PDF, DJVU, CHM, CBR, CBZ, MP3, M4A, M4B formats - OPDS catalogs and network folders 
 - Google Books,...

Price: Free Developer: Konstantin Bukreev
Painting for Beginners

Painting for Beginners

Canvas Painting for the Beginner Never Before Revealed Information! Have you always wanted to paint but did not know the first thing about it? Have you sketched thousands of pictures in your sketch book and wanted to put them on...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Fun Science Group
Bookship - book club chat

Bookship - book club chat

Bookship is a social reading app for sharing your reading experiences with friends, family and co-workers. And now you can read select books for free right inside the app! Whether it's reading a great novel with your best friend across...

Price: Free Developer: The Hawaii Project, LLC
Manga Café, The Best Manga Reader, View & Download Online Chapters

Manga Café, The Best Manga Reader, View & Download Online Chapters

* You want to find ALL your favorite mangas in one place? Try Manga Café and its 54 sources!! Find ALL your favorite mangas, and enjoy the best manga experience on IOS! * NO Ads and NO in-app purchase! Buy...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: HLK
Noble Quran with Audio (Holy Koran in English)

Noble Quran with Audio (Holy Koran in English)

The Noble Quran, also informally known as the Hilali-Khan translation Interpretation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur'an (1999) by Darussalam (first published 1977) is translated by Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali. This translation is among the most...

Price: Free Developer: Tatsiana Shukalovich

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