Top 46 Education Apps Like Tel Aviv U Virtual Tour - Best Alternatives

Tel Aviv U Virtual Tour Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Tel Aviv U Virtual Tour alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Education apps that are similar to Tel Aviv U Virtual Tour. Pick one from this list to be your new Tel Aviv U Virtual Tour app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Tel Aviv U Virtual Tour on your iOS devices.

Top 46 Apps Like Tel Aviv U Virtual Tour - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Tel Aviv U Virtual Tour alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like Tel Aviv U Virtual Tour 2025.

Getalle Trein - leer tel in afrikaans vir kleuters

Getalle Trein - leer tel in afrikaans vir kleuters

Leer tel tot 20 op 'n pret manier: "Tel tot 20 saam met die getalle trein". Met oulike animasie, klanke en kleurvolle illustrasies, leer hierdie app jou kind om tot 20 te tel op 'n pret en interaktiewe manier. -...

AR Periodic Table of Elements

AR Periodic Table of Elements

AR App for AR Enhanced Periodic Table Presented by Tokyo Electron Introduction Tokyo Electron’s Periodic Table of Elements (Japanese and English) with augmented reality (AR) features was published in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper on July 22, 2017, as well as on...

Price: Free Developer: 東京エレクトロン株式会社
TodoExamen Test de Oposiciones

TodoExamen Test de Oposiciones

Permite a los usuarios preparar en cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento sus pruebas, exámenes y test de oposiciones. Los exámenes y test de oposiciones que están disponibles, entre otros, son: Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado Bomberos Policía Nacional Escala Básica Policía Nacional...

Price: Free Developer: Cesar Themudo Goday
Liebling haus audio

Liebling haus audio

Download the Liebling Haus Audio app, and experience unique audio tours of the house and the city. Choose one of several audio tours tailored to various audiences and interests, and learn about the architectural legacy of the UNESCO World...

Price: Free Developer: RSVP LTD
changement - das Magazin

changement - das Magazin

changement liefert Fach- und Führungskräften praxisnahe Informationen zum wirksamen Management von Veränderungsprozessen. Dabei stehen authentische Best-Practices aus Unternehmen, persönliche Change-Erfahrungen von Führungskräften sowie Methodenwissen im Vordergrund. Veränderungen sind längst vom befristeten Projekt zum Dauerthema geworden. Damit hat sich der erfolgreiche...

Price: Free Developer: Handelsblatt Fachmedien GmbH
finding J

finding J

Ein Urlaub am Mittelmeer in Tel Aviv, der Partyhauptstadt Israles ist angesagt. Du kommst am Flughafen in Tel Aviv an, der modern und groß ist. Du willst Strand und Meer und die Sonnenuntergänge genießen. Aber du wirst mehr erleben, als du dachtest...

Price: Free Developer: Lutz Neumeier
Archéo Grande Guerre

Archéo Grande Guerre

Cette application interactive vous permettra d’effectuer une visite virtuelle du site archéologique du camp du Borrieswalde, contenu complémentaire de la salle d’exposition « Archéologie de la Grande Guerre » du musée des Beaux-arts et d’Archéologie de Châlons-en-Champagne. Grâce à...

Price: Free Developer: Arnaud Martin
Autoškola -

Autoškola -

Ideální pomůcka pro žáky autoškol pro nácvik testů prováděných při zkoušce skupin A, B, B+E, C, C+E, D, D+E. APLIKACE OBSAHUJE AKTUÁLNÍ SADU VŠECH OTÁZEK Klíčové vlastnosti: -oficiální české testy na všechna řidičská oprávnění -informace o obtížnosti otázek ze statistik - nechte...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: NETservis s.r.o.
Autoškola - Free

Autoškola - Free

Ideální pomůcka pro žáky autoškol pro nácvik testů prováděných při zkoušce skupin A, B, B+E, C, C+E, D, D+E. Klíčové vlastnosti: -oficiální české testy na všechna řidičská oprávnění -informace o obtížnosti otázek ze statistik - nechte si sestavit test...

Price: Free Developer: NETservis s.r.o.
NoBoxToday - Kids Math Heroes

NoBoxToday - Kids Math Heroes

Super boost your kids math skills. Proven learning method. Inspire kids through stories of great mathematicians. Learn strong mathematical thinking. NoBoxToday is a new proven approach to kids’ mathematics. Explore math through inspiring stories about great mathematicians like Euclid, Ramanujan and...

Price: Free Developer: Cognigo


Rabbi Doniel Baron’s chinuch and kiruv efforts span two decades which include thought-provoking educational tours, seminars, programs and lectures. His flagship multimedia presentation revealing the depth of the Lashon Hakodesh has received rave reviews from audiences across Israel and...

Price: Free Developer: SHIUR CLOUD (PTY) LTD
Algebra Tycoon

Algebra Tycoon

Become a Billionaire. Invest wisely, master Algebra and become a billionaire. In this game you will learn and practice key Algebra concepts to become a master investor and expand your fortune from a few hundred dollars to billions. This will...

Price: Free Developer: Aviv Learning Inc.
Faces iMake - Right Brain Creativity

Faces iMake - Right Brain Creativity

Celebrating our FIFTH YEAR and STILL POPULAR with EDUCATORS AND FAMILIES! * TOP 10 APPS FOR KIDS * - iPad Apps for Kids * 2012 - Parents' Choice Silver Award * Picked at...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: iMagine Machine Israel LTD
Hebrew Bubble Bath PRO

Hebrew Bubble Bath PRO

Looking for the best way to learn Hebrew? Travelling to Israel and want to brush up? Hebrew is a beautiful language with a rich history. What better way to learn Hebrew than with a game? Hebrew Bubble Bath...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Overpass Limited
Museum of the Jewish People

Museum of the Jewish People

המדריך האישי שלך לתערוכות מוזיאון העם היהודי, בליווי תמונות, סרטונים ועוד ברוכים הבאים לאפליקציית האודיו גייד של מוזיאון העם היהודי בבית התפוצות. חברו אוזניות ותיהנו מהדרכה קולית לתצוגות השונות, בליווי תמונות, סרטונים ותכנים ייחודיים. באמצעות האפליקציה תוכלו ללמוד ולהכיר את...

Price: Free Developer: Espro Acoustiguide Group


U-Cursos móvil es la aplicación para iOS de la plataforma de gestión de contenidos para estudiantes y académicos de la Universidad de Chile. A través de ella podrás acceder e interactuar de manera rápida y fácil con tus servicios,...

Price: Free Developer: ADI - FCFM - U. de Chile


U-Future es la applicacion de U-Planner que permite tomar cursos en line desde tu teléfono. Usa esta aplicación mobil en conjunto con la plataforma web de U-Future.

Price: Free Developer: U-planner
U Learning

U Learning

Découvrez l'histoire du Groupement U à travers ce module de formation en ligne qui s'inscrit dans le cadre de votre parcours d'intégration au sein de la Coopérative U Enseigne ! 30 min de jeux, de contenus, de vidéos, bref...

Price: Free Developer: Cooperative U Enseigne


U-study – это уникальное приложение, которое помогает за считанные узнать результаты бумажных тестов по новому формату ЕНТ, Центром Тестирования U-study. U-study – это приложение, не имеющее аналогов в Казахстане, которое ученикам за считанные минуты получать результаты бумажного теста в...

Price: Free Developer: U-PARTNERS
Børnenes U-landskalender 2016

Børnenes U-landskalender 2016

Børnenes U-landskalender inviterer i 2016 danske børn med på en spændende rejse til Tanzania og Zanzibar. I denne app kommer skoleelever på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta, film, fotos og lyd fra Tanzania. De oplever børneliv i...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
Børnenes U-landskalender 2017

Børnenes U-landskalender 2017

Børnenes U-landskalender inviterer i 2017 danske børn med på en spændende rejse til Burkina Faso. I denne app kommer skoleelever på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta, film, fotos og lyd fra Burkina Faso. De oplever børneliv i guldminerne, livet...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
Børnenes U-landskalender 2018

Børnenes U-landskalender 2018

Børnenes U-landskalender inviterer i 2018 danske børn med på en spændende rejse, hvor de oplever Jordan og møder flygtningene fra Syrien. I denne app kommer skoleelever på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta, film, fotos og lyd fra Jordan. De...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
Børnenes U-landskalender 2019

Børnenes U-landskalender 2019

Børnenes U-landskalender 2019 inviterer i denne app danske skoleelever med på en spændende rejse til Bangladesh. Og de kan lave flotte fotohistorier om alt det, de oplever undervejs. I app’en kommer eleverne på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta,...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
Børnenes U-landskalender 2015

Børnenes U-landskalender 2015

Børnenes U-landskalender inviterer i 2015 børnene med på en spændende rejse til Nepal. I denne app kommer eleverne på en fagligt struktureret opdagelse i fakta, film, fotos og lyd fra Nepal. De oplever hovedstaden Kathmandu, den barske natur i...

Price: Free Developer: Danida
Woz U

Woz U

As co-founder of Apple and one of the leading pioneers in computing, Steve Wozniak shaped much of our digital world as we know it today. Much like how the Apple I paved the future of personal computing, Woz U...

Price: Free Developer: Coder for Rent LLC
Virtual US/Mexico Border

Virtual US/Mexico Border

Created by John Craig Freeman with audio by Raul Reis, Virtual U.S./Mexico Border is a walk through augmented reality experience which allows users to immerse themselves in a virtual scene documenting the North American migration crisis. The project includes...

Price: Free Developer: John (Craig) Freeman


Virtual lab이란 도서로 출간되던 실험서가 아닌, 온라인에서 구동되는 동영상을 기반으로 한 온라인 콘텐츠입니다. 현재 국제적인 출판 트렌드는 오프라인에서 온라인으로 넘어가고 있습니다. 이러한 동향에 맞추어, Virtual lab은 차세대의 교육 방식을 선도하는 새로운 패러다임의 교재가 될 것입니다. 기존의 실험서들은 오프라인에서 출판되었기...

Price: Free Developer: SANGYEON PARK
Virtual MotivAider

Virtual MotivAider

Virtual MotivAider® is designed to help users of all ages make desired changes in their own behavior and habits. ​ This app is intended to replicate much of the functionality of the MotivAider®, an ingeniously simple dedicated electronic device invented...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Behavioral Dynamics, Inc.
SMA Virtual Support

SMA Virtual Support

Maintenance of central inverters has never been easier. The SMA Virtual Support App supports service and visualizes step-by-step how components and assemblies can be replaced on site. For the first time, components can be localized via an augmented reality...

Price: Free Developer: oculavis
Open Virtual Mobility Hub

Open Virtual Mobility Hub

The Virtual Mobility Learning Hub is an innovative multilingual ICT-based environment unique in Europe (as an integrated semantic competency directory of virtual mobility attributes) will promote collaborative learning, connectivist social networking as an instructional method, OERs as the main...

Price: Free Developer: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
Virtual Business Enterprise

Virtual Business Enterprise

Virtual Business Enterprise (VBE) is a communication tool that facilitates real-time messaging within a virtual business group and a broader virtual economy – essentially, the other game players in your course. The app also enables your group to ‘meet’...

Price: Free Developer: International Education Services Ltd.
Agenda Virtual

Agenda Virtual

Su Colegio debe tener contratado el servicio de Agenda Virtual con nosotros para poder iniciar sesión. La Agenda Virtual es una plataforma especialmente diseñada para colegios, permite mejorar la comunicación entre los diferentes integrantes de la comunidad educativa docentes, estudiantes,...

Price: Free Developer: Diego Mesa
Calculus in Virtual Reality

Calculus in Virtual Reality

Calculus in Virtual Reality (CalcVR) Lessons about Calculus and Geometry in Virtual Reality! We have added literal depth to calculus! The CalcVR app uses a Google Cardboard headset to enable the user to visualize concepts in multi-variable calculus within a virtual...

Price: Free Developer: Nicholas Long
Explain VR: Understand how things work in virtual reality. Immersive education with Google cardboard.

Explain VR: Understand how things work in virtual reality. Immersive education with Google cardboard.

Welcome to the virtual library. Enter the next level of education with amazing immersive experience. Explain VR is optimized for cardboard version 1.0 and 2.0 and cardboard alternatives. You can interact with button or with long look (no button needed)....

Price: Free Developer: Explain 3D
Kai's Clan Virtual Viewer

Kai's Clan Virtual Viewer

Please Note: This app requires a Kai's Clan kit to play, learn more at Code Kai robots to drive around the themed mats to complete missions and watch your code come to life with Augmented Augmented or Virtual Reality....

Price: Free Developer: Autonomous Works Limited
Morristown Walking Tour

Morristown Walking Tour

Take a leisurely walk along some of Morristown's historical streets and view some of the buildings that make Morristown famous. See where Thomas Nast, the famous cartoonist, lived and created the image of Santa Claus. Are you...

Price: Free Developer: Tour Buddy
Skulp.Tour Münster

Skulp.Tour Münster

Features: • Integrated QR code scanner lets you scan art pieces for instant information • App can be used in online and offline* mode • Linked to Google Maps • Navigation to the artistic displays • Detailed background information about artists and sculptures • Optimized...

Konnis Tour

Konnis Tour

Der vielleicht schlauste Traktor der Welt heisst Konni und arbeitet seit vielen Jahren im Würzburger Norden. Damit wir seine unterfränkische Heimat besser kennenlernen, hat er eine kostenlose App entwickelt – für die „Mehr-als-Kraut-und-Rüben-Tour“. Mit dieser App können wir auf eine...

Price: Free Developer: Ulrike Lilienbecker-Hecht
Purdue University Campus Tour

Purdue University Campus Tour

Explore Purdue. Learn more about this vast laboratory for learning and discovery with five self-guided tour options — North Campus, South Campus, Athletics, Student Life, and Colleges and Schools (coming soon). Also, the “Visiting Purdue” category provides answers...

Price: Free Developer: Purdue University
Colonial Williamsburg Tour

Colonial Williamsburg Tour

The one and only complete virtual GPS self-guided audio tour through Colonial Williamsburg features 158 locations and 4 hours of audio with images, video, and text. Simply stand in front of a building to listen to its story, click...

Price: Free Developer: iTourMobile LLC
Tour AU

Tour AU

Immerse yourself in life at American University (AU) in Washington, DC with the Tour AU app. Experience what it means to be an American University (AU) Eagle. The Tour AU app has three different options to give you an insider’s...

Price: Free Developer: American University
The Tour MSP

The Tour MSP

Welcome to The Tour MSP - Minnesota's only land & water tours! The Tour MSP is anxious to show the world how special of a place Minnesota truly is. With all of our rich history and natural resources of magical...

Price: Free Developer: App Builder
Georgia Capitol Tour

Georgia Capitol Tour

The Georgia Capitol Tour is a multimedia app created to give visitors to the State of Georgia Capitol building a dynamic interactive tour. The app is free to the public and offers users the ability to tour at their...

Price: Free Developer: Georgia State University
Greenville Driving Tour - GA

Greenville Driving Tour - GA

Thanks for downloading the Greenville GA Driving Tour app for Meriwether County! The tour includes 34 stops showcasing Greenville's many historic buildings and bright history. You can enjoy the tour by tapping the "Start the Tour" button, located on...

Price: Free Developer: Winnona Partners LLC
Historic San Francisco Tour

Historic San Francisco Tour

Embark on a fun GPS guided audio tour of Historic San Francisco of 16 locations, from The Armory to the California Historical Society. See photos and listen to 34 minutes of narrated audio of San Francisco's rich history! Explore...

Price: Free Developer: iTourMobile LLC

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